Commit 7f205197 by Yvon Kerdoncuff

payment hot fix : $p->getCreatedAt() does not always exist

parent 807a021d
......@@ -63,12 +63,16 @@ class PaymentRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository
$p->setStartingPaymentAnalysisStatus('NOT CONCERNED');
$createdAt = clone $p->getCreatedAt(); //don't modify original object
$timeout = $createdAt->add(\DateInterval::createFromDateString("10 minutes"));
if ($timeout < new \DateTime()) {
if (!$p->getCreatedAt()) {
} else {
return $timeout;
$createdAt = clone $p->getCreatedAt(); //don't modify original object
$timeout = $createdAt->add(\DateInterval::createFromDateString("10 minutes"));
if ($timeout < new \DateTime()) {
} else {
return $timeout;
//Note : some fields updates are done in this method to exclude non-candidate payment from future research.
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