Commit 8b5370dd by Yvon

for memory : procedure to fix pb de reversement

parent 33462cd4
--pour voir le compte de michel marques
select, aa.balance, from account_adherent aa join user on = '' where user.adherent_id = aa.adherent_id;
--permet de voir les derniers flux de typê reversement cotisation et vente emlc
select type, montant, moyen, reference, role, adherent_id, cotisationinfos_id, user_id, created_at from flux where type in ('vente_emlc_adherent','reversement_cotisation_adherent') order by created_at desc limit 20;
--idée :
-- Supprimer :
-- l'écriture de flux 22733fa2-fd02-427d-9cdd-36161157a9e9 (dernière étape)
-- l'operation_adherent associée à ce flux
-- l'operation_siege associée à ce flux
-- Enlever :
-- 5 mona sur la balance de account_siege
-- 5 mona sur la balance de Michel
delete from operation_adherent where flux_id = '22733fa2-fd02-427d-9cdd-36161157a9e9';
delete from operation_siege where flux_id = '22733fa2-fd02-427d-9cdd-36161157a9e9';
delete from flux where id = '22733fa2-fd02-427d-9cdd-36161157a9e9';
update account_adherent set balance = balance - 5 where id = '3fe6e79a-1288-4fbd-ba33-0007b9c6de7f';
update account_siege set balance = balance - 5 where currency = 'emlc';
--Puis redéclencher le process de cotisation.
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