Commit db573e2e by pupi1985

Remove unnecessary step in password reset

parent f22e8abb
......@@ -358,10 +358,12 @@
* Successfully finish the 'I forgot my password' process for $userid, sending new password
* @deprecated This function has been replaced by qa_finish_reset_user since Q2A 1.8
function qa_complete_reset_user($userid)
Successfully finish the 'I forgot my password' process for $userid, sending new password
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
......@@ -390,6 +392,44 @@
* Successfully finish the 'I forgot my password' process for $userid, cleaning the emailcode field and logging in the user
* @param mixed $userId The userid identifiying the user who will have the password reset
* @param string $newPassword The new password for the user
* @return void
function qa_finish_reset_user($userId, $newPassword)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
// For qa_db_user_set_password(), qa_db_user_set()
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/users.php';
// For qa_set_logged_in_user()
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/options.php';
// For qa_cookie_get()
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/cookies.php';
// For qa_db_select_with_pending(), qa_db_user_account_selectspec()
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/selects.php';
// For qa_set_logged_in_user()
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/users.php';
qa_db_user_set_password($userId, $newPassword);
qa_db_user_set($userId, 'emailcode', ''); // to prevent re-use of the code
$userInfo = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_user_account_selectspec($userId, true));
qa_set_logged_in_user($userId, $userInfo['handle'], false, $userInfo['sessionsource']); // reinstate this specific session
qa_report_event('u_reset', $userId, $userInfo['handle'], qa_cookie_get(), array(
'email' => $userInfo['email'],
function qa_logged_in_user_flush()
Flush any information about the currently logged in user, so it is retrieved from database again
......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
'nav_user_pms' => 'Private messages',
'nav_user_qs' => 'All questions',
'nav_user_wall' => 'Wall',
'next_step' => 'Next step',
'no_activity_from_x' => 'No activity from ^',
'no_favorite_categories' => 'No favorite categories',
'no_favorite_qs' => 'No favorite questions',
......@@ -118,7 +118,6 @@
'save_profile' => 'Save Profile',
'save_user' => 'Save User',
'send_confirm_button' => 'Send Confirmation Link',
'send_password_button' => 'Send New Password',
'send_reset_button' => 'Send Reset Password Email',
'send_reset_note' => 'A message will be sent to your email address with instructions.',
'special_users' => 'Special users',
......@@ -54,13 +54,12 @@ if (qa_clicked('doforgot')) {
if (strpos($inemailhandle, '@') === false) { // handles can't contain @ symbols
$matchusers = qa_db_user_find_by_handle($inemailhandle);
$passemailhandle = !qa_opt('allow_login_email_only');
} else {
$matchusers = qa_db_user_find_by_email($inemailhandle);
$passemailhandle = true;
if (count($matchusers) != 1) // if we get more than one match (should be impossible) also give an error
if (count($matchusers) != 1 || !$passemailhandle) // if we get more than one match (should be impossible) also give an error
$errors['emailhandle'] = qa_lang('users/user_not_found');
if (qa_opt('captcha_on_reset_password'))
......@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ if (qa_clicked('doforgot')) {
if (empty($errors)) {
$inuserid = $matchusers[0];
qa_redirect('reset', $passemailhandle ? array('e' => $inemailhandle) : null); // redirect to page where code is entered
qa_redirect('reset', $passemailhandle ? array('e' => $inemailhandle, 's' => '1') : null); // redirect to page where code is entered
......@@ -91,7 +90,7 @@ $qa_content['form'] = array(
'fields' => array(
'email_handle' => array(
'label' => qa_lang_html('users/email_handle_label'),
'label' => qa_opt('allow_login_email_only') ? qa_lang_html('users/email_label') : qa_lang_html('users/email_handle_label'),
'tags' => 'name="emailhandle" id="emailhandle"',
'value' => qa_html(@$inemailhandle),
'error' => qa_html(@$errors['emailhandle']),
......@@ -25,58 +25,145 @@ if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly
// Check we're not using single-sign on integration and that we're not logged in
qa_fatal_error('User login is handled by external code');
if (qa_is_logged_in())
if (qa_is_logged_in()) {
// Fetch the email or handle from POST or GET
$emailHandle = qa_post_text('emailhandle');
if (!isset($emailHandle)) {
$emailHandle = qa_get('e');
$emailHandle = trim($emailHandle); // if $emailHandle is null, trim returns an empty string
// Process incoming form
// Fetch the code from POST or GET
$code = qa_post_text('code');
if (!isset($code)) {
$code = qa_get('c');
$code = trim($code); // if $code is null, trim returns an empty string
if (qa_clicked('doreset')) {
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/users-edit.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/users.php';
$forgotPath = strlen($emailHandle) > 0 ? qa_path('forgot', array('e' => $emailHandle)) : qa_path('forgot');
$inemailhandle = qa_post_text('emailhandle');
$incode = trim(qa_post_text('code')); // trim to prevent passing in blank values to match uninitiated DB rows
$focusId = 'code';
$errors = array();
$errors = array();
$fields = array(
'email_handle' => array(
'type' => 'static',
'label' => qa_opt('allow_login_email_only') ? qa_lang_html('users/email_label') : qa_lang_html('users/email_handle_label'),
'value' => qa_html($emailHandle),
'code' => array(
'label' => qa_lang_html('users/reset_code_label'),
'tags' => 'name="code" id="code"',
'value' => isset($code) ? qa_html($code) : null,
'note_force' => true,
'note' => qa_lang_html('users/reset_code_emailed') . ' - ' .
'<a href="' . qa_html($forgotPath) . '">' . qa_lang_html('users/reset_code_another') . '</a>',
$buttons = array(
'next' => array(
'tags' => 'name="donext"',
'label' => qa_lang_html('misc/next_step'),
$hidden = array(
'formcode' => qa_get_form_security_code('reset'),
if (!qa_check_form_security_code('reset', qa_post_text('formcode')))
$errors['page'] = qa_lang_html('misc/form_security_again');
if (strlen($emailHandle) > 0) {
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/users-edit.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/users.php';
$hidden['emailhandle'] = $emailHandle;
else {
if (qa_opt('allow_login_email_only') || (strpos($inemailhandle, '@') !== false)) // handles can't contain @ symbols
$matchusers = qa_db_user_find_by_email($inemailhandle);
$matchusers = qa_db_user_find_by_handle($inemailhandle);
$matchingUsers = qa_opt('allow_login_email_only') || strpos($emailHandle, '@') !== false // handles can't contain @ symbols
? qa_db_user_find_by_email($emailHandle)
: qa_db_user_find_by_handle($emailHandle);
if (count($matchusers) == 1) { // if match more than one (should be impossible), consider it a non-match
// Make sure there is only one match
if (count($matchingUsers) == 1) {
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'db/selects.php';
$inuserid = $matchusers[0];
$userinfo = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_user_account_selectspec($inuserid, true));
$userId = $matchingUsers[0];
$userInfo = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_user_account_selectspec($userId, true));
// strlen() check is vital otherwise we can reset code for most users by entering the empty string
if (strlen($incode) && strtolower(trim($userinfo['emailcode'])) == strtolower($incode)) {
qa_redirect('login', array('e' => $inemailhandle, 'ps' => '1')); // redirect to login page
if (strlen($code) > 0) {
if (strtolower(trim($userInfo['emailcode'])) == strtolower($code)) {
// User input a valid code so no need to ask for it but pass it to the next step
$hidden['code'] = $code;
$buttons = array(
'change' => array(
'tags' => 'name="dochangepassword"',
'label' => qa_lang_html('users/change_password'),
$focusId = 'newpassword1';
if (qa_clicked('dochangepassword')) {
$newPassword = qa_post_text('newpassword1');
$repeatPassword = qa_post_text('newpassword2');
if (!qa_check_form_security_code('reset', qa_post_text('formcode'))) {
$errors['page'] = qa_lang_html('misc/form_security_again');
} else {
$errors['code'] = qa_lang('users/reset_code_wrong');
$passwordError = qa_password_validate($newPassword, $userInfo);
if (!empty($passwordError)) {
$errors['new_1'] = $passwordError['password'];
} else {
$errors['emailhandle'] = qa_lang('users/user_not_found');
if ($newPassword != $repeatPassword) {
$errors['new_2'] = qa_lang('users/password_mismatch');
if (empty($errors)) {
// Update password, login user, fire events and redirect to home page
qa_finish_reset_user($userId, $newPassword);
$fields['new_1'] = array(
'label' => qa_lang_html('users/new_password_1'),
'tags' => 'name="newpassword1" id="newpassword1"',
'type' => 'password',
'error' => qa_html(isset($errors['new_1']) ? $errors['new_1'] : null),
$fields['new_2'] = array(
'label' => qa_lang_html('users/new_password_2'),
'tags' => 'name="newpassword2"',
'type' => 'password',
'error' => qa_html(isset($errors['new_2']) ? $errors['new_2'] : null),
} else {
// User input wrong code so show field with error
$fields['code']['error'] = qa_lang('users/reset_code_wrong');
} else if (qa_clicked('donext')) {
// If user submitted the form with an empty code
$fields['code']['error'] = qa_lang('users/reset_code_wrong');
} else {
// If match more than one (should be impossible), consider it a non-match
$errors['page'] = qa_lang_html('users/user_not_found');
} else {
$inemailhandle = qa_get('e');
$incode = qa_get('c');
// If there is no handle notify the user
$errors['page'] = qa_lang_html('users/user_not_found');
......@@ -85,51 +172,25 @@ if (qa_clicked('doreset')) {
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html('users/reset_title');
$qa_content['error'] = @$errors['page'];
if (empty($inemailhandle) || isset($errors['emailhandle']))
$forgotpath = qa_path('forgot');
$forgotpath = qa_path('forgot', array('e' => $inemailhandle));
$qa_content['error'] = isset($errors['page']) ? $errors['page'] : null;
$qa_content['form'] = array(
'tags' => 'method="post" action="' . qa_self_html() . '"',
if (!isset($errors['page'])) {
// Using this form action instead of qa_self_html() to get rid of the 's' (success) GET parameter from forgot.php
$qa_content['form'] = array(
'tags' => 'method="post" action="' . qa_path('reset') . '"',
'style' => 'tall',
'ok' => empty($incode) ? qa_lang_html('users/reset_code_emailed') : null,
'fields' => array(
'email_handle' => array(
'label' => qa_opt('allow_login_email_only') ? qa_lang_html('users/email_label') : qa_lang_html('users/email_handle_label'),
'tags' => 'name="emailhandle" id="emailhandle"',
'value' => qa_html(@$inemailhandle),
'error' => qa_html(@$errors['emailhandle']),
'code' => array(
'label' => qa_lang_html('users/reset_code_label'),
'tags' => 'name="code" id="code"',
'value' => qa_html(@$incode),
'error' => qa_html(@$errors['code']),
'note' => qa_lang_html('users/reset_code_emailed') . ' - ' .
'<a href="' . qa_html($forgotpath) . '">' . qa_lang_html('users/reset_code_another') . '</a>',
'ok' => qa_get('s') ? qa_lang_html('users/reset_code_emailed') : null,
'buttons' => array(
'reset' => array(
'label' => qa_lang_html('users/send_password_button'),
'fields' => $fields,
'hidden' => array(
'doreset' => '1',
'formcode' => qa_get_form_security_code('reset'),
'buttons' => $buttons,
$qa_content['focusid'] = (isset($errors['emailhandle']) || !strlen(@$inemailhandle)) ? 'emailhandle' : 'code';
'hidden' => $hidden,
$qa_content['focusid'] = $focusId;
return $qa_content;
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