Commit 481ebda9 by Yvon

improve qcm review titles

parent b70a9b81
......@@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ class PrestataireAdminController extends CRUDController
return $this->render($tmpl, [
'form' => $form->createView(),
'prestataire' => $prestataire
......@@ -4,7 +4,12 @@
{# Form theme use is mandatory to insert non-text stuff (such as html, icons...) in the choice type choices label. #}
{% form_theme form '@kohinos/tav/prestaquiz_form_theme.html.twig' %}
<h1>Inscription point de vente (2/2) : auto-évaluation</h1>
{# Check if review mode to adapt title #}
{% if form.review_transpar_global is defined %}
<h1>Revue auto-évaluation distributeur {{ prestataire.raison }}</h1>
{% else %}
<h1>Inscription point de vente (2/2) : auto-évaluation</h1>
{% endif %}
{{ form_start(form) }}
......@@ -4,7 +4,12 @@
{# Form theme use is mandatory to insert non-text stuff (such as html, icons...) in the choice type choices label. #}
{% form_theme form '@kohinos/tav/prestaquiz_form_theme.html.twig' %}
<h1>Inscription point de vente (2/2) : auto-évaluation</h1>
{# Check if review mode to adapt title #}
{% if form.review_proagdur_global is defined %}
<h1>Revue auto-évaluation producteur {{ prestataire.raison }}</h1>
{% else %}
<h1>Inscription point de vente (2/2) : auto-évaluation</h1>
{% endif %}
{{ form_start(form) }}
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