Project 'cooperatic/kohinos-tav' was moved to 'agplv3/kohinos-tav'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
Commit 401891f4 by Yvon Kerdoncuff

Merge branch '4877-export-error-in-tav-env' into 'develop'

fix export error in tav env

See merge request cooperatic/kohinos-tav!37
parents 37ab7708 f1fb2b92
......@@ -66,15 +66,19 @@ class CustomDoctrineORMQuerySourceIterator extends AbstractPropertySourceIterato
$data['Gestionnaires'] = implode(' - ', $gestionnaires);
$cotisEnd = $this->cotisationUtils->isCotisationValidForPresta($presta);
$cotisEnd = is_string($cotisEnd) ? new \DateTime( $cotisEnd ) : $cotisEnd;
$data['Cotisation à jour'] = false == $cotisEnd ? '' : ($cotisEnd->format('d/m/Y'));
$firstCotis = $this->cotisationUtils->getFirstCotisationForPresta($presta);
$firstCotis = is_string($firstCotis) ? new \DateTime( $firstCotis ) : $firstCotis;
$data['Première Cotisation'] = false == $firstCotis ? '' : ($firstCotis->format('d/m/Y'));
} elseif (!empty($data['Id']) && !empty($data['Email'])) {
$adherent = $this->em->getRepository(Adherent::class)->findOneById($data['Id']);
$cotisEnd = $this->cotisationUtils->isCotisationValidForAdherent($adherent);
$cotisEnd = is_string($cotisEnd) ? new \DateTime( $cotisEnd ) : $cotisEnd;
$data['Cotisation à jour'] = false == $cotisEnd ? '' : ($cotisEnd->format('d/m/Y'));
$firstCotis = $this->cotisationUtils->getFirstCotisationForAdherent($adherent);
$firstCotis = is_string($firstCotis) ? new \DateTime( $firstCotis ) : $firstCotis;
$data['Première Cotisation'] = false == $firstCotis ? '' : ($firstCotis->format('d/m/Y'));
$adminRoles = '';
if (!empty($adherent->getUser())) {
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