Commit 4c2fb094 by François COLOMBIER

Parametrage prefixe code-barres étiquette rayon à ne pas imprimer à la réception

parent 0d06c8d4
Pipeline #4048 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ class CagetteReception(models.Model):
def print_shelf_labels_for_updated_prices(self, lines):
import requests
# don't print barcode which begin with these codes
noprint_list = ["0493", "0492", "0499"]
noprint_list = getattr(settings, 'NO_PRINT_SHELF_LABELS_FOR_BARCODE_PREFIXES', ["0493", "0492", "0499"])
pids = []
for l in lines:
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