Unverified Commit 6e3976b5 by Alexis AOUN Committed by Paul B

Détection automatique du poids par l'appli reception

parent 3681306b
Pipeline #1270 passed with stage
in 1 minute 25 seconds
......@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ var reception_status = null,
updatedProducts = [], // Keep record of updated products
validProducts = [], // Keep record of directly validated products
updateType = "", // step 1: qty_valid; step2: br_valid
barcodes = null; // Barcodes stored locally
barcodes = null, // Barcodes stored locally
priceToWeightIsCorrect = true;
var dbc = null,
sync = null,
......@@ -67,38 +68,55 @@ function searchUpdatedProduct() {
function select_product_from_bc(barcode) {
try {
if (editing_product == null) {
let p = barcodes.get_corresponding_odoo_product(barcode);
var scannedProduct = barcodes.get_corresponding_odoo_product(barcode);
if (p == null) {
priceToWeightIsCorrect = true;
if (scannedProduct == null) {
alert("Le code-barre " + barcode + " ne correspond à aucun article connu.");
return -1;
var found = {data: null, place: null};
var foundProduct = {data: null, place: null};
$.each(list_to_process, function(i, e) {
if (e.product_id[0] == p.data[barcodes['keys']['id']]) {
found.data = e;
found.place = 'to_process';
if (e.product_id[0] == scannedProduct.data[barcodes['keys']['id']]) {
foundProduct.data = e;
foundProduct.place = 'to_process';
if (found.data == null) {
if (foundProduct.data == null) {
$.each(list_processed, function(i, e) {
if (e.product_id[0] == p.data[barcodes['keys']['id']]) {
found.data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e));
found.place = 'processed';
if (e.product_id[0] == scannedProduct.data[barcodes['keys']['id']]) {
foundProduct.data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e));
foundProduct.place = 'processed';
if (found.data !== null) {
if (found.place === 'to_process') {
let row = table_to_process.row($('#'+found.data.product_id[0]));
if (foundProduct.data !== null) {
if (foundProduct.data.product_uom[0] == 21) { //if qty is in weight
if (scannedProduct.rule === 'weight') {
editing_product = foundProduct.data;
editProductInfo(foundProduct.data, scannedProduct.qty);
editing_product = null;
} else if (scannedProduct.rule === 'price_to_weight') {
openModal($('#templates #modal_confirm_price_to_weight').html(), price_to_weight_is_wrong, 'Non', false, true, price_to_weight_confirmed_callback(foundProduct, scannedProduct));
if (scannedProduct.rule !== 'price_to_weight') {
if (foundProduct.data.product_uom[0] != 21) {
if (foundProduct.place === 'to_process') {
let row = table_to_process.row($('#'+foundProduct.data.product_id[0]));
remove_from_toProcess(row, found.data);
remove_from_toProcess(row, foundProduct.data);
......@@ -156,6 +174,65 @@ function update_distant_orders() {
function price_to_weight_confirmed_callback(foundProduct, scannedProduct) {
return function() {
let newQty = null;
if (priceToWeightIsCorrect) {
newQty = scannedProduct.qty;
} else {
let tmp = Number((scannedProduct.value/document.getElementById("new_price_to_weight").value).toFixed(3));
if (isFinite(tmp)) {
newQty = tmp;
if (foundProduct.data !== null && newQty != null) {
if (foundProduct.place === 'to_process') {
let row = table_to_process.row($('#'+foundProduct.data.product_id[0]));
remove_from_toProcess(row, foundProduct.data);
editing_product = foundProduct.data;
editProductInfo(foundProduct.data, newQty);
editing_product = null;
function price_to_weight_is_wrong() {
document.getElementById("new_price_to_weight").style.display = "";
document.getElementsByClassName("btn--success")[0].style.display = "none";
document.querySelector('#modal_closebtn_bottom').innerHTML = 'OK';
priceToWeightIsCorrect = false;
function setupPopUpBtnStyle(p) {
//On inverse en quelque sorte les boutons succes et d'annulation en mettant "Oui" sur le btn d'annulation
// et "Non" sur le bouton de reussite.
//Cela nous permet de reecrire moins de code puisque si la reponse est Oui on ne veut
//rien modifier et sortir du pop up, ce qui correspond au comportement du bouton annulation
//(ou aussi appeler cancel button)
document.querySelector('#modal_closebtn_bottom').innerHTML = 'Oui';
document.getElementById("modal_closebtn_bottom").style.backgroundColor = "green";
document.getElementsByClassName("btn--success")[0].style.backgroundColor = "red";
document.querySelector('#product_to_verify').innerHTML = p.data[0];
document.querySelector('#price_to_verify').innerHTML = p.data[6];
document.getElementById("new_price_to_weight").style.display = "none";
document.getElementsByClassName("btn--success")[0].style.display = "";
function resetPopUpButtons() {
document.getElementsByClassName("btn--success")[0].style.display = "";
document.getElementsByClassName("btn--success")[0].style.backgroundColor = "";
document.querySelector('#modal_closebtn_bottom').style.backgroundColor = "";
/* INIT */
// Get order(s) data from server
......@@ -870,7 +947,7 @@ function editProductInfo (productToEdit, value = null, batch = false) {
if (e.product_id[0] == productToEdit.product_id[0]) {
addition = true;
productToEdit = e;
newValue = newValue + productToEdit.product_qty;
newValue = Number((newValue + productToEdit.product_qty).toFixed(3));
// If qty edition & Check if qty changed
......@@ -177,6 +177,12 @@
<div id="modal_FAQ_content"></div>
<div id="modal_qtiesValidated"></div>
<div id="modal_pricesValidated"></div>
<div id="modal_confirm_price_to_weight">
<h3>Confirmation du prix</h3>
<p>Est ce que le prix au kilo du produit <b><span id="product_to_verify"></span></b>
est bien <b><span id="price_to_verify"></span></b> euros/Kg ?</p>
<input type="number" name="Prix au Kilo" id="new_price_to_weight">
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