Commit 9960deea by Damien Moulard

change twig tav env check

parent 4aaf9a64
1 merge request!83574 payment from presta screen
......@@ -28,9 +28,6 @@ class MlcGlobalsExtension extends AbstractExtension implements GlobalsInterface
if (!isset($arrayGlobals['KOH_MAP_ZOOM'])) {
$arrayGlobals['KOH_MAP_ZOOM'] = '6';
if (!isset($arrayGlobals['KOH_TAV'])) {
$arrayGlobals['KOH_TAV'] = $_ENV["TAV_ENV"];
// $solidoumeParam = $this->em->getRepository(SolidoumeParameter::class)->findTheOne();
// if (!empty($solidoumeParam)) {
{% set esoldelabel = 'Solde e-mlc'|trans %}
{% include '@kohinos/block/solde.html.twig' with {'compte': getCurrentPrestataire().emlcAccount.balance, 'soldelabel': esoldelabel, 'currency' : 'e'~(KOH_MLC_SYMBOL|default(''))} %}
{% if KOH_TAV == 1 %}
{% if tav_env == 1 %}
{% include '@kohinos/tav/block/encaisser_paiement.html.twig' %}
{% endif %}
{% if getCurrentPrestataire().mlc == false %}
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