cotiser.html.twig 1.5 KB
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Julien Jorry committed
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{% extends '@kohinos/common/layout.html.twig' %}

{% block content %}
<div class='container' style='max-width: 800px;'>
	{% include '@kohinos/block/breadcrumb.html.twig' with {'label': 'Cotiser'} %}
	<h2 class='text-center w-100 mt-4 mb-4'>{{ "Cotiser pour l'année"|trans }} {{ "now"|date('Y') }}</h2>
	<div class='text-center mb-5'>
		{% if app.user and is_granted('ROLE_ADHERENT') %}
			<h4>{{ 'Solde de eMLC'|trans }} : <b>{{ app.user.adherent.emlcAccount.balance }}</b></h4>
			<h5>{{ 'Montant minimum de la cotisation'|trans }} : <b>{{ KOH_COTISATION_ADHERENT|default('') }}</b></h5>
		{% elseif app.user and is_granted('ROLE_PRESTATAIRE') %}
			<h4>{{ 'Solde de eMLC'|trans }} : <b>{{ getCurrentPrestataire().emlcAccount.balance }}</b></h4>
			<h5>{{ 'Montant minimum de la cotisation'|trans }} : <b>{{ KOH_COTISATION_PRESTATAIRE|default('') }}</b></h5>
		{% endif %}
		{{ form_start(form) }}
			{{ form_row(form.operateur) }}
			{{ form_row(form.role) }}
			{{ form_row(form.reference) }}
			{{ form_row(form.montant) }}
			<div class='row mt-4'>
				{% if form.payMLC is defined %}
					{% if form.payCB is defined %}
						<div class='col-6'>
							{{ form_widget(form.payMLC) }}
						<div class='col-6'>
							{{ form_widget(form.payCB) }}
					{% endif %}
				{% else %}
					{% if form.payCB is defined %}
						<div class='col-12'>
							{{ form_widget(form.payCB) }}
					{% endif %}
				{% endif %}
		{{ form_end(form) }}
{% endblock %}