customer_display.js 10.1 KB
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    POS Customer display module for Odoo
    Copyright (C) 2014 Aurélien DUMAINE
    Copyright (C) 2014 Barroux Abbey (
    @author: Aurélien DUMAINE
    @author: Alexis de Lattre <>
    @author: Father Odilon (Barroux Abbey)
    The licence is in the file

openerp.pos_customer_display = function(instance){
    module = instance.point_of_sale;

    var _t = instance.web._t;
    var PosModelSuper = module.PosModel;

    module.PosModel = module.PosModel.extend({
        prepare_text_customer_display: function(type, data){
            if (this.config.iface_customer_display != true)
            var line_length = this.config.customer_display_line_length || 20;
            var currency_rounding = Math.ceil(Math.log(1.0 / this.currency.rounding) / Math.log(10));

            if (type == 'addProduct'){
                // in order to not recompute qty in options..., we assume that the new ordeLine is the last of the collection
                // addOrderline exists but is not called by addProduct, should we handle it ?
                var line = this.get('selectedOrder').getLastOrderline(); 
                var price_unit = line.get_unit_price() * (1.0 - (line.get_discount() / 100.0));
                price_unit = price_unit.toFixed(currency_rounding);
                var l21 = line.get_quantity_str_with_unit() + ' x ' + price_unit;
                var l22 = ' ' + line.get_display_price().toFixed(currency_rounding);
                var lines_to_send = new Array(
                    this.proxy.align_left(line.get_product().display_name, line_length),
                    this.proxy.align_left(l21, line_length - l22.length) + l22

            } else if (type == 'removeOrderline') {
                // first click on the backspace button set the amount to 0 => we can't precise the deleted qunatity and price
                var line = data['line'];
                var lines_to_send = new Array(
                    this.proxy.align_left(_t("Delete Item"), line_length),
                    this.proxy.align_right(line.get_product().display_name, line_length)

            } else if (type == 'addPaymentline') {
                var total = this.get('selectedOrder').getTotalTaxIncluded().toFixed(currency_rounding);
                var lines_to_send = new Array(
                    this.proxy.align_left(_t("TOTAL: "), line_length),
                    this.proxy.align_right(total, line_length)

            } else if (type == 'removePaymentline') {
                var line = data['line'];
                var amount = line.get_amount().toFixed(currency_rounding);
                var lines_to_send = new Array(
                    this.proxy.align_left(_t("Cancel Payment"), line_length),
                    this.proxy.align_right(line.cashregister.journal_id[1] , line_length - 1 - amount.length) + ' ' + amount

            } else if (type == 'update_payment') {
                var change = data['change'];
                var lines_to_send = new Array(
                    this.proxy.align_left(_t("Your Change:"), line_length),
                    this.proxy.align_right(change, line_length)

            } else if (type == 'pushOrder') {
                var lines_to_send = new Array(
                    this.proxy.align_center(this.config.customer_display_msg_next_l1, line_length),
                    this.proxy.align_center(this.config.customer_display_msg_next_l2, line_length)

            } else if (type == 'openPOS') {
                var lines_to_send = new Array(
                    this.proxy.align_center(this.config.customer_display_msg_next_l1, line_length),
                    this.proxy.align_center(this.config.customer_display_msg_next_l2, line_length)

            } else if (type = 'closePOS') {
                var lines_to_send = new Array(
                    this.proxy.align_center(this.config.customer_display_msg_closed_l1, line_length),
                    this.proxy.align_center(this.config.customer_display_msg_closed_l2, line_length)
            } else {
                console.warn('Unknown message type');

            this.proxy.send_text_customer_display(lines_to_send, line_length);
            //console.log('prepare_text_customer_display type=' + type + ' | l1=' + lines_to_send[0] + ' | l2=' + lines_to_send[1]);

        push_order: function(order){
            res =, order);
            if (order) {
                this.prepare_text_customer_display('pushOrder', {'order' : order});
            return res;


    module.ProxyDevice = module.ProxyDevice.extend({
        send_text_customer_display: function(data, line_length){
            //FIXME : this function is call twice. The first time, it is not called by prepare_text_customer_display : WHY ?
            if (_.isEmpty(data) || data.length != 2 || data[0].length != line_length || data[1].length != line_length){
                console.warn("send_text_customer_display: Bad Data argument. Data=" + data + ' line_length=' + line_length);
            } else {
//              alert(JSON.stringify(data));
                return this.message('send_text_customer_display', {'text_to_display' : JSON.stringify(data)});

        align_left: function(string, length){
            if (string) {
                if (string.length > length)
                    string = string.substring(0,length);
                else if (string.length < length)
                    while(string.length < length)
                        string = string + ' ';
            else {
                string = ' '
                while(string.length < length)
                    string = ' ' + string;
            return string;

        align_right: function(string, length){
            if (string) {
                if (string.length > length)
                    string = string.substring(0,length);
                else if (string.length < length)
                    while(string.length < length)
                        string = ' ' + string;
            else {
                string = ' '
                while(string.length < length)
                    string = ' ' + string;
            return string;

        align_center: function(string, length){
            if (string) {
                if (string.length > length)
                    string = string.substring(0, length);
                else if (string.length < length)
                    ini = (length - string.length) / 2;
                    while(string.length < length - ini)
                        string = ' ' + string;
                    while(string.length < length)
                        string = string + ' ';
            else {
                string = ' '
                while(string.length < length)
                    string = ' ' + string;
            return string;

    var OrderSuper = module.Order;

    module.Order = module.Order.extend({
        addProduct: function(product, options){
            res =, product, options);
            if (product) {
                this.pos.prepare_text_customer_display('addProduct', {'product' : product, 'options' : options});
            return res;

        removeOrderline: function(line){
            if (line) {
                this.pos.prepare_text_customer_display('removeOrderline', {'line' : line});
            return, line);

        removePaymentline: function(line){
            if (line) {
                this.pos.prepare_text_customer_display('removePaymentline', {'line' : line});
            return, line);

        addPaymentline: function(cashregister){
            res =, cashregister);
            if (cashregister) {
                this.pos.prepare_text_customer_display('addPaymentline', {'cashregister' : cashregister});
            return res;


        update_payment_summary: function(){
            res = this._super();
            var currentOrder = this.pos.get('selectedOrder');
            var paidTotal = currentOrder.getPaidTotal();
            var dueTotal = currentOrder.getTotalTaxIncluded();
            var change = paidTotal > dueTotal ? paidTotal - dueTotal : 0;
            if (change) {
                change_rounded = change.toFixed(2);
                this.pos.prepare_text_customer_display('update_payment', {'change': change_rounded});
            return res;

        close: function(){
            this.pos.prepare_text_customer_display('closePOS', {});

        start: function(){
            this.pos.prepare_text_customer_display('openPOS', {});

    /* Handle Button "Display Total to Customer" */
    var _saved_renderElement = module.OrderWidget.prototype.renderElement;
    module.OrderWidget.prototype.renderElement = function() {
        _saved_renderElement.apply(this, arguments);
        var self = this;
        if (self.pos.config.iface_customer_display) {
                .addEventListener('click', function(){
                    self.pos.prepare_text_customer_display('addPaymentline', {})
