Commit 769b2d38 by Scott

Coding style (qa-db.php)

parent b507ca2f
......@@ -20,32 +20,34 @@
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if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
* Indicates to the Q2A database layer that database connections are permitted fro this point forwards
* (before this point, some plugins may not have had a chance to override some database access functions).
function qa_db_allow_connect()
function qa_db_allow_connect()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_db_allow_connect;
$qa_db_allow_connect = true;
* Connect to the Q2A database, select the right database, optionally install the $failhandler (and call it if necessary).
* Uses mysqli as of Q2A 1.7.
* @param null $failhandler
* @return mixed|void
function qa_db_connect($failhandler=null)
function qa_db_connect($failhandler = null)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_db_connection, $qa_db_fail_handler, $qa_db_allow_connect;
......@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@
$host = 'p:'.$host;
$host = 'p:' . $host;
// in mysqli we connect and select database in constructor
if ($port !== null)
......@@ -95,15 +97,20 @@
$qa_db_connection = $db;
* If a DB error occurs, call the installed fail handler (if any) otherwise report error and exit immediately.
* @param $type
* @param int $errno
* @param string $error
* @param string $query
* @return mixed
function qa_db_fail_error($type, $errno=null, $error=null, $query=null)
function qa_db_fail_error($type, $errno = null, $error = null, $query = null)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_db_fail_handler;
......@@ -119,14 +126,16 @@
* Return the current connection to the Q2A database, connecting if necessary and $connect is true.
* @param bool $connect
* @return mixed
function qa_db_connection($connect=true)
function qa_db_connection($connect = true)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_db_connection;
......@@ -139,14 +148,14 @@
return $qa_db_connection;
* Disconnect from the Q2A database.
function qa_db_disconnect()
function qa_db_disconnect()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_db_connection;
......@@ -159,17 +168,19 @@
qa_fatal_error('Database disconnect failed');
$qa_db_connection = null;
* Run the raw $query, call the global failure handler if necessary, otherwise return the result resource.
* If appropriate, also track the resources used by database queries, and the queries themselves, for performance debugging.
* @param $query
* @return mixed
function qa_db_query_raw($query)
function qa_db_query_raw($query)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
......@@ -188,8 +199,7 @@
$qa_usage->logDatabaseQuery($query, $usedtime, $gotrows, $gotcolumns);
} else
$result = qa_db_query_execute($query);
// @error_log('Question2Answer MySQL query: '.$query);
......@@ -200,14 +210,16 @@
return $result;
* Lower-level function to execute a query, which automatically retries if there is a MySQL deadlock error.
* @param $query
* @return mixed
function qa_db_query_execute($query)
function qa_db_query_execute($query)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
$db = qa_db_connection();
......@@ -222,57 +234,63 @@
return $result;
* Return $string escaped for use in queries to the Q2A database (to which a connection must have been made).
* @param $string
* @return mixed
function qa_db_escape_string($string)
function qa_db_escape_string($string)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
$db = qa_db_connection();
return $db->real_escape_string($string);
* Return $argument escaped for MySQL. Add quotes around it if $alwaysquote is true or it's not numeric.
* If $argument is an array, return a comma-separated list of escaped elements, with or without $arraybrackets.
* @param $argument
* @param $alwaysquote
* @param bool $arraybrackets
* @return mixed|string
function qa_db_argument_to_mysql($argument, $alwaysquote, $arraybrackets=false)
function qa_db_argument_to_mysql($argument, $alwaysquote, $arraybrackets = false)
if (is_array($argument)) {
$parts = array();
foreach ($argument as $subargument)
$parts[] = qa_db_argument_to_mysql($subargument, $alwaysquote, true);
if ($arraybrackets)
$result = '('.implode(',', $parts).')';
$result = '(' . implode(',', $parts) . ')';
$result = implode(',', $parts);
elseif (isset($argument)) {
} elseif (isset($argument)) {
if ($alwaysquote || !is_numeric($argument))
$result = "'".qa_db_escape_string($argument)."'";
$result = "'" . qa_db_escape_string($argument) . "'";
$result = qa_db_escape_string($argument);
} else
$result = 'NULL';
return $result;
* Return the full name (with prefix) of database table $rawname, usually if it used after a ^ symbol.
* @param $rawname
* @return string
function qa_db_add_table_prefix($rawname)
function qa_db_add_table_prefix($rawname)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
......@@ -294,28 +312,33 @@
return $prefix.$rawname;
return $prefix . $rawname;
* Callback function to add table prefixes, as used in qa_db_apply_sub().
* @param $matches
* @return string
function qa_db_prefix_callback($matches)
function qa_db_prefix_callback($matches)
return qa_db_add_table_prefix($matches[1]);
* Substitute ^, $ and # symbols in $query. ^ symbols are replaced with the table prefix set in qa-config.php.
* $ and # symbols are replaced in order by the corresponding element in $arguments (if the element is an array,
* it is converted recursively into comma-separated list). Each element in $arguments is escaped.
* $ is replaced by the argument in quotes (even if it's a number), # only adds quotes if the argument is non-numeric.
* It's important to use $ when matching a textual column since MySQL won't use indexes to compare text against numbers.
* @param $query
* @param $arguments
* @return mixed
function qa_db_apply_sub($query, $arguments)
function qa_db_apply_sub($query, $arguments)
$query = preg_replace_callback('/\^([A-Za-z_0-9]+)/', 'qa_db_prefix_callback', $query);
if (!is_array($arguments))
......@@ -331,14 +354,13 @@
if ($stringpos === false || ($numberpos !== false && $numberpos < $stringpos)) {
$alwaysquote = false;
$position = $numberpos;
else {
} else {
$alwaysquote = true;
$position = $stringpos;
if (!is_numeric($position))
qa_fatal_error('Insufficient parameters in query: '.$query);
qa_fatal_error('Insufficient parameters in query: ' . $query);
$value = qa_db_argument_to_mysql($arguments[$argument], $alwaysquote);
$query = substr_replace($query, $value, $position, 1);
......@@ -346,88 +368,92 @@
return $query;
* Run $query after substituting ^, # and $ symbols, and return the result resource (or call fail handler).
* @param $query
* @return mixed
function qa_db_query_sub($query) // arguments for substitution retrieved using func_get_args()
function qa_db_query_sub($query) // arguments for substitution retrieved using func_get_args()
$funcargs = func_get_args();
return qa_db_query_raw(qa_db_apply_sub($query, array_slice($funcargs, 1)));
* Return the number of rows in $result. (Simple wrapper for mysqli_result::num_rows.)
* @param $result
* @return int
function qa_db_num_rows($result)
function qa_db_num_rows($result)
if ($result instanceof mysqli_result)
return $result->num_rows;
return 0;
* Return the value of the auto-increment column for the last inserted row.
function qa_db_last_insert_id()
function qa_db_last_insert_id()
$db = qa_db_connection();
return $db->insert_id;
* Return the number of rows affected by the last query.
function qa_db_affected_rows()
function qa_db_affected_rows()
$db = qa_db_connection();
return $db->affected_rows;
* For the previous INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE query, return whether an insert operation took place.
function qa_db_insert_on_duplicate_inserted()
function qa_db_insert_on_duplicate_inserted()
return (qa_db_affected_rows() == 1);
* Return a random integer (as a string) for use in a BIGINT column.
* Actual limit is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 - we aim for 18,446,743,999,999,999,999.
function qa_db_random_bigint()
function qa_db_random_bigint()
return sprintf('%d%06d%06d', mt_rand(1, 18446743), mt_rand(0, 999999), mt_rand(0, 999999));
* Return an array of the names of all tables in the Q2A database, converted to lower case.
* No longer used by Q2A and shouldn't be needed.
function qa_db_list_tables_lc()
function qa_db_list_tables_lc()
return array_map('strtolower', qa_db_list_tables());
* Return an array of the names of all tables in the Q2A database.
function qa_db_list_tables()
function qa_db_list_tables()
return qa_db_read_all_values(qa_db_query_raw('SHOW TABLES'));
......@@ -476,11 +502,13 @@
* Return the data specified by a single $selectspec - see long comment above.
* @param $selectspec
* @return array|mixed
function qa_db_single_select($selectspec)
function qa_db_single_select($selectspec)
// check for cached results
if (isset($selectspec['caching'])) {
$cacheHandler = Q2A_Storage_CacheManager::getInstance();
......@@ -496,10 +524,10 @@
$query = 'SELECT ';
foreach ($selectspec['columns'] as $columnas => $columnfrom)
$query .= $columnfrom . (is_int($columnas) ? '' : (' AS '.$columnas)) . ', ';
$query .= $columnfrom . (is_int($columnas) ? '' : (' AS ' . $columnas)) . ', ';
$results = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_raw(qa_db_apply_sub(
substr($query, 0, -2).(strlen(@$selectspec['source']) ? (' FROM '.$selectspec['source']) : ''),
substr($query, 0, -2) . (strlen(@$selectspec['source']) ? (' FROM ' . $selectspec['source']) : ''),
), @$selectspec['arraykey']); // arrayvalue is applied in qa_db_post_select()
......@@ -513,25 +541,27 @@
return $results;
* Return the data specified by each element of $selectspecs, where the keys of the
* returned array match the keys of the supplied $selectspecs array. See long comment above.
* @param array $selectspecs
* @return array
function qa_db_multi_select($selectspecs)
function qa_db_multi_select($selectspecs)
if (!count($selectspecs))
return array();
// Perform simple queries if the database is local or there are only 0 or 1 selectspecs
if (!QA_OPTIMIZE_DISTANT_DB || (count($selectspecs)<=1)) {
if (!QA_OPTIMIZE_DISTANT_DB || (count($selectspecs) <= 1)) {
$outresults = array();
foreach ($selectspecs as $selectkey => $selectspec)
$outresults[$selectkey] = qa_db_single_select($selectspec);
return $outresults;
......@@ -539,20 +569,20 @@
// Otherwise, parse columns for each spec to deal with columns without an 'AS' specification
foreach ($selectspecs as $selectkey => $selectspec) {
$selectspecs[$selectkey]['outcolumns'] = array();
$selectspecs[$selectkey]['autocolumn'] = array();
foreach ($selectspec['columns'] as $columnas => $columnfrom) {
if (is_int($columnas)) {
$periodpos=strpos($columnfrom, '.');
$columnas=is_numeric($periodpos) ? substr($columnfrom, $periodpos+1) : $columnfrom;
$periodpos = strpos($columnfrom, '.');
$columnas = is_numeric($periodpos) ? substr($columnfrom, $periodpos + 1) : $columnfrom;
$selectspecs[$selectkey]['autocolumn'][$columnas] = true;
if (isset($selectspecs[$selectkey]['outcolumns'][$columnas]))
qa_fatal_error('Duplicate column name in qa_db_multi_select()');
$selectspecs[$selectkey]['outcolumns'][$columnas] = $columnfrom;
if (isset($selectspec['arraykey']))
......@@ -566,54 +596,54 @@
// Work out the full list of columns used
$outcolumns = array();
foreach ($selectspecs as $selectspec)
$outcolumns=array_unique(array_merge($outcolumns, array_keys($selectspec['outcolumns'])));
$outcolumns = array_unique(array_merge($outcolumns, array_keys($selectspec['outcolumns'])));
// Build the query based on this full list
$query = '';
foreach ($selectspecs as $selectkey => $selectspec) {
$subquery="(SELECT '".qa_db_escape_string($selectkey)."'".(empty($query) ? ' AS selectkey' : '');
$subquery = "(SELECT '" . qa_db_escape_string($selectkey) . "'" . (empty($query) ? ' AS selectkey' : '');
foreach ($outcolumns as $columnas) {
$subquery.=', '.(isset($selectspec['outcolumns'][$columnas]) ? $selectspec['outcolumns'][$columnas] : 'NULL');
$subquery .= ', ' . (isset($selectspec['outcolumns'][$columnas]) ? $selectspec['outcolumns'][$columnas] : 'NULL');
if (empty($query) && !isset($selectspec['autocolumn'][$columnas]))
$subquery.=' AS '.$columnas;
$subquery .= ' AS ' . $columnas;
if (strlen(@$selectspec['source']))
$subquery.=' FROM '.$selectspec['source'];
$subquery .= ' FROM ' . $selectspec['source'];
$subquery .= ')';
if (strlen($query))
$query.=' UNION ALL ';
$query .= ' UNION ALL ';
$query.=qa_db_apply_sub($subquery, @$selectspec['arguments']);
$query .= qa_db_apply_sub($subquery, @$selectspec['arguments']);
// Perform query and extract results
$rawresults = qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_raw($query));
$outresults = array();
foreach ($selectspecs as $selectkey => $selectspec)
$outresults[$selectkey] = array();
foreach ($rawresults as $rawresult) {
$selectkey = $rawresult['selectkey'];
$selectspec = $selectspecs[$selectkey];
$keepresult = array();
foreach ($selectspec['outcolumns'] as $columnas => $columnfrom)
$keepresult[$columnas] = $rawresult[$columnas];
if (isset($selectspec['arraykey']))
$outresults[$selectkey][$keepresult[$selectspec['arraykey']]] = $keepresult;
$outresults[$selectkey][] = $keepresult;
// Post-processing to apply various stuff include sorting request, since we can't rely on ORDER BY due to UNION
......@@ -624,59 +654,65 @@
// Return results
return $outresults;
* Post-process $outresult according to $selectspec, applying 'sortasc', 'sortdesc', 'arrayvalue' and 'single'.
* @param array $outresult
* @param array $selectspec
function qa_db_post_select(&$outresult, $selectspec)
function qa_db_post_select(&$outresult, $selectspec)
// PHP's sorting algorithm is not 'stable', so we use '_order_' element to keep stability.
// By contrast, MySQL's ORDER BY does seem to give the results in a reliable order.
if (isset($selectspec['sortasc'])) {
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'util/sort.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'util/sort.php';
$index = 0;
foreach ($outresult as $key => $value)
$outresult[$key]['_order_'] = $index++;
qa_sort_by($outresult, $selectspec['sortasc'], '_order_');
} elseif (isset($selectspec['sortdesc'])) {
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'util/sort.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'util/sort.php';
if (isset($selectspec['sortdesc_2']))
qa_sort_by($outresult, $selectspec['sortdesc'], $selectspec['sortdesc_2']);
else {
$index = count($outresult);
foreach ($outresult as $key => $value)
$outresult[$key]['_order_'] = $index--;
qa_sort_by($outresult, $selectspec['sortdesc'], '_order_');
$outresult=array_reverse($outresult, true);
$outresult = array_reverse($outresult, true);
if (isset($selectspec['arrayvalue']))
foreach ($outresult as $key => $value)
$outresult[$key] = $value[$selectspec['arrayvalue']];
if (@$selectspec['single'])
$outresult=count($outresult) ? reset($outresult) : null;
$outresult = count($outresult) ? reset($outresult) : null;
* Return the full results from the $result resource as an array. The key of each element in the returned array
* is from column $key if specified, otherwise it's integer. The value of each element in the returned array
* is from column $value if specified, otherwise it's a named array of all columns, given an array of arrays.
* @param $result
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
* @return array
function qa_db_read_all_assoc($result, $key=null, $value=null)
function qa_db_read_all_assoc($result, $key = null, $value = null)
if (!($result instanceof mysqli_result))
qa_fatal_error('Reading all assoc from invalid result');
......@@ -690,15 +726,18 @@
return $assocs;
* Return the first row from the $result resource as an array of [column name] => [column value].
* If there's no first row, throw a fatal error unless $allowempty is true.
* @param $result
* @param bool $allowempty
* @return array|null
function qa_db_read_one_assoc($result, $allowempty=false)
function qa_db_read_one_assoc($result, $allowempty = false)
if (!($result instanceof mysqli_result))
qa_fatal_error('Reading one assoc from invalid result');
......@@ -711,14 +750,16 @@
return null;
qa_fatal_error('Reading one assoc from empty results');
* Return a numbered array containing the first (and presumably only) column from the $result resource.
* @param $result
* @return array
function qa_db_read_all_values($result)
function qa_db_read_all_values($result)
if (!($result instanceof mysqli_result))
qa_fatal_error('Reading column from invalid result');
......@@ -728,15 +769,18 @@
$output[] = $row[0];
return $output;
* Return the first column of the first row (and presumably only cell) from the $result resource.
* If there's no first row, throw a fatal error unless $allowempty is true.
* @param $result
* @param bool $allowempty
* @return mixed|null
function qa_db_read_one_value($result, $allowempty=false)
function qa_db_read_one_value($result, $allowempty = false)
if (!($result instanceof mysqli_result))
qa_fatal_error('Reading one value from invalid result');
......@@ -749,27 +793,28 @@
return null;
qa_fatal_error('Reading one value from empty results');
* Suspend the updating of counts (of many different types) in the database, to save time when making a lot of changes
* if $suspend is true, otherwise reinstate it. A counter is kept to allow multiple calls.
* @param bool $suspend
function qa_suspend_update_counts($suspend=true)
function qa_suspend_update_counts($suspend = true)
global $qa_update_counts_suspended;
$qa_update_counts_suspended += ($suspend ? 1 : -1);
* Returns whether counts should currently be updated (i.e. if count updating has not been suspended).
function qa_should_update_counts()
function qa_should_update_counts()
global $qa_update_counts_suspended;
return ($qa_update_counts_suspended <= 0);
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