Commit 58fb33a4 by Scott

Coding style (base)

parent 5bc0177c
......@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
define('QA_VERSION', '1.7.4'); // also used as suffix for .js and .css requests
define('QA_BUILD_DATE', '2016-03-14');
define('QA_VERSION', '1.7.4'); // also used as suffix for .js and .css requests
define('QA_BUILD_DATE', '2016-03-14');
* Autoloads some Q2A classes so it's possible to use them without adding a require_once first. From version 1.7 onwards.
* These loosely follow PHP-FIG's PSR-0 standard where faux namespaces are separated by underscores. This is being done
* slowly and carefully to maintain backwards compatibility, and does not apply to plugins, themes, nor most of the core
......@@ -36,105 +36,92 @@
* Classes are mapped to PHP files with the underscores converted to directory separators. The Q2A_Util_Debug class is in
* the file qa-include/Q2A/Util/Debug.php. A class named Q2A_Db_User_Messages would be in a file qa-include/Q2A/Db/User/Messages.php.
function qa_autoload($class)
function qa_autoload($class)
if (strpos($class, 'Q2A_') === 0)
require QA_INCLUDE_DIR.strtr($class, '_', '/') . '.php';
require QA_INCLUDE_DIR . strtr($class, '_', '/') . '.php';
// Execution section of this file - remainder contains function definitions
if (defined('QA_WORDPRESS_LOAD_FILE')) {
if (defined('QA_WORDPRESS_LOAD_FILE')) {
// if relevant, load WordPress integration in global scope
elseif (defined('QA_JOOMLA_LOAD_FILE')) {
} elseif (defined('QA_JOOMLA_LOAD_FILE')) {
// if relevant, load Joomla JConfig class into global scope
require_once QA_JOOMLA_LOAD_FILE;
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-db.php';
function qa_initialize_plugins() {
$pluginManager = new Q2A_Plugin_PluginManager();
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'qa-db.php';
// Version comparison functions
* Converts the $version string (e.g. to a floating point that can be used for greater/lesser comparisons
* (PHP's version_compare() function is not quite suitable for our needs)
function qa_version_to_float($version)
function qa_version_to_float($version)
$value = 0.0;
if (preg_match('/[0-9\.]+/', $version, $matches)) {
$parts=explode('.', $matches[0]);
$parts = explode('.', $matches[0]);
$units = 1.0;
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$value+=min($part, 999)*$units;
$value += min($part, 999) * $units;
$units /= 1000;
return $value;
* Returns true if the current Q2A version is lower than $version, if both are valid version strings for qa_version_to_float()
function qa_qa_version_below($version)
function qa_qa_version_below($version)
$minqa = qa_version_to_float($version);
$thisqa = qa_version_to_float(QA_VERSION);
return $minqa && $thisqa && ($thisqa<$minqa);
return $minqa && $thisqa && $thisqa < $minqa;
* Returns true if the current PHP version is lower than $version, if both are valid version strings for qa_version_to_float()
function qa_php_version_below($version)
function qa_php_version_below($version)
$minphp = qa_version_to_float($version);
$thisphp = qa_version_to_float(phpversion());
return $minphp && $thisphp && ($thisphp<$minphp);
return $minphp && $thisphp && $thisphp < $minphp;
// Initialization functions called above
* Set up and verify the PHP environment for Q2A, including unregistering globals if necessary
function qa_initialize_php()
function qa_initialize_php()
if (qa_php_version_below('5.1.6'))
qa_fatal_error('Q2A requires PHP 5.1.6 or later');
......@@ -148,90 +135,95 @@
@date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); // prevent PHP notices where default timezone not set
if (ini_get('register_globals')) {
$checkarrays=array('_ENV', '_GET', '_POST', '_COOKIE', '_SERVER', '_FILES', '_REQUEST', '_SESSION'); // unregister globals if they're registered
$keyprotect=array_flip(array_merge($checkarrays, array('GLOBALS')));
$checkarrays = array('_ENV', '_GET', '_POST', '_COOKIE', '_SERVER', '_FILES', '_REQUEST', '_SESSION'); // unregister globals if they're registered
$keyprotect = array_flip(array_merge($checkarrays, array('GLOBALS')));
foreach ($checkarrays as $checkarray)
if ( isset(${$checkarray}) && is_array(${$checkarray}) )
foreach (${$checkarray} as $checkkey => $checkvalue)
if (isset($keyprotect[$checkkey]))
foreach ($checkarrays as $checkarray) {
if (isset(${$checkarray}) && is_array(${$checkarray})) {
foreach (${$checkarray} as $checkkey => $checkvalue) {
if (isset($keyprotect[$checkkey])) {
qa_fatal_error('My superglobals are not for overriding');
} else {
* First stage of setting up Q2A constants, before (if necessary) loading WordPress or Joomla! integration
function qa_initialize_constants_1()
function qa_initialize_constants_1()
global $qa_request_map;
define('QA_CATEGORY_DEPTH', 4); // you can't change this number!
if (!defined('QA_BASE_DIR'))
define('QA_BASE_DIR', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/'); // try out best if not set in index.php or qa-index.php - won't work with symbolic links
define('QA_BASE_DIR', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/'); // try out best if not set in index.php or qa-index.php - won't work with symbolic links
define('QA_EXTERNAL_DIR', QA_BASE_DIR.'qa-external/');
define('QA_INCLUDE_DIR', QA_BASE_DIR.'qa-include/');
define('QA_LANG_DIR', QA_BASE_DIR.'qa-lang/');
define('QA_THEME_DIR', QA_BASE_DIR.'qa-theme/');
define('QA_PLUGIN_DIR', QA_BASE_DIR.'qa-plugin/');
define('QA_EXTERNAL_DIR', QA_BASE_DIR . 'qa-external/');
define('QA_INCLUDE_DIR', QA_BASE_DIR . 'qa-include/');
define('QA_LANG_DIR', QA_BASE_DIR . 'qa-lang/');
define('QA_THEME_DIR', QA_BASE_DIR . 'qa-theme/');
define('QA_PLUGIN_DIR', QA_BASE_DIR . 'qa-plugin/');
if (!file_exists(QA_BASE_DIR.'qa-config.php'))
if (!file_exists(QA_BASE_DIR . 'qa-config.php'))
qa_fatal_error('The config file could not be found. Please read the instructions in qa-config-example.php.');
require_once QA_BASE_DIR.'qa-config.php';
require_once QA_BASE_DIR . 'qa-config.php';
$qa_request_map = isset($QA_CONST_PATH_MAP) && is_array($QA_CONST_PATH_MAP) ? $QA_CONST_PATH_MAP : array();
if (!is_readable(QA_WORDPRESS_LOAD_FILE))
if (!is_readable(QA_WORDPRESS_LOAD_FILE)) {
qa_fatal_error('Could not find wp-load.php file for WordPress integration - please check QA_WORDPRESS_INTEGRATE_PATH in qa-config.php');
} elseif (defined('QA_JOOMLA_INTEGRATE_PATH') && strlen(QA_JOOMLA_INTEGRATE_PATH)) {
define('QA_JOOMLA_LOAD_FILE', QA_FINAL_JOOMLA_INTEGRATE_PATH . 'configuration.php');
if (!is_readable(QA_JOOMLA_LOAD_FILE))
if (!is_readable(QA_JOOMLA_LOAD_FILE)) {
qa_fatal_error('Could not find configuration.php file for Joomla integration - please check QA_JOOMLA_INTEGRATE_PATH in qa-config.php');
// Polyfills
// password_hash compatibility for 5.3-5.4
define('QA_PASSWORD_HASH', !qa_php_version_below('5.3.7'));
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'vendor/password_compat.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'vendor/password_compat.php';
if(!function_exists('hash_equals')) {
function hash_equals($str1, $str2) {
if(strlen($str1) != strlen($str2)) {
if (!function_exists('hash_equals')) {
function hash_equals($str1, $str2)
if (strlen($str1) != strlen($str2)) {
return false;
} else {
$res = $str1 ^ $str2;
$ret = 0;
for($i = strlen($res) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) $ret |= ord($res[$i]);
for ($i = strlen($res) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) $ret |= ord($res[$i]);
return !$ret;
* Second stage of setting up Q2A constants, after (if necessary) loading WordPress or Joomla! integration
function qa_initialize_constants_2()
function qa_initialize_constants_2()
// Default values if not set in qa-config.php
@define('QA_COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
......@@ -268,20 +260,20 @@
if (is_array($param)) { //
foreach ($param as $key => $value)
$param[$key]=qa_undo_wordpress_quoting($value, $isget);
$param[$key] = qa_undo_wordpress_quoting($value, $isget);
} else {
$param = stripslashes($param);
if ($isget)
$param=strtr($param, array('\\\'' => '\'', '\"' => '"')); // also compensate for WordPress's .htaccess file
$param = strtr($param, array('\\\'' => '\'', '\"' => '"')); // also compensate for WordPress's .htaccess file
return $param;
$_GET=qa_undo_wordpress_quoting($_GET, true);
$_POST=qa_undo_wordpress_quoting($_POST, false);
$_GET = qa_undo_wordpress_quoting($_GET, true);
$_POST = qa_undo_wordpress_quoting($_POST, false);
$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = stripslashes($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
} elseif (defined('QA_FINAL_JOOMLA_INTEGRATE_PATH')) {
// More for Joomla integration
......@@ -312,32 +304,32 @@
define('QA_URL_FORMAT_SAFEST', 5); // http://...../index.php?qa=123&qa_1=why-is-the-sky-blue
define('QA_URL_TEST_STRING', '$&-_~#%\\@^*()][`\';=:|".{},!<>?# π§½Жש'); // tests escaping, spaces, quote slashing and unicode - but not + and /
* Gets everything ready to start using modules, layers and overrides
function qa_initialize_modularity()
function qa_initialize_modularity()
global $qa_modules, $qa_layers, $qa_override_files, $qa_override_files_temp, $qa_overrides, $qa_direct;
$qa_modules = array();
$qa_layers = array();
$qa_override_files = array();
$qa_override_files_temp = array();
$qa_overrides = array();
$qa_direct = array();
* Set up output buffering. Use gzip compression if option set and it's not an admin page (since some of these contain lengthy processes).
* @param $request
* @return bool whether buffering was used
function qa_initialize_buffering($request='')
function qa_initialize_buffering($request = '')
if (headers_sent()) {
return false;
......@@ -345,14 +337,14 @@
$useGzip = QA_HTML_COMPRESSION && substr($request, 0, 6) !== 'admin/' && extension_loaded('zlib');
ob_start($useGzip ? 'ob_gzhandler' : null);
return true;
* Register all modules that come as part of the Q2A core (as opposed to plugins)
function qa_register_core_modules()
function qa_register_core_modules()
qa_register_module('filter', 'plugins/qa-filter-basic.php', 'qa_filter_basic', '');
qa_register_module('editor', 'plugins/qa-editor-basic.php', 'qa_editor_basic', '');
qa_register_module('viewer', 'plugins/qa-viewer-basic.php', 'qa_viewer_basic', '');
......@@ -364,18 +356,36 @@
qa_register_module('widget', 'plugins/qa-widget-ask-box.php', 'qa_ask_box', 'Ask Box');
qa_register_module('widget', 'plugins/qa-widget-related-qs.php', 'qa_related_qs', 'Related Questions');
qa_register_module('widget', 'plugins/qa-widget-category-list.php', 'qa_category_list', 'Categories');
* Load all plugins. They are split into two groups: plugins loaded before database is available, and those loaded afterward.
function qa_initialize_plugins()
$pluginManager = new Q2A_Plugin_PluginManager();
* Retrieve metadata information from the $contents of a qa-theme.php or qa-plugin.php file, specified by $type ('Plugin' or 'Theme').
* If $versiononly is true, only min version metadata is parsed.
* Name, Description, Min Q2A & Min PHP are not currently used by themes.
* @deprecated Deprecated from 1.7; Q2A_Util_Metadata class and metadata.json files should be used instead
function qa_addon_metadata($contents, $type, $versiononly=false)
function qa_addon_metadata($contents, $type, $versiononly = false)
$fields = array(
'min_q2a' => 'Minimum Question2Answer Version',
'min_php' => 'Minimum PHP Version',
......@@ -398,52 +408,54 @@
foreach ($fields as $key => $field) {
// prepend 'Theme'/'Plugin' and search for key data
$fieldregex = str_replace(' ', '[ \t]*', preg_quote("$type $field", '/'));
if (preg_match('/'.$fieldregex.':[ \t]*([^\n\f]*)[\n\f]/i', $contents, $matches))
if (preg_match('/' . $fieldregex . ':[ \t]*([^\n\f]*)[\n\f]/i', $contents, $matches))
$metadata[$key] = trim($matches[1]);
return $metadata;
* Apply all the function overrides in override files that have been registered by plugins
function qa_load_override_files()
function qa_load_override_files()
global $qa_override_files, $qa_override_files_temp, $qa_overrides;
$functionindex = array();
foreach ($qa_override_files_temp as $override) {
$qa_override_files[] = $override;
$filename = $override['directory'] . $override['include'];
$functionsphp = file_get_contents($filename);
preg_match_all('/\Wfunction\s+(qa_[a-z_]+)\s*\(/im', $functionsphp, $rawmatches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER|PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
preg_match_all('/\Wfunction\s+(qa_[a-z_]+)\s*\(/im', $functionsphp, $rawmatches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$reversematches=array_reverse($rawmatches[1], true); // reverse so offsets remain correct as we step through
$suffix='_in_'.preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/', '_', basename($override['include']));
$reversematches = array_reverse($rawmatches[1], true); // reverse so offsets remain correct as we step through
$postreplace = array();
// include file name in defined function names to make debugging easier if there is an error
$suffix = '_in_' . preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]+/', '_', basename($override['include']));
foreach ($reversematches as $rawmatch) {
$function = strtolower($rawmatch[0]);
$position = $rawmatch[1];
if (isset($qa_overrides[$function]))
$postreplace[$function . '_base'] = $qa_overrides[$function];
$functionsphp=substr_replace($functionsphp, $newname, $position, strlen($function));
$newname = $function . '_override_' . (@++$functionindex[$function]) . $suffix;
$functionsphp = substr_replace($functionsphp, $newname, $position, strlen($function));
$qa_overrides[$function] = $newname;
foreach ($postreplace as $oldname => $newname)
if (preg_match_all('/\W('.preg_quote($oldname).')\s*\(/im', $functionsphp, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER|PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
foreach ($searchmatches as $searchmatch)
$functionsphp=substr_replace($functionsphp, $newname, $searchmatch[1], strlen($searchmatch[0]));
foreach ($postreplace as $oldname => $newname) {
if (preg_match_all('/\W(' . preg_quote($oldname) . ')\s*\(/im', $functionsphp, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER | PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
$searchmatches = array_reverse($matches[1]);
foreach ($searchmatches as $searchmatch) {
$functionsphp = substr_replace($functionsphp, $newname, $searchmatch[1], strlen($searchmatch[0]));
// echo '<pre style="text-align:left;">'.htmlspecialchars($functionsphp).'</pre>'; // to debug munged code
......@@ -452,187 +464,200 @@
$qa_override_files_temp = array();
// Functions for registering different varieties of Q2A modularity
* Register a module of $type named $name, whose class named $class is defined in file $include (or null if no include necessary)
* If this module comes from a plugin, pass in the local plugin $directory and the $urltoroot relative url for that directory
function qa_register_module($type, $include, $class, $name, $directory=QA_INCLUDE_DIR, $urltoroot=null)
function qa_register_module($type, $include, $class, $name, $directory = QA_INCLUDE_DIR, $urltoroot = null)
global $qa_modules;
$previous = @$qa_modules[$type][$name];
if (isset($previous))
qa_fatal_error('A '.$type.' module named '.$name.' already exists. Please check there are no duplicate plugins. '.
"\n\nModule 1: ".$previous['directory'].$previous['include']."\nModule 2: ".$directory.$include);
if (isset($previous)) {
qa_fatal_error('A ' . $type . ' module named ' . $name . ' already exists. Please check there are no duplicate plugins. ' .
"\n\nModule 1: " . $previous['directory'] . $previous['include'] . "\nModule 2: " . $directory . $include);
$qa_modules[$type][$name] = array(
'directory' => $directory,
'urltoroot' => $urltoroot,
'include' => $include,
'class' => $class,
* Register a layer named $name, defined in file $include. If this layer comes from a plugin (as all currently do),
* pass in the local plugin $directory and the $urltoroot relative url for that directory
function qa_register_layer($include, $name, $directory=QA_INCLUDE_DIR, $urltoroot=null)
function qa_register_layer($include, $name, $directory = QA_INCLUDE_DIR, $urltoroot = null)
global $qa_layers;
$previous = @$qa_layers[$name];
if (isset($previous))
qa_fatal_error('A layer named '.$name.' already exists. Please check there are no duplicate plugins. '.
"\n\nLayer 1: ".$previous['directory'].$previous['include']."\nLayer 2: ".$directory.$include);
if (isset($previous)) {
qa_fatal_error('A layer named ' . $name . ' already exists. Please check there are no duplicate plugins. ' .
"\n\nLayer 1: " . $previous['directory'] . $previous['include'] . "\nLayer 2: " . $directory . $include);
$qa_layers[$name] = array(
'directory' => $directory,
'urltoroot' => $urltoroot,
'include' => $include,
* Register a file $include containing override functions. If this file comes from a plugin (as all currently do),
* pass in the local plugin $directory and the $urltoroot relative url for that directory
function qa_register_overrides($include, $directory=QA_INCLUDE_DIR, $urltoroot=null)
function qa_register_overrides($include, $directory = QA_INCLUDE_DIR, $urltoroot = null)
global $qa_override_files_temp;
$qa_override_files_temp[] = array(
'directory' => $directory,
'urltoroot' => $urltoroot,
'include' => $include
'include' => $include,
* Register a set of language phrases, which should be accessed by the prefix $name/ in the qa_lang_*() functions.
* Pass in the $pattern representing the PHP files that define these phrases, where * in the pattern is replaced with
* the language code (e.g. 'fr') and/or 'default'. These files should be formatted like Q2A's qa-lang-*.php files.
function qa_register_phrases($pattern, $name)
function qa_register_phrases($pattern, $name)
global $qa_lang_file_pattern;
if (file_exists(QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'lang/qa-lang-'.$name.'.php'))
qa_fatal_error('The name "'.$name.'" for phrases is reserved and cannot be used by plugins.'."\n\nPhrases: ".$pattern);
if (isset($qa_lang_file_pattern[$name]))
qa_fatal_error('A set of phrases named '.$name.' already exists. Please check there are no duplicate plugins. '.
"\n\nPhrases 1: ".$qa_lang_file_pattern[$name]."\nPhrases 2: ".$pattern);
if (file_exists(QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'lang/qa-lang-' . $name . '.php')) {
qa_fatal_error('The name "' . $name . '" for phrases is reserved and cannot be used by plugins.' . "\n\nPhrases: " . $pattern);
if (isset($qa_lang_file_pattern[$name])) {
qa_fatal_error('A set of phrases named ' . $name . ' already exists. Please check there are no duplicate plugins. ' .
"\n\nPhrases 1: " . $qa_lang_file_pattern[$name] . "\nPhrases 2: " . $pattern);
$qa_lang_file_pattern[$name] = $pattern;
// Function for registering varieties of Q2A modularity, which are (only) called from qa-plugin.php files
* Register a plugin module of $type named $name, whose class named $class is defined in file $include (or null if no include necessary)
* This function relies on some global variable values and can only be called from a plugin's qa-plugin.php file
function qa_register_plugin_module($type, $include, $class, $name)
function qa_register_plugin_module($type, $include, $class, $name)
global $qa_plugin_directory, $qa_plugin_urltoroot;
if (empty($qa_plugin_directory) || empty($qa_plugin_urltoroot))
if (empty($qa_plugin_directory) || empty($qa_plugin_urltoroot)) {
qa_fatal_error('qa_register_plugin_module() can only be called from a plugin qa-plugin.php file');
qa_register_module($type, $include, $class, $name, $qa_plugin_directory, $qa_plugin_urltoroot);
* Register a plugin layer named $name, defined in file $include. Can only be called from a plugin's qa-plugin.php file
function qa_register_plugin_layer($include, $name)
function qa_register_plugin_layer($include, $name)
global $qa_plugin_directory, $qa_plugin_urltoroot;
if (empty($qa_plugin_directory) || empty($qa_plugin_urltoroot))
if (empty($qa_plugin_directory) || empty($qa_plugin_urltoroot)) {
qa_fatal_error('qa_register_plugin_layer() can only be called from a plugin qa-plugin.php file');
qa_register_layer($include, $name, $qa_plugin_directory, $qa_plugin_urltoroot);
* Register a plugin file $include containing override functions. Can only be called from a plugin's qa-plugin.php file
function qa_register_plugin_overrides($include)
function qa_register_plugin_overrides($include)
global $qa_plugin_directory, $qa_plugin_urltoroot;
if (empty($qa_plugin_directory) || empty($qa_plugin_urltoroot))
if (empty($qa_plugin_directory) || empty($qa_plugin_urltoroot)) {
qa_fatal_error('qa_register_plugin_overrides() can only be called from a plugin qa-plugin.php file');
qa_register_overrides($include, $qa_plugin_directory, $qa_plugin_urltoroot);
* Register a file name $pattern within a plugin directory containing language phrases accessed by the prefix $name
function qa_register_plugin_phrases($pattern, $name)
function qa_register_plugin_phrases($pattern, $name)
global $qa_plugin_directory, $qa_plugin_urltoroot;
if (empty($qa_plugin_directory) || empty($qa_plugin_urltoroot))
if (empty($qa_plugin_directory) || empty($qa_plugin_urltoroot)) {
qa_fatal_error('qa_register_plugin_phrases() can only be called from a plugin qa-plugin.php file');
qa_register_phrases($qa_plugin_directory.$pattern, $name);
qa_register_phrases($qa_plugin_directory . $pattern, $name);
// Low-level functions used throughout Q2A
* Calls eval() on the PHP code in $eval which came from the file $filename. It supplements PHP's regular error reporting by
* displaying/logging (as appropriate) the original source filename, if an error occurred when evaluating the code.
function qa_eval_from_file($eval, $filename)
function qa_eval_from_file($eval, $filename)
// could also use ini_set('error_append_string') but apparently it doesn't work for errors logged on disk
global $php_errormsg;
$oldtrackerrors=@ini_set('track_errors', 1);
$oldtrackerrors = @ini_set('track_errors', 1);
$php_errormsg = null;
eval('?' . '>' . $eval);
if (strlen($php_errormsg)) {
switch (strtolower(@ini_get('display_errors'))) {
case 'on': case '1': case 'yes': case 'true': case 'stdout': case 'stderr':
echo ' of '.qa_html($filename)."\n";
case 'on':
case '1':
case 'yes':
case 'true':
case 'stdout':
case 'stderr':
echo ' of ' . qa_html($filename) . "\n";
@error_log('PHP Question2Answer more info: '.$php_errormsg." in eval()'d code from ".qa_html($filename));
@error_log('PHP Question2Answer more info: ' . $php_errormsg . " in eval()'d code from " . qa_html($filename));
@ini_set('track_errors', $oldtrackerrors);
* Call $function with the arguments in the $args array (doesn't work with call-by-reference functions)
function qa_call($function, $args)
function qa_call($function, $args)
// call_user_func_array(...) is very slow, so we break out most common cases first
switch (count($args)) {
case 0:
......@@ -650,18 +675,18 @@
return call_user_func_array($function, $args);
* Determines whether a function is to be overridden by a plugin. But if the function is being called with
* the _base suffix, any override will be bypassed due to $qa_direct.
* @param string $function The function to override
* @return string|null The name of the overriding function (of the form `qa_functionname_override_1_in_filename`)
function qa_to_override($function)
function qa_to_override($function)
global $qa_overrides, $qa_direct;
// handle most common case first
......@@ -669,7 +694,7 @@
return null;
if (strpos($function, '_override_')!==false) {
if (strpos($function, '_override_') !== false) {
qa_fatal_error('Override functions should not be calling qa_to_override()!');
......@@ -679,43 +704,46 @@
return $qa_overrides[$function];
* Call the function which immediately overrides $function with the arguments in the $args array
function qa_call_override($function, $args)
function qa_call_override($function, $args)
global $qa_overrides;
if (strpos($function, '_override_')!==false)
if (strpos($function, '_override_') !== false) {
qa_fatal_error('Override functions should not be calling qa_call_override()!');
if (!function_exists($function.'_base')) // define the base function the first time that it's needed
eval('function '.$function.'_base() { global $qa_direct; $qa_direct[\''.$function.'\']=true; $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call(\''.$function.'\', $args); }');
if (!function_exists($function . '_base')) {
// define the base function the first time that it's needed
eval('function ' . $function . '_base() { global $qa_direct; $qa_direct[\'' . $function . '\']=true; $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call(\'' . $function . '\', $args); }');
return qa_call($qa_overrides[$function], $args);
* Exit PHP immediately after reporting a shutdown with $reason to any installed process modules
function qa_exit($reason=null)
function qa_exit($reason = null)
qa_report_process_stage('shutdown', $reason);
$code = $reason === 'error' ? 1 : 0;
* Display $message in the browser, write it to server error log, and then stop abruptly
function qa_fatal_error($message)
function qa_fatal_error($message)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
echo 'Question2Answer fatal error:<p style="color: red">' . qa_html($message, true) . '</p>';
......@@ -732,51 +760,51 @@
// Functions for listing, loading and getting info on modules
* Return an array with all registered modules' information
function qa_list_modules_info()
function qa_list_modules_info()
global $qa_modules;
return $qa_modules;
* Return an array of all the module types for which at least one module has been registered
function qa_list_module_types()
function qa_list_module_types()
return array_keys(qa_list_modules_info());
* Return a list of names of registered modules of $type
function qa_list_modules($type)
function qa_list_modules($type)
$modules = qa_list_modules_info();
return is_array(@$modules[$type]) ? array_keys($modules[$type]) : array();
* Return an array containing information about the module of $type named $name
function qa_get_module_info($type, $name)
function qa_get_module_info($type, $name)
$modules = qa_list_modules_info();
return @$modules[$type][$name];
* Return an instantiated class for module of $type named $name, whose functions can be called, or null if it doesn't exist
function qa_load_module($type, $name)
function qa_load_module($type, $name)
global $qa_modules;
$module = @$qa_modules[$type][$name];
......@@ -786,13 +814,13 @@
return $module['object'];
if (strlen(@$module['include']))
require_once $module['directory'].$module['include'];
require_once $module['directory'] . $module['include'];
if (strlen(@$module['class'])) {
$object = new $module['class'];
if (method_exists($object, 'load_module'))
$object->load_module($module['directory'], qa_path_to_root().$module['urltoroot'], $type, $name);
$object->load_module($module['directory'], qa_path_to_root() . $module['urltoroot'], $type, $name);
$qa_modules[$type][$name]['object'] = $object;
return $object;
......@@ -800,14 +828,14 @@
return null;
* Return an array of instantiated clases for modules which have defined $method
* (all modules are loaded but not included in the returned array)
function qa_load_all_modules_with($method)
function qa_load_all_modules_with($method)
$modules = array();
$regmodules = qa_list_modules_info();
......@@ -822,14 +850,14 @@
return $modules;
* Return an array of instantiated clases for modules of $type which have defined $method
* (other modules of that type are also loaded but not included in the returned array)
function qa_load_modules_with($type, $method)
function qa_load_modules_with($type, $method)
$modules = array();
$trynames = qa_list_modules($type);
......@@ -842,45 +870,45 @@
return $modules;
// HTML and Javascript escaping and sanitization
* Return HTML representation of $string, work well with blocks of text if $multiline is true
function qa_html($string, $multiline=false)
function qa_html($string, $multiline = false)
$html = htmlspecialchars((string)$string);
if ($multiline) {
$html=preg_replace('/\r\n?/', "\n", $html);
$html=preg_replace('/(?<=\s) /', '&nbsp;', $html);
$html=str_replace("\t", '&nbsp; &nbsp; ', $html);
$html = preg_replace('/\r\n?/', "\n", $html);
$html = preg_replace('/(?<=\s) /', '&nbsp;', $html);
$html = str_replace("\t", '&nbsp; &nbsp; ', $html);
$html = nl2br($html);
return $html;
* Return $html after ensuring it is safe, i.e. removing Javascripts and the like - uses htmLawed library
* Links open in a new window if $linksnewwindow is true. Set $storage to true if sanitization is for
* storing in the database, rather than immediate display to user - some think this should be less strict.
function qa_sanitize_html($html, $linksnewwindow=false, $storage=false)
function qa_sanitize_html($html, $linksnewwindow=false, $storage=false)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
require_once 'vendor/htmLawed.php';
global $qa_sanitize_html_newwindow;
$qa_sanitize_html_newwindow = $linksnewwindow;
$safe=htmLawed($html, array(
$safe = htmLawed($html, array(
'safe' => 1,
'elements' => '*+embed+object-form',
'schemes' => 'href: aim, feed, file, ftp, gopher, http, https, irc, mailto, news, nntp, sftp, ssh, telnet; *:file, http, https; style: !; classid:clsid',
......@@ -890,166 +918,166 @@
return $safe;
* htmLawed hook function used to process tags in qa_sanitize_html(...)
function qa_sanitize_html_hook_tag($element, $attributes=null)
function qa_sanitize_html_hook_tag($element, $attributes = null)
global $qa_sanitize_html_newwindow;
if (!isset($attributes)) // it's a closing tag
return '</'.$element.'>';
return '</' . $element . '>';
if ( ($element=='param') && (trim(strtolower(@$attributes['name']))=='allowscriptaccess') )
if (($element == 'param') && (trim(strtolower(@$attributes['name'])) == 'allowscriptaccess'))
$attributes['name'] = 'allowscriptaccess_denied';
if ($element=='embed')
if ($element == 'embed')
if (($element=='a') && isset($attributes['href']) && $qa_sanitize_html_newwindow)
if (($element == 'a') && isset($attributes['href']) && $qa_sanitize_html_newwindow)
$attributes['target'] = '_blank';
$html = '<' . $element;
foreach ($attributes as $key => $value)
$html.=' '.$key.'="'.$value.'"';
$html .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $value . '"';
return $html.'>';
return $html . '>';
* Return XML representation of $string, which is similar to HTML but ASCII control characters are also disallowed
function qa_xml($string)
function qa_xml($string)
return htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('/[\x00-\x08\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]/', '', (string)$string));
* Return JavaScript representation of $value, putting in quotes if non-numeric or if $forcequotes is true. In the
* case of boolean values they are returned as the appropriate true or false string
function qa_js($value, $forcequotes=false)
function qa_js($value, $forcequotes = false)
$boolean = is_bool($value);
if ($boolean)
$value = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
if ((is_numeric($value) || $boolean) && !$forcequotes)
return $value;
return "'".strtr($value, array(
return "'" . strtr($value, array(
"'" => "\\'",
'/' => '\\/',
'\\' => '\\\\',
"\n" => "\\n",
"\r" => "\\n",
)) . "'";
// Finding out more about the current request
* Inform Q2A that the current request is $request (slash-separated, independent of the url scheme chosen),
* that the relative path to the Q2A root apperas to be $relativeroot, and the url scheme appears to be $usedformat
function qa_set_request($request, $relativeroot, $usedformat=null)
function qa_set_request($request, $relativeroot, $usedformat=null)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_request, $qa_root_url_relative, $qa_used_url_format;
$qa_request = $request;
$qa_root_url_relative = $relativeroot;
$qa_used_url_format = $usedformat;
* Returns the current Q2A request (slash-separated, independent of the url scheme chosen)
function qa_request()
function qa_request()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_request;
return $qa_request;
* Returns the indexed $part (as separated by slashes) of the current Q2A request, or null if it doesn't exist
function qa_request_part($part)
$parts=explode('/', qa_request());
function qa_request_part($part)
$parts = explode('/', qa_request());
return @$parts[$part];
* Returns an array of parts (as separated by slashes) of the current Q2A request, starting at part $start
function qa_request_parts($start=0)
function qa_request_parts($start = 0)
return array_slice(explode('/', qa_request()), $start);
* Return string for incoming GET/POST/COOKIE value, stripping slashes if appropriate
function qa_gpc_to_string($string)
function qa_gpc_to_string($string)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($string) : $string;
* Return string with slashes added, if appropriate for later removal by qa_gpc_to_string()
function qa_string_to_gpc($string)
function qa_string_to_gpc($string)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? addslashes($string) : $string;
* Return string for incoming GET field, or null if it's not defined
function qa_get($field)
function qa_get($field)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return isset($_GET[$field]) ? qa_gpc_to_string($_GET[$field]) : null;
* Return string for incoming POST field, or null if it's not defined.
* While we're at it, trim() surrounding white space and converted to Unix line endings.
function qa_post_text($field)
function qa_post_text($field)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return isset($_POST[$field]) ? preg_replace('/\r\n?/', "\n", trim(qa_gpc_to_string($_POST[$field]))) : null;
* Return an array for incoming POST field, or null if it's not an array or not defined.
* While we're at it, trim() surrounding white space for each value and convert them to Unix line endings.
function qa_post_array($field)
function qa_post_array($field)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
if (!isset($_POST[$field]) || !is_array($_POST[$field])) {
......@@ -1061,41 +1089,41 @@
$result[$key] = preg_replace('/\r\n?/', "\n", trim(qa_gpc_to_string($value)));
return $result;
* Return true if form button $name was clicked (as type=submit/image) to create this page request, or if a
* simulated click was sent for the button (via 'qa_click' POST field)
function qa_clicked($name)
function qa_clicked($name)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return isset($_POST[$name]) || isset($_POST[$name.'_x']) || (qa_post_text('qa_click')==$name);
return isset($_POST[$name]) || isset($_POST[$name . '_x']) || (qa_post_text('qa_click') == $name);
* Determine the remote IP address of the user accessing the site.
* @return mixed String representing IP if it's available, or null otherwise.
function qa_remote_ip_address()
function qa_remote_ip_address()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : null;
* Checks whether an HTTP request has exceeded the post_max_size PHP variable. This happens whenever an HTTP request
* is too big to be properly processed by PHP, usually because there is an attachment in the HTTP request. A warning
* is added to the server's log displaying the size of the file that triggered this situation. It is important to note
* that whenever this happens the $_POST and $_FILES superglobals are empty.
function qa_post_limit_exceeded()
function qa_post_limit_exceeded()
if (in_array($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], array('POST', 'PUT')) && empty($_POST) && empty($_FILES)) {
$postmaxsize = ini_get('post_max_size'); // Gets the current post_max_size configuration
$unit = substr($postmaxsize, -1);
......@@ -1106,18 +1134,18 @@
$postmaxsize = convert_to_bytes($unit, $postmaxsize);
return $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > $postmaxsize;
* Turns a numeric value and a unit (g/m/k) into bytes
* @param string $unit One of 'g', 'm', 'k'. It is case insensitive
* @param int $value The value to turn into bytes
* @return int The amount of bytes the unit and the value represent. If the unit is not one of 'g', 'm' or 'k' then
* the original value is returned
function convert_to_bytes($unit, $value)
* Turns a numeric value and a unit (g/m/k) into bytes
* @param string $unit One of 'g', 'm', 'k'. It is case insensitive
* @param int $value The value to turn into bytes
* @return int The amount of bytes the unit and the value represent. If the unit is not one of 'g', 'm' or 'k' then
* the original value is returned
function convert_to_bytes($unit, $value)
switch (strtolower($unit)) {
case 'g':
return $value * 1073741824;
......@@ -1128,78 +1156,78 @@
return $value;
* Whether we are responding to an HTTP GET request
* @return bool True if the request is GET
function qa_is_http_get()
function qa_is_http_get()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'GET';
* Return true if we are responding to an HTTP POST request
function qa_is_http_post()
function qa_is_http_post()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST' || !empty($_POST);
* Return true if we appear to be responding to a secure HTTP request (but hard to be sure)
function qa_is_https_probably()
function qa_is_https_probably()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return (@$_SERVER['HTTPS'] && ($_SERVER['HTTPS']!='off')) || (@$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']==443);
return (@$_SERVER['HTTPS'] && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off')) || (@$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443);
* Return true if it appears the page request is coming from a human using a web browser, rather than a search engine
* or other bot. Based on a whitelist of terms in user agents, this can easily be tricked by a scraper or bad bot.
function qa_is_human_probably()
function qa_is_human_probably()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'util/string.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'util/string.php';
$useragent = @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
return (strlen($useragent)==0) || qa_string_matches_one($useragent, array(
return (strlen($useragent) == 0) || qa_string_matches_one($useragent, array(
'MSIE', 'Firefox', 'Chrome', 'Safari', 'Opera', 'Gecko', 'MIDP', 'PLAYSTATION', 'Teleca',
'BlackBerry', 'UP.Browser', 'Polaris', 'MAUI_WAP_Browser', 'iPad', 'iPhone', 'iPod'
'BlackBerry', 'UP.Browser', 'Polaris', 'MAUI_WAP_Browser', 'iPad', 'iPhone', 'iPod',
* Return true if it appears that the page request is coming from a mobile client rather than a desktop/laptop web browser
function qa_is_mobile_probably()
function qa_is_mobile_probably()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'util/string.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'util/string.php';
// inspired by:
$loweragent = strtolower(@$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
if (strpos($loweragent, 'ipad')!==false) // consider iPad as desktop
if (strpos($loweragent, 'ipad') !== false) // consider iPad as desktop
return false;
foreach ($mobileheaders as $header)
if (isset($_SERVER[$header]))
......@@ -1208,27 +1236,27 @@
if (qa_string_matches_one($loweragent, array(
'android', 'phone', 'mobile', 'windows ce', 'palm', ' mobi', 'wireless', 'blackberry', 'opera mini', 'symbian',
'nokia', 'samsung', 'ericsson,', 'vodafone/', 'kindle', 'ipod', 'wap1.', 'wap2.', 'sony', 'sanyo', 'sharp',
'panasonic', 'philips', 'pocketpc', 'avantgo', 'blazer', 'ipaq', 'up.browser', '', 'mmp', 'smartphone', 'midp'
'panasonic', 'philips', 'pocketpc', 'avantgo', 'blazer', 'ipaq', 'up.browser', '', 'mmp', 'smartphone', 'midp',
return true;
return qa_string_matches_one(strtolower(@$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']), array(
'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml', 'text/vnd.wap.wml'
'application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml', 'text/vnd.wap.wml',
// Language phrase support
* Return the translated string for $identifier, unless we're using external translation logic.
* This will retrieve the 'site_language' option so make sure you've already loaded/set that if
* loading an option now will cause a problem (see issue in qa_default_option()). The part of
* $identifier before the slash (/) replaces the * in the qa-lang-*.php file references, and the
* part after the / is the key of the array element to be taken from that file's returned result.
function qa_lang($identifier)
function qa_lang($identifier)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_lang_file_pattern, $qa_phrases_full;
......@@ -1243,7 +1271,7 @@
if (isset($qa_lang_file_pattern[$group]))
$include = str_replace('*', 'default', $qa_lang_file_pattern[$group]);
$include = QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'lang/qa-lang-'.$group.'.php';
$include = QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'lang/qa-lang-' . $group . '.php';
$qa_phrases_full[$group] = is_file($include) ? (array)(include_once $include) : array();
......@@ -1253,14 +1281,14 @@
if (isset($qa_lang_file_pattern[$group]))
$include = str_replace('*', $languagecode, $qa_lang_file_pattern[$group]);
$include = QA_LANG_DIR.$languagecode.'/qa-lang-'.$group.'.php';
$include = QA_LANG_DIR . $languagecode . '/qa-lang-' . $group . '.php';
$phrases = is_file($include) ? (array)(include $include) : array();
$qa_phrases_full[$group] = array_merge($qa_phrases_full[$group], $phrases);
// add any custom phrases from qa-lang/custom/
$include = QA_LANG_DIR.'custom/qa-lang-'.$group.'.php';
$include = QA_LANG_DIR . 'custom/qa-lang-' . $group . '.php';
$phrases = is_file($include) ? (array)(include $include) : array();
$qa_phrases_full[$group] = array_merge($qa_phrases_full[$group], $phrases);
......@@ -1268,180 +1296,182 @@
return $qa_phrases_full[$group][$label];
return '['.$identifier.']'; // as a last resort, return the identifier to help in development
return '[' . $identifier . ']'; // as a last resort, return the identifier to help in development
* Return the translated string for $identifier, with $symbol substituted for $textparam
function qa_lang_sub($identifier, $textparam, $symbol='^')
function qa_lang_sub($identifier, $textparam, $symbol = '^')
return str_replace($symbol, $textparam, qa_lang($identifier));
* Return the translated string for $identifier, converted to HTML
function qa_lang_html($identifier)
function qa_lang_html($identifier)
return qa_html(qa_lang($identifier));
* Return the translated string for $identifier converted to HTML, with $symbol *then* substituted for $htmlparam
function qa_lang_html_sub($identifier, $htmlparam, $symbol='^')
function qa_lang_html_sub($identifier, $htmlparam, $symbol = '^')
return str_replace($symbol, $htmlparam, qa_lang_html($identifier));
* Return an array containing the translated string for $identifier converted to HTML, then split into three,
* with $symbol substituted for $htmlparam in the 'data' element, and obvious 'prefix' and 'suffix' elements
function qa_lang_html_sub_split($identifier, $htmlparam, $symbol='^')
function qa_lang_html_sub_split($identifier, $htmlparam, $symbol = '^')
$html = qa_lang_html($identifier);
$symbolpos=strpos($html, $symbol);
$symbolpos = strpos($html, $symbol);
if (!is_numeric($symbolpos))
qa_fatal_error('Missing '.$symbol.' in language string '.$identifier);
qa_fatal_error('Missing ' . $symbol . ' in language string ' . $identifier);
return array(
'prefix' => substr($html, 0, $symbolpos),
'data' => $htmlparam,
'suffix' => substr($html, $symbolpos+1),
'suffix' => substr($html, $symbolpos + 1),
// Request and path generation
* Return the relative path to the Q2A root (if it was previously set by qa_set_request())
function qa_path_to_root()
function qa_path_to_root()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_root_url_relative;
return $qa_root_url_relative;
* Return an array of mappings of Q2A requests, as defined in the qa-config.php file
function qa_get_request_map()
function qa_get_request_map()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_request_map;
return $qa_request_map;
* Return the relative URI path for $request, with optional parameters $params and $anchor.
* Slashes in $request will not be urlencoded, but any other characters will.
* If $neaturls is set, use that, otherwise retrieve the option. If $rooturl is set, take
* that as the root of the Q2A site, otherwise use path to root which was set elsewhere.
function qa_path($request, $params=null, $rooturl=null, $neaturls=null, $anchor=null)
function qa_path($request, $params=null, $rooturl=null, $neaturls=null, $anchor=null)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
if (!isset($neaturls)) {
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'app/options.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/options.php';
$neaturls = qa_opt('neat_urls');
if (!isset($rooturl))
$rooturl = qa_path_to_root();
$url=$rooturl.( (empty($rooturl) || (substr($rooturl, -1)=='/') ) ? '' : '/');
$url = $rooturl . ((empty($rooturl) || (substr($rooturl, -1) == '/')) ? '' : '/');
$paramsextra = '';
$requestparts=explode('/', $request);
$requestparts = explode('/', $request);
$pathmap = qa_get_request_map();
if (isset($pathmap[$requestparts[0]])) {
$newpart = $pathmap[$requestparts[0]];
if (strlen($newpart))
elseif (count($requestparts)==1)
$requestparts[0] = $newpart;
elseif (count($requestparts) == 1)
foreach ($requestparts as $index => $requestpart)
$requestpath=implode('/', $requestparts);
foreach ($requestparts as $index => $requestpart) {
$requestparts[$index] = urlencode($requestpart);
$requestpath = implode('/', $requestparts);
switch ($neaturls) {
if (!empty($request))
$url .= 'index.php/' . $requestpath;
$url .= $requestpath;
if (!empty($request))
$paramsextra = '?qa=' . $requestpath;
$url .= 'index.php';
if (!empty($request))
if (!empty($request)) {
foreach ($requestparts as $partindex => $requestpart)
$paramsextra.=(strlen($paramsextra) ? '&' : '?').'qa'.($partindex ? ('_'.$partindex) : '').'='.$requestpart;
$paramsextra .= (strlen($paramsextra) ? '&' : '?') . 'qa' . ($partindex ? ('_' . $partindex) : '') . '=' . $requestpart;
if (isset($params))
foreach ($params as $key => $value)
$paramsextra.=(strlen($paramsextra) ? '&' : '?').urlencode($key).'='.urlencode((string)$value);
$paramsextra .= (strlen($paramsextra) ? '&' : '?') . urlencode($key) . '=' . urlencode((string)$value);
return $url.$paramsextra.( empty($anchor) ? '' : '#'.urlencode($anchor) );
return $url . $paramsextra . (empty($anchor) ? '' : '#' . urlencode($anchor));
* Return HTML representation of relative URI path for $request - see qa_path() for other parameters
function qa_path_html($request, $params=null, $rooturl=null, $neaturls=null, $anchor=null)
function qa_path_html($request, $params = null, $rooturl = null, $neaturls = null, $anchor = null)
return qa_html(qa_path($request, $params, $rooturl, $neaturls, $anchor));
* Return the absolute URI for $request - see qa_path() for other parameters
function qa_path_absolute($request, $params=null, $anchor=null)
function qa_path_absolute($request, $params = null, $anchor = null)
return qa_path($request, $params, qa_opt('site_url'), null, $anchor);
* Get Q2A request for a question, and make it search-engine friendly, shortening it if necessary
* by removing shorter words which are generally less meaningful.
* @param int $questionid The question ID
* @param string $title The question title
* @return string
function qa_q_request($questionid, $title)
function qa_q_request($questionid, $title)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/options.php';
......@@ -1450,129 +1480,129 @@
$title = qa_block_words_replace($title, qa_get_block_words_preg());
$slug = qa_slugify($title, qa_opt('q_urls_remove_accents'), qa_opt('q_urls_title_length'));
return (int) $questionid . '/' . $slug;
return (int)$questionid . '/' . $slug;
* Return the HTML anchor that should be used for post $postid with $basetype (Q/A/C)
function qa_anchor($basetype, $postid)
function qa_anchor($basetype, $postid)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return strtolower($basetype).$postid; // used to be $postid only but this violated HTML spec
return strtolower($basetype) . $postid; // used to be $postid only but this violated HTML spec
* Return the URL for question $questionid with $title, possibly using $absolute URLs.
* To link to a specific answer or comment in a question, set $showtype and $showid accordingly.
function qa_q_path($questionid, $title, $absolute=false, $showtype=null, $showid=null)
function qa_q_path($questionid, $title, $absolute = false, $showtype = null, $showid = null)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
if ( (($showtype=='Q') || ($showtype=='A') || ($showtype=='C')) && isset($showid)) {
$params=array('show' => $showid); // due to pagination
$anchor=qa_anchor($showtype, $showid);
if ((($showtype == 'Q') || ($showtype == 'A') || ($showtype == 'C')) && isset($showid)) {
$params = array('show' => $showid); // due to pagination
$anchor = qa_anchor($showtype, $showid);
} else {
$params = null;
$anchor = null;
return qa_path(qa_q_request($questionid, $title), $params, $absolute ? qa_opt('site_url') : null, null, $anchor);
* Return the HTML representation of the URL for $questionid - other parameters as for qa_q_path()
function qa_q_path_html($questionid, $title, $absolute=false, $showtype=null, $showid=null)
function qa_q_path_html($questionid, $title, $absolute = false, $showtype = null, $showid = null)
return qa_html(qa_q_path($questionid, $title, $absolute, $showtype, $showid));
* Return the request for the specified $feed
function qa_feed_request($feed)
function qa_feed_request($feed)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
return 'feed/'.$feed.'.rss';
return 'feed/' . $feed . '.rss';
* Return an HTML-ready relative URL for the current page, preserving GET parameters - this is useful for action="..." in HTML forms
function qa_self_html()
function qa_self_html()
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_used_url_format;
return qa_path_html(qa_request(), $_GET, null, $qa_used_url_format);
* Return HTML for hidden fields to insert into a <form method="get"...> on the page.
* This is needed because any parameters on the URL will be lost when the form is submitted.
function qa_path_form_html($request, $params=null, $rooturl=null, $neaturls=null, $anchor=null)
function qa_path_form_html($request, $params=null, $rooturl=null, $neaturls=null, $anchor=null)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
$path=qa_path($request, $params, $rooturl, $neaturls, $anchor);
$path = qa_path($request, $params, $rooturl, $neaturls, $anchor);
$formhtml = '';
$questionpos=strpos($path, '?');
$questionpos = strpos($path, '?');
if (is_numeric($questionpos)) {
$params=explode('&', substr($path, $questionpos+1));
$params = explode('&', substr($path, $questionpos + 1));
foreach ($params as $param)
if (preg_match('/^([^\=]*)(\=(.*))?$/', $param, $matches))
$formhtml.='<input type="hidden" name="'.qa_html(urldecode($matches[1])).'" value="'.qa_html(urldecode(@$matches[3])).'"/>';
$formhtml .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . qa_html(urldecode($matches[1])) . '" value="' . qa_html(urldecode(@$matches[3])) . '"/>';
return $formhtml;
* Redirect the user's web browser to $request and then we're done - see qa_path() for other parameters
function qa_redirect($request, $params=null, $rooturl=null, $neaturls=null, $anchor=null)
function qa_redirect($request, $params=null, $rooturl=null, $neaturls=null, $anchor=null)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
qa_redirect_raw(qa_path($request, $params, $rooturl, $neaturls, $anchor));
* Redirect the user's web browser to page $path which is already a URL
function qa_redirect_raw($url)
function qa_redirect_raw($url)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
header('Location: '.$url);
header('Location: ' . $url);
// General utilities
* Return the contents of remote $url, using file_get_contents() if possible, otherwise curl functions
function qa_retrieve_url($url)
function qa_retrieve_url($url)
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
// ensure we're fetching a remote URL
......@@ -1580,98 +1610,99 @@
return '';
$contents = @file_get_contents($url);
if ((!strlen($contents)) && function_exists('curl_exec')) { // try curl as a backup (if allow_url_fopen not set)
$curl = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$contents = @curl_exec($curl);
return $contents;
* Shortcut to get or set an option value without specifying database
function qa_opt($name, $value=null)
function qa_opt($name, $value = null)
global $qa_options_cache;
if ((!isset($value)) && isset($qa_options_cache[$name]))
return $qa_options_cache[$name]; // quick shortcut to reduce calls to qa_get_options()
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'app/options.php';
require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'app/options.php';
if (isset($value))
qa_set_option($name, $value);
$options = qa_get_options(array($name));
return $options[$name];
* Simple method to output a preformatted variable
function qa_debug($var)
function qa_debug($var)
echo "\n" . '<pre style="padding: 10px; background-color: #eee; color: #444; font-size: 11px; text-align: left">';
echo $var === null ? 'NULL' : print_r($var, true);
echo '</pre>' . "\n";
// Event and process stage reporting
* Suspend the reporting of events to event modules via qa_report_event(...) if $suspend is
* true, otherwise reinstate it. A counter is kept to allow multiple calls.
function qa_suspend_event_reports($suspend=true)
function qa_suspend_event_reports($suspend = true)
global $qa_event_reports_suspended;
$qa_event_reports_suspended+=($suspend ? 1 : -1);
$qa_event_reports_suspended += ($suspend ? 1 : -1);
* Send a notification of event $event by $userid, $handle and $cookieid to all event modules, with extra $params
function qa_report_event($event, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $params=array())
function qa_report_event($event, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $params=array())
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
global $qa_event_reports_suspended;
if ($qa_event_reports_suspended>0)
if ($qa_event_reports_suspended > 0)
$eventmodules=qa_load_modules_with('event', 'process_event');
$eventmodules = qa_load_modules_with('event', 'process_event');
foreach ($eventmodules as $eventmodule)
$eventmodule->process_event($event, $userid, $handle, $cookieid, $params);
function qa_report_process_stage($method) // can have extra params
function qa_report_process_stage($method) // can have extra params
global $qa_process_reports_suspended;
if (@$qa_process_reports_suspended)
$qa_process_reports_suspended=true; // prevent loop, e.g. because of an error
$qa_process_reports_suspended = true; // prevent loop, e.g. because of an error
$args=array_slice($args, 1);
$args = func_get_args();
$args = array_slice($args, 1);
$processmodules=qa_load_modules_with('process', $method);
foreach ($processmodules as $processmodule)
$processmodules = qa_load_modules_with('process', $method);
foreach ($processmodules as $processmodule) {
call_user_func_array(array($processmodule, $method), $args);
$qa_process_reports_suspended = null;
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