	Question2Answer by Gideon Greenspan and contributors

	File: qa-plugin/recaptcha-captcha/qa-recaptcha-captcha.php
	Description: Captcha module for reCAPTCHA

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	More about this license: http://www.question2answer.org/license.php

class qa_recaptcha_captcha
	private $directory;
	private $errorCodeMessages;

	public function load_module($directory, $urltoroot)
		$this->directory = $directory;

		// human-readable error messages (though these are not currently displayed anywhere)
		$this->errorCodeMessages = array(
			'missing-input-secret' => 'The secret parameter is missing.',
			'invalid-input-secret' => 'The secret parameter is invalid or malformed.',
			'missing-input-response' => 'The response parameter is missing.',
			'invalid-input-response' => 'The response parameter is invalid or malformed.',

	public function admin_form()
		$saved = false;

		if (qa_clicked('recaptcha_save_button')) {
			qa_opt('recaptcha_public_key', qa_post_text('recaptcha_public_key_field'));
			qa_opt('recaptcha_private_key', qa_post_text('recaptcha_private_key_field'));

			$saved = true;

		$pub = trim(qa_opt('recaptcha_public_key'));
		$pri = trim(qa_opt('recaptcha_private_key'));

		$error = null;
		if (!strlen($pub) || !strlen($pri)) {
			require_once $this->directory.'recaptchalib.php';
			$error = 'To use reCAPTCHA, you must <a href="'.qa_html(ReCaptcha::getSignupUrl()).'" target="_blank">sign up</a> to get these keys.';

		$form = array(
			'ok' => $saved ? 'reCAPTCHA settings saved' : null,

			'fields' => array(
				'public' => array(
					'label' => 'reCAPTCHA Site key:',
					'value' => $pub,
					'tags' => 'name="recaptcha_public_key_field"',

				'private' => array(
					'label' => 'reCAPTCHA Secret key:',
					'value' => $pri,
					'tags' => 'name="recaptcha_private_key_field"',
					'error' => $error,

			'buttons' => array(
					'label' => 'Save Changes',
					'tags' => 'name="recaptcha_save_button"',

		return $form;

	 * Only allow reCAPTCHA if the keys are set up (new reCAPTCHA has no special requirements)
	public function allow_captcha()
		$pub = trim(qa_opt('recaptcha_public_key'));
		$pri = trim(qa_opt('recaptcha_private_key'));

		return strlen($pub) && strlen($pri);

	 * reCAPTCHA HTML - we actually return nothing because the new reCAPTCHA requires 'explicit rendering'
	 * via JavaScript when we have multiple Captchas per page. It also auto-detects the user's language.
	public function form_html(&$qa_content, $error)
		$pub = qa_opt('recaptcha_public_key');

		// onload handler
		$qa_content['script_lines'][] = array(
			'function recaptcha_load(elemId) {',
			'  if (grecaptcha) {',
			'    grecaptcha.render(elemId, {',
			'      "sitekey": ' . qa_js($pub),
			'    });',
			'  }',
			'function recaptcha_onload() {',
			'  recaptcha_load("qa_captcha_div_1");',

		$lang = urlencode(qa_opt('site_language'));
		if (empty($lang))
			$lang = 'en';
		$qa_content['script_src'][] = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=recaptcha_onload&render=explicit&hl='.$lang;

		return '';

	 * Check that the CAPTCHA was entered correctly. reCAPTCHA sets a long string in 'g-recaptcha-response'
	 * when the CAPTCHA is completed; we check that with the reCAPTCHA API.
	public function validate_post(&$error)
		require_once $this->directory.'recaptchalib.php';

		if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen'))
			$recaptcha = new ReCaptcha(qa_opt('recaptcha_private_key'));
			$recaptcha = new ReCaptcha(qa_opt('recaptcha_private_key'), new ReCaptchaSocketPostRequestMethod());

		$remoteIp = qa_remote_ip_address();
		$userResponse = qa_post_text('g-recaptcha-response');

		$recResponse = $recaptcha->verifyResponse($remoteIp, $userResponse);

		foreach ($recResponse->errorCodes as $code) {
			if (isset($this->errorCodeMessages[$code]))
				$error .= $this->errorCodeMessages[$code] . "\n";

		return $recResponse->success;