Commit 1671cb43 by Scott

Update routing to support Nginx

The Apache workaround broke some edge cases on Nginx
parent 5f069e8f
......@@ -51,14 +51,20 @@
// Determine the request and root of the installation, and the requested start position used by many pages
function qa_index_set_request()
Apache and Nginx behave slightly differently:
- Apache qa-rewrite unescapes characters, converts `+` to ` `, cuts off at `#` or `&`
- Nginx qa-rewrite unescapes characters, retains `+`, contains true path
if (qa_to_override(__FUNCTION__)) { $args=func_get_args(); return qa_call_override(__FUNCTION__, $args); }
if (isset($_GET['qa-rewrite'])) { // URLs rewritten by .htaccess
if (isset($_GET['qa-rewrite'])) { // URLs rewritten by .htaccess or nginx
$requestparts=explode('/', qa_gpc_to_string($_GET['qa-rewrite']));
$qa_rewrite = strtr(qa_gpc_to_string($_GET['qa-rewrite']), '+', ' '); // strtr required by Nginx
$requestparts=explode('/', $qa_rewrite);
if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { // workaround for the fact that Apache unescapes characters while rewriting
......@@ -79,18 +85,24 @@
// Generally we assume that $_GET['qa-rewrite'] has the right path depth, but this won't be the case if there's
// a & or # somewhere in the middle of the path, due to apache unescaping. So we make a special case for that.
// a & or # somewhere in the middle of the path, due to Apache unescaping. So we make a special case for that.
// If 'REQUEST_URI' and 'qa-rewrite' already match (as on Nginx), we can skip this.
$normalizedpath = urldecode($origpath);
if (substr($normalizedpath, -strlen($qa_rewrite)) !== $qa_rewrite) {
$requestparts=explode('/', urldecode($origpath)); // new request calculated from $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
for ($part=count($requestparts)-1; $part>=0; $part--)
// loop forwards so we capture all parts
for ($part=0, $max=count($requestparts); $part<$max; $part++) {
if (is_numeric(strpos($requestparts[$part], '&')) || is_numeric(strpos($requestparts[$part], '#'))) {
$keepparts+=count($requestparts)-$part-1; // this is how many parts we lost
$keepparts += count($requestparts) - $part - 1; // this is how many parts remain
$requestparts=array_slice($requestparts, -$keepparts); // remove any irrelevant parts from the beginning
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