$selectspec['source'].=' JOIN ^userfavorites AS selectfave ON ^posts.postid=selectfave.entityid WHERE selectfave.userid=$ AND selectfave.entitytype=$ AND ^posts.type="Q" ORDER BY created DESC';
$selectspec['source'].=' JOIN ^userfavorites AS selectfave ON ^posts.postid=selectfave.entityid WHERE selectfave.userid=$ AND selectfave.entitytype=$ AND ^posts.type="Q" ORDER BY ^posts.created DESC';
Return the selectspec to retrieve an array of $userid's favorited users, with information about those users' accounts.
Return the selectspec to retrieve an array of $userid's favorited users, with information about those users' accounts.
Returns $limit users, or all of them if $limit is null (used in qa_db_selectspec_count).
$source='^users JOIN ^userpoints ON ^users.userid=^userpoints.userid JOIN ^userfavorites ON ^users.userid=^userfavorites.entityid WHERE ^userfavorites.userid=$ AND ^userfavorites.entitytype=$ ORDER BY handle';
$source='^users JOIN ^userpoints ON ^users.userid=^userpoints.userid JOIN ^userfavorites ON ^users.userid=^userfavorites.entityid WHERE ^userfavorites.userid=$ AND ^userfavorites.entitytype=$ ORDER BY ^users.handle';
Return the selectspec to retrieve an array of $userid's favorited tags, with information about those tags.
Return the selectspec to retrieve an array of $userid's favorited tags, with information about those tags.
Returns $limit tags, or all of them if $limit is null (used in qa_db_selectspec_count).
$source='^words JOIN ^userfavorites ON ^words.wordid=^userfavorites.entityid WHERE ^userfavorites.userid=$ AND ^userfavorites.entitytype=$ ORDER BY tagcount DESC';
$source='^words JOIN ^userfavorites ON ^words.wordid=^userfavorites.entityid WHERE ^userfavorites.userid=$ AND ^userfavorites.entitytype=$ ORDER BY ^words.tagcount DESC';