Commit 69f0154b by Scott

Reformat code for users pages, tags page, and base theme

And normalize some line endings
parent e707b833
Question2Answer (c) Gideon Greenspan
File: qa-include/qa-page-message.php
Version: See define()s at top of qa-include/qa-base.php
Description: Controller for private messaging page
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
More about this license:
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-db-selects.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-app-users.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-app-format.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-app-limits.php';
$loginUserId = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
// Check which box we're showing (inbox/sent), we're not using Q2A's single-sign on integration and that we're logged in
$showingInbox = qa_request_part(1) !== 'sent';
qa_fatal_error('User accounts are handled by external code');
if (!isset($loginUserId)) {
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['error'] = qa_insert_login_links(qa_lang_html('misc/message_must_login'), qa_request());
return $qa_content;
if ( !qa_opt('allow_private_messages') )
return include QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-page-not-found.php';
// Find the user profile and questions and answers for this handle
$pmSpec = $showingInbox
? qa_db_messages_inbox_selectspec('private', $loginUserId, true)
: qa_db_messages_outbox_selectspec('private', $loginUserId, true);
$userMessages = qa_db_select_with_pending($pmSpec);
// Prepare content for theme
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['title'] = $showingInbox ? qa_lang_html('misc/pm_inbox_title') : qa_lang_html('misc/pm_outbox_title');
$qa_content['message_list'] = array(
'tags' => 'id="privatemessages"',
'messages' => array(),
$htmlDefaults = qa_message_html_defaults();
if (!$showingInbox) {
$htmlDefaults['towhomview'] = true;
foreach ($userMessages as $message) {
$qa_content['message_list']['messages'][] = qa_message_html_fields($message, $htmlDefaults);
$qa_content['navigation']['sub'] = array(
'inbox' => array(
'label' => qa_lang_html('misc/inbox'),
'url' => qa_path_html('messages'),
'selected' => $showingInbox,
'outbox' => array(
'label' => qa_lang_html('misc/outbox'),
'url' => qa_path_html('messages/sent'),
'selected' => !$showingInbox,
return $qa_content;
Question2Answer (c) Gideon Greenspan
File: qa-include/qa-page-message.php
Version: See define()s at top of qa-include/qa-base.php
Description: Controller for private messaging page
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
More about this license:
if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
header('Location: ../');
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-db-selects.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-app-users.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-app-format.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-app-limits.php';
$loginUserId = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
// Check which box we're showing (inbox/sent), we're not using Q2A's single-sign on integration and that we're logged in
$showingInbox = qa_request_part(1) !== 'sent';
qa_fatal_error('User accounts are handled by external code');
if (!isset($loginUserId)) {
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['error'] = qa_insert_login_links(qa_lang_html('misc/message_must_login'), qa_request());
return $qa_content;
if ( !qa_opt('allow_private_messages') )
return include QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-page-not-found.php';
// Find the user profile and questions and answers for this handle
$pmSpec = $showingInbox
? qa_db_messages_inbox_selectspec('private', $loginUserId, true)
: qa_db_messages_outbox_selectspec('private', $loginUserId, true);
$userMessages = qa_db_select_with_pending($pmSpec);
// Prepare content for theme
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['title'] = $showingInbox ? qa_lang_html('misc/pm_inbox_title') : qa_lang_html('misc/pm_outbox_title');
$qa_content['message_list'] = array(
'tags' => 'id="privatemessages"',
'messages' => array(),
$htmlDefaults = qa_message_html_defaults();
if (!$showingInbox) {
$htmlDefaults['towhomview'] = true;
foreach ($userMessages as $message) {
$qa_content['message_list']['messages'][] = qa_message_html_fields($message, $htmlDefaults);
$qa_content['navigation']['sub'] = array(
'inbox' => array(
'label' => qa_lang_html('misc/inbox'),
'url' => qa_path_html('messages'),
'selected' => $showingInbox,
'outbox' => array(
'label' => qa_lang_html('misc/outbox'),
'url' => qa_path_html('messages/sent'),
'selected' => !$showingInbox,
return $qa_content;
......@@ -35,49 +35,49 @@
// Get popular tags
$start = qa_get_start();
$userid = qa_get_logged_in_userid();
$populartags = qa_db_select_with_pending(
qa_db_popular_tags_selectspec($start, qa_opt_if_loaded('page_size_tags'))
$tagcount = qa_opt('cache_tagcount');
$pagesize = qa_opt('page_size_tags');
// Prepare content for theme
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html('main/popular_tags');
$qa_content['ranking'] = array(
'items' => array(),
'rows' => ceil($pagesize/qa_opt('columns_tags')),
'type' => 'tags'
if (count($populartags)) {
$favoritemap = qa_get_favorite_non_qs_map();
$output = 0;
foreach ($populartags as $word => $count) {
$qa_content['ranking']['items'][] = array(
'label' => qa_tag_html($word, false, @$favoritemap['tag'][qa_strtolower($word)]),
'count' => number_format($count),
if ((++$output)>=$pagesize)
if ((++$output) >= $pagesize)
} else
$qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html('main/no_tags_found');
$qa_content['page_links']=qa_html_page_links(qa_request(), $start, $pagesize, $tagcount, qa_opt('pages_prev_next'));
$qa_content['page_links'] = qa_html_page_links(qa_request(), $start, $pagesize, $tagcount, qa_opt('pages_prev_next'));
if (empty($qa_content['page_links']))
$qa_content['suggest_next'] = qa_html_suggest_ask();
return $qa_content;
......@@ -42,44 +42,44 @@
// Get list of blocked users
$users = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_users_with_flag_selectspec(QA_USER_FLAGS_USER_BLOCKED));
// Check we have permission to view this page (moderator or above)
if (qa_get_logged_in_level() < QA_USER_LEVEL_MODERATOR) {
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['error'] = qa_lang_html('users/no_permission');
return $qa_content;
// Get userids and handles of retrieved users
$usershtml = qa_userids_handles_html($users);
// Prepare content for theme
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['title']=count($users) ? qa_lang_html('users/blocked_users') : qa_lang_html('users/no_blocked_users');
$qa_content['title'] = count($users) ? qa_lang_html('users/blocked_users') : qa_lang_html('users/no_blocked_users');
$qa_content['ranking'] = array(
'items' => array(),
'rows' => ceil(count($users)/qa_opt('columns_users')),
'type' => 'users'
foreach ($users as $user) {
$qa_content['ranking']['items'][] = array(
'label' => $usershtml[$user['userid']],
'score' => qa_html(qa_user_level_string($user['level'])),
'raw' => $user,
$qa_content['navigation']['sub'] = qa_users_sub_navigation();
return $qa_content;
......@@ -42,44 +42,44 @@
// Get list of special users
$users = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_users_from_level_selectspec(QA_USER_LEVEL_EXPERT));
// Check we have permission to view this page (moderator or above)
if (qa_get_logged_in_level() < QA_USER_LEVEL_MODERATOR) {
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['error'] = qa_lang_html('users/no_permission');
return $qa_content;
// Get userids and handles of retrieved users
$usershtml = qa_userids_handles_html($users);
// Prepare content for theme
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html('users/special_users');
$qa_content['ranking'] = array(
'items' => array(),
'rows' => ceil(qa_opt('page_size_users')/qa_opt('columns_users')),
'type' => 'users'
foreach ($users as $user) {
$qa_content['ranking']['items'][] = array(
'label' => $usershtml[$user['userid']],
'score' => qa_html(qa_user_level_string($user['level'])),
'raw' => $user,
$qa_content['navigation']['sub'] = qa_users_sub_navigation();
return $qa_content;
......@@ -36,22 +36,22 @@
// Get list of all users
$users=qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_top_users_selectspec($start, qa_opt_if_loaded('page_size_users')));
$start = qa_get_start();
$users = qa_db_select_with_pending(qa_db_top_users_selectspec($start, qa_opt_if_loaded('page_size_users')));
$users=array_slice($users, 0, $pagesize);
$usercount = qa_opt('cache_userpointscount');
$pagesize = qa_opt('page_size_users');
$users = array_slice($users, 0, $pagesize);
$usershtml = qa_userids_handles_html($users);
// Prepare content for theme
$qa_content = qa_content_prepare();
$qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html('main/highest_users');
$qa_content['ranking'] = array(
'items' => array(),
'rows' => ceil($pagesize/qa_opt('columns_users')),
'type' => 'users'
......@@ -76,11 +76,11 @@
$qa_content['title'] = qa_lang_html('main/no_active_users');
$qa_content['page_links']=qa_html_page_links(qa_request(), $start, $pagesize, $usercount, qa_opt('pages_prev_next'));
$qa_content['page_links'] = qa_html_page_links(qa_request(), $start, $pagesize, $usercount, qa_opt('pages_prev_next'));
$qa_content['navigation']['sub'] = qa_users_sub_navigation();
return $qa_content;
......@@ -71,15 +71,15 @@
foreach ($elements as $element) {
$delta=substr_count($element, '<')-substr_count($element, '<!')-2*substr_count($element, '</')-substr_count($element, '/>');
$delta = substr_count($element, '<') - substr_count($element, '<!') - 2*substr_count($element, '</') - substr_count($element, '/>');
if ($delta<0)
if ($delta < 0)
$this->indent += $delta;
echo str_repeat("\t", max(0, $this->indent)).str_replace('/>', '>', $element)."\n";
if ($delta>0)
if ($delta > 0)
$this->indent += $delta;
......@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
Output each passed parameter on a separate line - see output_array() comments
$args = func_get_args();
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
with appropriate CSS classes based on $class, using $outertag and $innertag in the markup.
if (empty($parts) && (strtolower($outertag)!='td'))
if (empty($parts) && strtolower($outertag) != 'td')
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
Set some context, which be accessed via $this->context for a function to know where it's being used on the page
$this->context[$key] = $value;
......@@ -180,12 +180,13 @@
Post-output cleanup. For now, check that the indenting ended right, and if not, output a warning in an HTML comment
if ($this->indent)
if ($this->indent) {
echo "<!--\nIt's no big deal, but your HTML could not be indented properly. To fix, please:\n".
"1. Use this->output() to output all HTML.\n".
"2. Balance all paired tags like <td>...</td> or <div>...</div>.\n".
"3. Use a slash at the end of unpaired tags like <img/> or <input/>.\n".
......@@ -236,8 +237,8 @@
public function head_title()
$pagetitle=strlen($this->request) ? strip_tags(@$this->content['title']) : '';
$headtitle=(strlen($pagetitle) ? ($pagetitle.' - ') : '').$this->content['site_title'];
$pagetitle = strlen($this->request) ? strip_tags(@$this->content['title']) : '';
$headtitle = (strlen($pagetitle) ? ($pagetitle.' - ') : '').$this->content['site_title'];
......@@ -270,25 +271,28 @@
public function head_script()
if (isset($this->content['script']))
if (isset($this->content['script'])) {
foreach ($this->content['script'] as $scriptline)
public function head_css()
$this->output('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$this->rooturl.$this->css_name().'"/>');
if (isset($this->content['css_src']))
if (isset($this->content['css_src'])) {
foreach ($this->content['css_src'] as $css_src)
$this->output('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$css_src.'"/>');
if (!empty($this->content['notices']))
if (!empty($this->content['notices'])) {
'.qa-body-js-on .qa-notice {display:none;}',
public function css_name()
......@@ -298,9 +302,10 @@
public function head_lines()
if (isset($this->content['head_lines']))
if (isset($this->content['head_lines'])) {
foreach ($this->content['head_lines'] as $line)
public function head_custom()
......@@ -380,11 +385,12 @@
public function body_tags()
$class = 'qa-template-'.qa_html($this->template);
if (isset($this->content['categoryids']))
if (isset($this->content['categoryids'])) {
foreach ($this->content['categoryids'] as $categoryid)
$class.=' qa-category-'.qa_html($categoryid);
$class .= ' qa-category-'.qa_html($categoryid);
$this->output('class="'.$class.' qa-body-js-off"');
......@@ -401,9 +407,10 @@
public function notices()
if (!empty($this->content['notices']))
if (!empty($this->content['notices'])) {
foreach ($this->content['notices'] as $notice)
public function notice($notice)
......@@ -460,7 +467,7 @@
public function search()
$search = $this->content['search'];
'<div class="qa-search">',
......@@ -489,20 +496,21 @@
public function nav($navtype, $level=null)
$navigation = @$this->content['navigation'][$navtype];
if (($navtype=='user') || isset($navigation)) {
if ($navtype == 'user' || isset($navigation)) {
$this->output('<div class="qa-nav-'.$navtype.'">');
if ($navtype=='user')
if ($navtype == 'user')
// reverse order of 'opposite' items since they float right
foreach (array_reverse($navigation, true) as $key => $navlink)
foreach (array_reverse($navigation, true) as $key => $navlink) {
if (@$navlink['opposite']) {
$navigation[$key] = $navlink;
$this->set_context('nav_type', $navtype);
$this->nav_list($navigation, 'nav-'.$navtype, $level);
......@@ -517,7 +525,7 @@
$this->output('<ul class="qa-'.$class.'-list'.(isset($level) ? (' qa-'.$class.'-list-'.$level) : '').'">');
$index = 0;
foreach ($navigation as $key => $navlink) {
$this->set_context('nav_key', $key);
......@@ -541,7 +549,7 @@
public function nav_item($key, $navlink, $class, $level=null)
$suffix=strtr($key, array( // map special character in navigation key
$suffix = strtr($key, array( // map special character in navigation key
'$' => '',
'/' => '-',
......@@ -558,7 +566,7 @@
public function nav_link($navlink, $class)
if (isset($navlink['url']))
if (isset($navlink['url'])) {
'<a href="'.$navlink['url'].'" class="qa-'.$class.'-link'.
(@$navlink['selected'] ? (' qa-'.$class.'-selected') : '').
......@@ -567,14 +575,15 @@
(isset($navlink['target']) ? (' target="'.$navlink['target'].'"') : '').'>'.$navlink['label'].
else {
'<span class="qa-'.$class.'-nolink'.(@$navlink['selected'] ? (' qa-'.$class.'-selected') : '').
(@$navlink['favorited'] ? (' qa-'.$class.'-favorited') : '').'"'.
(strlen(@$navlink['popup']) ? (' title="'.$navlink['popup'].'"') : '').
if (strlen(@$navlink['note']))
$this->output('<span class="qa-'.$class.'-note">'.$navlink['note'].'</span>');
......@@ -609,7 +618,7 @@
public function sidebar()
$sidebar = @$this->content['sidebar'];
if (!empty($sidebar)) {
$this->output('<div class="qa-sidebar">');
......@@ -620,7 +629,7 @@
public function feed()
$feed = @$this->content['feed'];
if (!empty($feed)) {
$this->output('<div class="qa-feed">');
......@@ -631,7 +640,7 @@
public function main()
$content = $this->content;
$this->output('<div class="qa-main'.(@$this->content['hidden'] ? ' qa-main-hidden' : '').'">');
......@@ -641,14 +650,8 @@
$this->widgets('main', 'high');
/*if (isset($content['main_form_tags']))
$this->output('<form '.$content['main_form_tags'].'>');*/
/*if (isset($content['main_form_tags']))
$this->widgets('main', 'low');
......@@ -661,7 +664,7 @@
public function page_title_error()
$favorite = @$this->content['favorite'];
if (isset($favorite))
$this->output('<form '.$favorite['form_tags'].'>');
......@@ -682,7 +685,7 @@
public function favorite()
$favorite = @$this->content['favorite'];
if (isset($favorite)) {
$this->output('<span class="qa-favoriting" '.@$favorite['favorite_tags'].'>');
......@@ -725,12 +728,13 @@
public function error($error)
if (strlen($error))
if (strlen($error)) {
'<div class="qa-error">',
public function main_parts($content)
......@@ -745,46 +749,46 @@
public function main_part($key, $part)
(strpos($key, 'custom')===0) ||
(strpos($key, 'form')===0) ||
(strpos($key, 'q_list')===0) ||
(strpos($key, 'q_view')===0) ||
(strpos($key, 'a_form')===0) ||
(strpos($key, 'a_list')===0) ||
(strpos($key, 'ranking')===0) ||
(strpos($key, 'message_list')===0) ||
(strpos($key, 'nav_list')===0)
$partdiv = (
strpos($key, 'custom') === 0 ||
strpos($key, 'form') === 0 ||
strpos($key, 'q_list') === 0 ||
strpos($key, 'q_view') === 0 ||
strpos($key, 'a_form') === 0 ||
strpos($key, 'a_list') === 0 ||
strpos($key, 'ranking') === 0 ||
strpos($key, 'message_list') === 0 ||
strpos($key, 'nav_list') === 0
if ($partdiv)
$this->output('<div class="qa-part-'.strtr($key, '_', '-').'">'); // to help target CSS to page parts
if (strpos($key, 'custom')===0)
if (strpos($key, 'custom') === 0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'form')===0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'form') === 0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'q_list')===0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'q_list') === 0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'q_view')===0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'q_view') === 0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'a_form')===0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'a_form') === 0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'a_list')===0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'a_list') === 0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'ranking')===0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'ranking') === 0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'message_list')===0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'message_list') === 0)
elseif (strpos($key, 'nav_list')===0) {
elseif (strpos($key, 'nav_list') === 0) {
$this->nav_list($part['nav'], $part['type'], 1);
......@@ -852,9 +856,9 @@
public function form_columns($form)
if (isset($form['ok']) || !empty($form['fields']) )
$columns=($form['style']=='wide') ? 3 : 1;
$columns = ($form['style'] == 'wide') ? 3 : 1;
$columns = 0;
return $columns;
......@@ -875,7 +879,7 @@
if (@$form['boxed'])
$this->output('<div class="qa-form-table-boxed">');
$columns = $this->form_columns($form);
if ($columns)
$this->output('<table class="qa-form-'.$form['style'].'-table">');
......@@ -895,7 +899,7 @@
public function form_ok($form, $columns)
if (!empty($form['ok']))
if (!empty($form['ok'])) {
'<td colspan="'.$columns.'" class="qa-form-'.$form['style'].'-ok">',
......@@ -903,6 +907,7 @@
public function form_reorder_fields(&$form, $keys, $beforekey=null, $reorderrelative=true)
......@@ -923,7 +928,7 @@
foreach ($form['fields'] as $key => $field) {
$this->set_context('field_key', $key);
if (@$field['type']=='blank')
if (@$field['type'] == 'blank')
$this->form_spacer($form, $columns);
$this->form_field_rows($form, $columns, $field);
......@@ -935,56 +940,59 @@
public function form_field_rows($form, $columns, $field)
$style = $form['style'];
if (isset($field['style'])) { // field has different style to most of form
$columns=($style=='wide') ? 3 : 1;
} else
$prefixed=((@$field['type']=='checkbox') && ($columns==1) && !empty($field['label']));
$suffixed=(((@$field['type']=='select') || (@$field['type']=='number')) && ($columns==1) && !empty($field['label'])) && (!@$field['loose']);
$tworows=($columns==1) && (!empty($field['label'])) && (!$skipdata) &&
$style = $field['style'];
$colspan = $columns;
$columns = ($style == 'wide') ? 3 : 1;
$colspan = null;
$prefixed = (@$field['type'] == 'checkbox') && ($columns == 1) && !empty($field['label']);
$suffixed = (@$field['type'] == 'select' || @$field['type'] == 'number') && $columns == 1 && !empty($field['label']) && !@$field['loose'];
$skipdata = @$field['tight'];
$tworows = ($columns == 1) && (!empty($field['label'])) && (!$skipdata) &&
( (!($prefixed||$suffixed)) || (!empty($field['error'])) || (!empty($field['note'])) );
if (isset($field['id']))
if (isset($field['id'])) {
if ($columns == 1)
$this->output('<tbody id="'.$field['id'].'">', '<tr>');
$this->output('<tr id="'.$field['id'].'">');
if (($columns>1) || !empty($field['label']))
if ($columns > 1 || !empty($field['label']))
$this->form_label($field, $style, $columns, $prefixed, $suffixed, $colspan);
if ($tworows)
if ($tworows) {
if (!$skipdata)
$this->form_data($field, $style, $columns, !($prefixed||$suffixed), $colspan);
if (($columns==1) && isset($field['id']))
if ($columns == 1 && isset($field['id']))
public function form_label($field, $style, $columns, $prefixed, $suffixed, $colspan)
$extratags = '';
if ( ($columns>1) && ((@$field['type']=='select-radio') || (@$field['rows']>1)) )
$extratags.=' style="vertical-align:top;"';
if ($columns > 1 && (@$field['type'] == 'select-radio' || @$field['rows'] > 1))
$extratags .= ' style="vertical-align:top;"';
if (isset($colspan))
$extratags.=' colspan="'.$colspan.'"';
$extratags .= ' colspan="'.$colspan.'"';
$this->output('<td class="qa-form-'.$style.'-label"'.$extratags.'>');
......@@ -1021,8 +1029,8 @@
$this->form_note($field, $style, $columns);
$this->form_error($field, $style, $columns);
} elseif (!empty($field['note']))
elseif (!empty($field['note']))
$this->form_note($field, $style, $columns);
......@@ -1069,7 +1077,7 @@
if ((@$field['type']=='textarea') || (@$field['rows']>1))
if (@$field['type'] == 'textarea' || @$field['rows'] > 1)
$this->form_text_multi_row($field, $style);
$this->form_text_single_row($field, $style);
......@@ -1096,13 +1104,14 @@
public function form_buttons($form, $columns)
if (!empty($form['buttons'])) {
$style = @$form['style'];
if ($columns)
if ($columns) {
'<td colspan="'.$columns.'" class="qa-form-'.$style.'-buttons">'
foreach ($form['buttons'] as $key => $button) {
$this->set_context('button_key', $key);
......@@ -1117,17 +1126,18 @@
if ($columns)
if ($columns) {
public function form_button_data($button, $key, $style)
$baseclass='qa-form-'.$style.'-button qa-form-'.$style.'-button-'.$key;
$baseclass = 'qa-form-'.$style.'-button qa-form-'.$style.'-button-'.$key;
$this->output('<input'.rtrim(' '.@$button['tags']).' value="'.@$button['label'].'" title="'.@$button['popup'].'" type="submit"'.
(isset($style) ? (' class="'.$baseclass.'"') : '').'/>');
......@@ -1135,13 +1145,14 @@
public function form_button_note($button, $style)
if (!empty($button['note']))
if (!empty($button['note'])) {
'<span class="qa-form-'.$style.'-note">',
public function form_button_spacer($style)
......@@ -1156,9 +1167,10 @@
public function form_hidden_elements($hidden)
if (!empty($hidden))
if (!empty($hidden)) {
foreach ($hidden as $name => $value)
$this->output('<input type="hidden" name="'.$name.'" value="'.$value.'"/>');
public function form_prefix($field, $style)
......@@ -1198,20 +1210,20 @@
$this->output('<select '.@$field['tags'].' class="qa-form-'.$style.'-select">');
foreach ($field['options'] as $tag => $value)
$this->output('<option value="'.$tag.'"'.(($value==@$field['value']) ? ' selected' : '').'>'.$value.'</option>');
$this->output('<option value="'.$tag.'"'.(($value == @$field['value']) ? ' selected' : '').'>'.$value.'</option>');
public function form_select_radio($field, $style)
$radios = 0;
foreach ($field['options'] as $tag => $value) {
if ($radios++)
$this->output('<input '.@$field['tags'].' type="radio" value="'.$tag.'"'.(($value==@$field['value']) ? ' checked' : '').' class="qa-form-'.$style.'-radio"/> '.$value);
$this->output('<input '.@$field['tags'].' type="radio" value="'.$tag.'"'.(($value == @$field['value']) ? ' checked' : '').' class="qa-form-'.$style.'-radio"/> '.$value);
......@@ -1232,14 +1244,14 @@
public function form_error($field, $style, $columns)
$tag=($columns>1) ? 'span' : 'div';
$tag = ($columns > 1) ? 'span' : 'div';
$this->output('<'.$tag.' class="qa-form-'.$style.'-error">'.$field['error'].'</'.$tag.'>');
public function form_note($field, $style, $columns)
$tag=($columns>1) ? 'span' : 'div';
$tag = ($columns > 1) ? 'span' : 'div';
$this->output('<'.$tag.' class="qa-form-'.$style.'-note">'.@$field['note'].'</'.$tag.'>');
......@@ -1359,14 +1371,15 @@
public function list_vote_disabled($items)
$disabled = false;
if (count($items)) {
$disabled = true;
foreach ($items as $item)
if (@$item['vote_on_page']!='disabled')
foreach ($items as $item) {
if (@$item['vote_on_page'] != 'disabled')
$disabled = false;
return $disabled;
......@@ -1490,7 +1503,7 @@
public function voting($post)
if (isset($post['vote_view'])) {
$this->output('<div class="qa-voting '.(($post['vote_view']=='updown') ? 'qa-voting-updown' : 'qa-voting-net').'" '.@$post['vote_tags'].'>');
$this->output('<div class="qa-voting '.(($post['vote_view'] == 'updown') ? 'qa-voting-updown' : 'qa-voting-net').'" '.@$post['vote_tags'].'>');
......@@ -1505,7 +1518,7 @@
public function vote_buttons($post)
$this->output('<div class="qa-vote-buttons '.(($post['vote_view']=='updown') ? 'qa-vote-buttons-updown' : 'qa-vote-buttons-net').'">');
$this->output('<div class="qa-vote-buttons '.(($post['vote_view'] == 'updown') ? 'qa-vote-buttons-updown' : 'qa-vote-buttons-net').'">');
switch (@$post['vote_state'])
......@@ -1549,13 +1562,14 @@
// You can also use $post['upvotes_raw'], $post['downvotes_raw'], $post['netvotes_raw'] to get
// raw integer vote counts, for graphing or showing in other non-textual ways
$this->output('<div class="qa-vote-count '.(($post['vote_view']=='updown') ? 'qa-vote-count-updown' : 'qa-vote-count-net').'"'.@$post['vote_count_tags'].'>');
$this->output('<div class="qa-vote-count '.(($post['vote_view'] == 'updown') ? 'qa-vote-count-updown' : 'qa-vote-count-net').'"'.@$post['vote_count_tags'].'>');
if ($post['vote_view']=='updown') {
if ($post['vote_view'] == 'updown') {
$this->output_split($post['upvotes_view'], 'qa-upvote-count');
$this->output_split($post['downvotes_view'], 'qa-downvote-count');
} else
$this->output_split($post['netvotes_view'], 'qa-netvote-count');
......@@ -1652,9 +1666,9 @@
if (isset($prefix))
$order=explode('^', @$post['meta_order']);
$order = explode('^', @$post['meta_order']);
foreach ($order as $element)
foreach ($order as $element) {
switch ($element) {
case 'what':
$this->post_meta_what($post, $class);
......@@ -1672,13 +1686,14 @@
$this->post_meta_who($post, $class);
$this->post_meta_flags($post, $class);
if (!empty($post['what_2'])) {
foreach ($order as $element)
foreach ($order as $element) {
switch ($element) {
case 'what':
$this->output('<span class="'.$class.'-what">'.$post['what_2'].'</span>');
......@@ -1692,6 +1707,7 @@
$this->output_split(@$post['who_2'], $class.'-who');
......@@ -1700,9 +1716,9 @@
public function post_meta_what($post, $class)
if (isset($post['what'])) {
$classes = $class.'-what';
if (@$post['what_your'])
$classes.=' '.$class.'-what-your';
$classes .= ' '.$class.'-what-your';
if (isset($post['what_url']))
$this->output('<a href="'.$post['what_url'].'" class="'.$classes.'">'.$post['what'].'</a>');
......@@ -1738,8 +1754,8 @@
// You can also use $post['level'] to get the author's privilege level (as a string)
if (isset($post['who']['points'])) {
$post['who']['points']['prefix'] = '('.$post['who']['points']['prefix'];
$post['who']['points']['suffix'] .= ')';
$this->output_split($post['who']['points'], $class.'-who-points');
......@@ -1781,7 +1797,7 @@
public function page_links()
$page_links = @$this->content['page_links'];
if (!empty($page_links)) {
$this->output('<div class="qa-page-links">');
......@@ -1805,7 +1821,7 @@
if (!empty($page_items)) {
$this->output('<ul class="qa-page-links-list">');
$index = 0;
foreach ($page_items as $page_link) {
$this->set_context('page_index', $index++);
......@@ -1830,8 +1846,8 @@
public function page_link_content($page_link)
$label = @$page_link['label'];
$url = @$page_link['url'];
switch ($page_link['type']) {
case 'this':
......@@ -1866,7 +1882,7 @@
public function suggest_next()
$suggest = @$this->content['suggest_next'];
if (!empty($suggest)) {
$this->output('<div class="qa-suggest-next">');
......@@ -1957,7 +1973,7 @@
public function q_view_closed($q_view)
if (!empty($q_view['closed'])) {
$haslink = isset($q_view['closed']['url']);
'<div class="qa-q-view-closed">',
......@@ -1972,7 +1988,7 @@
public function q_view_extra($q_view)
if (!empty($q_view['extra']))
if (!empty($q_view['extra'])) {
'<div class="qa-q-view-extra">',
......@@ -1981,6 +1997,7 @@
public function q_view_buttons($q_view)
......@@ -2030,7 +2047,7 @@
public function a_list_item($a_item)
$extraclass=@$a_item['classes'].($a_item['hidden'] ? ' qa-a-list-item-hidden' : ($a_item['selected'] ? ' qa-a-list-item-selected' : ''));
$extraclass = @$a_item['classes'].($a_item['hidden'] ? ' qa-a-list-item-hidden' : ($a_item['selected'] ? ' qa-a-list-item-selected' : ''));
$this->output('<div class="qa-a-list-item '.$extraclass.'" '.@$a_item['tags'].'>');
......@@ -2135,7 +2152,7 @@
public function c_list_item($c_item)
$extraclass=@$c_item['classes'].(@$c_item['hidden'] ? ' qa-c-item-hidden' : '');
$extraclass = @$c_item['classes'].(@$c_item['hidden'] ? ' qa-c-item-hidden' : '');
$this->output('<div class="qa-c-list-item '.$extraclass.'" '.@$c_item['tags'].'>');
* PHPMailer SPL autoloader.
* PHP Version 5.0.0
* @package PHPMailer
* @link
* @author Marcus Bointon (coolbru) <>
* @author Jim Jagielski (jimjag) <>
* @author Andy Prevost (codeworxtech) <>
* @author Brent R. Matzelle (original founder)
* @copyright 2013 Marcus Bointon
* @copyright 2010 - 2012 Jim Jagielski
* @copyright 2004 - 2009 Andy Prevost
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @note This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful - WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* PHPMailer SPL autoloader.
* @param string $classname The name of the class to load
function PHPMailerAutoload($classname)
//Can't use __DIR__ as it's only in PHP 5.3+
$filename = dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class.'.strtolower($classname).'.php';
if (is_readable($filename)) {
require $filename;
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.2', '>=')) {
//SPL autoloading was introduced in PHP 5.1.2
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) {
spl_autoload_register('PHPMailerAutoload', true, true);
} else {
} else {
* Fall back to traditional autoload for old PHP versions
* @param string $classname The name of the class to load
function __autoload($classname)
* PHPMailer SPL autoloader.
* PHP Version 5.0.0
* @package PHPMailer
* @link
* @author Marcus Bointon (coolbru) <>
* @author Jim Jagielski (jimjag) <>
* @author Andy Prevost (codeworxtech) <>
* @author Brent R. Matzelle (original founder)
* @copyright 2013 Marcus Bointon
* @copyright 2010 - 2012 Jim Jagielski
* @copyright 2004 - 2009 Andy Prevost
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @note This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful - WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* PHPMailer SPL autoloader.
* @param string $classname The name of the class to load
function PHPMailerAutoload($classname)
//Can't use __DIR__ as it's only in PHP 5.3+
$filename = dirname(__FILE__).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'class.'.strtolower($classname).'.php';
if (is_readable($filename)) {
require $filename;
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.2', '>=')) {
//SPL autoloading was introduced in PHP 5.1.2
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '>=')) {
spl_autoload_register('PHPMailerAutoload', true, true);
} else {
} else {
* Fall back to traditional autoload for old PHP versions
* @param string $classname The name of the class to load
function __autoload($classname)
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
* PHPMailer RFC821 SMTP email transport class.
* Version 5.2.7
* PHP version 5.0.0
* @category PHP
* @package PHPMailer
* @link
* @author Marcus Bointon (coolbru) <>
* @author Jim Jagielski (jimjag) <>
* @author Andy Prevost (codeworxtech) <>
* @copyright 2013 Marcus Bointon
* @copyright 2004 - 2008 Andy Prevost
* @copyright 2010 - 2012 Jim Jagielski
* @license Distributed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
* PHPMailer RFC821 SMTP email transport class.
* Implements RFC 821 SMTP commands
* and provides some utility methods for sending mail to an SMTP server.
* PHP Version 5.0.0
* @category PHP
* @package PHPMailer
* @link
* @author Chris Ryan <>
* @author Marcus Bointon <>
* @license Distributed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
class SMTP
* The PHPMailer SMTP Version number.
const VERSION = '5.2.7';
* SMTP line break constant.
const CRLF = "\r\n";
* The SMTP port to use if one is not specified.
* The maximum line length allowed by RFC 2822 section 2.1.1
const MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 998;
* The PHPMailer SMTP Version number.
* @type string
* @deprecated This should be a constant
public $Version = '5.2.7';
* SMTP server port number.
* @type int
* @deprecated This is only ever ued as default value, so should be a constant
public $SMTP_PORT = 25;
* SMTP reply line ending
* @type string
* @deprecated Use the class constant instead
* @see SMTP::CRLF
public $CRLF = "\r\n";
* Debug output level.
* Options:
* 0: no output
* 1: commands
* 2: data and commands
* 3: as 2 plus connection status
* 4: low level data output
* @type int
public $do_debug = 0;
* The function/method to use for debugging output.
* Options: 'echo', 'html' or 'error_log'
* @type string
public $Debugoutput = 'echo';
* Whether to use VERP.
* @type bool
public $do_verp = false;
* The timeout value for connection, in seconds.
* Default of 5 minutes (300sec) is from RFC2821 section
* @type int
public $Timeout = 300;
* The SMTP timelimit value for reads, in seconds.
* @type int
public $Timelimit = 30;
* The socket for the server connection.
* @type resource
protected $smtp_conn;
* Error message, if any, for the last call.
* @type string
protected $error = '';
* The reply the server sent to us for HELO.
* @type string
protected $helo_rply = '';
* The most recent reply received from the server.
* @type string
protected $last_reply = '';
* Constructor.
* @access public
public function __construct()
$this->smtp_conn = 0;
$this->error = null;
$this->helo_rply = null;
$this->do_debug = 0;
* Output debugging info via a user-selected method.
* @param string $str Debug string to output
* @return void
protected function edebug($str)
switch ($this->Debugoutput) {
case 'error_log':
//Don't output, just log
case 'html':
//Cleans up output a bit for a better looking, HTML-safe output
echo htmlentities(
preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', '', $str),
. "<br>\n";
case 'echo':
echo gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\t".trim($str)."\n";
* Connect to an SMTP server.
* @param string $host SMTP server IP or host name
* @param int $port The port number to connect to
* @param int $timeout How long to wait for the connection to open
* @param array $options An array of options for stream_context_create()
* @access public
* @return bool
public function connect($host, $port = null, $timeout = 30, $options = array())
// Clear errors to avoid confusion
$this->error = null;
// Make sure we are __not__ connected
if ($this->connected()) {
// Already connected, generate error
$this->error = array('error' => 'Already connected to a server');
return false;
if (empty($port)) {
$port = self::DEFAULT_SMTP_PORT;
// Connect to the SMTP server
if ($this->do_debug >= 3) {
$this->edebug('Connection: opening');
$errno = 0;
$errstr = '';
$socket_context = stream_context_create($options);
//Suppress errors; connection failures are handled at a higher level
$this->smtp_conn = @stream_socket_client(
$host . ":" . $port,
// Verify we connected properly
if (empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
$this->error = array(
'error' => 'Failed to connect to server',
'errno' => $errno,
'errstr' => $errstr
if ($this->do_debug >= 1) {
'SMTP ERROR: ' . $this->error['error']
. ": $errstr ($errno)"
return false;
if ($this->do_debug >= 3) {
$this->edebug('Connection: opened');
// SMTP server can take longer to respond, give longer timeout for first read
// Windows does not have support for this timeout function
if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
$max = ini_get('max_execution_time');
if ($max != 0 && $timeout > $max) { // Don't bother if unlimited
stream_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, $timeout, 0);
// Get any announcement
$announce = $this->get_lines();
if ($this->do_debug >= 2) {
$this->edebug('SERVER -> CLIENT: ' . $announce);
return true;
* Initiate a TLS (encrypted) session.
* @access public
* @return bool
public function startTLS()
if (!$this->sendCommand('STARTTLS', 'STARTTLS', 220)) {
return false;
// Begin encrypted connection
if (!stream_socket_enable_crypto(
)) {
return false;
return true;
* Perform SMTP authentication.
* Must be run after hello().
* @see hello()
* @param string $username The user name
* @param string $password The password
* @param string $authtype The auth type (PLAIN, LOGIN, NTLM, CRAM-MD5)
* @param string $realm The auth realm for NTLM
* @param string $workstation The auth workstation for NTLM
* @access public
* @return bool True if successfully authenticated.
public function authenticate(
$authtype = 'LOGIN',
$realm = '',
$workstation = ''
) {
if (empty($authtype)) {
$authtype = 'LOGIN';
switch ($authtype) {
case 'PLAIN':
// Start authentication
if (!$this->sendCommand('AUTH', 'AUTH PLAIN', 334)) {
return false;
// Send encoded username and password
if (!$this->sendCommand(
'User & Password',
base64_encode("\0" . $username . "\0" . $password),
) {
return false;
case 'LOGIN':
// Start authentication
if (!$this->sendCommand('AUTH', 'AUTH LOGIN', 334)) {
return false;
if (!$this->sendCommand("Username", base64_encode($username), 334)) {
return false;
if (!$this->sendCommand("Password", base64_encode($password), 235)) {
return false;
case 'NTLM':
* ntlm_sasl_client.php
* Bundled with Permission
* How to telnet in windows:
require_once 'extras/ntlm_sasl_client.php';
$temp = new stdClass();
$ntlm_client = new ntlm_sasl_client_class;
//Check that functions are available
if (!$ntlm_client->Initialize($temp)) {
$this->error = array('error' => $temp->error);
if ($this->do_debug >= 1) {
'You need to enable some modules in your php.ini file: '
. $this->error['error']
return false;
$msg1 = $ntlm_client->TypeMsg1($realm, $workstation); //msg1
if (!$this->sendCommand(
'AUTH NTLM ' . base64_encode($msg1),
) {
return false;
//Though 0 based, there is a white space after the 3 digit number
$challenge = substr($this->last_reply, 3);
$challenge = base64_decode($challenge);
$ntlm_res = $ntlm_client->NTLMResponse(
substr($challenge, 24, 8),
$msg3 = $ntlm_client->TypeMsg3(
// send encoded username
return $this->sendCommand('Username', base64_encode($msg3), 235);
case 'CRAM-MD5':
// Start authentication
if (!$this->sendCommand('AUTH CRAM-MD5', 'AUTH CRAM-MD5', 334)) {
return false;
// Get the challenge
$challenge = base64_decode(substr($this->last_reply, 4));
// Build the response
$response = $username . ' ' . $this->hmac($challenge, $password);
// send encoded credentials
return $this->sendCommand('Username', base64_encode($response), 235);
return true;
* Calculate an MD5 HMAC hash.
* Works like hash_hmac('md5', $data, $key)
* in case that function is not available
* @param string $data The data to hash
* @param string $key The key to hash with
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function hmac($data, $key)
if (function_exists('hash_hmac')) {
return hash_hmac('md5', $data, $key);
// The following borrowed from
// RFC 2104 HMAC implementation for php.
// Creates an md5 HMAC.
// Eliminates the need to install mhash to compute a HMAC
// Hacked by Lance Rushing
$b = 64; // byte length for md5
if (strlen($key) > $b) {
$key = pack('H*', md5($key));
$key = str_pad($key, $b, chr(0x00));
$ipad = str_pad('', $b, chr(0x36));
$opad = str_pad('', $b, chr(0x5c));
$k_ipad = $key ^ $ipad;
$k_opad = $key ^ $opad;
return md5($k_opad . pack('H*', md5($k_ipad . $data)));
* Check connection state.
* @access public
* @return bool True if connected.
public function connected()
if (!empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
$sock_status = stream_get_meta_data($this->smtp_conn);
if ($sock_status['eof']) {
// the socket is valid but we are not connected
if ($this->do_debug >= 1) {
'SMTP NOTICE: EOF caught while checking if connected'
return false;
return true; // everything looks good
return false;
* Close the socket and clean up the state of the class.
* Don't use this function without first trying to use QUIT.
* @see quit()
* @access public
* @return void
public function close()
$this->error = null; // so there is no confusion
$this->helo_rply = null;
if (!empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
// close the connection and cleanup
if ($this->do_debug >= 3) {
$this->edebug('Connection: closed');
$this->smtp_conn = 0;
* Send an SMTP DATA command.
* Issues a data command and sends the msg_data to the server,
* finializing the mail transaction. $msg_data is the message
* that is to be send with the headers. Each header needs to be
* on a single line followed by a <CRLF> with the message headers
* and the message body being separated by and additional <CRLF>.
* Implements rfc 821: DATA <CRLF>
* @param string $msg_data Message data to send
* @access public
* @return bool
public function data($msg_data)
if (!$this->sendCommand('DATA', 'DATA', 354)) {
return false;
/* The server is ready to accept data!
* According to rfc821 we should not send more than 1000 characters on a single line (including the CRLF)
* so we will break the data up into lines by \r and/or \n then if needed we will break each of those into
* smaller lines to fit within the limit.
* We will also look for lines that start with a '.' and prepend an additional '.'.
* NOTE: this does not count towards line-length limit.
// Normalize line breaks before exploding
$lines = explode("\n", str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $msg_data));
/* To distinguish between a complete RFC822 message and a plain message body, we check if the first field
* of the first line (':' separated) does not contain a space then it _should_ be a header and we will
* process all lines before a blank line as headers.
$field = substr($lines[0], 0, strpos($lines[0], ':'));
$in_headers = false;
if (!empty($field) && strpos($field, ' ') === false) {
$in_headers = true;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$lines_out = array();
if ($in_headers and $line == '') {
$in_headers = false;
// ok we need to break this line up into several smaller lines
//This is a small micro-optimisation: isset($str[$len]) is equivalent to (strlen($str) > $len)
while (isset($line[self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH])) {
//Working backwards, try to find a space within the last MAX_LINE_LENGTH chars of the line to break on
//so as to avoid breaking in the middle of a word
$pos = strrpos(substr($line, 0, self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH), ' ');
if (!$pos) { //Deliberately matches both false and 0
//No nice break found, add a hard break
$pos = self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 1;
$lines_out[] = substr($line, 0, $pos);
$line = substr($line, $pos);
} else {
//Break at the found point
$lines_out[] = substr($line, 0, $pos);
//Move along by the amount we dealt with
$line = substr($line, $pos + 1);
/* If processing headers add a LWSP-char to the front of new line
* RFC822 section 3.1.1
if ($in_headers) {
$line = "\t" . $line;
$lines_out[] = $line;
// Send the lines to the server
foreach ($lines_out as $line_out) {
//RFC2821 section 4.5.2
if (!empty($line_out) and $line_out[0] == '.') {
$line_out = '.' . $line_out;
$this->client_send($line_out . self::CRLF);
// Message data has been sent, complete the command
return $this->sendCommand('DATA END', '.', 250);
* Send an SMTP HELO or EHLO command.
* Used to identify the sending server to the receiving server.
* This makes sure that client and server are in a known state.
* Implements RFC 821: HELO <SP> <domain> <CRLF>
* and RFC 2821 EHLO.
* @param string $host The host name or IP to connect to
* @access public
* @return bool
public function hello($host = '')
// Try extended hello first (RFC 2821)
return (bool)($this->sendHello('EHLO', $host) or $this->sendHello('HELO', $host));
* Send an SMTP HELO or EHLO command.
* Low-level implementation used by hello()
* @see hello()
* @param string $hello The HELO string
* @param string $host The hostname to say we are
* @access protected
* @return bool
protected function sendHello($hello, $host)
$noerror = $this->sendCommand($hello, $hello . ' ' . $host, 250);
$this->helo_rply = $this->last_reply;
return $noerror;
* Send an SMTP MAIL command.
* Starts a mail transaction from the email address specified in
* $from. Returns true if successful or false otherwise. If True
* the mail transaction is started and then one or more recipient
* commands may be called followed by a data command.
* Implements rfc 821: MAIL <SP> FROM:<reverse-path> <CRLF>
* @param string $from Source address of this message
* @access public
* @return bool
public function mail($from)
$useVerp = ($this->do_verp ? ' XVERP' : '');
return $this->sendCommand(
'MAIL FROM:<' . $from . '>' . $useVerp,
* Send an SMTP QUIT command.
* Closes the socket if there is no error or the $close_on_error argument is true.
* Implements from rfc 821: QUIT <CRLF>
* @param bool $close_on_error Should the connection close if an error occurs?
* @access public
* @return bool
public function quit($close_on_error = true)
$noerror = $this->sendCommand('QUIT', 'QUIT', 221);
$e = $this->error; //Save any error
if ($noerror or $close_on_error) {
$this->error = $e; //Restore any error from the quit command
return $noerror;
* Send an SMTP RCPT command.
* Sets the TO argument to $to.
* Returns true if the recipient was accepted false if it was rejected.
* Implements from rfc 821: RCPT <SP> TO:<forward-path> <CRLF>
* @param string $to The address the message is being sent to
* @access public
* @return bool
public function recipient($to)
return $this->sendCommand(
'RCPT TO:<' . $to . '>',
array(250, 251)
* Send an SMTP RSET command.
* Abort any transaction that is currently in progress.
* Implements rfc 821: RSET <CRLF>
* @access public
* @return bool True on success.
public function reset()
return $this->sendCommand('RSET', 'RSET', 250);
* Send a command to an SMTP server and check its return code.
* @param string $command The command name - not sent to the server
* @param string $commandstring The actual command to send
* @param int|array $expect One or more expected integer success codes
* @access protected
* @return bool True on success.
protected function sendCommand($command, $commandstring, $expect)
if (!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
'error' => "Called $command without being connected"
return false;
$this->client_send($commandstring . self::CRLF);
$reply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($reply, 0, 3);
if ($this->do_debug >= 2) {
$this->edebug('SERVER -> CLIENT: ' . $reply);
if (!in_array($code, (array)$expect)) {
$this->last_reply = null;
$this->error = array(
'error' => "$command command failed",
'smtp_code' => $code,
'detail' => substr($reply, 4)
if ($this->do_debug >= 1) {
'SMTP ERROR: ' . $this->error['error'] . ': ' . $reply
return false;
$this->last_reply = $reply;
$this->error = null;
return true;
* Send an SMTP SAML command.
* Starts a mail transaction from the email address specified in $from.
* Returns true if successful or false otherwise. If True
* the mail transaction is started and then one or more recipient
* commands may be called followed by a data command. This command
* will send the message to the users terminal if they are logged
* in and send them an email.
* Implements rfc 821: SAML <SP> FROM:<reverse-path> <CRLF>
* @param string $from The address the message is from
* @access public
* @return bool
public function sendAndMail($from)
return $this->sendCommand('SAML', "SAML FROM:$from", 250);
* Send an SMTP VRFY command.
* @param string $name The name to verify
* @access public
* @return bool
public function verify($name)
return $this->sendCommand('VRFY', "VRFY $name", array(250, 251));
* Send an SMTP NOOP command.
* Used to keep keep-alives alive, doesn't actually do anything
* @access public
* @return bool
public function noop()
return $this->sendCommand('NOOP', 'NOOP', 250);
* Send an SMTP TURN command.
* This is an optional command for SMTP that this class does not support.
* This method is here to make the RFC821 Definition complete for this class
* and _may_ be implemented in future
* Implements from rfc 821: TURN <CRLF>
* @access public
* @return bool
public function turn()
$this->error = array(
'error' => 'The SMTP TURN command is not implemented'
if ($this->do_debug >= 1) {
$this->edebug('SMTP NOTICE: ' . $this->error['error']);
return false;
* Send raw data to the server.
* @param string $data The data to send
* @access public
* @return int|bool The number of bytes sent to the server or false on error
public function client_send($data)
if ($this->do_debug >= 1) {
$this->edebug("CLIENT -> SERVER: $data");
return fwrite($this->smtp_conn, $data);
* Get the latest error.
* @access public
* @return array
public function getError()
return $this->error;
* Get the last reply from the server.
* @access public
* @return string
public function getLastReply()
return $this->last_reply;
* Read the SMTP server's response.
* Either before eof or socket timeout occurs on the operation.
* With SMTP we can tell if we have more lines to read if the
* 4th character is '-' symbol. If it is a space then we don't
* need to read anything else.
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function get_lines()
// If the connection is bad, give up straight away
if (!is_resource($this->smtp_conn)) {
return '';
$data = '';
$endtime = 0;
stream_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, $this->Timeout);
if ($this->Timelimit > 0) {
$endtime = time() + $this->Timelimit;
while (is_resource($this->smtp_conn) && !feof($this->smtp_conn)) {
$str = @fgets($this->smtp_conn, 515);
if ($this->do_debug >= 4) {
$this->edebug("SMTP -> get_lines(): \$data was \"$data\"");
$this->edebug("SMTP -> get_lines(): \$str is \"$str\"");
$data .= $str;
if ($this->do_debug >= 4) {
$this->edebug("SMTP -> get_lines(): \$data is \"$data\"");
// If 4th character is a space, we are done reading, break the loop, micro-optimisation over strlen
if ((isset($str[3]) and $str[3] == ' ')) {
// Timed-out? Log and break
$info = stream_get_meta_data($this->smtp_conn);
if ($info['timed_out']) {
if ($this->do_debug >= 4) {
'SMTP -> get_lines(): timed-out (' . $this->Timeout . ' sec)'
// Now check if reads took too long
if ($endtime and time() > $endtime) {
if ($this->do_debug >= 4) {
'SMTP -> get_lines(): timelimit reached ('.
$this->Timelimit . ' sec)'
return $data;
* Enable or disable VERP address generation.
* @param bool $enabled
public function setVerp($enabled = false)
$this->do_verp = $enabled;
* Get VERP address generation mode.
* @return bool
public function getVerp()
return $this->do_verp;
* Set debug output method.
* @param string $method The function/method to use for debugging output.
public function setDebugOutput($method = 'echo')
$this->Debugoutput = $method;
* Get debug output method.
* @return string
public function getDebugOutput()
return $this->Debugoutput;
* Set debug output level.
* @param int $level
public function setDebugLevel($level = 0)
$this->do_debug = $level;
* Get debug output level.
* @return int
public function getDebugLevel()
return $this->do_debug;
* Set SMTP timeout.
* @param int $timeout
public function setTimeout($timeout = 0)
$this->Timeout = $timeout;
* Get SMTP timeout.
* @return int
public function getTimeout()
return $this->Timeout;
* PHPMailer RFC821 SMTP email transport class.
* Version 5.2.7
* PHP version 5.0.0
* @category PHP
* @package PHPMailer
* @link
* @author Marcus Bointon (coolbru) <>
* @author Jim Jagielski (jimjag) <>
* @author Andy Prevost (codeworxtech) <>
* @copyright 2013 Marcus Bointon
* @copyright 2004 - 2008 Andy Prevost
* @copyright 2010 - 2012 Jim Jagielski
* @license Distributed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
* PHPMailer RFC821 SMTP email transport class.
* Implements RFC 821 SMTP commands
* and provides some utility methods for sending mail to an SMTP server.
* PHP Version 5.0.0
* @category PHP
* @package PHPMailer
* @link
* @author Chris Ryan <>
* @author Marcus Bointon <>
* @license Distributed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
class SMTP
* The PHPMailer SMTP Version number.
const VERSION = '5.2.7';
* SMTP line break constant.
const CRLF = "\r\n";
* The SMTP port to use if one is not specified.
* The maximum line length allowed by RFC 2822 section 2.1.1
const MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 998;
* The PHPMailer SMTP Version number.
* @type string
* @deprecated This should be a constant
public $Version = '5.2.7';
* SMTP server port number.
* @type int
* @deprecated This is only ever ued as default value, so should be a constant
public $SMTP_PORT = 25;
* SMTP reply line ending
* @type string
* @deprecated Use the class constant instead
* @see SMTP::CRLF
public $CRLF = "\r\n";
* Debug output level.
* Options:
* 0: no output
* 1: commands
* 2: data and commands
* 3: as 2 plus connection status
* 4: low level data output
* @type int
public $do_debug = 0;
* The function/method to use for debugging output.
* Options: 'echo', 'html' or 'error_log'
* @type string
public $Debugoutput = 'echo';
* Whether to use VERP.
* @type bool
public $do_verp = false;
* The timeout value for connection, in seconds.
* Default of 5 minutes (300sec) is from RFC2821 section
* @type int
public $Timeout = 300;
* The SMTP timelimit value for reads, in seconds.
* @type int
public $Timelimit = 30;
* The socket for the server connection.
* @type resource
protected $smtp_conn;
* Error message, if any, for the last call.
* @type string
protected $error = '';
* The reply the server sent to us for HELO.
* @type string
protected $helo_rply = '';
* The most recent reply received from the server.
* @type string
protected $last_reply = '';
* Constructor.
* @access public
public function __construct()
$this->smtp_conn = 0;
$this->error = null;
$this->helo_rply = null;
$this->do_debug = 0;
* Output debugging info via a user-selected method.
* @param string $str Debug string to output
* @return void
protected function edebug($str)
switch ($this->Debugoutput) {
case 'error_log':
//Don't output, just log
case 'html':
//Cleans up output a bit for a better looking, HTML-safe output
echo htmlentities(
preg_replace('/[\r\n]+/', '', $str),
. "<br>\n";
case 'echo':
echo gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\t".trim($str)."\n";
* Connect to an SMTP server.
* @param string $host SMTP server IP or host name
* @param int $port The port number to connect to
* @param int $timeout How long to wait for the connection to open
* @param array $options An array of options for stream_context_create()
* @access public
* @return bool
public function connect($host, $port = null, $timeout = 30, $options = array())
// Clear errors to avoid confusion
$this->error = null;
// Make sure we are __not__ connected
if ($this->connected()) {
// Already connected, generate error
$this->error = array('error' => 'Already connected to a server');
return false;
if (empty($port)) {
$port = self::DEFAULT_SMTP_PORT;
// Connect to the SMTP server
if ($this->do_debug >= 3) {
$this->edebug('Connection: opening');
$errno = 0;
$errstr = '';
$socket_context = stream_context_create($options);
//Suppress errors; connection failures are handled at a higher level
$this->smtp_conn = @stream_socket_client(
$host . ":" . $port,
// Verify we connected properly
if (empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
$this->error = array(
'error' => 'Failed to connect to server',
'errno' => $errno,
'errstr' => $errstr
if ($this->do_debug >= 1) {
'SMTP ERROR: ' . $this->error['error']
. ": $errstr ($errno)"
return false;
if ($this->do_debug >= 3) {
$this->edebug('Connection: opened');
// SMTP server can take longer to respond, give longer timeout for first read
// Windows does not have support for this timeout function
if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN') {
$max = ini_get('max_execution_time');
if ($max != 0 && $timeout > $max) { // Don't bother if unlimited
stream_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, $timeout, 0);
// Get any announcement
$announce = $this->get_lines();
if ($this->do_debug >= 2) {
$this->edebug('SERVER -> CLIENT: ' . $announce);
return true;
* Initiate a TLS (encrypted) session.
* @access public
* @return bool
public function startTLS()
if (!$this->sendCommand('STARTTLS', 'STARTTLS', 220)) {
return false;
// Begin encrypted connection
if (!stream_socket_enable_crypto(
)) {
return false;
return true;
* Perform SMTP authentication.
* Must be run after hello().
* @see hello()
* @param string $username The user name
* @param string $password The password
* @param string $authtype The auth type (PLAIN, LOGIN, NTLM, CRAM-MD5)
* @param string $realm The auth realm for NTLM
* @param string $workstation The auth workstation for NTLM
* @access public
* @return bool True if successfully authenticated.
public function authenticate(
$authtype = 'LOGIN',
$realm = '',
$workstation = ''
) {
if (empty($authtype)) {
$authtype = 'LOGIN';
switch ($authtype) {
case 'PLAIN':
// Start authentication
if (!$this->sendCommand('AUTH', 'AUTH PLAIN', 334)) {
return false;
// Send encoded username and password
if (!$this->sendCommand(
'User & Password',
base64_encode("\0" . $username . "\0" . $password),
) {
return false;
case 'LOGIN':
// Start authentication
if (!$this->sendCommand('AUTH', 'AUTH LOGIN', 334)) {
return false;
if (!$this->sendCommand("Username", base64_encode($username), 334)) {
return false;
if (!$this->sendCommand("Password", base64_encode($password), 235)) {
return false;
case 'NTLM':
* ntlm_sasl_client.php
* Bundled with Permission
* How to telnet in windows:
require_once 'extras/ntlm_sasl_client.php';
$temp = new stdClass();
$ntlm_client = new ntlm_sasl_client_class;
//Check that functions are available
if (!$ntlm_client->Initialize($temp)) {
$this->error = array('error' => $temp->error);
if ($this->do_debug >= 1) {
'You need to enable some modules in your php.ini file: '
. $this->error['error']
return false;
$msg1 = $ntlm_client->TypeMsg1($realm, $workstation); //msg1
if (!$this->sendCommand(
'AUTH NTLM ' . base64_encode($msg1),
) {
return false;
//Though 0 based, there is a white space after the 3 digit number
$challenge = substr($this->last_reply, 3);
$challenge = base64_decode($challenge);
$ntlm_res = $ntlm_client->NTLMResponse(
substr($challenge, 24, 8),
$msg3 = $ntlm_client->TypeMsg3(
// send encoded username
return $this->sendCommand('Username', base64_encode($msg3), 235);
case 'CRAM-MD5':
// Start authentication
if (!$this->sendCommand('AUTH CRAM-MD5', 'AUTH CRAM-MD5', 334)) {
return false;
// Get the challenge
$challenge = base64_decode(substr($this->last_reply, 4));
// Build the response
$response = $username . ' ' . $this->hmac($challenge, $password);
// send encoded credentials
return $this->sendCommand('Username', base64_encode($response), 235);
return true;
* Calculate an MD5 HMAC hash.
* Works like hash_hmac('md5', $data, $key)
* in case that function is not available
* @param string $data The data to hash
* @param string $key The key to hash with
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function hmac($data, $key)
if (function_exists('hash_hmac')) {
return hash_hmac('md5', $data, $key);
// The following borrowed from
// RFC 2104 HMAC implementation for php.
// Creates an md5 HMAC.
// Eliminates the need to install mhash to compute a HMAC
// Hacked by Lance Rushing
$b = 64; // byte length for md5
if (strlen($key) > $b) {
$key = pack('H*', md5($key));
$key = str_pad($key, $b, chr(0x00));
$ipad = str_pad('', $b, chr(0x36));
$opad = str_pad('', $b, chr(0x5c));
$k_ipad = $key ^ $ipad;
$k_opad = $key ^ $opad;
return md5($k_opad . pack('H*', md5($k_ipad . $data)));
* Check connection state.
* @access public
* @return bool True if connected.
public function connected()
if (!empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
$sock_status = stream_get_meta_data($this->smtp_conn);
if ($sock_status['eof']) {
// the socket is valid but we are not connected
if ($this->do_debug >= 1) {
'SMTP NOTICE: EOF caught while checking if connected'
return false;
return true; // everything looks good
return false;
* Close the socket and clean up the state of the class.
* Don't use this function without first trying to use QUIT.
* @see quit()
* @access public
* @return void
public function close()
$this->error = null; // so there is no confusion
$this->helo_rply = null;
if (!empty($this->smtp_conn)) {
// close the connection and cleanup
if ($this->do_debug >= 3) {
$this->edebug('Connection: closed');
$this->smtp_conn = 0;
* Send an SMTP DATA command.
* Issues a data command and sends the msg_data to the server,
* finializing the mail transaction. $msg_data is the message
* that is to be send with the headers. Each header needs to be
* on a single line followed by a <CRLF> with the message headers
* and the message body being separated by and additional <CRLF>.
* Implements rfc 821: DATA <CRLF>
* @param string $msg_data Message data to send
* @access public
* @return bool
public function data($msg_data)
if (!$this->sendCommand('DATA', 'DATA', 354)) {
return false;
/* The server is ready to accept data!
* According to rfc821 we should not send more than 1000 characters on a single line (including the CRLF)
* so we will break the data up into lines by \r and/or \n then if needed we will break each of those into
* smaller lines to fit within the limit.
* We will also look for lines that start with a '.' and prepend an additional '.'.
* NOTE: this does not count towards line-length limit.
// Normalize line breaks before exploding
$lines = explode("\n", str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $msg_data));
/* To distinguish between a complete RFC822 message and a plain message body, we check if the first field
* of the first line (':' separated) does not contain a space then it _should_ be a header and we will
* process all lines before a blank line as headers.
$field = substr($lines[0], 0, strpos($lines[0], ':'));
$in_headers = false;
if (!empty($field) && strpos($field, ' ') === false) {
$in_headers = true;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$lines_out = array();
if ($in_headers and $line == '') {
$in_headers = false;
// ok we need to break this line up into several smaller lines
//This is a small micro-optimisation: isset($str[$len]) is equivalent to (strlen($str) > $len)
while (isset($line[self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH])) {
//Working backwards, try to find a space within the last MAX_LINE_LENGTH chars of the line to break on
//so as to avoid breaking in the middle of a word
$pos = strrpos(substr($line, 0, self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH), ' ');
if (!$pos) { //Deliberately matches both false and 0
//No nice break found, add a hard break
$pos = self::MAX_LINE_LENGTH - 1;
$lines_out[] = substr($line, 0, $pos);
$line = substr($line, $pos);
} else {
//Break at the found point
$lines_out[] = substr($line, 0, $pos);
//Move along by the amount we dealt with
$line = substr($line, $pos + 1);
/* If processing headers add a LWSP-char to the front of new line
* RFC822 section 3.1.1
if ($in_headers) {
$line = "\t" . $line;
$lines_out[] = $line;
// Send the lines to the server
foreach ($lines_out as $line_out) {
//RFC2821 section 4.5.2
if (!empty($line_out) and $line_out[0] == '.') {
$line_out = '.' . $line_out;
$this->client_send($line_out . self::CRLF);
// Message data has been sent, complete the command
return $this->sendCommand('DATA END', '.', 250);
* Send an SMTP HELO or EHLO command.
* Used to identify the sending server to the receiving server.
* This makes sure that client and server are in a known state.
* Implements RFC 821: HELO <SP> <domain> <CRLF>
* and RFC 2821 EHLO.
* @param string $host The host name or IP to connect to
* @access public
* @return bool
public function hello($host = '')
// Try extended hello first (RFC 2821)
return (bool)($this->sendHello('EHLO', $host) or $this->sendHello('HELO', $host));
* Send an SMTP HELO or EHLO command.
* Low-level implementation used by hello()
* @see hello()
* @param string $hello The HELO string
* @param string $host The hostname to say we are
* @access protected
* @return bool
protected function sendHello($hello, $host)
$noerror = $this->sendCommand($hello, $hello . ' ' . $host, 250);
$this->helo_rply = $this->last_reply;
return $noerror;
* Send an SMTP MAIL command.
* Starts a mail transaction from the email address specified in
* $from. Returns true if successful or false otherwise. If True
* the mail transaction is started and then one or more recipient
* commands may be called followed by a data command.
* Implements rfc 821: MAIL <SP> FROM:<reverse-path> <CRLF>
* @param string $from Source address of this message
* @access public
* @return bool
public function mail($from)
$useVerp = ($this->do_verp ? ' XVERP' : '');
return $this->sendCommand(
'MAIL FROM:<' . $from . '>' . $useVerp,
* Send an SMTP QUIT command.
* Closes the socket if there is no error or the $close_on_error argument is true.
* Implements from rfc 821: QUIT <CRLF>
* @param bool $close_on_error Should the connection close if an error occurs?
* @access public
* @return bool
public function quit($close_on_error = true)
$noerror = $this->sendCommand('QUIT', 'QUIT', 221);
$e = $this->error; //Save any error
if ($noerror or $close_on_error) {
$this->error = $e; //Restore any error from the quit command
return $noerror;
* Send an SMTP RCPT command.
* Sets the TO argument to $to.
* Returns true if the recipient was accepted false if it was rejected.
* Implements from rfc 821: RCPT <SP> TO:<forward-path> <CRLF>
* @param string $to The address the message is being sent to
* @access public
* @return bool
public function recipient($to)
return $this->sendCommand(
'RCPT TO:<' . $to . '>',
array(250, 251)
* Send an SMTP RSET command.
* Abort any transaction that is currently in progress.
* Implements rfc 821: RSET <CRLF>
* @access public
* @return bool True on success.
public function reset()
return $this->sendCommand('RSET', 'RSET', 250);
* Send a command to an SMTP server and check its return code.
* @param string $command The command name - not sent to the server
* @param string $commandstring The actual command to send
* @param int|array $expect One or more expected integer success codes
* @access protected
* @return bool True on success.
protected function sendCommand($command, $commandstring, $expect)
if (!$this->connected()) {
$this->error = array(
'error' => "Called $command without being connected"
return false;
$this->client_send($commandstring . self::CRLF);
$reply = $this->get_lines();
$code = substr($reply, 0, 3);
if ($this->do_debug >= 2) {
$this->edebug('SERVER -> CLIENT: ' . $reply);
if (!in_array($code, (array)$expect)) {
$this->last_reply = null;
$this->error = array(
'error' => "$command command failed",
'smtp_code' => $code,
'detail' => substr($reply, 4)
if ($this->do_debug >= 1) {
'SMTP ERROR: ' . $this->error['error'] . ': ' . $reply
return false;
$this->last_reply = $reply;
$this->error = null;
return true;
* Send an SMTP SAML command.
* Starts a mail transaction from the email address specified in $from.
* Returns true if successful or false otherwise. If True
* the mail transaction is started and then one or more recipient
* commands may be called followed by a data command. This command
* will send the message to the users terminal if they are logged
* in and send them an email.
* Implements rfc 821: SAML <SP> FROM:<reverse-path> <CRLF>
* @param string $from The address the message is from
* @access public
* @return bool
public function sendAndMail($from)
return $this->sendCommand('SAML', "SAML FROM:$from", 250);
* Send an SMTP VRFY command.
* @param string $name The name to verify
* @access public
* @return bool
public function verify($name)
return $this->sendCommand('VRFY', "VRFY $name", array(250, 251));
* Send an SMTP NOOP command.
* Used to keep keep-alives alive, doesn't actually do anything
* @access public
* @return bool
public function noop()
return $this->sendCommand('NOOP', 'NOOP', 250);
* Send an SMTP TURN command.
* This is an optional command for SMTP that this class does not support.
* This method is here to make the RFC821 Definition complete for this class
* and _may_ be implemented in future
* Implements from rfc 821: TURN <CRLF>
* @access public
* @return bool
public function turn()
$this->error = array(
'error' => 'The SMTP TURN command is not implemented'
if ($this->do_debug >= 1) {
$this->edebug('SMTP NOTICE: ' . $this->error['error']);
return false;
* Send raw data to the server.
* @param string $data The data to send
* @access public
* @return int|bool The number of bytes sent to the server or false on error
public function client_send($data)
if ($this->do_debug >= 1) {
$this->edebug("CLIENT -> SERVER: $data");
return fwrite($this->smtp_conn, $data);
* Get the latest error.
* @access public
* @return array
public function getError()
return $this->error;
* Get the last reply from the server.
* @access public
* @return string
public function getLastReply()
return $this->last_reply;
* Read the SMTP server's response.
* Either before eof or socket timeout occurs on the operation.
* With SMTP we can tell if we have more lines to read if the
* 4th character is '-' symbol. If it is a space then we don't
* need to read anything else.
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function get_lines()
// If the connection is bad, give up straight away
if (!is_resource($this->smtp_conn)) {
return '';
$data = '';
$endtime = 0;
stream_set_timeout($this->smtp_conn, $this->Timeout);
if ($this->Timelimit > 0) {
$endtime = time() + $this->Timelimit;
while (is_resource($this->smtp_conn) && !feof($this->smtp_conn)) {
$str = @fgets($this->smtp_conn, 515);
if ($this->do_debug >= 4) {
$this->edebug("SMTP -> get_lines(): \$data was \"$data\"");
$this->edebug("SMTP -> get_lines(): \$str is \"$str\"");
$data .= $str;
if ($this->do_debug >= 4) {
$this->edebug("SMTP -> get_lines(): \$data is \"$data\"");
// If 4th character is a space, we are done reading, break the loop, micro-optimisation over strlen
if ((isset($str[3]) and $str[3] == ' ')) {
// Timed-out? Log and break
$info = stream_get_meta_data($this->smtp_conn);
if ($info['timed_out']) {
if ($this->do_debug >= 4) {
'SMTP -> get_lines(): timed-out (' . $this->Timeout . ' sec)'
// Now check if reads took too long
if ($endtime and time() > $endtime) {
if ($this->do_debug >= 4) {
'SMTP -> get_lines(): timelimit reached ('.
$this->Timelimit . ' sec)'
return $data;
* Enable or disable VERP address generation.
* @param bool $enabled
public function setVerp($enabled = false)
$this->do_verp = $enabled;
* Get VERP address generation mode.
* @return bool
public function getVerp()
return $this->do_verp;
* Set debug output method.
* @param string $method The function/method to use for debugging output.
public function setDebugOutput($method = 'echo')
$this->Debugoutput = $method;
* Get debug output method.
* @return string
public function getDebugOutput()
return $this->Debugoutput;
* Set debug output level.
* @param int $level
public function setDebugLevel($level = 0)
$this->do_debug = $level;
* Get debug output level.
* @return int
public function getDebugLevel()
return $this->do_debug;
* Set SMTP timeout.
* @param int $timeout
public function setTimeout($timeout = 0)
$this->Timeout = $timeout;
* Get SMTP timeout.
* @return int
public function getTimeout()
return $this->Timeout;
htmLawed 1.1.17, 11 March 2014
Copyright Santosh Patnaik
Dual licensed with LGPL 3 and GPL 2+
A PHP Labware internal utility;
See htmLawed_README.txt/htm
function htmLawed($t, $C=1, $S=array()){
$C = is_array($C) ? $C : array();
$C['elements'] = empty($C['elements']) ? '*-center-dir-font-isindex-menu-s-strike-u' : $C['elements'];
$C['make_tag_strict'] = isset($C['make_tag_strict']) ? $C['make_tag_strict'] : 2;
$C['xml:lang'] = isset($C['xml:lang']) ? $C['xml:lang'] : 2;
// config eles
$e = array('a'=>1, 'abbr'=>1, 'acronym'=>1, 'address'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'blockquote'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'caption'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'code'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'dfn'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'em'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'i'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'kbd'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'rb'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rp'=>1, 'rt'=>1, 'rtc'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 's'=>1, 'samp'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'span'=>1, 'strike'=>1, 'strong'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'tt'=>1, 'u'=>1, 'ul'=>1, 'var'=>1); // 86/deprecated+embed+ruby
unset($e['applet'], $e['embed'], $e['iframe'], $e['object'], $e['script']);
$x = !empty($C['elements']) ? str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t", ' '), '', $C['elements']) : '*';
if($x == '-*'){$e = array();}
elseif(strpos($x, '*') === false){$e = array_flip(explode(',', $x));}
preg_match_all('`(?:^|-|\+)[^\-+]+?(?=-|\+|$)`', $x, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER);
for($i=count($m); --$i>=0;){$m[$i] = $m[$i][0];}
foreach($m as $v){
if($v[0] == '+'){$e[substr($v, 1)] = 1;}
if($v[0] == '-' && isset($e[($v = substr($v, 1))]) && !in_array('+'. $v, $m)){unset($e[$v]);}
$C['elements'] =& $e;
// config attrs
$x = !empty($C['deny_attribute']) ? str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t", ' '), '', $C['deny_attribute']) : '';
$x = array_flip((isset($x[0]) && $x[0] == '*') ? explode('-', $x) : explode(',', $x. (!empty($C['safe']) ? ',on*' : '')));
$x += array('onblur'=>1, 'onchange'=>1, 'onclick'=>1, 'ondblclick'=>1, 'onfocus'=>1, 'onkeydown'=>1, 'onkeypress'=>1, 'onkeyup'=>1, 'onmousedown'=>1, 'onmousemove'=>1, 'onmouseout'=>1, 'onmouseover'=>1, 'onmouseup'=>1, 'onreset'=>1, 'onselect'=>1, 'onsubmit'=>1);
$C['deny_attribute'] = $x;
// config URL
$x = (isset($C['schemes'][2]) && strpos($C['schemes'], ':')) ? strtolower($C['schemes']) : 'href: aim, feed, file, ftp, gopher, http, https, irc, mailto, news, nntp, sftp, ssh, telnet; *:file, http, https';
$C['schemes'] = array();
foreach(explode(';', str_replace(array(' ', "\t", "\r", "\n"), '', $x)) as $v){
$x = $x2 = null; list($x, $x2) = explode(':', $v, 2);
if($x2){$C['schemes'][$x] = array_flip(explode(',', $x2));}
if(!isset($C['schemes']['*'])){$C['schemes']['*'] = array('file'=>1, 'http'=>1, 'https'=>1,);}
if(!empty($C['safe']) && empty($C['schemes']['style'])){$C['schemes']['style'] = array('!'=>1);}
$C['abs_url'] = isset($C['abs_url']) ? $C['abs_url'] : 0;
if(!isset($C['base_url']) or !preg_match('`^[a-zA-Z\d.+\-]+://[^/]+/(.+?/)?$`', $C['base_url'])){
$C['base_url'] = $C['abs_url'] = 0;
// config rest
$C['and_mark'] = empty($C['and_mark']) ? 0 : 1;
$C['anti_link_spam'] = (isset($C['anti_link_spam']) && is_array($C['anti_link_spam']) && count($C['anti_link_spam']) == 2 && (empty($C['anti_link_spam'][0]) or hl_regex($C['anti_link_spam'][0])) && (empty($C['anti_link_spam'][1]) or hl_regex($C['anti_link_spam'][1]))) ? $C['anti_link_spam'] : 0;
$C['anti_mail_spam'] = isset($C['anti_mail_spam']) ? $C['anti_mail_spam'] : 0;
$C['balance'] = isset($C['balance']) ? (bool)$C['balance'] : 1;
$C['cdata'] = isset($C['cdata']) ? $C['cdata'] : (empty($C['safe']) ? 3 : 0);
$C['clean_ms_char'] = empty($C['clean_ms_char']) ? 0 : $C['clean_ms_char'];
$C['comment'] = isset($C['comment']) ? $C['comment'] : (empty($C['safe']) ? 3 : 0);
$C['css_expression'] = empty($C['css_expression']) ? 0 : 1;
$C['direct_list_nest'] = empty($C['direct_list_nest']) ? 0 : 1;
$C['hexdec_entity'] = isset($C['hexdec_entity']) ? $C['hexdec_entity'] : 1;
$C['hook'] = (!empty($C['hook']) && function_exists($C['hook'])) ? $C['hook'] : 0;
$C['hook_tag'] = (!empty($C['hook_tag']) && function_exists($C['hook_tag'])) ? $C['hook_tag'] : 0;
$C['keep_bad'] = isset($C['keep_bad']) ? $C['keep_bad'] : 6;
$C['lc_std_val'] = isset($C['lc_std_val']) ? (bool)$C['lc_std_val'] : 1;
$C['make_tag_strict'] = isset($C['make_tag_strict']) ? $C['make_tag_strict'] : 1;
$C['named_entity'] = isset($C['named_entity']) ? (bool)$C['named_entity'] : 1;
$C['no_deprecated_attr'] = isset($C['no_deprecated_attr']) ? $C['no_deprecated_attr'] : 1;
$C['parent'] = isset($C['parent'][0]) ? strtolower($C['parent']) : 'body';
$C['show_setting'] = !empty($C['show_setting']) ? $C['show_setting'] : 0;
$C['style_pass'] = empty($C['style_pass']) ? 0 : 1;
$C['tidy'] = empty($C['tidy']) ? 0 : $C['tidy'];
$C['unique_ids'] = isset($C['unique_ids']) ? $C['unique_ids'] : 1;
$C['xml:lang'] = isset($C['xml:lang']) ? $C['xml:lang'] : 0;
if(isset($GLOBALS['C'])){$reC = $GLOBALS['C'];}
$GLOBALS['C'] = $C;
$S = is_array($S) ? $S : hl_spec($S);
if(isset($GLOBALS['S'])){$reS = $GLOBALS['S'];}
$GLOBALS['S'] = $S;
$t = preg_replace('`[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f]`', '', $t);
$x = array("\x7f"=>'', "\x80"=>'&#8364;', "\x81"=>'', "\x83"=>'&#402;', "\x85"=>'&#8230;', "\x86"=>'&#8224;', "\x87"=>'&#8225;', "\x88"=>'&#710;', "\x89"=>'&#8240;', "\x8a"=>'&#352;', "\x8b"=>'&#8249;', "\x8c"=>'&#338;', "\x8d"=>'', "\x8e"=>'&#381;', "\x8f"=>'', "\x90"=>'', "\x95"=>'&#8226;', "\x96"=>'&#8211;', "\x97"=>'&#8212;', "\x98"=>'&#732;', "\x99"=>'&#8482;', "\x9a"=>'&#353;', "\x9b"=>'&#8250;', "\x9c"=>'&#339;', "\x9d"=>'', "\x9e"=>'&#382;', "\x9f"=>'&#376;');
$x = $x + ($C['clean_ms_char'] == 1 ? array("\x82"=>'&#8218;', "\x84"=>'&#8222;', "\x91"=>'&#8216;', "\x92"=>'&#8217;', "\x93"=>'&#8220;', "\x94"=>'&#8221;') : array("\x82"=>'\'', "\x84"=>'"', "\x91"=>'\'', "\x92"=>'\'', "\x93"=>'"', "\x94"=>'"'));
$t = strtr($t, $x);
if($C['cdata'] or $C['comment']){$t = preg_replace_callback('`<!(?:(?:--.*?--)|(?:\[CDATA\[.*?\]\]))>`sm', 'hl_cmtcd', $t);}
$t = preg_replace_callback('`&amp;([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]{1,30}|#(?:[0-9]{1,8}|[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]{1,7}));`', 'hl_ent', str_replace('&', '&amp;', $t));
if($C['unique_ids'] && !isset($GLOBALS['hl_Ids'])){$GLOBALS['hl_Ids'] = array();}
if($C['hook']){$t = $C['hook']($t, $C, $S);}
if($C['show_setting'] && preg_match('`^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$`i', $C['show_setting'])){
$GLOBALS[$C['show_setting']] = array('config'=>$C, 'spec'=>$S, 'time'=>microtime());
// main
$t = preg_replace_callback('`<(?:(?:\s|$)|(?:[^>]*(?:>|$)))|>`m', 'hl_tag', $t);
$t = $C['balance'] ? hl_bal($t, $C['keep_bad'], $C['parent']) : $t;
$t = (($C['cdata'] or $C['comment']) && strpos($t, "\x01") !== false) ? str_replace(array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05"), array('', '', '&', '<', '>'), $t) : $t;
$t = $C['tidy'] ? hl_tidy($t, $C['tidy'], $C['parent']) : $t;
unset($C, $e);
if(isset($reC)){$GLOBALS['C'] = $reC;}
if(isset($reS)){$GLOBALS['S'] = $reS;}
return $t;
// eof
function hl_attrval($t, $p){
// check attr val against $S
$o = 1; $l = strlen($t);
foreach($p as $k=>$v){
case 'maxlen':if($l > $v){$o = 0;}
break; case 'minlen': if($l < $v){$o = 0;}
break; case 'maxval': if((float)($t) > $v){$o = 0;}
break; case 'minval': if((float)($t) < $v){$o = 0;}
break; case 'match': if(!preg_match($v, $t)){$o = 0;}
break; case 'nomatch': if(preg_match($v, $t)){$o = 0;}
break; case 'oneof':
$m = 0;
foreach(explode('|', $v) as $n){if($t == $n){$m = 1; break;}}
$o = $m;
break; case 'noneof':
$m = 1;
foreach(explode('|', $v) as $n){if($t == $n){$m = 0; break;}}
$o = $m;
break; default:
return ($o ? $t : (isset($p['default']) ? $p['default'] : 0));
// eof
function hl_bal($t, $do=1, $in='div'){
// balance tags
// by content
$cB = array('blockquote'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'noscript'=>1); // Block
$cE = array('area'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1); // Empty
$cF = array('button'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1); // Flow; later context-wise dynamic move of ins & del to $cI
$cI = array('a'=>1, 'abbr'=>1, 'acronym'=>1, 'address'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'caption'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'code'=>1, 'dfn'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'em'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'i'=>1, 'kbd'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'rb'=>1, 'rt'=>1, 's'=>1, 'samp'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'span'=>1, 'strike'=>1, 'strong'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'tt'=>1, 'u'=>1, 'var'=>1); // Inline
$cN = array('a'=>array('a'=>1), 'button'=>array('a'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'fieldset'=>array('fieldset'=>1), 'form'=>array('form'=>1), 'label'=>array('label'=>1), 'noscript'=>array('script'=>1), 'pre'=>array('big'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1), 'rb'=>array('ruby'=>1), 'rt'=>array('ruby'=>1)); // Illegal
$cN2 = array_keys($cN);
$cR = array('blockquote'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rtc'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'ul'=>1);
$cS = array('colgroup'=>array('col'=>1), 'dir'=>array('li'=>1), 'dl'=>array('dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1), 'menu'=>array('li'=>1), 'ol'=>array('li'=>1), 'optgroup'=>array('option'=>1), 'option'=>array('#pcdata'=>1), 'rbc'=>array('rb'=>1), 'rp'=>array('#pcdata'=>1), 'rtc'=>array('rt'=>1), 'ruby'=>array('rb'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rp'=>1, 'rt'=>1, 'rtc'=>1), 'select'=>array('optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1), 'script'=>array('#pcdata'=>1), 'table'=>array('caption'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'thead'=>1), 'tbody'=>array('tr'=>1), 'tfoot'=>array('tr'=>1), 'textarea'=>array('#pcdata'=>1), 'thead'=>array('tr'=>1), 'tr'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'ul'=>array('li'=>1)); // Specific - immediate parent-child
if($GLOBALS['C']['direct_list_nest']){$cS['ol'] = $cS['ul'] += array('ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1);}
$cO = array('address'=>array('p'=>1), 'applet'=>array('param'=>1), 'blockquote'=>array('script'=>1), 'fieldset'=>array('legend'=>1, '#pcdata'=>1), 'form'=>array('script'=>1), 'map'=>array('area'=>1), 'object'=>array('param'=>1, 'embed'=>1)); // Other
$cT = array('colgroup'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1); // Omitable closing
// block/inline type; ins & del both type; #pcdata: text
$eB = array('address'=>1, 'blockquote'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'ul'=>1);
$eI = array('#pcdata'=>1, 'a'=>1, 'abbr'=>1, 'acronym'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'code'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'dfn'=>1, 'em'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'i'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'kbd'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 's'=>1, 'samp'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'span'=>1, 'strike'=>1, 'strong'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'tt'=>1, 'u'=>1, 'var'=>1);
$eN = array('a'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'textarea'=>1); // Exclude from specific ele; $cN values
$eO = array('area'=>1, 'caption'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'rb'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rp'=>1, 'rt'=>1, 'rtc'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'tr'=>1); // Missing in $eB & $eI
$eF = $eB + $eI;
// $in sets allowed child
$in = ((isset($eF[$in]) && $in != '#pcdata') or isset($eO[$in])) ? $in : 'div';
return (!$do ? '' : str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('&lt;', '&gt;'), $t));
if(isset($cS[$in])){$inOk = $cS[$in];}
elseif(isset($cI[$in])){$inOk = $eI; $cI['del'] = 1; $cI['ins'] = 1;}
elseif(isset($cF[$in])){$inOk = $eF; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
elseif(isset($cB[$in])){$inOk = $eB; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
if(isset($cO[$in])){$inOk = $inOk + $cO[$in];}
if(isset($cN[$in])){$inOk = array_diff_assoc($inOk, $cN[$in]);}
$t = explode('<', $t);
$ok = $q = array(); // $q seq list of open non-empty ele
for($i=-1, $ci=count($t); ++$i<$ci;){
// allowed $ok in parent $p
if($ql = count($q)){
$p = array_pop($q);
$q[] = $p;
if(isset($cS[$p])){$ok = $cS[$p];}
elseif(isset($cI[$p])){$ok = $eI; $cI['del'] = 1; $cI['ins'] = 1;}
elseif(isset($cF[$p])){$ok = $eF; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
elseif(isset($cB[$p])){$ok = $eB; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
if(isset($cO[$p])){$ok = $ok + $cO[$p];}
if(isset($cN[$p])){$ok = array_diff_assoc($ok, $cN[$p]);}
}else{$ok = $inOk; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
// bad tags, & ele content
if(isset($e) && ($do == 1 or (isset($ok['#pcdata']) && ($do == 3 or $do == 5)))){
echo '&lt;', $s, $e, $a, '&gt;';
if(strlen(trim($x)) && (($ql && isset($cB[$p])) or (isset($cB[$in]) && !$ql))){
echo '<div>', $x, '</div>';
elseif($do < 3 or isset($ok['#pcdata'])){echo $x;}
elseif(strpos($x, "\x02\x04")){
foreach(preg_split('`(\x01\x02[^\x01\x02]+\x02\x01)`', $x, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $v){
echo (substr($v, 0, 2) == "\x01\x02" ? $v : ($do > 4 ? preg_replace('`\S`', '', $v) : ''));
}elseif($do > 4){echo preg_replace('`\S`', '', $x);}
// get markup
if(!preg_match('`^(/?)([a-z1-6]+)([^>]*)>(.*)`sm', $t[$i], $r)){$x = $t[$i]; continue;}
$s = null; $e = null; $a = null; $x = null; list($all, $s, $e, $a, $x) = $r;
// close tag
if(isset($cE[$e]) or !in_array($e, $q)){continue;} // Empty/unopen
if($p == $e){array_pop($q); echo '</', $e, '>'; unset($e); continue;} // Last open
$add = ''; // Nesting - close open tags that need to be
for($j=-1, $cj=count($q); ++$j<$cj;){
if(($d = array_pop($q)) == $e){break;}
else{$add .= "</{$d}>";}
echo $add, '</', $e, '>'; unset($e); continue;
// open tag
// $cB ele needs $eB ele as child
if(isset($cB[$e]) && strlen(trim($x))){
$t[$i] = "{$e}{$a}>";
array_splice($t, $i+1, 0, 'div>'. $x); unset($e, $x); ++$ci; --$i; continue;
if((($ql && isset($cB[$p])) or (isset($cB[$in]) && !$ql)) && !isset($eB[$e]) && !isset($ok[$e])){
array_splice($t, $i, 0, 'div>'); unset($e, $x); ++$ci; --$i; continue;
// if no open ele, $in = parent; mostly immediate parent-child relation should hold
if(!$ql or !isset($eN[$e]) or !array_intersect($q, $cN2)){
if($ql && isset($cT[$p])){echo '</', array_pop($q), '>'; unset($e, $x); --$i;}
if(!isset($cE[$e])){$q[] = $e;}
echo '<', $e, $a, '>'; unset($e); continue;
// specific parent-child
if(!isset($cE[$e])){$q[] = $e;}
echo '<', $e, $a, '>'; unset($e); continue;
// nesting
$add = '';
$q2 = array();
for($k=-1, $kc=count($q); ++$k<$kc;){
$d = $q[$k];
$ok2 = array();
if(isset($cS[$d])){$q2[] = $d; continue;}
$ok2 = isset($cI[$d]) ? $eI : $eF;
if(isset($cO[$d])){$ok2 = $ok2 + $cO[$d];}
if(isset($cN[$d])){$ok2 = array_diff_assoc($ok2, $cN[$d]);}
if(!$k && !isset($inOk[$e])){continue 2;}
$add = "</{$d}>";
for(;++$k<$kc;){$add = "</{$q[$k]}>{$add}";}
else{$q2[] = $d;}
$q = $q2;
if(!isset($cE[$e])){$q[] = $e;}
echo $add, '<', $e, $a, '>'; unset($e); continue;
// end
if($ql = count($q)){
$p = array_pop($q);
$q[] = $p;
if(isset($cS[$p])){$ok = $cS[$p];}
elseif(isset($cI[$p])){$ok = $eI; $cI['del'] = 1; $cI['ins'] = 1;}
elseif(isset($cF[$p])){$ok = $eF; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
elseif(isset($cB[$p])){$ok = $eB; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
if(isset($cO[$p])){$ok = $ok + $cO[$p];}
if(isset($cN[$p])){$ok = array_diff_assoc($ok, $cN[$p]);}
}else{$ok = $inOk; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
if(isset($e) && ($do == 1 or (isset($ok['#pcdata']) && ($do == 3 or $do == 5)))){
echo '&lt;', $s, $e, $a, '&gt;';
if(strlen(trim($x)) && (($ql && isset($cB[$p])) or (isset($cB[$in]) && !$ql))){
echo '<div>', $x, '</div>';
elseif($do < 3 or isset($ok['#pcdata'])){echo $x;}
elseif(strpos($x, "\x02\x04")){
foreach(preg_split('`(\x01\x02[^\x01\x02]+\x02\x01)`', $x, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $v){
echo (substr($v, 0, 2) == "\x01\x02" ? $v : ($do > 4 ? preg_replace('`\S`', '', $v) : ''));
}elseif($do > 4){echo preg_replace('`\S`', '', $x);}
while(!empty($q) && ($e = array_pop($q))){echo '</', $e, '>';}
$o = ob_get_contents();
return $o;
// eof
function hl_cmtcd($t){
// comment/CDATA sec handler
$t = $t[0];
global $C;
if(!($v = $C[$n = $t[3] == '-' ? 'comment' : 'cdata'])){return $t;}
if($v == 1){return '';}
if($n == 'comment'){
if(substr(($t = preg_replace('`--+`', '-', substr($t, 4, -3))), -1) != ' '){$t .= ' ';}
else{$t = substr($t, 1, -1);}
$t = $v == 2 ? str_replace(array('&', '<', '>'), array('&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), $t) : $t;
return str_replace(array('&', '<', '>'), array("\x03", "\x04", "\x05"), ($n == 'comment' ? "\x01\x02\x04!--$t--\x05\x02\x01" : "\x01\x01\x04$t\x05\x01\x01"));
// eof
function hl_ent($t){
// entitity handler
global $C;
$t = $t[1];
static $U = array('quot'=>1,'amp'=>1,'lt'=>1,'gt'=>1);
static $N = array('fnof'=>'402', 'Alpha'=>'913', 'Beta'=>'914', 'Gamma'=>'915', 'Delta'=>'916', 'Epsilon'=>'917', 'Zeta'=>'918', 'Eta'=>'919', 'Theta'=>'920', 'Iota'=>'921', 'Kappa'=>'922', 'Lambda'=>'923', 'Mu'=>'924', 'Nu'=>'925', 'Xi'=>'926', 'Omicron'=>'927', 'Pi'=>'928', 'Rho'=>'929', 'Sigma'=>'931', 'Tau'=>'932', 'Upsilon'=>'933', 'Phi'=>'934', 'Chi'=>'935', 'Psi'=>'936', 'Omega'=>'937', 'alpha'=>'945', 'beta'=>'946', 'gamma'=>'947', 'delta'=>'948', 'epsilon'=>'949', 'zeta'=>'950', 'eta'=>'951', 'theta'=>'952', 'iota'=>'953', 'kappa'=>'954', 'lambda'=>'955', 'mu'=>'956', 'nu'=>'957', 'xi'=>'958', 'omicron'=>'959', 'pi'=>'960', 'rho'=>'961', 'sigmaf'=>'962', 'sigma'=>'963', 'tau'=>'964', 'upsilon'=>'965', 'phi'=>'966', 'chi'=>'967', 'psi'=>'968', 'omega'=>'969', 'thetasym'=>'977', 'upsih'=>'978', 'piv'=>'982', 'bull'=>'8226', 'hellip'=>'8230', 'prime'=>'8242', 'Prime'=>'8243', 'oline'=>'8254', 'frasl'=>'8260', 'weierp'=>'8472', 'image'=>'8465', 'real'=>'8476', 'trade'=>'8482', 'alefsym'=>'8501', 'larr'=>'8592', 'uarr'=>'8593', 'rarr'=>'8594', 'darr'=>'8595', 'harr'=>'8596', 'crarr'=>'8629', 'lArr'=>'8656', 'uArr'=>'8657', 'rArr'=>'8658', 'dArr'=>'8659', 'hArr'=>'8660', 'forall'=>'8704', 'part'=>'8706', 'exist'=>'8707', 'empty'=>'8709', 'nabla'=>'8711', 'isin'=>'8712', 'notin'=>'8713', 'ni'=>'8715', 'prod'=>'8719', 'sum'=>'8721', 'minus'=>'8722', 'lowast'=>'8727', 'radic'=>'8730', 'prop'=>'8733', 'infin'=>'8734', 'ang'=>'8736', 'and'=>'8743', 'or'=>'8744', 'cap'=>'8745', 'cup'=>'8746', 'int'=>'8747', 'there4'=>'8756', 'sim'=>'8764', 'cong'=>'8773', 'asymp'=>'8776', 'ne'=>'8800', 'equiv'=>'8801', 'le'=>'8804', 'ge'=>'8805', 'sub'=>'8834', 'sup'=>'8835', 'nsub'=>'8836', 'sube'=>'8838', 'supe'=>'8839', 'oplus'=>'8853', 'otimes'=>'8855', 'perp'=>'8869', 'sdot'=>'8901', 'lceil'=>'8968', 'rceil'=>'8969', 'lfloor'=>'8970', 'rfloor'=>'8971', 'lang'=>'9001', 'rang'=>'9002', 'loz'=>'9674', 'spades'=>'9824', 'clubs'=>'9827', 'hearts'=>'9829', 'diams'=>'9830', 'apos'=>'39', 'OElig'=>'338', 'oelig'=>'339', 'Scaron'=>'352', 'scaron'=>'353', 'Yuml'=>'376', 'circ'=>'710', 'tilde'=>'732', 'ensp'=>'8194', 'emsp'=>'8195', 'thinsp'=>'8201', 'zwnj'=>'8204', 'zwj'=>'8205', 'lrm'=>'8206', 'rlm'=>'8207', 'ndash'=>'8211', 'mdash'=>'8212', 'lsquo'=>'8216', 'rsquo'=>'8217', 'sbquo'=>'8218', 'ldquo'=>'8220', 'rdquo'=>'8221', 'bdquo'=>'8222', 'dagger'=>'8224', 'Dagger'=>'8225', 'permil'=>'8240', 'lsaquo'=>'8249', 'rsaquo'=>'8250', 'euro'=>'8364', 'nbsp'=>'160', 'iexcl'=>'161', 'cent'=>'162', 'pound'=>'163', 'curren'=>'164', 'yen'=>'165', 'brvbar'=>'166', 'sect'=>'167', 'uml'=>'168', 'copy'=>'169', 'ordf'=>'170', 'laquo'=>'171', 'not'=>'172', 'shy'=>'173', 'reg'=>'174', 'macr'=>'175', 'deg'=>'176', 'plusmn'=>'177', 'sup2'=>'178', 'sup3'=>'179', 'acute'=>'180', 'micro'=>'181', 'para'=>'182', 'middot'=>'183', 'cedil'=>'184', 'sup1'=>'185', 'ordm'=>'186', 'raquo'=>'187', 'frac14'=>'188', 'frac12'=>'189', 'frac34'=>'190', 'iquest'=>'191', 'Agrave'=>'192', 'Aacute'=>'193', 'Acirc'=>'194', 'Atilde'=>'195', 'Auml'=>'196', 'Aring'=>'197', 'AElig'=>'198', 'Ccedil'=>'199', 'Egrave'=>'200', 'Eacute'=>'201', 'Ecirc'=>'202', 'Euml'=>'203', 'Igrave'=>'204', 'Iacute'=>'205', 'Icirc'=>'206', 'Iuml'=>'207', 'ETH'=>'208', 'Ntilde'=>'209', 'Ograve'=>'210', 'Oacute'=>'211', 'Ocirc'=>'212', 'Otilde'=>'213', 'Ouml'=>'214', 'times'=>'215', 'Oslash'=>'216', 'Ugrave'=>'217', 'Uacute'=>'218', 'Ucirc'=>'219', 'Uuml'=>'220', 'Yacute'=>'221', 'THORN'=>'222', 'szlig'=>'223', 'agrave'=>'224', 'aacute'=>'225', 'acirc'=>'226', 'atilde'=>'227', 'auml'=>'228', 'aring'=>'229', 'aelig'=>'230', 'ccedil'=>'231', 'egrave'=>'232', 'eacute'=>'233', 'ecirc'=>'234', 'euml'=>'235', 'igrave'=>'236', 'iacute'=>'237', 'icirc'=>'238', 'iuml'=>'239', 'eth'=>'240', 'ntilde'=>'241', 'ograve'=>'242', 'oacute'=>'243', 'ocirc'=>'244', 'otilde'=>'245', 'ouml'=>'246', 'divide'=>'247', 'oslash'=>'248', 'ugrave'=>'249', 'uacute'=>'250', 'ucirc'=>'251', 'uuml'=>'252', 'yacute'=>'253', 'thorn'=>'254', 'yuml'=>'255');
if($t[0] != '#'){
return ($C['and_mark'] ? "\x06" : '&'). (isset($U[$t]) ? $t : (isset($N[$t]) ? (!$C['named_entity'] ? '#'. ($C['hexdec_entity'] > 1 ? 'x'. dechex($N[$t]) : $N[$t]) : $t) : 'amp;'. $t)). ';';
if(($n = ctype_digit($t = substr($t, 1)) ? intval($t) : hexdec(substr($t, 1))) < 9 or ($n > 13 && $n < 32) or $n == 11 or $n == 12 or ($n > 126 && $n < 160 && $n != 133) or ($n > 55295 && ($n < 57344 or ($n > 64975 && $n < 64992) or $n == 65534 or $n == 65535 or $n > 1114111))){
return ($C['and_mark'] ? "\x06" : '&'). "amp;#{$t};";
return ($C['and_mark'] ? "\x06" : '&'). '#'. (((ctype_digit($t) && $C['hexdec_entity'] < 2) or !$C['hexdec_entity']) ? $n : 'x'. dechex($n)). ';';
// eof
function hl_prot($p, $c=null){
// check URL scheme
global $C;
$b = $a = '';
if($c == null){$c = 'style'; $b = $p[1]; $a = $p[3]; $p = trim($p[2]);}
$c = isset($C['schemes'][$c]) ? $C['schemes'][$c] : $C['schemes']['*'];
static $d = 'denied:';
if(isset($c['!']) && substr($p, 0, 7) != $d){$p = "$d$p";}
if(isset($c['*']) or !strcspn($p, '#?;') or (substr($p, 0, 7) == $d)){return "{$b}{$p}{$a}";} // All ok, frag, query, param
if(preg_match('`^([^:?[@!$()*,=/\'\]]+?)(:|&#(58|x3a);|%3a|\\\\0{0,4}3a).`i', $p, $m) && !isset($c[strtolower($m[1])])){ // Denied prot
return "{$b}{$d}{$p}{$a}";
if($C['abs_url'] == -1 && strpos($p, $C['base_url']) === 0){ // Make url rel
$p = substr($p, strlen($C['base_url']));
}elseif(empty($m[1])){ // Make URL abs
if(substr($p, 0, 2) == '//'){$p = substr($C['base_url'], 0, strpos($C['base_url'], ':')+1). $p;}
elseif($p[0] == '/'){$p = preg_replace('`(^.+?://[^/]+)(.*)`', '$1', $C['base_url']). $p;}
elseif(strcspn($p, './')){$p = $C['base_url']. $p;}
preg_match('`^([a-zA-Z\d\-+.]+://[^/]+)(.*)`', $C['base_url'], $m);
$p = preg_replace('`(?<=/)\./`', '', $m[2]. $p);
while(preg_match('`(?<=/)([^/]{3,}|[^/.]+?|\.[^/.]|[^/.]\.)/\.\./`', $p)){
$p = preg_replace('`(?<=/)([^/]{3,}|[^/.]+?|\.[^/.]|[^/.]\.)/\.\./`', '', $p);
$p = $m[1]. $p;
return "{$b}{$p}{$a}";
// eof
function hl_regex($p){
// ?regex
if(empty($p)){return 0;}
if($t = ini_get('track_errors')){$o = isset($php_errormsg) ? $php_errormsg : null;}
else{ini_set('track_errors', 1);}
if(($d = ini_get('display_errors'))){ini_set('display_errors', 0);}
preg_match($p, '');
if($d){ini_set('display_errors', 1);}
$r = isset($php_errormsg) ? 0 : 1;
if($t){$php_errormsg = isset($o) ? $o : null;}
else{ini_set('track_errors', 0);}
return $r;
// eof
function hl_spec($t){
// final $spec
$s = array();
$t = str_replace(array("\t", "\r", "\n", ' '), '', preg_replace_callback('/"(?>(`.|[^"])*)"/sm', create_function('$m', 'return substr(str_replace(array(";", "|", "~", " ", ",", "/", "(", ")", \'`"\'), array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x06", "\x07", "\x08", "\""), $m[0]), 1, -1);'), trim($t)));
for($i = count(($t = explode(';', $t))); --$i>=0;){
$w = $t[$i];
if(empty($w) or ($e = strpos($w, '=')) === false or !strlen(($a = substr($w, $e+1)))){continue;}
$y = $n = array();
foreach(explode(',', $a) as $v){
if(!preg_match('`^([a-z:\-\*]+)(?:\((.*?)\))?`i', $v, $m)){continue;}
if(($x = strtolower($m[1])) == '-*'){$n['*'] = 1; continue;}
if($x[0] == '-'){$n[substr($x, 1)] = 1; continue;}
if(!isset($m[2])){$y[$x] = 1; continue;}
foreach(explode('/', $m[2]) as $m){
if(empty($m) or ($p = strpos($m, '=')) == 0 or $p < 5){$y[$x] = 1; continue;}
$y[$x][strtolower(substr($m, 0, $p))] = str_replace(array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x06", "\x07", "\x08"), array(";", "|", "~", " ", ",", "/", "(", ")"), substr($m, $p+1));
if(isset($y[$x]['match']) && !hl_regex($y[$x]['match'])){unset($y[$x]['match']);}
if(isset($y[$x]['nomatch']) && !hl_regex($y[$x]['nomatch'])){unset($y[$x]['nomatch']);}
if(!count($y) && !count($n)){continue;}
foreach(explode(',', substr($w, 0, $e)) as $v){
if(!strlen(($v = strtolower($v)))){continue;}
if(count($y)){$s[$v] = $y;}
if(count($n)){$s[$v]['n'] = $n;}
return $s;
// eof
function hl_tag($t){
// tag/attribute handler
global $C;
$t = $t[0];
// invalid < >
if($t == '< '){return '&lt; ';}
if($t == '>'){return '&gt;';}
if(!preg_match('`^<(/?)([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z1-6]*)([^>]*?)\s?>$`m', $t, $m)){
return str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('&lt;', '&gt;'), $t);
}elseif(!isset($C['elements'][($e = strtolower($m[2]))])){
return (($C['keep_bad']%2) ? str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('&lt;', '&gt;'), $t) : '');
// attr string
$a = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), ' ', trim($m[3]));
// tag transform
static $eD = array('applet'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 's'=>1, 'strike'=>1, 'u'=>1); // Deprecated
if($C['make_tag_strict'] && isset($eD[$e])){
$trt = hl_tag2($e, $a, $C['make_tag_strict']);
if(!$e){return (($C['keep_bad']%2) ? str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('&lt;', '&gt;'), $t) : '');}
// close tag
static $eE = array('area'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1); // Empty ele
return (!isset($eE[$e]) ? (empty($C['hook_tag']) ? "</$e>" : $C['hook_tag']($e)) : (($C['keep_bad'])%2 ? str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('&lt;', '&gt;'), $t) : ''));
// open tag & attr
static $aN = array('abbr'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'accept-charset'=>array('form'=>1), 'accept'=>array('form'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'accesskey'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'action'=>array('form'=>1), 'align'=>array('caption'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'alt'=>array('applet'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'archive'=>array('applet'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'axis'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'bgcolor'=>array('embed'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'border'=>array('table'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'bordercolor'=>array('table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'cellpadding'=>array('table'=>1), 'cellspacing'=>array('table'=>1), 'char'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'charoff'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'charset'=>array('a'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'checked'=>array('input'=>1), 'cite'=>array('blockquote'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'ins'=>1), 'classid'=>array('object'=>1), 'clear'=>array('br'=>1), 'code'=>array('applet'=>1), 'codebase'=>array('object'=>1, 'applet'=>1), 'codetype'=>array('object'=>1), 'color'=>array('font'=>1), 'cols'=>array('textarea'=>1), 'colspan'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'compact'=>array('dir'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1), 'coords'=>array('area'=>1, 'a'=>1), 'data'=>array('object'=>1), 'datetime'=>array('del'=>1, 'ins'=>1), 'declare'=>array('object'=>1), 'defer'=>array('script'=>1), 'dir'=>array('bdo'=>1), 'disabled'=>array('button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'enctype'=>array('form'=>1), 'face'=>array('font'=>1), 'flashvars'=>array('embed'=>1), 'for'=>array('label'=>1), 'frame'=>array('table'=>1), 'frameborder'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'headers'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'height'=>array('embed'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'applet'=>1), 'href'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1), 'hreflang'=>array('a'=>1), 'hspace'=>array('applet'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'ismap'=>array('img'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'label'=>array('option'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1), 'language'=>array('script'=>1), 'longdesc'=>array('img'=>1, 'iframe'=>1), 'marginheight'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'marginwidth'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'maxlength'=>array('input'=>1), 'method'=>array('form'=>1), 'model'=>array('embed'=>1), 'multiple'=>array('select'=>1), 'name'=>array('button'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'a'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'param'=>1), 'nohref'=>array('area'=>1), 'noshade'=>array('hr'=>1), 'nowrap'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'object'=>array('applet'=>1), 'onblur'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onchange'=>array('input'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onfocus'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onreset'=>array('form'=>1), 'onselect'=>array('input'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onsubmit'=>array('form'=>1), 'pluginspage'=>array('embed'=>1), 'pluginurl'=>array('embed'=>1), 'prompt'=>array('isindex'=>1), 'readonly'=>array('textarea'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'rel'=>array('a'=>1), 'rev'=>array('a'=>1), 'rows'=>array('textarea'=>1), 'rowspan'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'rules'=>array('table'=>1), 'scope'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'scrolling'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'selected'=>array('option'=>1), 'shape'=>array('area'=>1, 'a'=>1), 'size'=>array('hr'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'select'=>1), 'span'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1), 'src'=>array('embed'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1), 'standby'=>array('object'=>1), 'start'=>array('ol'=>1), 'summary'=>array('table'=>1), 'tabindex'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'target'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'form'=>1), 'type'=>array('a'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1, 'button'=>1), 'usemap'=>array('img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'valign'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'value'=>array('input'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'li'=>1), 'valuetype'=>array('param'=>1), 'vspace'=>array('applet'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'width'=>array('embed'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'pre'=>1), 'wmode'=>array('embed'=>1), 'xml:space'=>array('pre'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'style'=>1)); // Ele-specific
static $aNE = array('checked'=>1, 'compact'=>1, 'declare'=>1, 'defer'=>1, 'disabled'=>1, 'ismap'=>1, 'multiple'=>1, 'nohref'=>1, 'noresize'=>1, 'noshade'=>1, 'nowrap'=>1, 'readonly'=>1, 'selected'=>1); // Empty
static $aNP = array('action'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'classid'=>1, 'codebase'=>1, 'data'=>1, 'href'=>1, 'longdesc'=>1, 'model'=>1, 'pluginspage'=>1, 'pluginurl'=>1, 'usemap'=>1); // Need scheme check; excludes style, on* & src
static $aNU = array('class'=>array('param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'dir'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'id'=>array('script'=>1), 'lang'=>array('applet'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'xml:lang'=>array('applet'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onclick'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'ondblclick'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onkeydown'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onkeypress'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onkeyup'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmousedown'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmousemove'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmouseout'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmouseover'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmouseup'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'style'=>array('param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'title'=>array('param'=>1, 'script'=>1)); // Univ & exceptions
// predef attr vals for $eAL & $aNE ele
static $aNL = array('all'=>1, 'baseline'=>1, 'bottom'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'char'=>1, 'checkbox'=>1, 'circle'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'cols'=>1, 'data'=>1, 'default'=>1, 'file'=>1, 'get'=>1, 'groups'=>1, 'hidden'=>1, 'image'=>1, 'justify'=>1, 'left'=>1, 'ltr'=>1, 'middle'=>1, 'none'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'password'=>1, 'poly'=>1, 'post'=>1, 'preserve'=>1, 'radio'=>1, 'rect'=>1, 'ref'=>1, 'reset'=>1, 'right'=>1, 'row'=>1, 'rowgroup'=>1, 'rows'=>1, 'rtl'=>1, 'submit'=>1, 'text'=>1, 'top'=>1);
static $eAL = array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'xml:space'=>1);
$lcase = isset($eAL[$e]) ? 1 : 0;
$depTr = 0;
// dep attr:applicable ele
static $aND = array('align'=>array('caption'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'table'=>1), 'bgcolor'=>array('table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'border'=>array('img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'bordercolor'=>array('table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'clear'=>array('br'=>1), 'compact'=>array('dl'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1), 'height'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'hspace'=>array('img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'language'=>array('script'=>1), 'name'=>array('a'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'map'=>1), 'noshade'=>array('hr'=>1), 'nowrap'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'size'=>array('hr'=>1), 'start'=>array('ol'=>1), 'type'=>array('li'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1), 'value'=>array('li'=>1), 'vspace'=>array('img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'width'=>array('hr'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1));
static $eAD = array('a'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'caption'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'ul'=>1);
$depTr = isset($eAD[$e]) ? 1 : 0;
// attr name-vals
if(strpos($a, "\x01") !== false){$a = preg_replace('`\x01[^\x01]*\x01`', '', $a);} // No comment/CDATA sec
$mode = 0; $a = trim($a, ' /'); $aA = array();
$w = 0;
case 0: // Name
if(preg_match('`^[a-zA-Z][\-a-zA-Z:]+`', $a, $m)){
$nm = strtolower($m[0]);
$w = $mode = 1; $a = ltrim(substr_replace($a, '', 0, strlen($m[0])));
break; case 1:
if($a[0] == '='){ // =
$w = 1; $mode = 2; $a = ltrim($a, '= ');
}else{ // No val
$w = 1; $mode = 0; $a = ltrim($a);
$aA[$nm] = '';
break; case 2: // Val
if(preg_match('`^((?:"[^"]*")|(?:\'[^\']*\')|(?:\s*[^\s"\']+))(.*)`', $a, $m)){
$a = ltrim($m[2]); $m = $m[1]; $w = 1; $mode = 0;
$aA[$nm] = trim(($m[0] == '"' or $m[0] == '\'') ? substr($m, 1, -1) : $m);
if($w == 0){ // Parse errs, deal with space, " & '
$a = preg_replace('`^(?:"[^"]*("|$)|\'[^\']*(\'|$)|\S)*\s*`', '', $a);
$mode = 0;
if($mode == 1){$aA[$nm] = '';}
// clean attrs
global $S;
$rl = isset($S[$e]) ? $S[$e] : array();
$a = array(); $nfr = 0;
foreach($aA as $k=>$v){
if(((isset($C['deny_attribute']['*']) ? isset($C['deny_attribute'][$k]) : !isset($C['deny_attribute'][$k])) && (isset($aN[$k][$e]) or (isset($aNU[$k]) && !isset($aNU[$k][$e]))) && !isset($rl['n'][$k]) && !isset($rl['n']['*'])) or isset($rl[$k])){
if(isset($aNE[$k])){$v = $k;}
elseif(!empty($lcase) && (($e != 'button' or $e != 'input') or $k == 'type')){ // Rather loose but ?not cause issues
$v = (isset($aNL[($v2 = strtolower($v))])) ? $v2 : $v;
if($k == 'style' && !$C['style_pass']){
if(false !== strpos($v, '&#')){
static $sC = array('&#x20;'=>' ', '&#32;'=>' ', '&#x45;'=>'e', '&#69;'=>'e', '&#x65;'=>'e', '&#101;'=>'e', '&#x58;'=>'x', '&#88;'=>'x', '&#x78;'=>'x', '&#120;'=>'x', '&#x50;'=>'p', '&#80;'=>'p', '&#x70;'=>'p', '&#112;'=>'p', '&#x53;'=>'s', '&#83;'=>'s', '&#x73;'=>'s', '&#115;'=>'s', '&#x49;'=>'i', '&#73;'=>'i', '&#x69;'=>'i', '&#105;'=>'i', '&#x4f;'=>'o', '&#79;'=>'o', '&#x6f;'=>'o', '&#111;'=>'o', '&#x4e;'=>'n', '&#78;'=>'n', '&#x6e;'=>'n', '&#110;'=>'n', '&#x55;'=>'u', '&#85;'=>'u', '&#x75;'=>'u', '&#117;'=>'u', '&#x52;'=>'r', '&#82;'=>'r', '&#x72;'=>'r', '&#114;'=>'r', '&#x4c;'=>'l', '&#76;'=>'l', '&#x6c;'=>'l', '&#108;'=>'l', '&#x28;'=>'(', '&#40;'=>'(', '&#x29;'=>')', '&#41;'=>')', '&#x20;'=>':', '&#32;'=>':', '&#x22;'=>'"', '&#34;'=>'"', '&#x27;'=>"'", '&#39;'=>"'", '&#x2f;'=>'/', '&#47;'=>'/', '&#x2a;'=>'*', '&#42;'=>'*', '&#x5c;'=>'\\', '&#92;'=>'\\');
$v = strtr($v, $sC);
$v = preg_replace_callback('`(url(?:\()(?: )*(?:\'|"|&(?:quot|apos);)?)(.+?)((?:\'|"|&(?:quot|apos);)?(?: )*(?:\)))`iS', 'hl_prot', $v);
$v = !$C['css_expression'] ? preg_replace('`expression`i', ' ', preg_replace('`\\\\\S|(/|(%2f))(\*|(%2a))`i', ' ', $v)) : $v;
}elseif(isset($aNP[$k]) or strpos($k, 'src') !== false or $k[0] == 'o'){
$v = str_replace("\xad", ' ', (strpos($v, '&') !== false ? str_replace(array('&#xad;', '&#173;', '&shy;'), ' ', $v) : $v));
$v = hl_prot($v, $k);
if($k == 'href'){ // X-spam
if($C['anti_mail_spam'] && strpos($v, 'mailto:') === 0){
$v = str_replace('@', htmlspecialchars($C['anti_mail_spam']), $v);
$r1 = $C['anti_link_spam'][1];
if(!empty($r1) && preg_match($r1, $v)){continue;}
$r0 = $C['anti_link_spam'][0];
if(!empty($r0) && preg_match($r0, $v)){
if(!preg_match('`\bnofollow\b`i', $a['rel'])){$a['rel'] .= ' nofollow';}
if(!preg_match('`\bnofollow\b`i', $aA['rel'])){$nfr = 1;}
}else{$a['rel'] = 'nofollow';}
if(isset($rl[$k]) && is_array($rl[$k]) && ($v = hl_attrval($v, $rl[$k])) === 0){continue;}
$a[$k] = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $v);
if($nfr){$a['rel'] = isset($a['rel']) ? $a['rel']. ' nofollow' : 'nofollow';}
// rqd attr
static $eAR = array('area'=>array('alt'=>'area'), 'bdo'=>array('dir'=>'ltr'), 'form'=>array('action'=>''), 'img'=>array('src'=>'', 'alt'=>'image'), 'map'=>array('name'=>''), 'optgroup'=>array('label'=>''), 'param'=>array('name'=>''), 'script'=>array('type'=>'text/javascript'), 'textarea'=>array('rows'=>'10', 'cols'=>'50'));
foreach($eAR[$e] as $k=>$v){
if(!isset($a[$k])){$a[$k] = isset($v[0]) ? $v : $k;}
// depr attrs
$c = array();
foreach($a as $k=>$v){
if($k == 'style' or !isset($aND[$k][$e])){continue;}
if($k == 'align'){
if($e == 'img' && ($v == 'left' or $v == 'right')){$c[] = 'float: '. $v;}
elseif(($e == 'div' or $e == 'table') && $v == 'center'){$c[] = 'margin: auto';}
else{$c[] = 'text-align: '. $v;}
}elseif($k == 'bgcolor'){
$c[] = 'background-color: '. $v;
}elseif($k == 'border'){
unset($a['border']); $c[] = "border: {$v}px";
}elseif($k == 'bordercolor'){
unset($a['bordercolor']); $c[] = 'border-color: '. $v;
}elseif($k == 'clear'){
unset($a['clear']); $c[] = 'clear: '. ($v != 'all' ? $v : 'both');
}elseif($k == 'compact'){
unset($a['compact']); $c[] = 'font-size: 85%';
}elseif($k == 'height' or $k == 'width'){
unset($a[$k]); $c[] = $k. ': '. ($v[0] != '*' ? $v. (ctype_digit($v) ? 'px' : '') : 'auto');
}elseif($k == 'hspace'){
unset($a['hspace']); $c[] = "margin-left: {$v}px; margin-right: {$v}px";
}elseif($k == 'language' && !isset($a['type'])){
$a['type'] = 'text/'. strtolower($v);
}elseif($k == 'name'){
if($C['no_deprecated_attr'] == 2 or ($e != 'a' && $e != 'map')){unset($a['name']);}
if(!isset($a['id']) && preg_match('`[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d.:_\-]*`', $v)){$a['id'] = $v;}
}elseif($k == 'noshade'){
unset($a['noshade']); $c[] = 'border-style: none; border: 0; background-color: gray; color: gray';
}elseif($k == 'nowrap'){
unset($a['nowrap']); $c[] = 'white-space: nowrap';
}elseif($k == 'size'){
unset($a['size']); $c[] = 'size: '. $v. 'px';
}elseif($k == 'start' or $k == 'value'){
}elseif($k == 'type'){
static $ol_type = array('i'=>'lower-roman', 'I'=>'upper-roman', 'a'=>'lower-latin', 'A'=>'upper-latin', '1'=>'decimal');
$c[] = 'list-style-type: '. (isset($ol_type[$v]) ? $ol_type[$v] : 'decimal');
}elseif($k == 'vspace'){
unset($a['vspace']); $c[] = "margin-top: {$v}px; margin-bottom: {$v}px";
$c = implode('; ', $c);
$a['style'] = isset($a['style']) ? rtrim($a['style'], ' ;'). '; '. $c. ';': $c. ';';
// unique ID
if($C['unique_ids'] && isset($a['id'])){
if(!preg_match('`^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_\-.:]*$`', ($id = $a['id'])) or (isset($GLOBALS['hl_Ids'][$id]) && $C['unique_ids'] == 1)){unset($a['id']);
while(isset($GLOBALS['hl_Ids'][$id])){$id = $C['unique_ids']. $id;}
$GLOBALS['hl_Ids'][($a['id'] = $id)] = 1;
// xml:lang
if($C['xml:lang'] && isset($a['lang'])){
$a['xml:lang'] = isset($a['xml:lang']) ? $a['xml:lang'] : $a['lang'];
if($C['xml:lang'] == 2){unset($a['lang']);}
// for transformed tag
$a['style'] = isset($a['style']) ? rtrim($a['style'], ' ;'). '; '. $trt : $trt;
// return with empty ele /
$aA = '';
foreach($a as $k=>$v){$aA .= " {$k}=\"{$v}\"";}
return "<{$e}{$aA}". (isset($eE[$e]) ? ' /' : ''). '>';
else{return $C['hook_tag']($e, $a);}
// eof
function hl_tag2(&$e, &$a, $t=1){
// transform tag
if($e == 'center'){$e = 'div'; return 'text-align: center;';}
if($e == 'dir' or $e == 'menu'){$e = 'ul'; return '';}
if($e == 's' or $e == 'strike'){$e = 'span'; return 'text-decoration: line-through;';}
if($e == 'u'){$e = 'span'; return 'text-decoration: underline;';}
static $fs = array('0'=>'xx-small', '1'=>'xx-small', '2'=>'small', '3'=>'medium', '4'=>'large', '5'=>'x-large', '6'=>'xx-large', '7'=>'300%', '-1'=>'smaller', '-2'=>'60%', '+1'=>'larger', '+2'=>'150%', '+3'=>'200%', '+4'=>'300%');
if($e == 'font'){
$a2 = '';
if(preg_match('`face\s*=\s*(\'|")([^=]+?)\\1`i', $a, $m) or preg_match('`face\s*=(\s*)(\S+)`i', $a, $m)){
$a2 .= ' font-family: '. str_replace('"', '\'', trim($m[2])). ';';
if(preg_match('`color\s*=\s*(\'|")?(.+?)(\\1|\s|$)`i', $a, $m)){
$a2 .= ' color: '. trim($m[2]). ';';
if(preg_match('`size\s*=\s*(\'|")?(.+?)(\\1|\s|$)`i', $a, $m) && isset($fs[($m = trim($m[2]))])){
$a2 .= ' font-size: '. $fs[$m]. ';';
$e = 'span'; return ltrim($a2);
if($t == 2){$e = 0; return 0;}
return '';
// eof
function hl_tidy($t, $w, $p){
// Tidy/compact HTM
if(strpos(' pre,script,textarea', "$p,")){return $t;}
$t = preg_replace('`\s+`', ' ', preg_replace_callback(array('`(<(!\[CDATA\[))(.+?)(\]\]>)`sm', '`(<(!--))(.+?)(-->)`sm', '`(<(pre|script|textarea)[^>]*?>)(.+?)(</\2>)`sm'), create_function('$m', 'return $m[1]. str_replace(array("<", ">", "\n", "\r", "\t", " "), array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x07"), $m[3]). $m[4];'), $t));
if(($w = strtolower($w)) == -1){
return str_replace(array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x07"), array('<', '>', "\n", "\r", "\t", ' '), $t);
$s = strpos(" $w", 't') ? "\t" : ' ';
$s = preg_match('`\d`', $w, $m) ? str_repeat($s, $m[0]) : str_repeat($s, ($s == "\t" ? 1 : 2));
$N = preg_match('`[ts]([1-9])`', $w, $m) ? $m[1] : 0;
$a = array('br'=>1);
$b = array('button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1);
$c = array('caption'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'th'=>1);
$d = array('address'=>1, 'blockquote'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rtc'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'ul'=>1);
$T = explode('<', $t);
$X = 1;
$n = $N;
$t = $T;
if(isset($d[$p])){echo str_repeat($s, ++$n);}
echo ltrim(array_shift($t));
for($i=-1, $j=count($t); ++$i<$j;){
$r = ''; list($e, $r) = explode('>', $t[$i]);
$x = $e[0] == '/' ? 0 : (substr($e, -1) == '/' ? 1 : ($e[0] != '!' ? 2 : -1));
$y = !$x ? ltrim($e, '/') : ($x > 0 ? substr($e, 0, strcspn($e, ' ')) : 0);
$e = "<$e>";
if($n){echo "\n", str_repeat($s, --$n), "$e\n", str_repeat($s, $n);}
else{++$N; ob_end_clean(); continue 2;}
else{echo "\n", str_repeat($s, $n), "$e\n", str_repeat($s, ($x != 1 ? ++$n : $n));}
echo $r; continue;
$f = "\n". str_repeat($s, $n);
if(!$x){echo $e, $f, $r;}
else{echo $f, $e, $r;}
}elseif(isset($b[$y])){echo $f, $e, $r;
}elseif(isset($a[$y])){echo $e, $f, $r;
}elseif(!$y){echo $f, $e, $f, $r;
}else{echo $e, $r;}
$X = 0;
$t = str_replace(array("\n ", " \n"), "\n", preg_replace('`[\n]\s*?[\n]+`', "\n", ob_get_contents()));
if(($l = strpos(" $w", 'r') ? (strpos(" $w", 'n') ? "\r\n" : "\r") : 0)){
$t = str_replace("\n", $l, $t);
return str_replace(array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x07"), array('<', '>', "\n", "\r", "\t", ' '), $t);
// eof
function hl_version(){
// rel
return '1.1.17';
// eof
function kses($t, $h, $p=array('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'news', 'nntp', 'telnet', 'gopher', 'mailto')){
// kses compat
foreach($h as $k=>$v){
$h[$k]['n']['*'] = 1;
$C['cdata'] = $C['comment'] = $C['make_tag_strict'] = $C['no_deprecated_attr'] = $C['unique_ids'] = 0;
$C['keep_bad'] = 1;
$C['elements'] = count($h) ? strtolower(implode(',', array_keys($h))) : '-*';
$C['hook'] = 'kses_hook';
$C['schemes'] = '*:'. implode(',', $p);
return htmLawed($t, $C, $h);
// eof
function kses_hook($t, &$C, &$S){
// kses compat
return $t;
// eof
htmLawed 1.1.17, 11 March 2014
Copyright Santosh Patnaik
Dual licensed with LGPL 3 and GPL 2+
A PHP Labware internal utility;
See htmLawed_README.txt/htm
function htmLawed($t, $C=1, $S=array()){
$C = is_array($C) ? $C : array();
$C['elements'] = empty($C['elements']) ? '*-center-dir-font-isindex-menu-s-strike-u' : $C['elements'];
$C['make_tag_strict'] = isset($C['make_tag_strict']) ? $C['make_tag_strict'] : 2;
$C['xml:lang'] = isset($C['xml:lang']) ? $C['xml:lang'] : 2;
// config eles
$e = array('a'=>1, 'abbr'=>1, 'acronym'=>1, 'address'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'blockquote'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'caption'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'code'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'dfn'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'em'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'i'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'kbd'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'rb'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rp'=>1, 'rt'=>1, 'rtc'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 's'=>1, 'samp'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'span'=>1, 'strike'=>1, 'strong'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'tt'=>1, 'u'=>1, 'ul'=>1, 'var'=>1); // 86/deprecated+embed+ruby
unset($e['applet'], $e['embed'], $e['iframe'], $e['object'], $e['script']);
$x = !empty($C['elements']) ? str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t", ' '), '', $C['elements']) : '*';
if($x == '-*'){$e = array();}
elseif(strpos($x, '*') === false){$e = array_flip(explode(',', $x));}
preg_match_all('`(?:^|-|\+)[^\-+]+?(?=-|\+|$)`', $x, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER);
for($i=count($m); --$i>=0;){$m[$i] = $m[$i][0];}
foreach($m as $v){
if($v[0] == '+'){$e[substr($v, 1)] = 1;}
if($v[0] == '-' && isset($e[($v = substr($v, 1))]) && !in_array('+'. $v, $m)){unset($e[$v]);}
$C['elements'] =& $e;
// config attrs
$x = !empty($C['deny_attribute']) ? str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t", ' '), '', $C['deny_attribute']) : '';
$x = array_flip((isset($x[0]) && $x[0] == '*') ? explode('-', $x) : explode(',', $x. (!empty($C['safe']) ? ',on*' : '')));
$x += array('onblur'=>1, 'onchange'=>1, 'onclick'=>1, 'ondblclick'=>1, 'onfocus'=>1, 'onkeydown'=>1, 'onkeypress'=>1, 'onkeyup'=>1, 'onmousedown'=>1, 'onmousemove'=>1, 'onmouseout'=>1, 'onmouseover'=>1, 'onmouseup'=>1, 'onreset'=>1, 'onselect'=>1, 'onsubmit'=>1);
$C['deny_attribute'] = $x;
// config URL
$x = (isset($C['schemes'][2]) && strpos($C['schemes'], ':')) ? strtolower($C['schemes']) : 'href: aim, feed, file, ftp, gopher, http, https, irc, mailto, news, nntp, sftp, ssh, telnet; *:file, http, https';
$C['schemes'] = array();
foreach(explode(';', str_replace(array(' ', "\t", "\r", "\n"), '', $x)) as $v){
$x = $x2 = null; list($x, $x2) = explode(':', $v, 2);
if($x2){$C['schemes'][$x] = array_flip(explode(',', $x2));}
if(!isset($C['schemes']['*'])){$C['schemes']['*'] = array('file'=>1, 'http'=>1, 'https'=>1,);}
if(!empty($C['safe']) && empty($C['schemes']['style'])){$C['schemes']['style'] = array('!'=>1);}
$C['abs_url'] = isset($C['abs_url']) ? $C['abs_url'] : 0;
if(!isset($C['base_url']) or !preg_match('`^[a-zA-Z\d.+\-]+://[^/]+/(.+?/)?$`', $C['base_url'])){
$C['base_url'] = $C['abs_url'] = 0;
// config rest
$C['and_mark'] = empty($C['and_mark']) ? 0 : 1;
$C['anti_link_spam'] = (isset($C['anti_link_spam']) && is_array($C['anti_link_spam']) && count($C['anti_link_spam']) == 2 && (empty($C['anti_link_spam'][0]) or hl_regex($C['anti_link_spam'][0])) && (empty($C['anti_link_spam'][1]) or hl_regex($C['anti_link_spam'][1]))) ? $C['anti_link_spam'] : 0;
$C['anti_mail_spam'] = isset($C['anti_mail_spam']) ? $C['anti_mail_spam'] : 0;
$C['balance'] = isset($C['balance']) ? (bool)$C['balance'] : 1;
$C['cdata'] = isset($C['cdata']) ? $C['cdata'] : (empty($C['safe']) ? 3 : 0);
$C['clean_ms_char'] = empty($C['clean_ms_char']) ? 0 : $C['clean_ms_char'];
$C['comment'] = isset($C['comment']) ? $C['comment'] : (empty($C['safe']) ? 3 : 0);
$C['css_expression'] = empty($C['css_expression']) ? 0 : 1;
$C['direct_list_nest'] = empty($C['direct_list_nest']) ? 0 : 1;
$C['hexdec_entity'] = isset($C['hexdec_entity']) ? $C['hexdec_entity'] : 1;
$C['hook'] = (!empty($C['hook']) && function_exists($C['hook'])) ? $C['hook'] : 0;
$C['hook_tag'] = (!empty($C['hook_tag']) && function_exists($C['hook_tag'])) ? $C['hook_tag'] : 0;
$C['keep_bad'] = isset($C['keep_bad']) ? $C['keep_bad'] : 6;
$C['lc_std_val'] = isset($C['lc_std_val']) ? (bool)$C['lc_std_val'] : 1;
$C['make_tag_strict'] = isset($C['make_tag_strict']) ? $C['make_tag_strict'] : 1;
$C['named_entity'] = isset($C['named_entity']) ? (bool)$C['named_entity'] : 1;
$C['no_deprecated_attr'] = isset($C['no_deprecated_attr']) ? $C['no_deprecated_attr'] : 1;
$C['parent'] = isset($C['parent'][0]) ? strtolower($C['parent']) : 'body';
$C['show_setting'] = !empty($C['show_setting']) ? $C['show_setting'] : 0;
$C['style_pass'] = empty($C['style_pass']) ? 0 : 1;
$C['tidy'] = empty($C['tidy']) ? 0 : $C['tidy'];
$C['unique_ids'] = isset($C['unique_ids']) ? $C['unique_ids'] : 1;
$C['xml:lang'] = isset($C['xml:lang']) ? $C['xml:lang'] : 0;
if(isset($GLOBALS['C'])){$reC = $GLOBALS['C'];}
$GLOBALS['C'] = $C;
$S = is_array($S) ? $S : hl_spec($S);
if(isset($GLOBALS['S'])){$reS = $GLOBALS['S'];}
$GLOBALS['S'] = $S;
$t = preg_replace('`[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f]`', '', $t);
$x = array("\x7f"=>'', "\x80"=>'&#8364;', "\x81"=>'', "\x83"=>'&#402;', "\x85"=>'&#8230;', "\x86"=>'&#8224;', "\x87"=>'&#8225;', "\x88"=>'&#710;', "\x89"=>'&#8240;', "\x8a"=>'&#352;', "\x8b"=>'&#8249;', "\x8c"=>'&#338;', "\x8d"=>'', "\x8e"=>'&#381;', "\x8f"=>'', "\x90"=>'', "\x95"=>'&#8226;', "\x96"=>'&#8211;', "\x97"=>'&#8212;', "\x98"=>'&#732;', "\x99"=>'&#8482;', "\x9a"=>'&#353;', "\x9b"=>'&#8250;', "\x9c"=>'&#339;', "\x9d"=>'', "\x9e"=>'&#382;', "\x9f"=>'&#376;');
$x = $x + ($C['clean_ms_char'] == 1 ? array("\x82"=>'&#8218;', "\x84"=>'&#8222;', "\x91"=>'&#8216;', "\x92"=>'&#8217;', "\x93"=>'&#8220;', "\x94"=>'&#8221;') : array("\x82"=>'\'', "\x84"=>'"', "\x91"=>'\'', "\x92"=>'\'', "\x93"=>'"', "\x94"=>'"'));
$t = strtr($t, $x);
if($C['cdata'] or $C['comment']){$t = preg_replace_callback('`<!(?:(?:--.*?--)|(?:\[CDATA\[.*?\]\]))>`sm', 'hl_cmtcd', $t);}
$t = preg_replace_callback('`&amp;([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]{1,30}|#(?:[0-9]{1,8}|[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]{1,7}));`', 'hl_ent', str_replace('&', '&amp;', $t));
if($C['unique_ids'] && !isset($GLOBALS['hl_Ids'])){$GLOBALS['hl_Ids'] = array();}
if($C['hook']){$t = $C['hook']($t, $C, $S);}
if($C['show_setting'] && preg_match('`^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$`i', $C['show_setting'])){
$GLOBALS[$C['show_setting']] = array('config'=>$C, 'spec'=>$S, 'time'=>microtime());
// main
$t = preg_replace_callback('`<(?:(?:\s|$)|(?:[^>]*(?:>|$)))|>`m', 'hl_tag', $t);
$t = $C['balance'] ? hl_bal($t, $C['keep_bad'], $C['parent']) : $t;
$t = (($C['cdata'] or $C['comment']) && strpos($t, "\x01") !== false) ? str_replace(array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05"), array('', '', '&', '<', '>'), $t) : $t;
$t = $C['tidy'] ? hl_tidy($t, $C['tidy'], $C['parent']) : $t;
unset($C, $e);
if(isset($reC)){$GLOBALS['C'] = $reC;}
if(isset($reS)){$GLOBALS['S'] = $reS;}
return $t;
// eof
function hl_attrval($t, $p){
// check attr val against $S
$o = 1; $l = strlen($t);
foreach($p as $k=>$v){
case 'maxlen':if($l > $v){$o = 0;}
break; case 'minlen': if($l < $v){$o = 0;}
break; case 'maxval': if((float)($t) > $v){$o = 0;}
break; case 'minval': if((float)($t) < $v){$o = 0;}
break; case 'match': if(!preg_match($v, $t)){$o = 0;}
break; case 'nomatch': if(preg_match($v, $t)){$o = 0;}
break; case 'oneof':
$m = 0;
foreach(explode('|', $v) as $n){if($t == $n){$m = 1; break;}}
$o = $m;
break; case 'noneof':
$m = 1;
foreach(explode('|', $v) as $n){if($t == $n){$m = 0; break;}}
$o = $m;
break; default:
return ($o ? $t : (isset($p['default']) ? $p['default'] : 0));
// eof
function hl_bal($t, $do=1, $in='div'){
// balance tags
// by content
$cB = array('blockquote'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'noscript'=>1); // Block
$cE = array('area'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1); // Empty
$cF = array('button'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1); // Flow; later context-wise dynamic move of ins & del to $cI
$cI = array('a'=>1, 'abbr'=>1, 'acronym'=>1, 'address'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'caption'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'code'=>1, 'dfn'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'em'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'i'=>1, 'kbd'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'rb'=>1, 'rt'=>1, 's'=>1, 'samp'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'span'=>1, 'strike'=>1, 'strong'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'tt'=>1, 'u'=>1, 'var'=>1); // Inline
$cN = array('a'=>array('a'=>1), 'button'=>array('a'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'fieldset'=>array('fieldset'=>1), 'form'=>array('form'=>1), 'label'=>array('label'=>1), 'noscript'=>array('script'=>1), 'pre'=>array('big'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1), 'rb'=>array('ruby'=>1), 'rt'=>array('ruby'=>1)); // Illegal
$cN2 = array_keys($cN);
$cR = array('blockquote'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rtc'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'ul'=>1);
$cS = array('colgroup'=>array('col'=>1), 'dir'=>array('li'=>1), 'dl'=>array('dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1), 'menu'=>array('li'=>1), 'ol'=>array('li'=>1), 'optgroup'=>array('option'=>1), 'option'=>array('#pcdata'=>1), 'rbc'=>array('rb'=>1), 'rp'=>array('#pcdata'=>1), 'rtc'=>array('rt'=>1), 'ruby'=>array('rb'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rp'=>1, 'rt'=>1, 'rtc'=>1), 'select'=>array('optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1), 'script'=>array('#pcdata'=>1), 'table'=>array('caption'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'thead'=>1), 'tbody'=>array('tr'=>1), 'tfoot'=>array('tr'=>1), 'textarea'=>array('#pcdata'=>1), 'thead'=>array('tr'=>1), 'tr'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'ul'=>array('li'=>1)); // Specific - immediate parent-child
if($GLOBALS['C']['direct_list_nest']){$cS['ol'] = $cS['ul'] += array('ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1);}
$cO = array('address'=>array('p'=>1), 'applet'=>array('param'=>1), 'blockquote'=>array('script'=>1), 'fieldset'=>array('legend'=>1, '#pcdata'=>1), 'form'=>array('script'=>1), 'map'=>array('area'=>1), 'object'=>array('param'=>1, 'embed'=>1)); // Other
$cT = array('colgroup'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1); // Omitable closing
// block/inline type; ins & del both type; #pcdata: text
$eB = array('address'=>1, 'blockquote'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'ul'=>1);
$eI = array('#pcdata'=>1, 'a'=>1, 'abbr'=>1, 'acronym'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'b'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'code'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'dfn'=>1, 'em'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'i'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'ins'=>1, 'kbd'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 's'=>1, 'samp'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'span'=>1, 'strike'=>1, 'strong'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'tt'=>1, 'u'=>1, 'var'=>1);
$eN = array('a'=>1, 'big'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'small'=>1, 'sub'=>1, 'sup'=>1, 'textarea'=>1); // Exclude from specific ele; $cN values
$eO = array('area'=>1, 'caption'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'rb'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rp'=>1, 'rt'=>1, 'rtc'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'tr'=>1); // Missing in $eB & $eI
$eF = $eB + $eI;
// $in sets allowed child
$in = ((isset($eF[$in]) && $in != '#pcdata') or isset($eO[$in])) ? $in : 'div';
return (!$do ? '' : str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('&lt;', '&gt;'), $t));
if(isset($cS[$in])){$inOk = $cS[$in];}
elseif(isset($cI[$in])){$inOk = $eI; $cI['del'] = 1; $cI['ins'] = 1;}
elseif(isset($cF[$in])){$inOk = $eF; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
elseif(isset($cB[$in])){$inOk = $eB; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
if(isset($cO[$in])){$inOk = $inOk + $cO[$in];}
if(isset($cN[$in])){$inOk = array_diff_assoc($inOk, $cN[$in]);}
$t = explode('<', $t);
$ok = $q = array(); // $q seq list of open non-empty ele
for($i=-1, $ci=count($t); ++$i<$ci;){
// allowed $ok in parent $p
if($ql = count($q)){
$p = array_pop($q);
$q[] = $p;
if(isset($cS[$p])){$ok = $cS[$p];}
elseif(isset($cI[$p])){$ok = $eI; $cI['del'] = 1; $cI['ins'] = 1;}
elseif(isset($cF[$p])){$ok = $eF; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
elseif(isset($cB[$p])){$ok = $eB; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
if(isset($cO[$p])){$ok = $ok + $cO[$p];}
if(isset($cN[$p])){$ok = array_diff_assoc($ok, $cN[$p]);}
}else{$ok = $inOk; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
// bad tags, & ele content
if(isset($e) && ($do == 1 or (isset($ok['#pcdata']) && ($do == 3 or $do == 5)))){
echo '&lt;', $s, $e, $a, '&gt;';
if(strlen(trim($x)) && (($ql && isset($cB[$p])) or (isset($cB[$in]) && !$ql))){
echo '<div>', $x, '</div>';
elseif($do < 3 or isset($ok['#pcdata'])){echo $x;}
elseif(strpos($x, "\x02\x04")){
foreach(preg_split('`(\x01\x02[^\x01\x02]+\x02\x01)`', $x, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $v){
echo (substr($v, 0, 2) == "\x01\x02" ? $v : ($do > 4 ? preg_replace('`\S`', '', $v) : ''));
}elseif($do > 4){echo preg_replace('`\S`', '', $x);}
// get markup
if(!preg_match('`^(/?)([a-z1-6]+)([^>]*)>(.*)`sm', $t[$i], $r)){$x = $t[$i]; continue;}
$s = null; $e = null; $a = null; $x = null; list($all, $s, $e, $a, $x) = $r;
// close tag
if(isset($cE[$e]) or !in_array($e, $q)){continue;} // Empty/unopen
if($p == $e){array_pop($q); echo '</', $e, '>'; unset($e); continue;} // Last open
$add = ''; // Nesting - close open tags that need to be
for($j=-1, $cj=count($q); ++$j<$cj;){
if(($d = array_pop($q)) == $e){break;}
else{$add .= "</{$d}>";}
echo $add, '</', $e, '>'; unset($e); continue;
// open tag
// $cB ele needs $eB ele as child
if(isset($cB[$e]) && strlen(trim($x))){
$t[$i] = "{$e}{$a}>";
array_splice($t, $i+1, 0, 'div>'. $x); unset($e, $x); ++$ci; --$i; continue;
if((($ql && isset($cB[$p])) or (isset($cB[$in]) && !$ql)) && !isset($eB[$e]) && !isset($ok[$e])){
array_splice($t, $i, 0, 'div>'); unset($e, $x); ++$ci; --$i; continue;
// if no open ele, $in = parent; mostly immediate parent-child relation should hold
if(!$ql or !isset($eN[$e]) or !array_intersect($q, $cN2)){
if($ql && isset($cT[$p])){echo '</', array_pop($q), '>'; unset($e, $x); --$i;}
if(!isset($cE[$e])){$q[] = $e;}
echo '<', $e, $a, '>'; unset($e); continue;
// specific parent-child
if(!isset($cE[$e])){$q[] = $e;}
echo '<', $e, $a, '>'; unset($e); continue;
// nesting
$add = '';
$q2 = array();
for($k=-1, $kc=count($q); ++$k<$kc;){
$d = $q[$k];
$ok2 = array();
if(isset($cS[$d])){$q2[] = $d; continue;}
$ok2 = isset($cI[$d]) ? $eI : $eF;
if(isset($cO[$d])){$ok2 = $ok2 + $cO[$d];}
if(isset($cN[$d])){$ok2 = array_diff_assoc($ok2, $cN[$d]);}
if(!$k && !isset($inOk[$e])){continue 2;}
$add = "</{$d}>";
for(;++$k<$kc;){$add = "</{$q[$k]}>{$add}";}
else{$q2[] = $d;}
$q = $q2;
if(!isset($cE[$e])){$q[] = $e;}
echo $add, '<', $e, $a, '>'; unset($e); continue;
// end
if($ql = count($q)){
$p = array_pop($q);
$q[] = $p;
if(isset($cS[$p])){$ok = $cS[$p];}
elseif(isset($cI[$p])){$ok = $eI; $cI['del'] = 1; $cI['ins'] = 1;}
elseif(isset($cF[$p])){$ok = $eF; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
elseif(isset($cB[$p])){$ok = $eB; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
if(isset($cO[$p])){$ok = $ok + $cO[$p];}
if(isset($cN[$p])){$ok = array_diff_assoc($ok, $cN[$p]);}
}else{$ok = $inOk; unset($cI['del'], $cI['ins']);}
if(isset($e) && ($do == 1 or (isset($ok['#pcdata']) && ($do == 3 or $do == 5)))){
echo '&lt;', $s, $e, $a, '&gt;';
if(strlen(trim($x)) && (($ql && isset($cB[$p])) or (isset($cB[$in]) && !$ql))){
echo '<div>', $x, '</div>';
elseif($do < 3 or isset($ok['#pcdata'])){echo $x;}
elseif(strpos($x, "\x02\x04")){
foreach(preg_split('`(\x01\x02[^\x01\x02]+\x02\x01)`', $x, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $v){
echo (substr($v, 0, 2) == "\x01\x02" ? $v : ($do > 4 ? preg_replace('`\S`', '', $v) : ''));
}elseif($do > 4){echo preg_replace('`\S`', '', $x);}
while(!empty($q) && ($e = array_pop($q))){echo '</', $e, '>';}
$o = ob_get_contents();
return $o;
// eof
function hl_cmtcd($t){
// comment/CDATA sec handler
$t = $t[0];
global $C;
if(!($v = $C[$n = $t[3] == '-' ? 'comment' : 'cdata'])){return $t;}
if($v == 1){return '';}
if($n == 'comment'){
if(substr(($t = preg_replace('`--+`', '-', substr($t, 4, -3))), -1) != ' '){$t .= ' ';}
else{$t = substr($t, 1, -1);}
$t = $v == 2 ? str_replace(array('&', '<', '>'), array('&amp;', '&lt;', '&gt;'), $t) : $t;
return str_replace(array('&', '<', '>'), array("\x03", "\x04", "\x05"), ($n == 'comment' ? "\x01\x02\x04!--$t--\x05\x02\x01" : "\x01\x01\x04$t\x05\x01\x01"));
// eof
function hl_ent($t){
// entitity handler
global $C;
$t = $t[1];
static $U = array('quot'=>1,'amp'=>1,'lt'=>1,'gt'=>1);
static $N = array('fnof'=>'402', 'Alpha'=>'913', 'Beta'=>'914', 'Gamma'=>'915', 'Delta'=>'916', 'Epsilon'=>'917', 'Zeta'=>'918', 'Eta'=>'919', 'Theta'=>'920', 'Iota'=>'921', 'Kappa'=>'922', 'Lambda'=>'923', 'Mu'=>'924', 'Nu'=>'925', 'Xi'=>'926', 'Omicron'=>'927', 'Pi'=>'928', 'Rho'=>'929', 'Sigma'=>'931', 'Tau'=>'932', 'Upsilon'=>'933', 'Phi'=>'934', 'Chi'=>'935', 'Psi'=>'936', 'Omega'=>'937', 'alpha'=>'945', 'beta'=>'946', 'gamma'=>'947', 'delta'=>'948', 'epsilon'=>'949', 'zeta'=>'950', 'eta'=>'951', 'theta'=>'952', 'iota'=>'953', 'kappa'=>'954', 'lambda'=>'955', 'mu'=>'956', 'nu'=>'957', 'xi'=>'958', 'omicron'=>'959', 'pi'=>'960', 'rho'=>'961', 'sigmaf'=>'962', 'sigma'=>'963', 'tau'=>'964', 'upsilon'=>'965', 'phi'=>'966', 'chi'=>'967', 'psi'=>'968', 'omega'=>'969', 'thetasym'=>'977', 'upsih'=>'978', 'piv'=>'982', 'bull'=>'8226', 'hellip'=>'8230', 'prime'=>'8242', 'Prime'=>'8243', 'oline'=>'8254', 'frasl'=>'8260', 'weierp'=>'8472', 'image'=>'8465', 'real'=>'8476', 'trade'=>'8482', 'alefsym'=>'8501', 'larr'=>'8592', 'uarr'=>'8593', 'rarr'=>'8594', 'darr'=>'8595', 'harr'=>'8596', 'crarr'=>'8629', 'lArr'=>'8656', 'uArr'=>'8657', 'rArr'=>'8658', 'dArr'=>'8659', 'hArr'=>'8660', 'forall'=>'8704', 'part'=>'8706', 'exist'=>'8707', 'empty'=>'8709', 'nabla'=>'8711', 'isin'=>'8712', 'notin'=>'8713', 'ni'=>'8715', 'prod'=>'8719', 'sum'=>'8721', 'minus'=>'8722', 'lowast'=>'8727', 'radic'=>'8730', 'prop'=>'8733', 'infin'=>'8734', 'ang'=>'8736', 'and'=>'8743', 'or'=>'8744', 'cap'=>'8745', 'cup'=>'8746', 'int'=>'8747', 'there4'=>'8756', 'sim'=>'8764', 'cong'=>'8773', 'asymp'=>'8776', 'ne'=>'8800', 'equiv'=>'8801', 'le'=>'8804', 'ge'=>'8805', 'sub'=>'8834', 'sup'=>'8835', 'nsub'=>'8836', 'sube'=>'8838', 'supe'=>'8839', 'oplus'=>'8853', 'otimes'=>'8855', 'perp'=>'8869', 'sdot'=>'8901', 'lceil'=>'8968', 'rceil'=>'8969', 'lfloor'=>'8970', 'rfloor'=>'8971', 'lang'=>'9001', 'rang'=>'9002', 'loz'=>'9674', 'spades'=>'9824', 'clubs'=>'9827', 'hearts'=>'9829', 'diams'=>'9830', 'apos'=>'39', 'OElig'=>'338', 'oelig'=>'339', 'Scaron'=>'352', 'scaron'=>'353', 'Yuml'=>'376', 'circ'=>'710', 'tilde'=>'732', 'ensp'=>'8194', 'emsp'=>'8195', 'thinsp'=>'8201', 'zwnj'=>'8204', 'zwj'=>'8205', 'lrm'=>'8206', 'rlm'=>'8207', 'ndash'=>'8211', 'mdash'=>'8212', 'lsquo'=>'8216', 'rsquo'=>'8217', 'sbquo'=>'8218', 'ldquo'=>'8220', 'rdquo'=>'8221', 'bdquo'=>'8222', 'dagger'=>'8224', 'Dagger'=>'8225', 'permil'=>'8240', 'lsaquo'=>'8249', 'rsaquo'=>'8250', 'euro'=>'8364', 'nbsp'=>'160', 'iexcl'=>'161', 'cent'=>'162', 'pound'=>'163', 'curren'=>'164', 'yen'=>'165', 'brvbar'=>'166', 'sect'=>'167', 'uml'=>'168', 'copy'=>'169', 'ordf'=>'170', 'laquo'=>'171', 'not'=>'172', 'shy'=>'173', 'reg'=>'174', 'macr'=>'175', 'deg'=>'176', 'plusmn'=>'177', 'sup2'=>'178', 'sup3'=>'179', 'acute'=>'180', 'micro'=>'181', 'para'=>'182', 'middot'=>'183', 'cedil'=>'184', 'sup1'=>'185', 'ordm'=>'186', 'raquo'=>'187', 'frac14'=>'188', 'frac12'=>'189', 'frac34'=>'190', 'iquest'=>'191', 'Agrave'=>'192', 'Aacute'=>'193', 'Acirc'=>'194', 'Atilde'=>'195', 'Auml'=>'196', 'Aring'=>'197', 'AElig'=>'198', 'Ccedil'=>'199', 'Egrave'=>'200', 'Eacute'=>'201', 'Ecirc'=>'202', 'Euml'=>'203', 'Igrave'=>'204', 'Iacute'=>'205', 'Icirc'=>'206', 'Iuml'=>'207', 'ETH'=>'208', 'Ntilde'=>'209', 'Ograve'=>'210', 'Oacute'=>'211', 'Ocirc'=>'212', 'Otilde'=>'213', 'Ouml'=>'214', 'times'=>'215', 'Oslash'=>'216', 'Ugrave'=>'217', 'Uacute'=>'218', 'Ucirc'=>'219', 'Uuml'=>'220', 'Yacute'=>'221', 'THORN'=>'222', 'szlig'=>'223', 'agrave'=>'224', 'aacute'=>'225', 'acirc'=>'226', 'atilde'=>'227', 'auml'=>'228', 'aring'=>'229', 'aelig'=>'230', 'ccedil'=>'231', 'egrave'=>'232', 'eacute'=>'233', 'ecirc'=>'234', 'euml'=>'235', 'igrave'=>'236', 'iacute'=>'237', 'icirc'=>'238', 'iuml'=>'239', 'eth'=>'240', 'ntilde'=>'241', 'ograve'=>'242', 'oacute'=>'243', 'ocirc'=>'244', 'otilde'=>'245', 'ouml'=>'246', 'divide'=>'247', 'oslash'=>'248', 'ugrave'=>'249', 'uacute'=>'250', 'ucirc'=>'251', 'uuml'=>'252', 'yacute'=>'253', 'thorn'=>'254', 'yuml'=>'255');
if($t[0] != '#'){
return ($C['and_mark'] ? "\x06" : '&'). (isset($U[$t]) ? $t : (isset($N[$t]) ? (!$C['named_entity'] ? '#'. ($C['hexdec_entity'] > 1 ? 'x'. dechex($N[$t]) : $N[$t]) : $t) : 'amp;'. $t)). ';';
if(($n = ctype_digit($t = substr($t, 1)) ? intval($t) : hexdec(substr($t, 1))) < 9 or ($n > 13 && $n < 32) or $n == 11 or $n == 12 or ($n > 126 && $n < 160 && $n != 133) or ($n > 55295 && ($n < 57344 or ($n > 64975 && $n < 64992) or $n == 65534 or $n == 65535 or $n > 1114111))){
return ($C['and_mark'] ? "\x06" : '&'). "amp;#{$t};";
return ($C['and_mark'] ? "\x06" : '&'). '#'. (((ctype_digit($t) && $C['hexdec_entity'] < 2) or !$C['hexdec_entity']) ? $n : 'x'. dechex($n)). ';';
// eof
function hl_prot($p, $c=null){
// check URL scheme
global $C;
$b = $a = '';
if($c == null){$c = 'style'; $b = $p[1]; $a = $p[3]; $p = trim($p[2]);}
$c = isset($C['schemes'][$c]) ? $C['schemes'][$c] : $C['schemes']['*'];
static $d = 'denied:';
if(isset($c['!']) && substr($p, 0, 7) != $d){$p = "$d$p";}
if(isset($c['*']) or !strcspn($p, '#?;') or (substr($p, 0, 7) == $d)){return "{$b}{$p}{$a}";} // All ok, frag, query, param
if(preg_match('`^([^:?[@!$()*,=/\'\]]+?)(:|&#(58|x3a);|%3a|\\\\0{0,4}3a).`i', $p, $m) && !isset($c[strtolower($m[1])])){ // Denied prot
return "{$b}{$d}{$p}{$a}";
if($C['abs_url'] == -1 && strpos($p, $C['base_url']) === 0){ // Make url rel
$p = substr($p, strlen($C['base_url']));
}elseif(empty($m[1])){ // Make URL abs
if(substr($p, 0, 2) == '//'){$p = substr($C['base_url'], 0, strpos($C['base_url'], ':')+1). $p;}
elseif($p[0] == '/'){$p = preg_replace('`(^.+?://[^/]+)(.*)`', '$1', $C['base_url']). $p;}
elseif(strcspn($p, './')){$p = $C['base_url']. $p;}
preg_match('`^([a-zA-Z\d\-+.]+://[^/]+)(.*)`', $C['base_url'], $m);
$p = preg_replace('`(?<=/)\./`', '', $m[2]. $p);
while(preg_match('`(?<=/)([^/]{3,}|[^/.]+?|\.[^/.]|[^/.]\.)/\.\./`', $p)){
$p = preg_replace('`(?<=/)([^/]{3,}|[^/.]+?|\.[^/.]|[^/.]\.)/\.\./`', '', $p);
$p = $m[1]. $p;
return "{$b}{$p}{$a}";
// eof
function hl_regex($p){
// ?regex
if(empty($p)){return 0;}
if($t = ini_get('track_errors')){$o = isset($php_errormsg) ? $php_errormsg : null;}
else{ini_set('track_errors', 1);}
if(($d = ini_get('display_errors'))){ini_set('display_errors', 0);}
preg_match($p, '');
if($d){ini_set('display_errors', 1);}
$r = isset($php_errormsg) ? 0 : 1;
if($t){$php_errormsg = isset($o) ? $o : null;}
else{ini_set('track_errors', 0);}
return $r;
// eof
function hl_spec($t){
// final $spec
$s = array();
$t = str_replace(array("\t", "\r", "\n", ' '), '', preg_replace_callback('/"(?>(`.|[^"])*)"/sm', create_function('$m', 'return substr(str_replace(array(";", "|", "~", " ", ",", "/", "(", ")", \'`"\'), array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x06", "\x07", "\x08", "\""), $m[0]), 1, -1);'), trim($t)));
for($i = count(($t = explode(';', $t))); --$i>=0;){
$w = $t[$i];
if(empty($w) or ($e = strpos($w, '=')) === false or !strlen(($a = substr($w, $e+1)))){continue;}
$y = $n = array();
foreach(explode(',', $a) as $v){
if(!preg_match('`^([a-z:\-\*]+)(?:\((.*?)\))?`i', $v, $m)){continue;}
if(($x = strtolower($m[1])) == '-*'){$n['*'] = 1; continue;}
if($x[0] == '-'){$n[substr($x, 1)] = 1; continue;}
if(!isset($m[2])){$y[$x] = 1; continue;}
foreach(explode('/', $m[2]) as $m){
if(empty($m) or ($p = strpos($m, '=')) == 0 or $p < 5){$y[$x] = 1; continue;}
$y[$x][strtolower(substr($m, 0, $p))] = str_replace(array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x06", "\x07", "\x08"), array(";", "|", "~", " ", ",", "/", "(", ")"), substr($m, $p+1));
if(isset($y[$x]['match']) && !hl_regex($y[$x]['match'])){unset($y[$x]['match']);}
if(isset($y[$x]['nomatch']) && !hl_regex($y[$x]['nomatch'])){unset($y[$x]['nomatch']);}
if(!count($y) && !count($n)){continue;}
foreach(explode(',', substr($w, 0, $e)) as $v){
if(!strlen(($v = strtolower($v)))){continue;}
if(count($y)){$s[$v] = $y;}
if(count($n)){$s[$v]['n'] = $n;}
return $s;
// eof
function hl_tag($t){
// tag/attribute handler
global $C;
$t = $t[0];
// invalid < >
if($t == '< '){return '&lt; ';}
if($t == '>'){return '&gt;';}
if(!preg_match('`^<(/?)([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z1-6]*)([^>]*?)\s?>$`m', $t, $m)){
return str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('&lt;', '&gt;'), $t);
}elseif(!isset($C['elements'][($e = strtolower($m[2]))])){
return (($C['keep_bad']%2) ? str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('&lt;', '&gt;'), $t) : '');
// attr string
$a = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), ' ', trim($m[3]));
// tag transform
static $eD = array('applet'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 's'=>1, 'strike'=>1, 'u'=>1); // Deprecated
if($C['make_tag_strict'] && isset($eD[$e])){
$trt = hl_tag2($e, $a, $C['make_tag_strict']);
if(!$e){return (($C['keep_bad']%2) ? str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('&lt;', '&gt;'), $t) : '');}
// close tag
static $eE = array('area'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1); // Empty ele
return (!isset($eE[$e]) ? (empty($C['hook_tag']) ? "</$e>" : $C['hook_tag']($e)) : (($C['keep_bad'])%2 ? str_replace(array('<', '>'), array('&lt;', '&gt;'), $t) : ''));
// open tag & attr
static $aN = array('abbr'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'accept-charset'=>array('form'=>1), 'accept'=>array('form'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'accesskey'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'action'=>array('form'=>1), 'align'=>array('caption'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'alt'=>array('applet'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'archive'=>array('applet'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'axis'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'bgcolor'=>array('embed'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'border'=>array('table'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'bordercolor'=>array('table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'cellpadding'=>array('table'=>1), 'cellspacing'=>array('table'=>1), 'char'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'charoff'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'charset'=>array('a'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'checked'=>array('input'=>1), 'cite'=>array('blockquote'=>1, 'q'=>1, 'del'=>1, 'ins'=>1), 'classid'=>array('object'=>1), 'clear'=>array('br'=>1), 'code'=>array('applet'=>1), 'codebase'=>array('object'=>1, 'applet'=>1), 'codetype'=>array('object'=>1), 'color'=>array('font'=>1), 'cols'=>array('textarea'=>1), 'colspan'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'compact'=>array('dir'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1), 'coords'=>array('area'=>1, 'a'=>1), 'data'=>array('object'=>1), 'datetime'=>array('del'=>1, 'ins'=>1), 'declare'=>array('object'=>1), 'defer'=>array('script'=>1), 'dir'=>array('bdo'=>1), 'disabled'=>array('button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'enctype'=>array('form'=>1), 'face'=>array('font'=>1), 'flashvars'=>array('embed'=>1), 'for'=>array('label'=>1), 'frame'=>array('table'=>1), 'frameborder'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'headers'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'height'=>array('embed'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'applet'=>1), 'href'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1), 'hreflang'=>array('a'=>1), 'hspace'=>array('applet'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'ismap'=>array('img'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'label'=>array('option'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1), 'language'=>array('script'=>1), 'longdesc'=>array('img'=>1, 'iframe'=>1), 'marginheight'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'marginwidth'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'maxlength'=>array('input'=>1), 'method'=>array('form'=>1), 'model'=>array('embed'=>1), 'multiple'=>array('select'=>1), 'name'=>array('button'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'a'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'param'=>1), 'nohref'=>array('area'=>1), 'noshade'=>array('hr'=>1), 'nowrap'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'object'=>array('applet'=>1), 'onblur'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onchange'=>array('input'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onfocus'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onreset'=>array('form'=>1), 'onselect'=>array('input'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'onsubmit'=>array('form'=>1), 'pluginspage'=>array('embed'=>1), 'pluginurl'=>array('embed'=>1), 'prompt'=>array('isindex'=>1), 'readonly'=>array('textarea'=>1, 'input'=>1), 'rel'=>array('a'=>1), 'rev'=>array('a'=>1), 'rows'=>array('textarea'=>1), 'rowspan'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'rules'=>array('table'=>1), 'scope'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'scrolling'=>array('iframe'=>1), 'selected'=>array('option'=>1), 'shape'=>array('area'=>1, 'a'=>1), 'size'=>array('hr'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'select'=>1), 'span'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1), 'src'=>array('embed'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1), 'standby'=>array('object'=>1), 'start'=>array('ol'=>1), 'summary'=>array('table'=>1), 'tabindex'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'textarea'=>1), 'target'=>array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'form'=>1), 'type'=>array('a'=>1, 'embed'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1, 'button'=>1), 'usemap'=>array('img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'valign'=>array('col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'value'=>array('input'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'li'=>1), 'valuetype'=>array('param'=>1), 'vspace'=>array('applet'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'width'=>array('embed'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'applet'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'pre'=>1), 'wmode'=>array('embed'=>1), 'xml:space'=>array('pre'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'style'=>1)); // Ele-specific
static $aNE = array('checked'=>1, 'compact'=>1, 'declare'=>1, 'defer'=>1, 'disabled'=>1, 'ismap'=>1, 'multiple'=>1, 'nohref'=>1, 'noresize'=>1, 'noshade'=>1, 'nowrap'=>1, 'readonly'=>1, 'selected'=>1); // Empty
static $aNP = array('action'=>1, 'cite'=>1, 'classid'=>1, 'codebase'=>1, 'data'=>1, 'href'=>1, 'longdesc'=>1, 'model'=>1, 'pluginspage'=>1, 'pluginurl'=>1, 'usemap'=>1); // Need scheme check; excludes style, on* & src
static $aNU = array('class'=>array('param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'dir'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'id'=>array('script'=>1), 'lang'=>array('applet'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'xml:lang'=>array('applet'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onclick'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'ondblclick'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onkeydown'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onkeypress'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onkeyup'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmousedown'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmousemove'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmouseout'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmouseover'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'onmouseup'=>array('applet'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'font'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'style'=>array('param'=>1, 'script'=>1), 'title'=>array('param'=>1, 'script'=>1)); // Univ & exceptions
// predef attr vals for $eAL & $aNE ele
static $aNL = array('all'=>1, 'baseline'=>1, 'bottom'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'char'=>1, 'checkbox'=>1, 'circle'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'cols'=>1, 'data'=>1, 'default'=>1, 'file'=>1, 'get'=>1, 'groups'=>1, 'hidden'=>1, 'image'=>1, 'justify'=>1, 'left'=>1, 'ltr'=>1, 'middle'=>1, 'none'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'password'=>1, 'poly'=>1, 'post'=>1, 'preserve'=>1, 'radio'=>1, 'rect'=>1, 'ref'=>1, 'reset'=>1, 'right'=>1, 'row'=>1, 'rowgroup'=>1, 'rows'=>1, 'rtl'=>1, 'submit'=>1, 'text'=>1, 'top'=>1);
static $eAL = array('a'=>1, 'area'=>1, 'bdo'=>1, 'button'=>1, 'col'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'xml:space'=>1);
$lcase = isset($eAL[$e]) ? 1 : 0;
$depTr = 0;
// dep attr:applicable ele
static $aND = array('align'=>array('caption'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'table'=>1), 'bgcolor'=>array('table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'border'=>array('img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'bordercolor'=>array('table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'tr'=>1), 'clear'=>array('br'=>1), 'compact'=>array('dl'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1), 'height'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'hspace'=>array('img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'language'=>array('script'=>1), 'name'=>array('a'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'map'=>1), 'noshade'=>array('hr'=>1), 'nowrap'=>array('td'=>1, 'th'=>1), 'size'=>array('hr'=>1), 'start'=>array('ol'=>1), 'type'=>array('li'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'ul'=>1), 'value'=>array('li'=>1), 'vspace'=>array('img'=>1, 'object'=>1), 'width'=>array('hr'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1));
static $eAD = array('a'=>1, 'br'=>1, 'caption'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'img'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'th'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'ul'=>1);
$depTr = isset($eAD[$e]) ? 1 : 0;
// attr name-vals
if(strpos($a, "\x01") !== false){$a = preg_replace('`\x01[^\x01]*\x01`', '', $a);} // No comment/CDATA sec
$mode = 0; $a = trim($a, ' /'); $aA = array();
$w = 0;
case 0: // Name
if(preg_match('`^[a-zA-Z][\-a-zA-Z:]+`', $a, $m)){
$nm = strtolower($m[0]);
$w = $mode = 1; $a = ltrim(substr_replace($a, '', 0, strlen($m[0])));
break; case 1:
if($a[0] == '='){ // =
$w = 1; $mode = 2; $a = ltrim($a, '= ');
}else{ // No val
$w = 1; $mode = 0; $a = ltrim($a);
$aA[$nm] = '';
break; case 2: // Val
if(preg_match('`^((?:"[^"]*")|(?:\'[^\']*\')|(?:\s*[^\s"\']+))(.*)`', $a, $m)){
$a = ltrim($m[2]); $m = $m[1]; $w = 1; $mode = 0;
$aA[$nm] = trim(($m[0] == '"' or $m[0] == '\'') ? substr($m, 1, -1) : $m);
if($w == 0){ // Parse errs, deal with space, " & '
$a = preg_replace('`^(?:"[^"]*("|$)|\'[^\']*(\'|$)|\S)*\s*`', '', $a);
$mode = 0;
if($mode == 1){$aA[$nm] = '';}
// clean attrs
global $S;
$rl = isset($S[$e]) ? $S[$e] : array();
$a = array(); $nfr = 0;
foreach($aA as $k=>$v){
if(((isset($C['deny_attribute']['*']) ? isset($C['deny_attribute'][$k]) : !isset($C['deny_attribute'][$k])) && (isset($aN[$k][$e]) or (isset($aNU[$k]) && !isset($aNU[$k][$e]))) && !isset($rl['n'][$k]) && !isset($rl['n']['*'])) or isset($rl[$k])){
if(isset($aNE[$k])){$v = $k;}
elseif(!empty($lcase) && (($e != 'button' or $e != 'input') or $k == 'type')){ // Rather loose but ?not cause issues
$v = (isset($aNL[($v2 = strtolower($v))])) ? $v2 : $v;
if($k == 'style' && !$C['style_pass']){
if(false !== strpos($v, '&#')){
static $sC = array('&#x20;'=>' ', '&#32;'=>' ', '&#x45;'=>'e', '&#69;'=>'e', '&#x65;'=>'e', '&#101;'=>'e', '&#x58;'=>'x', '&#88;'=>'x', '&#x78;'=>'x', '&#120;'=>'x', '&#x50;'=>'p', '&#80;'=>'p', '&#x70;'=>'p', '&#112;'=>'p', '&#x53;'=>'s', '&#83;'=>'s', '&#x73;'=>'s', '&#115;'=>'s', '&#x49;'=>'i', '&#73;'=>'i', '&#x69;'=>'i', '&#105;'=>'i', '&#x4f;'=>'o', '&#79;'=>'o', '&#x6f;'=>'o', '&#111;'=>'o', '&#x4e;'=>'n', '&#78;'=>'n', '&#x6e;'=>'n', '&#110;'=>'n', '&#x55;'=>'u', '&#85;'=>'u', '&#x75;'=>'u', '&#117;'=>'u', '&#x52;'=>'r', '&#82;'=>'r', '&#x72;'=>'r', '&#114;'=>'r', '&#x4c;'=>'l', '&#76;'=>'l', '&#x6c;'=>'l', '&#108;'=>'l', '&#x28;'=>'(', '&#40;'=>'(', '&#x29;'=>')', '&#41;'=>')', '&#x20;'=>':', '&#32;'=>':', '&#x22;'=>'"', '&#34;'=>'"', '&#x27;'=>"'", '&#39;'=>"'", '&#x2f;'=>'/', '&#47;'=>'/', '&#x2a;'=>'*', '&#42;'=>'*', '&#x5c;'=>'\\', '&#92;'=>'\\');
$v = strtr($v, $sC);
$v = preg_replace_callback('`(url(?:\()(?: )*(?:\'|"|&(?:quot|apos);)?)(.+?)((?:\'|"|&(?:quot|apos);)?(?: )*(?:\)))`iS', 'hl_prot', $v);
$v = !$C['css_expression'] ? preg_replace('`expression`i', ' ', preg_replace('`\\\\\S|(/|(%2f))(\*|(%2a))`i', ' ', $v)) : $v;
}elseif(isset($aNP[$k]) or strpos($k, 'src') !== false or $k[0] == 'o'){
$v = str_replace("\xad", ' ', (strpos($v, '&') !== false ? str_replace(array('&#xad;', '&#173;', '&shy;'), ' ', $v) : $v));
$v = hl_prot($v, $k);
if($k == 'href'){ // X-spam
if($C['anti_mail_spam'] && strpos($v, 'mailto:') === 0){
$v = str_replace('@', htmlspecialchars($C['anti_mail_spam']), $v);
$r1 = $C['anti_link_spam'][1];
if(!empty($r1) && preg_match($r1, $v)){continue;}
$r0 = $C['anti_link_spam'][0];
if(!empty($r0) && preg_match($r0, $v)){
if(!preg_match('`\bnofollow\b`i', $a['rel'])){$a['rel'] .= ' nofollow';}
if(!preg_match('`\bnofollow\b`i', $aA['rel'])){$nfr = 1;}
}else{$a['rel'] = 'nofollow';}
if(isset($rl[$k]) && is_array($rl[$k]) && ($v = hl_attrval($v, $rl[$k])) === 0){continue;}
$a[$k] = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $v);
if($nfr){$a['rel'] = isset($a['rel']) ? $a['rel']. ' nofollow' : 'nofollow';}
// rqd attr
static $eAR = array('area'=>array('alt'=>'area'), 'bdo'=>array('dir'=>'ltr'), 'form'=>array('action'=>''), 'img'=>array('src'=>'', 'alt'=>'image'), 'map'=>array('name'=>''), 'optgroup'=>array('label'=>''), 'param'=>array('name'=>''), 'script'=>array('type'=>'text/javascript'), 'textarea'=>array('rows'=>'10', 'cols'=>'50'));
foreach($eAR[$e] as $k=>$v){
if(!isset($a[$k])){$a[$k] = isset($v[0]) ? $v : $k;}
// depr attrs
$c = array();
foreach($a as $k=>$v){
if($k == 'style' or !isset($aND[$k][$e])){continue;}
if($k == 'align'){
if($e == 'img' && ($v == 'left' or $v == 'right')){$c[] = 'float: '. $v;}
elseif(($e == 'div' or $e == 'table') && $v == 'center'){$c[] = 'margin: auto';}
else{$c[] = 'text-align: '. $v;}
}elseif($k == 'bgcolor'){
$c[] = 'background-color: '. $v;
}elseif($k == 'border'){
unset($a['border']); $c[] = "border: {$v}px";
}elseif($k == 'bordercolor'){
unset($a['bordercolor']); $c[] = 'border-color: '. $v;
}elseif($k == 'clear'){
unset($a['clear']); $c[] = 'clear: '. ($v != 'all' ? $v : 'both');
}elseif($k == 'compact'){
unset($a['compact']); $c[] = 'font-size: 85%';
}elseif($k == 'height' or $k == 'width'){
unset($a[$k]); $c[] = $k. ': '. ($v[0] != '*' ? $v. (ctype_digit($v) ? 'px' : '') : 'auto');
}elseif($k == 'hspace'){
unset($a['hspace']); $c[] = "margin-left: {$v}px; margin-right: {$v}px";
}elseif($k == 'language' && !isset($a['type'])){
$a['type'] = 'text/'. strtolower($v);
}elseif($k == 'name'){
if($C['no_deprecated_attr'] == 2 or ($e != 'a' && $e != 'map')){unset($a['name']);}
if(!isset($a['id']) && preg_match('`[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d.:_\-]*`', $v)){$a['id'] = $v;}
}elseif($k == 'noshade'){
unset($a['noshade']); $c[] = 'border-style: none; border: 0; background-color: gray; color: gray';
}elseif($k == 'nowrap'){
unset($a['nowrap']); $c[] = 'white-space: nowrap';
}elseif($k == 'size'){
unset($a['size']); $c[] = 'size: '. $v. 'px';
}elseif($k == 'start' or $k == 'value'){
}elseif($k == 'type'){
static $ol_type = array('i'=>'lower-roman', 'I'=>'upper-roman', 'a'=>'lower-latin', 'A'=>'upper-latin', '1'=>'decimal');
$c[] = 'list-style-type: '. (isset($ol_type[$v]) ? $ol_type[$v] : 'decimal');
}elseif($k == 'vspace'){
unset($a['vspace']); $c[] = "margin-top: {$v}px; margin-bottom: {$v}px";
$c = implode('; ', $c);
$a['style'] = isset($a['style']) ? rtrim($a['style'], ' ;'). '; '. $c. ';': $c. ';';
// unique ID
if($C['unique_ids'] && isset($a['id'])){
if(!preg_match('`^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_\-.:]*$`', ($id = $a['id'])) or (isset($GLOBALS['hl_Ids'][$id]) && $C['unique_ids'] == 1)){unset($a['id']);
while(isset($GLOBALS['hl_Ids'][$id])){$id = $C['unique_ids']. $id;}
$GLOBALS['hl_Ids'][($a['id'] = $id)] = 1;
// xml:lang
if($C['xml:lang'] && isset($a['lang'])){
$a['xml:lang'] = isset($a['xml:lang']) ? $a['xml:lang'] : $a['lang'];
if($C['xml:lang'] == 2){unset($a['lang']);}
// for transformed tag
$a['style'] = isset($a['style']) ? rtrim($a['style'], ' ;'). '; '. $trt : $trt;
// return with empty ele /
$aA = '';
foreach($a as $k=>$v){$aA .= " {$k}=\"{$v}\"";}
return "<{$e}{$aA}". (isset($eE[$e]) ? ' /' : ''). '>';
else{return $C['hook_tag']($e, $a);}
// eof
function hl_tag2(&$e, &$a, $t=1){
// transform tag
if($e == 'center'){$e = 'div'; return 'text-align: center;';}
if($e == 'dir' or $e == 'menu'){$e = 'ul'; return '';}
if($e == 's' or $e == 'strike'){$e = 'span'; return 'text-decoration: line-through;';}
if($e == 'u'){$e = 'span'; return 'text-decoration: underline;';}
static $fs = array('0'=>'xx-small', '1'=>'xx-small', '2'=>'small', '3'=>'medium', '4'=>'large', '5'=>'x-large', '6'=>'xx-large', '7'=>'300%', '-1'=>'smaller', '-2'=>'60%', '+1'=>'larger', '+2'=>'150%', '+3'=>'200%', '+4'=>'300%');
if($e == 'font'){
$a2 = '';
if(preg_match('`face\s*=\s*(\'|")([^=]+?)\\1`i', $a, $m) or preg_match('`face\s*=(\s*)(\S+)`i', $a, $m)){
$a2 .= ' font-family: '. str_replace('"', '\'', trim($m[2])). ';';
if(preg_match('`color\s*=\s*(\'|")?(.+?)(\\1|\s|$)`i', $a, $m)){
$a2 .= ' color: '. trim($m[2]). ';';
if(preg_match('`size\s*=\s*(\'|")?(.+?)(\\1|\s|$)`i', $a, $m) && isset($fs[($m = trim($m[2]))])){
$a2 .= ' font-size: '. $fs[$m]. ';';
$e = 'span'; return ltrim($a2);
if($t == 2){$e = 0; return 0;}
return '';
// eof
function hl_tidy($t, $w, $p){
// Tidy/compact HTM
if(strpos(' pre,script,textarea', "$p,")){return $t;}
$t = preg_replace('`\s+`', ' ', preg_replace_callback(array('`(<(!\[CDATA\[))(.+?)(\]\]>)`sm', '`(<(!--))(.+?)(-->)`sm', '`(<(pre|script|textarea)[^>]*?>)(.+?)(</\2>)`sm'), create_function('$m', 'return $m[1]. str_replace(array("<", ">", "\n", "\r", "\t", " "), array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x07"), $m[3]). $m[4];'), $t));
if(($w = strtolower($w)) == -1){
return str_replace(array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x07"), array('<', '>', "\n", "\r", "\t", ' '), $t);
$s = strpos(" $w", 't') ? "\t" : ' ';
$s = preg_match('`\d`', $w, $m) ? str_repeat($s, $m[0]) : str_repeat($s, ($s == "\t" ? 1 : 2));
$N = preg_match('`[ts]([1-9])`', $w, $m) ? $m[1] : 0;
$a = array('br'=>1);
$b = array('button'=>1, 'input'=>1, 'option'=>1, 'param'=>1);
$c = array('caption'=>1, 'dd'=>1, 'dt'=>1, 'h1'=>1, 'h2'=>1, 'h3'=>1, 'h4'=>1, 'h5'=>1, 'h6'=>1, 'isindex'=>1, 'label'=>1, 'legend'=>1, 'li'=>1, 'object'=>1, 'p'=>1, 'pre'=>1, 'td'=>1, 'textarea'=>1, 'th'=>1);
$d = array('address'=>1, 'blockquote'=>1, 'center'=>1, 'colgroup'=>1, 'dir'=>1, 'div'=>1, 'dl'=>1, 'fieldset'=>1, 'form'=>1, 'hr'=>1, 'iframe'=>1, 'map'=>1, 'menu'=>1, 'noscript'=>1, 'ol'=>1, 'optgroup'=>1, 'rbc'=>1, 'rtc'=>1, 'ruby'=>1, 'script'=>1, 'select'=>1, 'table'=>1, 'tbody'=>1, 'tfoot'=>1, 'thead'=>1, 'tr'=>1, 'ul'=>1);
$T = explode('<', $t);
$X = 1;
$n = $N;
$t = $T;
if(isset($d[$p])){echo str_repeat($s, ++$n);}
echo ltrim(array_shift($t));
for($i=-1, $j=count($t); ++$i<$j;){
$r = ''; list($e, $r) = explode('>', $t[$i]);
$x = $e[0] == '/' ? 0 : (substr($e, -1) == '/' ? 1 : ($e[0] != '!' ? 2 : -1));
$y = !$x ? ltrim($e, '/') : ($x > 0 ? substr($e, 0, strcspn($e, ' ')) : 0);
$e = "<$e>";
if($n){echo "\n", str_repeat($s, --$n), "$e\n", str_repeat($s, $n);}
else{++$N; ob_end_clean(); continue 2;}
else{echo "\n", str_repeat($s, $n), "$e\n", str_repeat($s, ($x != 1 ? ++$n : $n));}
echo $r; continue;
$f = "\n". str_repeat($s, $n);
if(!$x){echo $e, $f, $r;}
else{echo $f, $e, $r;}
}elseif(isset($b[$y])){echo $f, $e, $r;
}elseif(isset($a[$y])){echo $e, $f, $r;
}elseif(!$y){echo $f, $e, $f, $r;
}else{echo $e, $r;}
$X = 0;
$t = str_replace(array("\n ", " \n"), "\n", preg_replace('`[\n]\s*?[\n]+`', "\n", ob_get_contents()));
if(($l = strpos(" $w", 'r') ? (strpos(" $w", 'n') ? "\r\n" : "\r") : 0)){
$t = str_replace("\n", $l, $t);
return str_replace(array("\x01", "\x02", "\x03", "\x04", "\x05", "\x07"), array('<', '>', "\n", "\r", "\t", ' '), $t);
// eof
function hl_version(){
// rel
return '1.1.17';
// eof
function kses($t, $h, $p=array('http', 'https', 'ftp', 'news', 'nntp', 'telnet', 'gopher', 'mailto')){
// kses compat
foreach($h as $k=>$v){
$h[$k]['n']['*'] = 1;
$C['cdata'] = $C['comment'] = $C['make_tag_strict'] = $C['no_deprecated_attr'] = $C['unique_ids'] = 0;
$C['keep_bad'] = 1;
$C['elements'] = count($h) ? strtolower(implode(',', array_keys($h))) : '-*';
$C['hook'] = 'kses_hook';
$C['schemes'] = '*:'. implode(',', $p);
return htmLawed($t, $C, $h);
// eof
function kses_hook($t, &$C, &$S){
// kses compat
return $t;
// eof
\ No newline at end of file
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