TAVCotisationUtils.php 15.1 KB
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namespace App\Utils;

use App\Entity\Adherent;
use App\Entity\CotisationTavPrelevementCorrectionSolde;
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use App\Entity\CotisationTavPrelevementDepassementPlafond;
use App\Entity\CotisationTavReversementCorrectionSolde;
use App\Entity\Payment;
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use App\Entity\Siege;
use App\Entity\Flux;
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use App\Entity\CotisationTavReversement;
use App\Entity\CotisationTavPrelevement;
use App\Enum\MoyenEnum;
use App\Repository\PaymentRepository;
use App\Utils\CustomEntityManager;
use Payum\Core\Request\GetHumanStatus;
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use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Security;

class TAVCotisationUtils
    private $em;
    private $security;
    private $operationUtils;

    public function __construct (
        CustomEntityManager $em,
        Security $security,
        OperationUtils $operationUtils
    ) {
        $this->em = $em;
        $this->security = $security;
        $this->operationUtils = $operationUtils;

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     * Check if there is an active recurring paiement or if cotisation already exist this month
     * by returning a descriptive reason string if so, else an empty string.
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    public function preventCotisationDuplication(Adherent $adherent)
        $email = $adherent->getUser()->getEmail();
        //Look for existing recurring payment
        if($reason = $this->checkExistingRecurringPayment($email)) {
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            return implode(" ", array_column($reason,'reason'));
        //Look for existing cotisation
        if ($this->checkExistingCotisation($adherent)) {
            return "Cotisation déjà payée ce mois-ci.";
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
        //Look for possible Payzen starting payment (neither finished nor expired yet)
        /* @var PaymentRepository $repo */
        $repo = $this->em->getRepository(Payment::class);
        $foundStartingPaymentTimeout = $repo->findValidStartingPayment($email);
        if ($foundStartingPaymentTimeout) {
            return "Détection d'un possible paiement en cours. Merci de réessayer à partir de "
                . $foundStartingPaymentTimeout->format("H:i:s") . ".";
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        return "";

     * Check if cotisation already exist this month.
    private function checkExistingCotisation(Adherent $adherent)
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        $first_day_this_month = date('Y-m-01');
        $last_day_this_month  = date('Y-m-t');

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        $existing = $this->em->getRepository(Flux::class)->getTavCotisationsBetweenDates(
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        return count($existing) > 0;

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     * Returns an array containing a descriptive string of existing payment
     * as well as other information about the payment, or an empty array.
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     * @param String $userEmail
    public function checkExistingRecurringPayment($userEmail)
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        $recurringPayments = $this->em->getRepository(Payment::class)->findBy([
            'isRecurrent' => true,
            'clientEmail' => $userEmail,
90 91

        $res = [];
        foreach($recurringPayments as $p) {
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            if (
                $p->getStatus() !== GetHumanStatus::STATUS_FAILED
                && $p->getStatus() !== GetHumanStatus::STATUS_CANCELED
                && $p->getStatus() !== GetHumanStatus::STATUS_EXPIRED
                && $p->getDetails()
                && array_key_exists('vads_identifier',$p->getDetails()) //some payment without vads_identifier have status NEW, which are not valid payments
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            ) {
                //Everytime payzen sends a recurring payment notification, notification is
                //caught by notifyRecurringPaymentAction, which does not update payment status.
                //This is why we can not rely on $p->getStatus to decide if a recurring
                //payment is still active or ended or expired.
                $reason = "";
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                $monthNumberSinceInitialPaymentDate = -1;
                if($p->isRecurringPaymentEndedOrExpired($reason,$monthNumberSinceInitialPaymentDate) !== true) {
                    $res[] = ['reason' => $reason, 'monthNumberSinceInitialPaymentDate' => $monthNumberSinceInitialPaymentDate];
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        return $res;

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     * First method to calculate allowance: 
     * according to a contribution rate defined in user's profile (ProfilDeCotisation).
     * Apply the cotisation profile rate to the amount paid 
     * and register the complement as a new flux (only if rate != 1)
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     * Warning: EntityManager not flushed here.
    public function applyTauxCotisation(Flux $flux)
        $profile = $flux->getDestinataire()->getProfilDeCotisation();
        $cotisationTaux = $profile->getTauxCotisation();
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        // don't need to create an other Flux if the rate is 1
        if ($cotisationTaux != 1) {
            // calculate the mlc amount the user will receive
            $cotisationAmount = $profile->getMontant();
            $mlcAmount = round($cotisationAmount * $cotisationTaux);
            // get the difference between what the user paid and what he•she's supposed to receive
            $amountDiff = $mlcAmount - $cotisationAmount;
            if ($flux->getExpediteur() instanceof Siege) {
                $siege = $flux->getExpediteur();
            } else {
                $siege = $flux->getExpediteur()->getGroupe()->getSiege();
            if ($amountDiff > 0) {
                // User should receive more than he•she paid: send a new flux to the user to complete its cotisation
                $fluxCotis = new CotisationTavReversement();
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                $fluxCotis->setReference("Reversement cotisation après paiement de " . $cotisationAmount . "€ et application du taux " . $cotisationTaux);
            } else {
                // User should receive less than he•she paid: fetch the difference from his account 
                $fluxCotis = new CotisationTavPrelevement();
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                $fluxCotis->setReference("Prélèvement cotisation après paiement de " . $cotisationAmount . "€ et application du taux " . $cotisationTaux);
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     * Second method to calculate allowance: 
     * allowance based on user's household.
     * Rules are as follow:
     * - 150 emlc for the first person in user's household
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     * - 75 emlc for each other adult
     * - 75 emlc amount for each dependant child, with a percentage applied if the child is in shared custody:
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     * 25%, 50% or 75% depending on the shared custody arrangement
     * Once the full amount is calculated, cap user's balance.
     * User account balance is capped at twice the amount previously calculated.
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     * @param Adherent $adherent (by ref)
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    public function calculateAllowanceAccordingToHousehold(&$adherent) {
        // TODO base amounts to param in .env, or in global params ?
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        // base allowance, for one adult
        $mlcAllowanceAmount = 150;
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        $adultsCount = $adherent->getHouseholdAdultCount();
        if ($adultsCount == null) {
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        // increment for each other adult in the household
        $mlcAllowanceAmount += 75 * ($adultsCount - 1);

        // increment allowance for each dependant child, depending on the shared custody arrangement
        $dependentChildren = $adherent->getDependentChildren();
        foreach ($dependentChildren as $child) {
             $childAllowanceAmount = 75;

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             $sharedCustodyPercentage = $child->getSharedCustodyPercentage();
             if ($sharedCustodyPercentage != null) {
                $childAllowanceAmount = $childAllowanceAmount * $sharedCustodyPercentage;
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            $mlcAllowanceAmount += $childAllowanceAmount;

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     * Method called to create Flux based on allowance amount (for household based allowance).
     * Only create flux if amount paid != allowance amount. 
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    public function applyHouseholdAllowance(Flux $flux) {
        // get allowance
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        $adherent = $flux->getDestinataire();
        $cotisationAmount = $flux->getMontant();
        // get the mlc amount the user is supposed to receive
        $mlcAllowanceAmount = $adherent->getAllocationAmount();

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        // get the difference between what the user paid and what he•she's supposed to receive
        $amountDiff = $mlcAllowanceAmount - $cotisationAmount;

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        // only create new flux if there is a difference
        if ($amountDiff != 0) {
            if ($flux->getExpediteur() instanceof Siege) {
                $siege = $flux->getExpediteur();
            } else {
                $siege = $flux->getExpediteur()->getGroupe()->getSiege();

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            if ($amountDiff > 0) {
                // User should receive more than he•she paid: send a new flux to the user to complete its cotisation
                $fluxCotis = new CotisationTavReversement();
                $fluxCotis->setReference("Versement de l'allocation complémentaire après paiement de " . $cotisationAmount . "€ pour atteindre une allocation de " . $mlcAllowanceAmount . " MonA.");
            } else {
                // User should receive less than he•she paid: fetch the difference from his account 
                $fluxCotis = new CotisationTavPrelevement();
                $fluxCotis->setReference("Réduction de l'allocation correspondant à un paiement de " . $cotisationAmount . "€ pour atteindre une allocation de " . $mlcAllowanceAmount . " MonA.");
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     * Method called to create Flux based on allowance amount (for household based allowance).
    public function withdrawDownToTheCeiling(Adherent $adherent)
        $balance = $adherent->getEmlcAccount()->getBalance();
        $ceiling = $adherent->getCeiling();
        $siege = $this->em->getRepository(Siege::class)->getTheOne();

        // get the amount we want to withdraw
        $amountDiff = $ceiling - $balance;

        if ($amountDiff >= 0) {
            throw new \Exception("Impossible de prélèver : le solde de l'adhérent est inférieur ou égal au plafond.");

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        $flux = new CotisationTavPrelevementDepassementPlafond();
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        $flux->setReference("Prélèvement pour ramener le solde de " . $balance . " MonA sous le plafond de " . $ceiling . " MonA.");
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        return $amountDiff;

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     * Method called to create Flux to fix balance (for household based allowance).
    public function fixBalance(Adherent $adherent, $fixedBalance, $justification)
        $balance = $adherent->getEmlcAccount()->getBalance();
        $siege = $this->em->getRepository(Siege::class)->getTheOne();

        $amountDiff = $fixedBalance - $balance;

        if ($amountDiff >= 0) {
            //Accroissement du solde
            $flux = new CotisationTavReversementCorrectionSolde();
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                "Reversement pour corriger le solde de " . $balance . " MonA à " . $fixedBalance . " MonA : " . $justification
        } else {
            //Réduction du solde
            $flux = new CotisationTavPrelevementCorrectionSolde();
311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324
                "Prélèvement pour corriger le solde de " . $balance . " MonA à " . $fixedBalance . " MonA : " . $justification

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     * Get the last cotisation of an adhérent
     * @param Adherent $adherent
     * @return bool|date
    public function getLastTavCotisationForAdherent(?Adherent $adherent)
        $cotisations = [];
        if (null !== $adherent) {
            $cotisations = $this->em->getRepository(Flux::class)->getLastTavCotisation($adherent);

        if (count($cotisations) > 0) {
            return $cotisations[0]["created_at"];

        return false;
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     * Mark active recurring payment(s) status as canceled.
     * @param String $userEmail
    public function cancelExistingRecurringPayment($userEmail) {
        $recurringPayments = $this->em->getRepository(Payment::class)->findBy([
            'isRecurrent' => true,
            'clientEmail' => $userEmail,

        foreach($recurringPayments as $p) {
            if (
                $p->getStatus() !== GetHumanStatus::STATUS_FAILED
                && $p->getStatus() !== GetHumanStatus::STATUS_CANCELED
                && $p->getStatus() !== GetHumanStatus::STATUS_EXPIRED
                && $p->getDetails()
                && array_key_exists('vads_identifier',$p->getDetails()) //some payment without vads_identifier have status NEW, which are not valid payments
            ) {
                $reason = "";
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                $monthNumberSinceInitialPaymentDate = -1;
                if($p->isRecurringPaymentEndedOrExpired($reason,$monthNumberSinceInitialPaymentDate) !== true) {
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