qa_fatal_error('qa_db_count_active_users() called for unknown table');
'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(userid)) FROM ^'.$table
Return number of categories in the database
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^categories'
Return number of questions in the database in $categoryid exactly, and not one of its subcategories
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^posts WHERE categoryid<=># AND type='Q'",
Return list of postids of visible or queued posts by $userid
"SELECT postid FROM ^posts WHERE userid=# AND type IN ('Q', 'A', 'C', 'Q_QUEUED', 'A_QUEUED', 'C_QUEUED')",
Return list of postids of visible or queued posts from $ip address
"SELECT postid FROM ^posts WHERE createip=$ AND type IN ('Q', 'A', 'C', 'Q_QUEUED', 'A_QUEUED', 'C_QUEUED')",
Return an array whose keys contain the $postids which exist, and whose elements contain the number of other posts depending on each one
"SELECT postid, COALESCE(childcount, 0) AS count FROM ^posts LEFT JOIN (SELECT parentid, COUNT(*) AS childcount FROM ^posts WHERE parentid IN (#) AND LEFT(type, 1) IN ('A', 'C') GROUP BY parentid) x ON postid=x.parentid WHERE postid IN (#)",
Return an array of the (up to) $count most recently created users who are awaiting approval and have not been blocked.
The array element for each user includes a 'profile' key whose value is an array of non-empty profile fields of the user.
"SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '".$prefix."%'"
"SELECT ^users.userid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) AS created, createip, email, handle, flags, title, content FROM ^users LEFT JOIN ^userprofile ON ^users.userid=^userprofile.userid AND LENGTH(content)>0 WHERE level<# AND NOT (flags&#) ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT #",
Return whether there are any blobs whose content has been stored as a file on disk
returnqa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT blobid FROM ^blobs WHERE content IS NULL LIMIT 1'),true)!=null;
Return whether there are any blobs whose content has been stored in the database
returnqa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT blobid FROM ^blobs WHERE content IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1'),true)!=null;
Return the maximum position of the categories with $parentid
'SELECT COALESCE(MAX(position), 0) FROM ^categories WHERE parentid<=>#',
Return how many levels of subcategory there are below $categoryid
// This is potentially a very slow query since it counts all the multi-generational offspring of a particular category
// But it's only used for admin purposes when moving a category around so I don't think it's worth making more efficient
// (Incidentally, this could be done by keeping a count for every category of how many generations of offspring it has.)
'SELECT COUNT(child1.categoryid) AS count1, COUNT(child2.categoryid) AS count2, COUNT(child3.categoryid) AS count3 FROM ^categories AS child1 LEFT JOIN ^categories AS child2 ON child2.parentid=child1.categoryid LEFT JOIN ^categories AS child3 ON child3.parentid=child2.categoryid WHERE child1.parentid=#;',// requires QA_CATEGORY_DEPTH=4
Recalculate the backpath columns for all categories from $firstcategoryid to $lastcategoryid (if specified)
"UPDATE ^categories AS x, (SELECT cat1.categoryid, CONCAT_WS('/', cat1.tags, cat2.tags, cat3.tags, cat4.tags) AS backpath FROM ^categories AS cat1 LEFT JOIN ^categories AS cat2 ON cat1.parentid=cat2.categoryid LEFT JOIN ^categories AS cat3 ON cat2.parentid=cat3.categoryid LEFT JOIN ^categories AS cat4 ON cat3.parentid=cat4.categoryid WHERE cat1.categoryid BETWEEN # AND #) AS a SET x.backpath=a.backpath WHERE x.categoryid=a.categoryid",
* Return number of active users in database $table
* @param $table
* @return mixed|null
qa_fatal_error('qa_db_count_active_users() called for unknown table');
'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(userid)) FROM ^'.$table
* Return number of categories in the database
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^categories'
* Return number of questions in the database in $categoryid exactly, and not one of its subcategories
* @param $categoryid
* @return mixed|null
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^posts WHERE categoryid<=># AND type='Q'",
* Return list of postids of visible or queued posts by $userid
* @param $userid
* @return array
"SELECT postid FROM ^posts WHERE userid=# AND type IN ('Q', 'A', 'C', 'Q_QUEUED', 'A_QUEUED', 'C_QUEUED')",
* Return list of postids of visible or queued posts from $ip address
* @param $ip
* @return array
"SELECT postid FROM ^posts WHERE createip=$ AND type IN ('Q', 'A', 'C', 'Q_QUEUED', 'A_QUEUED', 'C_QUEUED')",
* Return an array whose keys contain the $postids which exist, and whose elements contain the number of other posts depending on each one
* @param $postids
* @return array
"SELECT postid, COALESCE(childcount, 0) AS count FROM ^posts LEFT JOIN (SELECT parentid, COUNT(*) AS childcount FROM ^posts WHERE parentid IN (#) AND LEFT(type, 1) IN ('A', 'C') GROUP BY parentid) x ON postid=x.parentid WHERE postid IN (#)",
* Return an array of the (up to) $count most recently created users who are awaiting approval and have not been blocked.
* The array element for each user includes a 'profile' key whose value is an array of non-empty profile fields of the user.
* @param $count
* @return array
"SELECT ^users.userid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) AS created, createip, email, handle, flags, title, content FROM ^users LEFT JOIN ^userprofile ON ^users.userid=^userprofile.userid AND LENGTH(content)>0 WHERE level<# AND NOT (flags&#) ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT #",
Create a new custom page (or link) in the database
'SELECT COALESCE(MAX(position), 0) FROM ^categories WHERE parentid<=>#',
$position=qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT 1+COALESCE(MAX(position), 0) FROM ^pages'));
* Return how many levels of subcategory there are below $categoryid
* @param $categoryid
* @return int
// This is potentially a very slow query since it counts all the multi-generational offspring of a particular category
// But it's only used for admin purposes when moving a category around so I don't think it's worth making more efficient
// (Incidentally, this could be done by keeping a count for every category of how many generations of offspring it has.)
'SELECT COUNT(child1.categoryid) AS count1, COUNT(child2.categoryid) AS count2, COUNT(child3.categoryid) AS count3 FROM ^categories AS child1 LEFT JOIN ^categories AS child2 ON child2.parentid=child1.categoryid LEFT JOIN ^categories AS child3 ON child3.parentid=child2.categoryid WHERE child1.parentid=#;',// requires QA_CATEGORY_DEPTH=4
"UPDATE ^categories AS x, (SELECT cat1.categoryid, CONCAT_WS('/', cat1.tags, cat2.tags, cat3.tags, cat4.tags) AS backpath FROM ^categories AS cat1 LEFT JOIN ^categories AS cat2 ON cat1.parentid=cat2.categoryid LEFT JOIN ^categories AS cat3 ON cat2.parentid=cat3.categoryid LEFT JOIN ^categories AS cat4 ON cat3.parentid=cat4.categoryid WHERE cat1.categoryid BETWEEN # AND #) AS a SET x.backpath=a.backpath WHERE x.categoryid=a.categoryid",
qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^'.$table.' SET position=position+1 WHERE position BETWEEN # AND #'.$andsql.' ORDER BY position DESC',$newposition,$oldposition);
qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^'.$table.' SET position=position-1 WHERE position BETWEEN # AND #'.$andsql.' ORDER BY position',$oldposition,$newposition);
qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^'.$table.' SET position=# WHERE '.$idcolumn.'=#'.$andsql,$newposition,$id);
qa_db_query_sub('UNLOCK TABLES');
* Set the fields of $pageid to the values provided in the database
// move it temporarily off the top because we have a unique key on the position column
qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^'.$table.' SET position=# WHERE '.$idcolumn.'=#'.$andsql,1+$lastposition,$id);
qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^'.$table.' SET position=position+1 WHERE position BETWEEN # AND #'.$andsql.' ORDER BY position DESC',$newposition,$oldposition);
Return the ID of a new widget, to be displayed by the widget module named $title on templates within $tags (comma-separated list)
qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^'.$table.' SET position=position-1 WHERE position BETWEEN # AND #'.$andsql.' ORDER BY position',$oldposition,$newposition);
$position=qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT 1+COALESCE(MAX(position), 0) FROM ^widgets'));
qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^'.$table.' SET position=# WHERE '.$idcolumn.'=#'.$andsql,$newposition,$id);
Return the information required to reindex up to $count posts starting from $startpostid in the database
* Return the information required to reindex up to $count posts starting from $startpostid in the database
* @param $startpostid
"SELECT ^posts.postid, ^posts.title, ^posts.content, ^posts.format, ^posts.tags, ^posts.categoryid, ^posts.type, IF (^posts.type='Q', ^posts.postid, IF(parent.type='Q', parent.postid, grandparent.postid)) AS questionid, ^posts.parentid FROM ^posts LEFT JOIN ^posts AS parent ON ^posts.parentid=parent.postid LEFT JOIN ^posts as grandparent ON parent.parentid=grandparent.postid WHERE ^posts.postid>=# AND ( (^posts.type='Q') OR (^posts.type='A' AND parent.type<=>'Q') OR (^posts.type='C' AND parent.type<=>'Q') OR (^posts.type='C' AND parent.type<=>'A' AND grandparent.type<=>'Q') ) ORDER BY postid LIMIT #",
"SELECT ^posts.postid, ^posts.title, ^posts.content, ^posts.format, ^posts.tags, ^posts.categoryid, ^posts.type, IF (^posts.type='Q', ^posts.postid, IF(parent.type='Q', parent.postid, grandparent.postid)) AS questionid, ^posts.parentid FROM ^posts LEFT JOIN ^posts AS parent ON ^posts.parentid=parent.postid LEFT JOIN ^posts as grandparent ON parent.parentid=grandparent.postid WHERE ^posts.postid>=# AND ( (^posts.type='Q') OR (^posts.type='A' AND parent.type<=>'Q') OR (^posts.type='C' AND parent.type<=>'Q') OR (^posts.type='C' AND parent.type<=>'A' AND grandparent.type<=>'Q') ) ORDER BY postid LIMIT #",
Prepare posts $firstpostid to $lastpostid for reindexing in the database by removing their prior index entries
'DELETE FROM ^titlewords WHERE postid>=# AND postid<=#',
* Prepare posts $firstpostid to $lastpostid for reindexing in the database by removing their prior index entries
* @param $firstpostid
* @param $lastpostid
'DELETE FROM ^contentwords WHERE postid>=# AND postid<=#',
'UPDATE ^words AS x, (SELECT ^words.wordid, COUNT(^titlewords.wordid) AS titlecount FROM ^words LEFT JOIN ^titlewords ON ^titlewords.wordid=^words.wordid WHERE ^words.wordid>=# AND ^words.wordid<=# GROUP BY wordid) AS a SET x.titlecount=a.titlecount WHERE x.wordid=a.wordid',
'UPDATE ^words AS x, (SELECT ^words.wordid, COUNT(^contentwords.wordid) AS contentcount FROM ^words LEFT JOIN ^contentwords ON ^contentwords.wordid=^words.wordid WHERE ^words.wordid>=# AND ^words.wordid<=# GROUP BY wordid) AS a SET x.contentcount=a.contentcount WHERE x.wordid=a.wordid',
'UPDATE ^words AS x, (SELECT ^words.wordid, COUNT(^tagwords.wordid) AS tagwordcount FROM ^words LEFT JOIN ^tagwords ON ^tagwords.wordid=^words.wordid WHERE ^words.wordid>=# AND ^words.wordid<=# GROUP BY wordid) AS a SET x.tagwordcount=a.tagwordcount WHERE x.wordid=a.wordid',
'UPDATE ^words AS x, (SELECT ^words.wordid, COUNT(^posttags.wordid) AS tagcount FROM ^words LEFT JOIN ^posttags ON ^posttags.wordid=^words.wordid WHERE ^words.wordid>=# AND ^words.wordid<=# GROUP BY wordid) AS a SET x.tagcount=a.tagcount WHERE x.wordid=a.wordid',
'DELETE FROM ^words WHERE wordid>=# AND wordid<=# AND titlecount=0 AND contentcount=0 AND tagwordcount=0 AND tagcount=0',
// For recalculating numbers of votes and answers for questions...
* Return the ids of up to $count posts in the database starting from $startpostid
'UPDATE ^posts AS x, (SELECT ^posts.postid, COALESCE(SUM(GREATEST(0,^,0) AS upvotes, -COALESCE(SUM(LEAST(0,^,0) AS downvotes, COALESCE(SUM(IF(^uservotes.flag, 1, 0)),0) AS flagcount FROM ^posts LEFT JOIN ^uservotes ON ^uservotes.postid=^posts.postid WHERE ^posts.postid>=# AND ^posts.postid<=# GROUP BY postid) AS a SET x.upvotes=a.upvotes, x.downvotes=a.downvotes, x.netvotes=a.upvotes-a.downvotes, x.flagcount=a.flagcount WHERE x.postid=a.postid',
* Recalculate the cached answer counts for posts $firstpostid to $lastpostid in the database, along with the highest netvotes of any of their answers
'UPDATE ^posts AS x, (SELECT parents.postid, COUNT(children.postid) AS acount, COALESCE(GREATEST(MAX(children.netvotes), 0), 0) AS amaxvote FROM ^posts AS parents LEFT JOIN ^posts AS children ON parents.postid=children.parentid AND children.type=\'A\' WHERE parents.postid>=# AND parents.postid<=# GROUP BY postid) AS a SET x.acount=a.acount, x.amaxvote=a.amaxvote WHERE x.postid=a.postid',
// For recalculating user points...
* Return the ids of up to $count users in the database starting from $startuserid
* If using single sign-on integration, base this on user activity rather than the users table which we don't have
'SELECT wordid FROM ^words WHERE wordid>=# ORDER BY wordid LIMIT #',
'SELECT userid FROM ((SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM ^posts WHERE userid>=# ORDER BY userid LIMIT #) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM ^uservotes WHERE userid>=# ORDER BY userid LIMIT #)) x ORDER BY userid LIMIT #',
Recalculate the cached counts for words $firstwordid to $lastwordid in the database
'UPDATE ^words AS x, (SELECT ^words.wordid, COUNT(^titlewords.wordid) AS titlecount FROM ^words LEFT JOIN ^titlewords ON ^titlewords.wordid=^words.wordid WHERE ^words.wordid>=# AND ^words.wordid<=# GROUP BY wordid) AS a SET x.titlecount=a.titlecount WHERE x.wordid=a.wordid',
'UPDATE ^words AS x, (SELECT ^words.wordid, COUNT(^contentwords.wordid) AS contentcount FROM ^words LEFT JOIN ^contentwords ON ^contentwords.wordid=^words.wordid WHERE ^words.wordid>=# AND ^words.wordid<=# GROUP BY wordid) AS a SET x.contentcount=a.contentcount WHERE x.wordid=a.wordid',
'UPDATE ^words AS x, (SELECT ^words.wordid, COUNT(^tagwords.wordid) AS tagwordcount FROM ^words LEFT JOIN ^tagwords ON ^tagwords.wordid=^words.wordid WHERE ^words.wordid>=# AND ^words.wordid<=# GROUP BY wordid) AS a SET x.tagwordcount=a.tagwordcount WHERE x.wordid=a.wordid',
'UPDATE ^words AS x, (SELECT ^words.wordid, COUNT(^posttags.wordid) AS tagcount FROM ^words LEFT JOIN ^posttags ON ^posttags.wordid=^words.wordid WHERE ^words.wordid>=# AND ^words.wordid<=# GROUP BY wordid) AS a SET x.tagcount=a.tagcount WHERE x.wordid=a.wordid',
'DELETE FROM ^words WHERE wordid>=# AND wordid<=# AND titlecount=0 AND contentcount=0 AND tagwordcount=0 AND tagcount=0',
// For recalculating numbers of votes and answers for questions...
Recalculate the cached vote counts for posts $firstpostid to $lastpostid in the database
'UPDATE ^posts AS x, (SELECT ^posts.postid, COALESCE(SUM(GREATEST(0,^,0) AS upvotes, -COALESCE(SUM(LEAST(0,^,0) AS downvotes, COALESCE(SUM(IF(^uservotes.flag, 1, 0)),0) AS flagcount FROM ^posts LEFT JOIN ^uservotes ON ^uservotes.postid=^posts.postid WHERE ^posts.postid>=# AND ^posts.postid<=# GROUP BY postid) AS a SET x.upvotes=a.upvotes, x.downvotes=a.downvotes, x.netvotes=a.upvotes-a.downvotes, x.flagcount=a.flagcount WHERE x.postid=a.postid',
'UPDATE ^posts AS x, (SELECT parents.postid, COUNT(children.postid) AS acount, COALESCE(GREATEST(MAX(children.netvotes), 0), 0) AS amaxvote FROM ^posts AS parents LEFT JOIN ^posts AS children ON parents.postid=children.parentid AND children.type=\'A\' WHERE parents.postid>=# AND parents.postid<=# GROUP BY postid) AS a SET x.acount=a.acount, x.amaxvote=a.amaxvote WHERE x.postid=a.postid',
'DELETE FROM ^userpoints WHERE userid>=# AND userid<=# AND bonus=0',// delete those with no bonus
Return the ids of up to $count users in the database starting from $startuserid
If using single sign-on integration, base this on user activity rather than the users table which we don't have
'SELECT userid FROM ((SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM ^posts WHERE userid>=# ORDER BY userid LIMIT #) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM ^uservotes WHERE userid>=# ORDER BY userid LIMIT #)) x ORDER BY userid LIMIT #',
'SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM ^users WHERE userid>=# ORDER BY userid LIMIT #',
'DELETE FROM ^userpoints WHERE userid>=# AND userid<=# AND bonus=0',// delete those with no bonus
'INSERT IGNORE INTO ^userpoints (userid) SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM ^posts WHERE userid>=# AND userid<=# UNION SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM ^uservotes WHERE userid>=# AND userid<=#',
'UPDATE ^userpoints SET '.$zeropoints.' WHERE userid>=# AND userid<=#',// zero out the rest
'INSERT IGNORE INTO ^userpoints (userid) SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM ^users WHERE userid>=# AND userid<=#',
'INSERT IGNORE INTO ^userpoints (userid) SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM ^posts WHERE userid>=# AND userid<=# UNION SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM ^uservotes WHERE userid>=# AND userid<=#',
'INSERT IGNORE INTO ^userpoints (userid) SELECT DISTINCT userid FROM ^users WHERE userid>=# AND userid<=#',
Recalculate the (exact) categoryid for the posts (including queued/hidden) between $firstpostid and $lastpostid
in the database, where the category of comments and answers is set by the category of the antecedent question
// For refilling event streams...
"UPDATE ^posts AS x, (SELECT ^posts.postid, IF(LEFT(parent.type, 1)='Q', parent.categoryid, grandparent.categoryid) AS categoryid FROM ^posts LEFT JOIN ^posts AS parent ON ^posts.parentid=parent.postid LEFT JOIN ^posts AS grandparent ON parent.parentid=grandparent.postid WHERE ^posts.postid BETWEEN # AND # AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)!='Q') AS a SET x.categoryid=a.categoryid WHERE x.postid=a.postid",
* Return the ids of up to $count questions in the database starting from $startpostid
$limitsql=isset($limit)?(' ORDER BY ^posts.postid LIMIT '.(int)$limit):'';
"SELECT postid FROM ^posts WHERE postid>=# ORDER BY postid LIMIT #",
"SELECT ^posts.postid FROM ^posts LEFT JOIN ^posts AS child ON child.parentid=^posts.postid LEFT JOIN ^posts AS dupe ON dupe.closedbyid=^posts.postid WHERE ^posts.type=$ AND ^posts.postid>=# AND child.postid IS NULL AND dupe.postid IS NULL".$limitsql,
* Recalculate the (exact) categoryid for the posts (including queued/hidden) between $firstpostid and $lastpostid
// For moving blobs between database and disk...
* in the database, where the category of comments and answers is set by the category of the antecedent question
* @param $firstpostid
* @param $lastpostid
Return the number of blobs whose content is stored in the database, rather than on disk
returnqa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^blobs WHERE content IS NOT NULL'));
"UPDATE ^posts AS x, (SELECT ^posts.postid, IF(LEFT(parent.type, 1)='Q', parent.categoryid, grandparent.categoryid) AS categoryid FROM ^posts LEFT JOIN ^posts AS parent ON ^posts.parentid=parent.postid LEFT JOIN ^posts AS grandparent ON parent.parentid=grandparent.postid WHERE ^posts.postid BETWEEN # AND # AND LEFT(^posts.type, 1)!='Q') AS a SET x.categoryid=a.categoryid WHERE x.postid=a.postid",
Return the id, content and format of the first blob whose content is stored in the database starting from $startblobid
* Return the ids of up to $count categories in the database starting from $startcategoryid
* @param $startcategoryid
* @param $count
'SELECT blobid, content, format FROM ^blobs WHERE blobid>=# AND content IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1',
'SELECT blobid, format FROM ^blobs WHERE blobid>=# AND content IS NULL LIMIT 1',
$limitsql=isset($limit)?(' ORDER BY ^posts.postid LIMIT '.(int)$limit):'';
"SELECT ^posts.postid FROM ^posts LEFT JOIN ^posts AS child ON child.parentid=^posts.postid LEFT JOIN ^posts AS dupe ON dupe.closedbyid=^posts.postid WHERE ^posts.type=$ AND ^posts.postid>=# AND child.postid IS NULL AND dupe.postid IS NULL".$limitsql,
Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output
// For moving blobs between database and disk...
* Return the number of blobs whose content is stored in the database, rather than on disk
returnqa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^blobs WHERE content IS NOT NULL'));
* Return the id, content and format of the first blob whose content is stored in the database starting from $startblobid
* @param $startblobid
* @return array|null
'SELECT blobid, content, format FROM ^blobs WHERE blobid>=# AND content IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1',
* Return the number of blobs whose content is stored on disk, rather than in the database
returnqa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^blobs WHERE content IS NULL'));
* Return the id and format of the first blob whose content is stored on disk starting from $startblobid
* @param $startblobid
* @return array|null
'SELECT blobid, format FROM ^blobs WHERE blobid>=# AND content IS NULL LIMIT 1',