	Snow Theme for Question2Answer Package
	Copyright (C) 2014 Q2A Market <http://www.q2amarket.com>

	File:           qa-theme.php
	Version:        Snow 1.4
	Description:    Q2A theme class

	This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

 * Snow theme extends
 * Extends the core theme class <code>qa_html_theme_base</code>
 * @package qa_html_theme_base
 * @subpackage qa_html_theme
 * @category Theme
 * @since Snow 1.0
 * @version 1.4
 * @author Q2A Market <http://www.q2amarket.com>
 * @copyright (c) 2014, Q2A Market
 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
class qa_html_theme extends qa_html_theme_base
	protected $theme = 'snowflat';

	// use local font files instead of Google Fonts
	private $localfonts = true;

	// theme subdirectories
	private $js_dir = 'js';
	private $icon_url = 'images/icons';

	private $fixed_topbar = false;
	private $welcome_widget_class = 'wet-asphalt';
	private $ask_search_box_class = 'turquoise';
	// Size of the user avatar in the navigation bar
	private $nav_bar_avatar_size = 52;

	// use new block layout in rankings
	protected $ranking_block_layout = true;

	 * Adding aditional meta for responsive design
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function head_metas()
		$this->output('<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>');

	 * Adding theme stylesheets
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function head_css()
		// add RTL CSS file
		if ($this->isRTL)
			$this->content['css_src'][] = $this->rooturl . 'qa-styles-rtl.css?' . QA_VERSION;

		// add Ubuntu font CSS file from Google Fonts
		if ($this->localfonts)
			$this->content['css_src'][] = $this->rooturl . 'fonts/ubuntu.css?' . QA_VERSION;
			$this->content['css_src'][] = '//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu:400,700,400italic,700italic';


		// output some dynamic CSS inline

	 * Adding theme javascripts
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function head_script()
		$jsUrl = $this->rooturl . $this->js_dir . '/snow-core.js?' . QA_VERSION;
		$this->content['script'][] = '<script src="' . $jsUrl . '"></script>';


	 * Adding point count for logged in user
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function logged_in()
		if (qa_is_logged_in()) {
			$userpoints = qa_get_logged_in_points();
			$pointshtml = $userpoints == 1
				? qa_lang_html_sub('main/1_point', '1', '1')
				: qa_html(qa_format_number($userpoints))
			$this->output('<div class="qam-logged-in-points">' . $pointshtml . '</div>');

	 * Adding body class dynamically. Override needed to add class on admin/approve-users page
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function body_tags()
		$class = 'qa-template-' . qa_html($this->template);
		$class .= empty($this->theme) ? '' : ' qa-theme-' . qa_html($this->theme);

		if (isset($this->content['categoryids'])) {
			foreach ($this->content['categoryids'] as $categoryid) {
				$class .= ' qa-category-' . qa_html($categoryid);

		// add class if admin/approve-users page
		if ($this->template === 'admin' && qa_request_part(1) === 'approve')
			$class .= ' qam-approve-users';

		if ($this->fixed_topbar)
			$class .= ' qam-body-fixed';

		$this->output('class="' . $class . ' qa-body-js-off"');

	 * Login form for user dropdown menu.
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function nav_user_search()
		// outputs login form if user not logged in
		$this->output('<div class="qam-account-items-wrapper">');


		$this->output('<div class="qam-account-items clearfix">');

		if (!qa_is_logged_in()) {
			if (isset($this->content['navigation']['user']['login']) && !QA_FINAL_EXTERNAL_USERS) {
				$login = $this->content['navigation']['user']['login'];
					'<form action="' . $login['url'] . '" method="post">',
						'<input type="text" name="emailhandle" dir="auto" placeholder="' . trim(qa_lang_html(qa_opt('allow_login_email_only') ? 'users/email_label' : 'users/email_handle_label'), ':') . '"/>',
						'<input type="password" name="password" dir="auto" placeholder="' . trim(qa_lang_html('users/password_label'), ':') . '"/>',
						'<div><input type="checkbox" name="remember" id="qam-rememberme" value="1"/>',
						'<label for="qam-rememberme">' . qa_lang_html('users/remember') . '</label></div>',
						'<input type="hidden" name="code" value="' . qa_html(qa_get_form_security_code('login')) . '"/>',
						'<input type="submit" value="' . $login['label'] . '" class="qa-form-tall-button qa-form-tall-button-login" name="dologin"/>',

				// remove regular navigation link to log in page

		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qam-account-items -->');
		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qam-account-items-wrapper -->');

	 * Modify markup for topbar.
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function nav_main_sub()
		$this->output('<div class="qam-main-nav-wrapper clearfix">');
		$this->output('<div class="sb-toggle-left qam-menu-toggle"><i class="icon-th-list"></i></div>');
		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qam-main-nav-wrapper -->');

	 * Remove the '-' from the note for the category page (notes).
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	 * @param type $navlink
	 * @param type $class
	public function nav_link($navlink, $class)
		if (isset($navlink['note']) && !empty($navlink['note'])) {
			$search = array(' - <', '> - ');
			$replace = array(' <', '> ');
			$navlink['note'] = str_replace($search, $replace, $navlink['note']);
		parent::nav_link($navlink, $class);

	 * Rearranges the layout:
	 * - Swaps the <tt>main()</tt> and <tt>sidepanel()</tt> functions
	 * - Moves the header and footer functions outside qa-body-wrapper
	 * - Keeps top/high and low/bottom widgets separated
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function body_content()

		$this->widgets('full', 'top');

		$this->output('<div class="qa-body-wrapper">', '');
		$this->widgets('full', 'high');

		$this->output('<div class="qa-main-wrapper">', '');
		$this->output('</div> <!-- END main-wrapper -->');

		$this->widgets('full', 'low');
		$this->output('</div> <!-- END body-wrapper -->');



	 * Header in full width top bar
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function header()
		$class = $this->fixed_topbar ? ' fixed' : '';

		$this->output('<div id="qam-topbar" class="clearfix' . $class . '">');

		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qam-topbar -->');

		$this->qam_search('the-top', 'the-top-search');

	 * Footer in full width bottom bar
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function footer()
		$this->output('<div class="qam-footer-box">');

		$this->output('<div class="qam-footer-row">');
		$this->widgets('full', 'bottom');
		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qam-footer-row -->');

		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qam-footer-box -->');

	 * Overridden to customize layout and styling
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function sidepanel()
		// remove sidebar for user profile pages
		if ($this->template == 'user')

		$this->output('<div id="qam-sidepanel-toggle"><i class="icon-left-open-big"></i></div>');
		$this->output('<div class="qa-sidepanel" id="qam-sidepanel-mobile">');
		$this->widgets('side', 'top');
		$this->widgets('side', 'high');
		$this->widgets('side', 'low');
		if (isset($this->content['sidepanel']))
		$this->widgets('side', 'bottom');
		$this->output('</div> <!-- qa-sidepanel -->', '');

	 * Allow alternate sidebar color.
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function sidebar()
		if (isset($this->content['sidebar'])) {
			$sidebar = $this->content['sidebar'];
			if (!empty($sidebar)) {
				$this->output('<div class="qa-sidebar ' . $this->welcome_widget_class . '">');
				$this->output('</div> <!-- qa-sidebar -->', '');

	 * Add close icon
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	 * @param array $q_item
	public function q_item_title($q_item)
		$closedText = qa_lang('main/closed');
		$imgHtml = empty($q_item['closed'])
			? ''
			: '<img src="' . $this->rooturl . $this->icon_url . '/closed-q-list.png" class="qam-q-list-close-icon" alt="' . $closedText . '" title="' . $closedText . '"/>';

			'<div class="qa-q-item-title">',
			// add closed note in title
			'<a href="' . $q_item['url'] . '">' . $q_item['title'] . '</a>',

	 * Add RSS feeds icon
	public function favorite()

		// RSS feed link in title
		if (isset($this->content['feed']['url'])) {
			$feed = $this->content['feed'];
			$label = isset($feed['label']) ? $feed['label'] : '';
			$this->output('<a href="' . $feed['url'] . '" title="' . $label . '"><i class="icon-rss qam-title-rss"></i></a>');

	 * Add closed icon for closed questions
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function title()
		$q_view = isset($this->content['q_view']) ? $this->content['q_view'] : null;

		// link title where appropriate
		$url = isset($q_view['url']) ? $q_view['url'] : false;

		// add closed image
		$closedText = qa_lang('main/closed');
		$imgHtml = empty($q_view['closed'])
			? ''
			: '<img src="' . $this->rooturl . $this->icon_url . '/closed-q-view.png" class="qam-q-view-close-icon" alt="' . $closedText . '" width="24" height="24" title="' . $closedText . '"/>';

		if (isset($this->content['title'])) {
				$url ? '<a href="' . $url . '">' : '',
				$url ? '</a>' : ''

	 * Add view counter to question list
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	 * @param array $q_item
	public function q_item_stats($q_item)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-q-item-stats">');



	 * Prevent display view counter on usual place
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	 * @param type $q_item
	public function view_count($q_item) {}

	 * Add view counter to question view
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	 * @param type $q_view
	public function q_view_stats($q_view)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-q-view-stats">');



	 * Modify user whometa, move to top
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	 * @param type $q_view
	public function q_view_main($q_view)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-q-view-main">');

		if (isset($q_view['main_form_tags']))
			$this->output('<form ' . $q_view['main_form_tags'] . '>'); // form for buttons on question

		$this->post_avatar_meta($q_view, 'qa-q-view');
		$this->post_tags($q_view, 'qa-q-view');

		$this->c_list(isset($q_view['c_list']) ? $q_view['c_list'] : null, 'qa-q-view');

		if (isset($q_view['main_form_tags'])) {
			if (isset($q_view['buttons_form_hidden']))

		$this->c_form(isset($q_view['c_form']) ? $q_view['c_form'] : null);

		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-q-view-main -->');

	 * Move user whometa to top in answer
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	 * @param type $a_item
	public function a_item_main($a_item)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-a-item-main">');

		$this->post_avatar_meta($a_item, 'qa-a-item');

		if (isset($a_item['main_form_tags']))
			$this->output('<form ' . $a_item['main_form_tags'] . '>'); // form for buttons on answer

		if ($a_item['hidden'])
			$answerState = 'hidden';
		elseif ($a_item['selected'])
			$answerState = 'selected';
			$answerState = null;

		if (isset($answerState))
			$this->output('<div class="qa-a-item-' . $answerState . '">');

		if (isset($a_item['error']))

		if (isset($answerState))


		if (isset($a_item['c_list']))
			$this->c_list($a_item['c_list'], 'qa-a-item');

		if (isset($a_item['main_form_tags'])) {
			if (isset($a_item['buttons_form_hidden']))

		$this->c_form(isset($a_item['c_form']) ? $a_item['c_form'] : null);

		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-a-item-main -->');

	 * Move user whometa to top in comment
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	 * @param type $c_item
	public function c_item_main($c_item)
		$this->post_avatar_meta($c_item, 'qa-c-item');

		if (isset($c_item['error']))

		if (isset($c_item['expand_tags']))
		elseif (isset($c_item['url']))

		$this->output('<div class="qa-c-item-footer">');

	 * Q2A Market attribution.
	 * I'd really appreciate you displaying this link on your Q2A site. Thank you - Jatin
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	public function attribution()
		// floated right
			'<div class="qa-attribution">',
			'Snow Theme by <a href="http://www.q2amarket.com">Q2A Market</a>',

	 * User account navigation item. This will return based on login information.
	 * If user is logged in, it will populate user avatar and account links.
	 * If user is guest, it will populate login form and registration link.
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	private function qam_user_account()
		if (qa_is_logged_in()) {
			// get logged-in user avatar
			$handle = qa_get_logged_in_user_field('handle');
			$toggleClass = 'qam-logged-in';

				$tobar_avatar = qa_get_external_avatar_html(qa_get_logged_in_user_field('userid'), $this->nav_bar_avatar_size, true);
			else {
				$tobar_avatar = qa_get_user_avatar_html(

			$avatar = strip_tags($tobar_avatar, '<img>');
			if (!empty($avatar))
				$handle = '';
		else {
			// display login icon and label
			$handle = $this->content['navigation']['user']['login']['label'];
			$toggleClass = 'qam-logged-out';
			$avatar = '<i class="icon-key qam-auth-key"></i>';

		// finally output avatar with div tag
		$handleBlock = empty($handle) ? '' : '<div class="qam-account-handle">' . qa_html($handle) . '</div>';
			'<div id="qam-account-toggle" class="' . $toggleClass . '">',

	 * Add search-box wrapper with extra class for color scheme
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	 * @version 1.0
	private function qam_search($addon_class = null, $ids = null)
		$id = isset($ids) ? ' id="' . $ids . '"' : '';

		$this->output('<div class="qam-search ' . $this->ask_search_box_class . ' ' . $addon_class . '"' . $id . '>');

	 * Dynamic <code>CSS</code> based on options and other interaction with Q2A.
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	 * @version 1.0
	 * @return string The CSS code
	private function head_inline_css()
		$css = array('<style>');

		if (!qa_is_logged_in())
			$css[] = '.qa-nav-user { margin: 0 !important; }';

		if (qa_request_part(1) !== qa_get_logged_in_handle()) {
			$css[] = '@media (max-width: 979px) {';
			$css[] = ' body.qa-template-user.fixed, body[class*="qa-template-user-"].fixed { padding-top: 118px !important; }';
			$css[] = ' body.qa-template-users.fixed { padding-top: 95px !important; }';
			$css[] = '}';
			$css[] = '@media (min-width: 980px) {';
			$css[] = ' body.qa-template-users.fixed { padding-top: 105px !important;}';
			$css[] = '}';

		$css[] = '</style>';


	 * Custom ask button for medium and small screen
	 * @access private
	 * @since Snow 1.4
	 * @version 1.0
	 * @return string Ask button html markup
	private function ask_button()
			'<div class="qam-ask-search-box">' .
			'<div class="qam-ask-mobile">' .
			'<a href="' . qa_path('ask', null, qa_path_to_root()) . '" class="' . $this->ask_search_box_class . '">' .
			qa_lang_html('main/nav_ask') .
			'</a>' .
			'</div>' .
			'<div class="qam-search-mobile ' . $this->ask_search_box_class . '" id="qam-search-mobile">' .
			'</div>' .