Commit 4bafcfee by Damien Moulard

dont create second flux for tav cotis if rate is 1

parent 09be2c5b
......@@ -46,16 +46,19 @@ class TAVCotisationUtils
* Apply the cotisation profile rate to the amount paid
* and register the complement as a new flux
* and register the complement as a new flux (only if rate != 1)
* Warning: EntityManager not flushed here.
public function applyTauxCotisation(Flux $flux)
// get the mlc amount the user will receive
$profile = $flux->getDestinataire()->getProfilDeCotisation();
$cotisationAmount = $profile->getMontant();
$cotisationTaux = $profile->getTauxCotisation();
// don't need to create an other Flux if the rate is 1
if ($cotisationTaux != 1) {
// calculate the mlc amount the user will receive
$cotisationAmount = $profile->getMontant();
$mlcAmount = round($cotisationAmount * $cotisationTaux);
// get the difference between what the user paid and what he•she's supposed to receive
......@@ -89,6 +92,7 @@ class TAVCotisationUtils
* Get the last cotisation of an adhérent
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