Commit 5fd0ddad by Félicie

now possible to change shifts for some attached people

parent 3f50b24f
......@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ var calendar = null,
* A partner can exchange shifts if:
* - s.he doesn't have to choose a makeup shift
* - s.he's not an associated partner
* - s.he's is an associated partner who is not blocked in his actions
* @returns boolean
function can_exchange_shifts() {
return partner_data.makeups_to_do == 0 && partner_data.is_associated_people === "False";
return partner_data.makeups_to_do == 0 && (partner_data.is_associated_people === "False" || (partner_data.is_associated_people === "True" && block_actions_for_attached_people === "False"));
......@@ -30,10 +32,19 @@ function add_or_change_shift(new_shift_id) {
if (is_time_to('change_shift')) {
setTimeout(openModal, 100); // loading on
if (partner_data.is_associated_people === "False") {
tData = 'idNewShift=' + new_shift_id
+'&idPartner=' + partner_data.partner_id
+ '&shift_type=' + partner_data.shift_type
+ '&verif_token=' + partner_data.verif_token;
} else if(partner_data.is_associated_people === "True" && block_actions_for_attached_people === "False") {
tData = 'idNewShift=' + new_shift_id
+'&idPartner=' + partner_data.parent_id
+ '&shift_type=' + partner_data.shift_type
+ '&verif_token=' + partner_data.parent_verif_token;
} else {
return false;
if (selected_shift === null) {
tUrl = '/shifts/add_shift';
......@@ -84,17 +95,37 @@ function add_or_change_shift(new_shift_id) {
// Redraw calendar
} else {
selected_shift = null;
alert(`Une erreur est survenue. ` +
`Il est néanmoins possible que la requête ait abouti, ` +
`veuillez patienter quelques secondes puis vérifier vos services enregistrés.`);
// Refectch shifts anyway, if registration/exchange was still succesful
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
error: function(error) {
selected_shift = null;
if (error.status === 400) {
if (error.status === 400 && error.msg === "Old service in less than 24hours.") {
alert(`Désolé ! Le service que tu souhaites échanger démarre dans moins de 24h. ` +
`Afin de faciliter la logistique des services, il n'est plus possible de l'échanger. ` +
`Si tu ne peux vraiment pas venir, tu seras noté.e absent.e à ton service. ` +
`Tu devras alors sélectionner un service de rattrapage sur ton espace membre.`);
} else if (error.status === 500 && error.msg === "Fail to create shift") {
alert(`Une erreur est survenue. ` +
`Il est néanmoins possible que la requête ait abouti, ` +
`veuillez patienter quelques secondes puis vérifier vos services enregistrés.`);
} else if (error.status === 400 && error.msg === "Bad arguments") {
alert(`Une erreur est survenue. ` +
`Il est néanmoins possible que la requête ait abouti, ` +
`veuillez patienter quelques secondes puis vérifier vos services enregistrés.`);
} else {
alert(`Une erreur est survenue. ` +
`Il est néanmoins possible que la requête ait abouti, ` +
......@@ -131,7 +162,7 @@ function init_shifts_list() {
shift_line_template.find(".shift_line_time").text(datetime_shift_start.toLocaleTimeString("fr-fr", time_options));
if (!can_exchange_shifts()) {
if (!can_exchange_shifts() && block_actions_for_attached_people === "True") {
shift_line_template.find(".checkbox").prop("disabled", "disabled");
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