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Julien Jorry committed
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<div class='card'>
	<div class="card-header">
			<a href="{{ path('show_prestataire', {'slug': presta.slug}) }}">{{presta.raison}}</a>
		<h5 class="card-title">
			{% if presta.geolocs|length > 0%}
	        	{% for geoloc in presta.geolocs %}
	          		{% if geoloc.enabled %}
	          		{% endif %}
	        	{% endfor %}
		    {% endif %}
		{% if withrubrique is not defined or (withrubrique is defined and withrubrique != false) %}
		    <h6 class="card-title">
				{% if presta.rubriques|length > 0%}
					{% for rubrique in presta.rubriques %}
						<a class='rubrique' href='{{ path('show_rubrique', {'slug': rubrique.slug}) }}'>{{}}</a>
					{% endfor %}
				{% endif %}
		{% endif %}
	<div class="card-body">
		<div class="card-text">
			{% if %}
				<p class='mb-4'>
					{% set pathMedia = mediaurl(, 'reference')|lower %}
					{% if pathMedia ends with '.jpg' or pathMedia ends with '.jpeg' or pathMedia ends with '.png' or pathMedia ends with '.bmp' or pathMedia ends with '.gif' %}
						{% thumbnail, 'big' with {'class': 'rounded mx-auto d-block'} %}<br/>
Julien Jorry committed
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
					{% else %}
						<a href="{% path, 'reference' %}">{{'Télécharger'|trans}}</a>
					{% endif %}
			{% endif %}
			<h4 class="card-title">{{presta.statut}}</h4>
			{% if presta.description != null %}
				<p class='mb-4'>
			{% endif %}
			{% if presta.horaires != null %}
				<em class='mb-4'>
					{{ 'Horaires'|trans }} : {{presta.horaires|raw}}
			{% endif %}
			{% if presta.web != null %}
					<a href='{{presta.web}}'>{{ 'Site web'|trans }}</a>
			{% endif %}