Commit 26fb019c by Yvon Kerdoncuff

#7647 : on adm bdm, properly display correct nb of makeups after moving to ftop shift

parent 9293efef
Pipeline #4115 failed with stage
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......@@ -597,8 +597,10 @@ def shift_subscription(request):
f = ['id', 'name']
res["shift_template"] = api.search_read('shift.template', c, f)[0]
c = [['id', '=', partner_id]]
f = ['cooperative_state']
res["cooperative_state"] = api.search_read('res.partner', c, f)[0]['cooperative_state']
f = ['cooperative_state', 'makeups_to_do']
m = api.search_read('res.partner', c, f)[0]
res["cooperative_state"] = m['cooperative_state']
res["makeups_to_do"] = m['makeups_to_do']"Resultat shift_subscription : %s (données reçues = %s)", str(res), str(data))
response = JsonResponse(res)
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