"SELECT postid FROM ^posts WHERE createip=INET_ATON($) AND type IN ('Q', 'A', 'C', 'Q_QUEUED', 'A_QUEUED', 'C_QUEUED')",
"SELECT postid FROM ^posts WHERE createip=".inet_pton($ip)." AND type IN ('Q', 'A', 'C', 'Q_QUEUED', 'A_QUEUED', 'C_QUEUED')"
@@ -187,7 +186,7 @@
"SELECT ^users.userid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) AS created, INET_NTOA(createip) AS createip, email, handle, flags, title, content FROM ^users LEFT JOIN ^userprofile ON ^users.userid=^userprofile.userid AND LENGTH(content)>0 WHERE level<# AND NOT (flags&#) ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT #",
"SELECT ^users.userid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) AS created, createip, email, handle, flags, title, content FROM ^users LEFT JOIN ^userprofile ON ^users.userid=^userprofile.userid AND LENGTH(content)>0 WHERE level<# AND NOT (flags&#) ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT #",