Commit 6e8b5a80 by Amiya Committed by Scott

Responsive adsense

parent b011cd3a
......@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ class qa_basic_adsense
if (qa_clicked('adsense_save_button')) {
$trimchars="=;\"\' \t\r\n"; // prevent common errors by copying and pasting from Javascript
qa_opt('adsense_publisher_id', trim(qa_post_text('adsense_publisher_id_field'), $trimchars));
qa_opt('adsense_adunit_id', trim(qa_post_text('adsense_adunit_id_field'), $trimchars));
......@@ -54,6 +55,12 @@ class qa_basic_adsense
'tags' => 'name="adsense_publisher_id_field"',
'note' => 'Example: <i>pub-1234567890123456</i>',
'label' => 'AdSense Ad Unit ID:',
'value' => qa_html(qa_opt('adsense_adunit_id')),
'tags' => 'name="adsense_adunit_id_field"',
'note' => 'Example: <i>8XXXXX1</i>',
'buttons' => array(
......@@ -68,38 +75,30 @@ class qa_basic_adsense
public function output_widget($region, $place, $themeobject, $template, $request, $qa_content)
$format = 'auto';
switch ($region) {
case 'full': // Leaderboard
$divstyle='width:728px; margin:0 auto;';
// fall-through
case 'main': // Leaderboard
case 'full':
case 'main':
case 'side': // Wide skyscraper
case 'side':
<div style="<?php echo $divstyle?>">
<script type="text/javascript">
google_ad_client = <?php echo qa_js(qa_opt('adsense_publisher_id'))?>;
google_ad_width = <?php echo qa_js($width)?>;
google_ad_height = <?php echo qa_js($height)?>;
google_ad_format = <?php echo qa_js($format)?>;
google_ad_type = "text_image";
google_ad_channel = "";
<script async src="//"></script>
<ins class="adsbygoogle <?php echo qa_html($region) ?>"
style="display:block; margin:.5em auto"
data-ad-client="<?php echo qa_html(qa_opt('adsense_publisher_id')) ?>"
data-ad-slot="<?php echo qa_html(qa_opt('adsense_adunit_id')) ?>"
data-ad-format="<?php echo qa_html($format) ?>">
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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