	Question2Answer by Gideon Greenspan and contributors

	Description: Default theme class, broken into lots of little functions for easy overriding

	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
	as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
	of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	More about this license: http://www.question2answer.org/license.php

if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser
	header('Location: ../');

	How do I make a theme which goes beyond CSS to actually modify the HTML output?

	Create a file named qa-theme.php in your new theme directory which defines a class qa_html_theme
	that extends this base class qa_html_theme_base. You can then override any of the methods below,
	referring back to the default method using double colon (qa_html_theme_base::) notation.

	Plugins can also do something similar by using a layer. For more information and to see some example
	code, please consult the online Q2A documentation.

class qa_html_theme_base
	public $template;
	public $content;
	public $rooturl;
	public $request;
	public $isRTL; // (boolean) whether text direction is Right-To-Left

	protected $minifyHtml; // (boolean) whether to indent the HTML
	protected $indent = 0;
	protected $lines = 0;
	protected $context = array();

	// whether to use new block layout in rankings (true) or fall back to tables (false)
	protected $ranking_block_layout = false;
	// theme 'slug' to use as CSS class
	protected $theme;

	 * Initialize the object and assign local variables.
	 * @param $template
	 * @param $content
	 * @param $rooturl
	 * @param $request
	public function __construct($template, $content, $rooturl, $request)
		$this->template = $template;
		$this->content = $content;
		$this->rooturl = $rooturl;
		$this->request = $request;
		$this->isRTL = isset($content['direction']) && $content['direction'] === 'rtl';
		$this->minifyHtml = !empty($content['options']['minify_html']);

	 * @deprecated PHP4-style constructor deprecated from 1.7; please use proper `__construct`
	 * function instead.
	 * @param $template
	 * @param $content
	 * @param $rooturl
	 * @param $request
	public function qa_html_theme_base($template, $content, $rooturl, $request)
		self::__construct($template, $content, $rooturl, $request);

	 * Output each element in $elements on a separate line, with automatic HTML indenting.
	 * This should be passed markup which uses the <tag/> form for unpaired tags, to help keep
	 * track of indenting, although its actual output converts these to <tag> for W3C validation.
	 * @param $elements
	public function output_array($elements)
		foreach ($elements as $element) {
			$line = str_replace('/>', '>', $element);

			if ($this->minifyHtml) {
				if (strlen($line))
					echo $line . "\n";
			} else {
				$delta = substr_count($element, '<') - substr_count($element, '<!') - 2 * substr_count($element, '</') - substr_count($element, '/>');

				if ($delta < 0) {
					$this->indent += $delta;

				echo str_repeat("\t", max(0, $this->indent)) . $line . "\n";

				if ($delta > 0) {
					$this->indent += $delta;


	 * Output each passed parameter on a separate line - see output_array() comments.
	public function output() // other parameters picked up via func_get_args()
		$args = func_get_args();

	 * Output $html at the current indent level, but don't change indent level based on the markup within.
	 * Useful for user-entered HTML which is unlikely to follow the rules we need to track indenting.
	 * @param $html
	public function output_raw($html)
		if (strlen($html))
			echo str_repeat("\t", max(0, $this->indent)) . $html . "\n";

	 * Output the three elements ['prefix'], ['data'] and ['suffix'] of $parts (if they're defined),
	 * with appropriate CSS classes based on $class, using $outertag and $innertag in the markup.
	 * @param $parts
	 * @param $class
	 * @param string $outertag
	 * @param string $innertag
	 * @param string $extraclass
	public function output_split($parts, $class, $outertag = 'span', $innertag = 'span', $extraclass = null)
		if (empty($parts) && strtolower($outertag) != 'td')

			'<' . $outertag . ' class="' . $class . (isset($extraclass) ? (' ' . $extraclass) : '') . '">',
			(strlen(@$parts['prefix']) ? ('<' . $innertag . ' class="' . $class . '-pad">' . $parts['prefix'] . '</' . $innertag . '>') : '') .
			(strlen(@$parts['data']) ? ('<' . $innertag . ' class="' . $class . '-data">' . $parts['data'] . '</' . $innertag . '>') : '') .
			(strlen(@$parts['suffix']) ? ('<' . $innertag . ' class="' . $class . '-pad">' . $parts['suffix'] . '</' . $innertag . '>') : ''),
			'</' . $outertag . '>'

	 * Set some context, which be accessed via $this->context for a function to know where it's being used on the page.
	 * @param $key
	 * @param $value
	public function set_context($key, $value)
		$this->context[$key] = $value;

	 * Clear some context (used at the end of the appropriate loop).
	 * @param $key
	public function clear_context($key)

	 * Reorder the parts of the page according to the $parts array which contains part keys in their new order. Call this
	 * before main_parts(). See the docs for qa_array_reorder() in util/sort.php for the other parameters.
	 * @param $parts
	 * @param string $beforekey
	 * @param bool $reorderrelative
	public function reorder_parts($parts, $beforekey = null, $reorderrelative = true)
		require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'util/sort.php';

		qa_array_reorder($this->content, $parts, $beforekey, $reorderrelative);

	 * Output the widgets (as provided in $this->content['widgets']) for $region and $place.
	 * @param $region
	 * @param $place
	public function widgets($region, $place)
		$widgetsHere = isset($this->content['widgets'][$region][$place]) ? $this->content['widgets'][$region][$place] : array();
		if (is_array($widgetsHere) && count($widgetsHere) > 0) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-widgets-' . $region . ' qa-widgets-' . $region . '-' . $place . '">');

			foreach ($widgetsHere as $module) {
				$this->output('<div class="qa-widget-' . $region . ' qa-widget-' . $region . '-' . $place . '">');
				$module->output_widget($region, $place, $this, $this->template, $this->request, $this->content);

			$this->output('</div>', '');

	 * Pre-output initialization. Immediately called after loading of the module. Content and template variables are
	 * already setup at this point. Useful to perform layer initialization in the earliest and safest stage possible.
	public function initialize()
		// abstract method

	 * Post-output cleanup. For now, check that the indenting ended right, and if not, output a warning in an HTML comment.
	public function finish()
		if ($this->indent !== 0 && !$this->minifyHtml) {
			echo "<!--\nIt's no big deal, but your HTML could not be indented properly. To fix, please:\n" .
				"1. Use this->output() to output all HTML.\n" .
				"2. Balance all paired tags like <td>...</td> or <div>...</div>.\n" .
				"3. Use a slash at the end of unpaired tags like <img/> or <input/>.\n" .

	// From here on, we have a large number of class methods which output particular pieces of HTML markup
	// The calling chain is initiated from qa-page.php, or ajax/*.php for refreshing parts of a page,
	// For most HTML elements, the name of the function is similar to the element's CSS class, for example:
	// search() outputs <div class="qa-search">, q_list() outputs <div class="qa-q-list">, etc...

	public function doctype()
		$this->output('<!DOCTYPE html>');

	public function html()
		$attribution = '<!-- Powered by Question2Answer - http://www.question2answer.org/ -->';
		$extratags = isset($this->content['html_tags']) ? $this->content['html_tags'] : '';

			'<html ' . $extratags . '>',



	public function head()
			'<meta charset="' . $this->content['charset'] . '"/>'



	public function head_title()
		$pagetitle = strlen($this->request) ? strip_tags(@$this->content['title']) : '';
		$headtitle = (strlen($pagetitle) ? "$pagetitle - " : '') . $this->content['site_title'];

		$this->output('<title>' . $headtitle . '</title>');

	public function head_metas()
		if (strlen(@$this->content['description'])) {
			$this->output('<meta name="description" content="' . $this->content['description'] . '"/>');

		if (strlen(@$this->content['keywords'])) {
			// as far as I know, meta keywords have zero effect on search rankings or listings
			$this->output('<meta name="keywords" content="' . $this->content['keywords'] . '"/>');

	public function head_links()
		if (isset($this->content['canonical'])) {
			$this->output('<link rel="canonical" href="' . $this->content['canonical'] . '"/>');

		if (isset($this->content['feed']['url'])) {
			$this->output('<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="' . $this->content['feed']['url'] . '" title="' . @$this->content['feed']['label'] . '"/>');

		// convert page links to rel=prev and rel=next tags
		if (isset($this->content['page_links']['items'])) {
			foreach ($this->content['page_links']['items'] as $page_link) {
				if (in_array($page_link['type'], array('prev', 'next')))
					$this->output('<link rel="' . $page_link['type'] . '" href="' . $page_link['url'] . '" />');

	public function head_script()
		if (isset($this->content['script'])) {
			foreach ($this->content['script'] as $scriptline) {

	public function head_css()
		$this->output('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $this->rooturl . $this->css_name() . '"/>');

		if (isset($this->content['css_src'])) {
			foreach ($this->content['css_src'] as $css_src) {
				$this->output('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . $css_src . '"/>');

		if (!empty($this->content['notices'])) {
				'.qa-body-js-on .qa-notice {display:none;}',

	public function css_name()
		return 'qa-styles.css?' . QA_VERSION;

	public function head_lines()
		if (isset($this->content['head_lines'])) {
			foreach ($this->content['head_lines'] as $line) {

	public function head_custom()
		// abstract method

	public function body()



	public function body_hidden()
		$this->output('<div style="position:absolute;overflow:hidden;clip:rect(0 0 0 0);height:0;width:0;margin:0;padding:0;border:0;">');

	public function waiting_template()
		$this->output('<span id="qa-waiting-template" class="qa-waiting">...</span>');

	public function body_script()
			"var b = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];",
			"b.className = b.className.replace('qa-body-js-off', 'qa-body-js-on');",

	public function body_header()
		if (isset($this->content['body_header'])) {

	public function body_footer()
		if (isset($this->content['body_footer'])) {

	public function body_content()

		$this->output('<div class="qa-body-wrapper">', '');

		$this->widgets('full', 'top');
		$this->widgets('full', 'high');
		$this->widgets('full', 'low');
		$this->widgets('full', 'bottom');

		$this->output('</div> <!-- END body-wrapper -->');


	public function body_tags()
		$class = 'qa-template-' . qa_html($this->template);
		$class .= empty($this->theme) ? '' : ' qa-theme-' . qa_html($this->theme);

		if (isset($this->content['categoryids'])) {
			foreach ($this->content['categoryids'] as $categoryid) {
				$class .= ' qa-category-' . qa_html($categoryid);

		$this->output('class="' . $class . ' qa-body-js-off"');

	public function body_prefix()
		// abstract method

	public function body_suffix()
		// abstract method

	public function notices()
		if (!empty($this->content['notices'])) {
			foreach ($this->content['notices'] as $notice) {

	public function notice($notice)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-notice" id="' . $notice['id'] . '">');

		if (isset($notice['form_tags']))
			$this->output('<form ' . $notice['form_tags'] . '>');


		$this->output('<input ' . $notice['close_tags'] . ' type="submit" value="X" class="qa-notice-close-button"/> ');

		if (isset($notice['form_tags'])) {


	public function header()
		$this->output('<div class="qa-header">');


		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-header -->', '');

	public function nav_user_search()

	public function nav_main_sub()

	public function logo()
			'<div class="qa-logo">',

	public function search()
		$search = $this->content['search'];

			'<div class="qa-search">',
			'<form ' . $search['form_tags'] . '>',



	public function search_field($search)
		$this->output('<input type="text" ' . $search['field_tags'] . ' value="' . @$search['value'] . '" class="qa-search-field"/>');

	public function search_button($search)
		$this->output('<input type="submit" value="' . $search['button_label'] . '" class="qa-search-button"/>');

	public function nav($navtype, $level = null)
		$navigation = @$this->content['navigation'][$navtype];

		if ($navtype == 'user' || isset($navigation)) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-nav-' . $navtype . '">');

			if ($navtype == 'user')

			// reverse order of 'opposite' items since they float right
			foreach (array_reverse($navigation, true) as $key => $navlink) {
				if (@$navlink['opposite']) {
					$navigation[$key] = $navlink;

			$this->set_context('nav_type', $navtype);
			$this->nav_list($navigation, 'nav-' . $navtype, $level);


	public function nav_list($navigation, $class, $level = null)
		$this->output('<ul class="qa-' . $class . '-list' . (isset($level) ? (' qa-' . $class . '-list-' . $level) : '') . '">');

		$index = 0;

		foreach ($navigation as $key => $navlink) {
			$this->set_context('nav_key', $key);
			$this->set_context('nav_index', $index++);
			$this->nav_item($key, $navlink, $class, $level);



	public function nav_clear($navtype)
			'<div class="qa-nav-' . $navtype . '-clear">',

	public function nav_item($key, $navlink, $class, $level = null)
		$suffix = strtr($key, array( // map special character in navigation key
			'$' => '',
			'/' => '-',

		$this->output('<li class="qa-' . $class . '-item' . (@$navlink['opposite'] ? '-opp' : '') .
			(@$navlink['state'] ? (' qa-' . $class . '-' . $navlink['state']) : '') . ' qa-' . $class . '-' . $suffix . '">');
		$this->nav_link($navlink, $class);

		$subnav = isset($navlink['subnav']) ? $navlink['subnav'] : array();
		if (is_array($subnav) && count($subnav) > 0) {
			$this->nav_list($subnav, $class, 1 + $level);


	public function nav_link($navlink, $class)
		if (isset($navlink['url'])) {
				'<a href="' . $navlink['url'] . '" class="qa-' . $class . '-link' .
				(@$navlink['selected'] ? (' qa-' . $class . '-selected') : '') .
				(@$navlink['favorited'] ? (' qa-' . $class . '-favorited') : '') .
				'"' . (strlen(@$navlink['popup']) ? (' title="' . $navlink['popup'] . '"') : '') .
				(isset($navlink['target']) ? (' target="' . $navlink['target'] . '"') : '') . '>' . $navlink['label'] .
		} else {
				'<span class="qa-' . $class . '-nolink' . (@$navlink['selected'] ? (' qa-' . $class . '-selected') : '') .
				(@$navlink['favorited'] ? (' qa-' . $class . '-favorited') : '') . '"' .
				(strlen(@$navlink['popup']) ? (' title="' . $navlink['popup'] . '"') : '') .
				'>' . $navlink['label'] . '</span>'

		if (strlen(@$navlink['note']))
			$this->output('<span class="qa-' . $class . '-note">' . $navlink['note'] . '</span>');

	public function logged_in()
		$this->output_split(@$this->content['loggedin'], 'qa-logged-in', 'div');

	public function header_clear()
			'<div class="qa-header-clear">',

	public function sidepanel()
		$this->output('<div class="qa-sidepanel">');
		$this->widgets('side', 'top');
		$this->widgets('side', 'high');
		$this->widgets('side', 'low');
		$this->widgets('side', 'bottom');
		$this->output('</div>', '');

	public function sidebar()
		$sidebar = @$this->content['sidebar'];

		if (!empty($sidebar)) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-sidebar">');
			$this->output('</div>', '');

	public function feed()
		$feed = @$this->content['feed'];

		if (!empty($feed)) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-feed">');
			$this->output('<a href="' . $feed['url'] . '" class="qa-feed-link">' . @$feed['label'] . '</a>');

	public function main()
		$content = $this->content;
		$hidden = !empty($content['hidden']) ? ' qa-main-hidden' : '';
		$extratags = isset($this->content['main_tags']) ? $this->content['main_tags'] : '';

		$this->output('<div class="qa-main' . $hidden . '"' . $extratags . '>');

		$this->widgets('main', 'top');


		$this->widgets('main', 'high');


		$this->widgets('main', 'low');


		$this->widgets('main', 'bottom');

		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-main -->', '');

	public function page_title_error()
		if (isset($this->content['title'])) {
			$favorite = isset($this->content['favorite']) ? $this->content['favorite'] : null;

			if (isset($favorite))
				$this->output('<form ' . $favorite['form_tags'] . '>');

			$this->output('<div class="qa-main-heading">');

			if (isset($favorite)) {
				$formhidden = isset($favorite['form_hidden']) ? $favorite['form_hidden'] : null;

		if (isset($this->content['success']))
		if (isset($this->content['error']))

	public function favorite()
		$favorite = isset($this->content['favorite']) ? $this->content['favorite'] : null;
		if (isset($favorite)) {
			$favoritetags = isset($favorite['favorite_tags']) ? $favorite['favorite_tags'] : '';
			$this->output('<span class="qa-favoriting" ' . $favoritetags . '>');

	public function title()
		$q_view = @$this->content['q_view'];

		// link title where appropriate
		$url = isset($q_view['url']) ? $q_view['url'] : false;

		if (isset($this->content['title'])) {
				$url ? '<a href="' . $url . '">' : '',
				$url ? '</a>' : ''

		// add closed note in title
		if (!empty($q_view['closed']['state']))
			$this->output(' [' . $q_view['closed']['state'] . ']');

	public function favorite_inner_html($favorite)
		$this->favorite_button(@$favorite['favorite_add_tags'], 'qa-favorite');
		$this->favorite_button(@$favorite['favorite_remove_tags'], 'qa-unfavorite');

	public function favorite_button($tags, $class)
		if (isset($tags))
			$this->output('<input ' . $tags . ' type="submit" value="" class="' . $class . '-button"/> ');

	public function error($error)
		if (strlen($error)) {
				'<div class="qa-error">',

	public function success($message)
		if (strlen($message)) {
				'<div class="qa-success">',

	public function main_parts($content)
		foreach ($content as $key => $part) {
			$this->set_context('part', $key);
			$this->main_part($key, $part);


	public function main_part($key, $part)
		$isRanking = strpos($key, 'ranking') === 0;

		$partdiv = (
			strpos($key, 'custom') === 0 ||
			strpos($key, 'form') === 0 ||
			strpos($key, 'q_list') === 0 ||
			(strpos($key, 'q_view') === 0 && !isset($this->content['form_q_edit'])) ||
			strpos($key, 'a_form') === 0 ||
			strpos($key, 'a_list') === 0 ||
			$isRanking ||
			strpos($key, 'message_list') === 0 ||
			strpos($key, 'nav_list') === 0

		if ($partdiv) {
			$class = 'qa-part-' . strtr($key, '_', '-');
			if ($isRanking)
				$class .= ' qa-ranking-' . $part['type'] . '-' . (isset($part['sort']) ? $part['sort'] : 'points');
			// help target CSS to page parts
			$this->output('<div class="' . $class . '">');

		if (strpos($key, 'custom') === 0)

		elseif (strpos($key, 'form') === 0)

		elseif (strpos($key, 'q_list') === 0)

		elseif (strpos($key, 'q_view') === 0)

		elseif (strpos($key, 'a_form') === 0)

		elseif (strpos($key, 'a_list') === 0)

		elseif (strpos($key, 'ranking') === 0)

		elseif (strpos($key, 'message_list') === 0)

		elseif (strpos($key, 'nav_list') === 0) {
			$this->nav_list($part['nav'], $part['type'], 1);

		if ($partdiv)

	public function footer()
		$this->output('<div class="qa-footer">');


		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-footer -->', '');

	public function attribution()
		// Hi there. I'd really appreciate you displaying this link on your Q2A site. Thank you - Gideon

			'<div class="qa-attribution">',
			'Powered by <a href="http://www.question2answer.org/">Question2Answer</a>',

	public function footer_clear()
			'<div class="qa-footer-clear">',

	public function section($title)
		$this->part_title(array('title' => $title));

	public function part_title($part)
		if (strlen(@$part['title']) || strlen(@$part['title_tags']))
			$this->output('<h2' . rtrim(' ' . @$part['title_tags']) . '>' . @$part['title'] . '</h2>');

	public function part_footer($part)
		if (isset($part['footer']))

	public function form($form)
		if (!empty($form)) {

			if (isset($form['tags']))
				$this->output('<form ' . $form['tags'] . '>');


			if (isset($form['tags']))

	public function form_columns($form)
		if (isset($form['ok']) || !empty($form['fields']))
			$columns = ($form['style'] == 'wide') ? 2 : 1;
			$columns = 0;

		return $columns;

	public function form_spacer($form, $columns)
			'<td colspan="' . $columns . '" class="qa-form-' . $form['style'] . '-spacer">',

	public function form_body($form)
		if (@$form['boxed'])
			$this->output('<div class="qa-form-table-boxed">');

		$columns = $this->form_columns($form);

		if ($columns)
			$this->output('<table class="qa-form-' . $form['style'] . '-table">');

		$this->form_ok($form, $columns);
		$this->form_fields($form, $columns);
		$this->form_buttons($form, $columns);

		if ($columns)


		if (@$form['boxed'])

	public function form_ok($form, $columns)
		if (!empty($form['ok'])) {
				'<td colspan="' . $columns . '" class="qa-form-' . $form['style'] . '-ok">',

	 * Reorder the fields of $form according to the $keys array which contains the field keys in their new order. Call
	 * before any fields are output. See the docs for qa_array_reorder() in util/sort.php for the other parameters.
	 * @param $form
	 * @param $keys
	 * @param mixed $beforekey
	 * @param bool $reorderrelative
	public function form_reorder_fields(&$form, $keys, $beforekey = null, $reorderrelative = true)
		require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'util/sort.php';

		if (is_array($form['fields']))
			qa_array_reorder($form['fields'], $keys, $beforekey, $reorderrelative);

	public function form_fields($form, $columns)
		if (!empty($form['fields'])) {
			foreach ($form['fields'] as $key => $field) {
				$this->set_context('field_key', $key);

				if (@$field['type'] == 'blank')
					$this->form_spacer($form, $columns);
					$this->form_field_rows($form, $columns, $field);


	public function form_field_rows($form, $columns, $field)
		$style = $form['style'];

		if (isset($field['style'])) { // field has different style to most of form
			$style = $field['style'];
			$colspan = $columns;
			$columns = ($style == 'wide') ? 2 : 1;
		} else
			$colspan = null;

		$prefixed = (@$field['type'] == 'checkbox') && ($columns == 1) && !empty($field['label']);
		$suffixed = (@$field['type'] == 'select' || @$field['type'] == 'number') && $columns == 1 && !empty($field['label']) && !@$field['loose'];
		$skipdata = @$field['tight'];
		$tworows = ($columns == 1) && (!empty($field['label'])) && (!$skipdata) &&
			((!($prefixed || $suffixed)) || (!empty($field['error'])) || (!empty($field['note'])));

		if (isset($field['id'])) {
			if ($columns == 1)
				$this->output('<tbody id="' . $field['id'] . '">', '<tr>');
				$this->output('<tr id="' . $field['id'] . '">');
		} else

		if ($columns > 1 || !empty($field['label']))
			$this->form_label($field, $style, $columns, $prefixed, $suffixed, $colspan);

		if ($tworows) {

		if (!$skipdata)
			$this->form_data($field, $style, $columns, !($prefixed || $suffixed), $colspan);


		if ($columns == 1 && isset($field['id']))

	public function form_label($field, $style, $columns, $prefixed, $suffixed, $colspan)
		$extratags = '';

		if ($columns > 1 && (@$field['type'] == 'select-radio' || @$field['rows'] > 1))
			$extratags .= ' style="vertical-align:top;"';

		if (isset($colspan))
			$extratags .= ' colspan="' . $colspan . '"';

		$this->output('<td class="qa-form-' . $style . '-label"' . $extratags . '>');

		if ($prefixed) {
			$this->form_field($field, $style);


		if ($prefixed)

		if ($suffixed) {
			$this->form_field($field, $style);


	public function form_data($field, $style, $columns, $showfield, $colspan)
		if ($showfield || (!empty($field['error'])) || (!empty($field['note']))) {
				'<td class="qa-form-' . $style . '-data"' . (isset($colspan) ? (' colspan="' . $colspan . '"') : '') . '>'

			if ($showfield)
				$this->form_field($field, $style);

			if (!empty($field['error'])) {
				if (@$field['note_force'])
					$this->form_note($field, $style, $columns);

				$this->form_error($field, $style, $columns);
			} elseif (!empty($field['note']))
				$this->form_note($field, $style, $columns);


	public function form_field($field, $style)
		$this->form_prefix($field, $style);


		switch (@$field['type']) {
			case 'checkbox':
				$this->form_checkbox($field, $style);

			case 'static':
				$this->form_static($field, $style);

			case 'password':
				$this->form_password($field, $style);

			case 'number':
				$this->form_number($field, $style);

			case 'file':
				$this->form_file($field, $style);

			case 'select':
				$this->form_select($field, $style);

			case 'select-radio':
				$this->form_select_radio($field, $style);

			case 'image':
				$this->form_image($field, $style);

			case 'custom':

				if (@$field['type'] == 'textarea' || @$field['rows'] > 1)
					$this->form_text_multi_row($field, $style);
					$this->form_text_single_row($field, $style);


		$this->form_suffix($field, $style);

	 * Reorder the buttons of $form according to the $keys array which contains the button keys in their new order. Call
	 * before any buttons are output. See the docs for qa_array_reorder() in util/sort.php for the other parameters.
	 * @param $form
	 * @param $keys
	 * @param mixed $beforekey
	 * @param bool $reorderrelative
	public function form_reorder_buttons(&$form, $keys, $beforekey = null, $reorderrelative = true)
		require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR . 'util/sort.php';

		if (is_array($form['buttons']))
			qa_array_reorder($form['buttons'], $keys, $beforekey, $reorderrelative);

	public function form_buttons($form, $columns)
		if (!empty($form['buttons'])) {
			$style = @$form['style'];

			if ($columns) {
					'<td colspan="' . $columns . '" class="qa-form-' . $style . '-buttons">'

			foreach ($form['buttons'] as $key => $button) {
				$this->set_context('button_key', $key);

				if (empty($button))
				else {
					$this->form_button_data($button, $key, $style);
					$this->form_button_note($button, $style);


			if ($columns) {

	public function form_button_data($button, $key, $style)
		$baseclass = 'qa-form-' . $style . '-button qa-form-' . $style . '-button-' . $key;

		$this->output('<input' . rtrim(' ' . @$button['tags']) . ' value="' . @$button['label'] . '" title="' . @$button['popup'] . '" type="submit"' .
			(isset($style) ? (' class="' . $baseclass . '"') : '') . '/>');

	public function form_button_note($button, $style)
		if (!empty($button['note'])) {
				'<span class="qa-form-' . $style . '-note">',

	public function form_button_spacer($style)
		$this->output('<span class="qa-form-' . $style . '-buttons-spacer">&nbsp;</span>');

	public function form_hidden($form)

	public function form_hidden_elements($hidden)
		if (empty($hidden))

		foreach ($hidden as $name => $value) {
			if (is_array($value)) {
				// new method of outputting tags
				$this->output('<input ' . @$value['tags'] . ' type="hidden" value="' . @$value['value'] . '"/>');
			} else {
				// old method
				$this->output('<input name="' . $name . '" type="hidden" value="' . $value . '"/>');

	public function form_prefix($field, $style)
		if (!empty($field['prefix']))
			$this->output('<span class="qa-form-' . $style . '-prefix">' . $field['prefix'] . '</span>');

	public function form_suffix($field, $style)
		if (!empty($field['suffix']))
			$this->output('<span class="qa-form-' . $style . '-suffix">' . $field['suffix'] . '</span>');

	public function form_checkbox($field, $style)
		$this->output('<input ' . @$field['tags'] . ' type="checkbox" value="1"' . (@$field['value'] ? ' checked' : '') . ' class="qa-form-' . $style . '-checkbox"/>');

	public function form_static($field, $style)
		$this->output('<span class="qa-form-' . $style . '-static">' . @$field['value'] . '</span>');

	public function form_password($field, $style)
		$this->output('<input ' . @$field['tags'] . ' type="password" value="' . @$field['value'] . '" class="qa-form-' . $style . '-text"/>');

	public function form_number($field, $style)
		$this->output('<input ' . @$field['tags'] . ' type="text" value="' . @$field['value'] . '" class="qa-form-' . $style . '-number"/>');

	public function form_file($field, $style)
		$this->output('<input ' . @$field['tags'] . ' type="file" class="qa-form-' . $style . '-file"/>');

	 * Output a <select> element. The $field array may contain the following keys:
	 *   options: (required) a key-value array containing all the options in the select.
	 *   tags: any attributes to be added to the select.
	 *   value: the selected value from the 'options' parameter.
	 *   match_by: whether to match the 'value' (default) or 'key' of each option to determine if it is to be selected.
	 * @param $field
	 * @param $style
	public function form_select($field, $style)
		$this->output('<select ' . (isset($field['tags']) ? $field['tags'] : '') . ' class="qa-form-' . $style . '-select">');

		// Only match by key if it is explicitly specified. Otherwise, for backwards compatibility, match by value
		$matchbykey = isset($field['match_by']) && $field['match_by'] === 'key';

		foreach ($field['options'] as $key => $value) {
			$selected = isset($field['value']) && (
				($matchbykey && $key === $field['value']) ||
				(!$matchbykey && $value === $field['value'])
			$this->output('<option value="' . $key . '"' . ($selected ? ' selected' : '') . '>' . $value . '</option>');


	public function form_select_radio($field, $style)
		$radios = 0;

		foreach ($field['options'] as $tag => $value) {
			if ($radios++)

			$this->output('<input ' . @$field['tags'] . ' type="radio" value="' . $tag . '"' . (($value == @$field['value']) ? ' checked' : '') . ' class="qa-form-' . $style . '-radio"/> ' . $value);

	public function form_image($field, $style)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-form-' . $style . '-image">' . @$field['html'] . '</div>');

	public function form_text_single_row($field, $style)
		$this->output('<input ' . @$field['tags'] . ' type="text" value="' . @$field['value'] . '" class="qa-form-' . $style . '-text"/>');

	public function form_text_multi_row($field, $style)
		$this->output('<textarea ' . @$field['tags'] . ' rows="' . (int)$field['rows'] . '" cols="40" class="qa-form-' . $style . '-text">' . @$field['value'] . '</textarea>');

	public function form_error($field, $style, $columns)
		$tag = ($columns > 1) ? 'span' : 'div';

		$this->output('<' . $tag . ' class="qa-form-' . $style . '-error">' . $field['error'] . '</' . $tag . '>');

	public function form_note($field, $style, $columns)
		$tag = ($columns > 1) ? 'span' : 'div';

		$this->output('<' . $tag . ' class="qa-form-' . $style . '-note">' . @$field['note'] . '</' . $tag . '>');

	public function ranking($ranking)

		if (!isset($ranking['type']))
			$ranking['type'] = 'items';
		$class = 'qa-top-' . $ranking['type'];

		if (!$this->ranking_block_layout) {
			// old, less semantic table layout
			$this->ranking_table($ranking, $class);
		} else {
			// new block layout
			foreach ($ranking['items'] as $item) {
				$this->output('<span class="qa-ranking-item ' . $class . '-item">');
				$this->ranking_item($item, $class);


	public function ranking_item($item, $class, $spacer = false) // $spacer is deprecated
		if (!$this->ranking_block_layout) {
			// old table layout
			$this->ranking_table_item($item, $class, $spacer);

		if (isset($item['count']))
			$this->ranking_count($item, $class);

		if (isset($item['avatar']))
			$this->avatar($item, $class);

		$this->ranking_label($item, $class);

		if (isset($item['score']))
			$this->ranking_score($item, $class);

	public function ranking_cell($content, $class)
		$tag = $this->ranking_block_layout ? 'span' : 'td';
		$this->output('<' . $tag . ' class="' . $class . '">' . $content . '</' . $tag . '>');

	public function ranking_count($item, $class)
		$this->ranking_cell($item['count'] . ' &#215;', $class . '-count');

	public function ranking_label($item, $class)
		$this->ranking_cell($item['label'], $class . '-label');

	public function ranking_score($item, $class)
		$this->ranking_cell($item['score'], $class . '-score');

	 * @deprecated Table-based layout of users/tags is deprecated from 1.7 onwards and may be
	 * removed in a future version. Themes can switch to the new layout by setting the member
	 * variable $ranking_block_layout to false.
	 * @param $ranking
	 * @param $class
	public function ranking_table($ranking, $class)
		$rows = min($ranking['rows'], count($ranking['items']));

		if ($rows > 0) {
			$this->output('<table class="' . $class . '-table">');
			$columns = ceil(count($ranking['items']) / $rows);

			for ($row = 0; $row < $rows; $row++) {
				$this->set_context('ranking_row', $row);

				for ($column = 0; $column < $columns; $column++) {
					$this->set_context('ranking_column', $column);
					$this->ranking_table_item(@$ranking['items'][$column * $rows + $row], $class, $column > 0);


	 * @deprecated See ranking_table above.
	 * @param $item
	 * @param $class
	 * @param $spacer
	public function ranking_table_item($item, $class, $spacer)
		if ($spacer)

		if (empty($item)) {

		} else {
			if (isset($item['count']))
				$this->ranking_count($item, $class);

			if (isset($item['avatar']))
				$item['label'] = $item['avatar'] . ' ' . $item['label'];

			$this->ranking_label($item, $class);

			if (isset($item['score']))
				$this->ranking_score($item, $class);

	 * @deprecated See ranking_table above.
	 * @param $class
	public function ranking_spacer($class)
		$this->output('<td class="' . $class . '-spacer">&nbsp;</td>');

	public function message_list_and_form($list)
		if (!empty($list)) {


			if (!empty($list['form'])) {
				$this->output('<form ' . $list['form']['tags'] . '>');
				unset($list['form']['tags']); // we already output the tags before the messages


			if (!empty($list['form'])) {

	public function message_list_form($list)
		if (!empty($list['form'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-message-list-form">');

	public function message_list($list)
		if (isset($list['messages'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-message-list" ' . @$list['tags'] . '>');

			foreach ($list['messages'] as $message) {

			$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-message-list -->', '');

	public function message_item($message)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-message-item" ' . @$message['tags'] . '>');
		$this->post_avatar_meta($message, 'qa-message');
		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-message-item -->', '');

	public function message_content($message)
		if (!empty($message['content'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-message-content">');

	public function message_buttons($item)
		if (!empty($item['form'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-message-buttons">');

	public function list_vote_disabled($items)
		$disabled = false;

		if (count($items)) {
			$disabled = true;

			foreach ($items as $item) {
				if (@$item['vote_on_page'] != 'disabled')
					$disabled = false;

		return $disabled;

	public function q_list_and_form($q_list)
		if (empty($q_list))


		if (!empty($q_list['form']))
			$this->output('<form ' . $q_list['form']['tags'] . '>');


		if (!empty($q_list['form'])) {
			unset($q_list['form']['tags']); // we already output the tags before the qs


	public function q_list_form($q_list)
		if (!empty($q_list['form'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-q-list-form">');

	public function q_list($q_list)
		if (isset($q_list['qs'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-q-list' . ($this->list_vote_disabled($q_list['qs']) ? ' qa-q-list-vote-disabled' : '') . '">', '');
			$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-q-list -->', '');

	public function q_list_items($q_items)
		foreach ($q_items as $q_item) {

	public function q_list_item($q_item)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-q-list-item' . rtrim(' ' . @$q_item['classes']) . '" ' . @$q_item['tags'] . '>');


		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-q-list-item -->', '');

	public function q_item_stats($q_item)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-q-item-stats">');



	public function q_item_main($q_item)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-q-item-main">');


		$this->post_avatar_meta($q_item, 'qa-q-item');
		$this->post_tags($q_item, 'qa-q-item');


	public function q_item_clear()
			'<div class="qa-q-item-clear">',

	public function q_item_title($q_item)
			'<div class="qa-q-item-title">',
			'<a href="' . $q_item['url'] . '">' . $q_item['title'] . '</a>',
			// add closed note in title
			empty($q_item['closed']['state']) ? '' : ' [' . $q_item['closed']['state'] . ']',

	public function q_item_content($q_item)
		if (!empty($q_item['content'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-q-item-content">');

	public function q_item_buttons($q_item)
		if (!empty($q_item['form'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-q-item-buttons">');

	public function voting($post)
		if (isset($post['vote_view'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-voting ' . (($post['vote_view'] == 'updown') ? 'qa-voting-updown' : 'qa-voting-net') . '" ' . @$post['vote_tags'] . '>');

	public function voting_inner_html($post)

	public function vote_buttons($post)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-vote-buttons ' . (($post['vote_view'] == 'updown') ? 'qa-vote-buttons-updown' : 'qa-vote-buttons-net') . '">');

		switch (@$post['vote_state']) {
			case 'voted_up':
				$this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '+', 'qa-vote-one-button qa-voted-up');

			case 'voted_up_disabled':
				$this->post_disabled_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '+', 'qa-vote-one-button qa-vote-up');

			case 'voted_down':
				$this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '&ndash;', 'qa-vote-one-button qa-voted-down');

			case 'voted_down_disabled':
				$this->post_disabled_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '&ndash;', 'qa-vote-one-button qa-vote-down');

			case 'up_only':
				$this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '+', 'qa-vote-first-button qa-vote-up');
				$this->post_disabled_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '', 'qa-vote-second-button qa-vote-down');

			case 'enabled':
				$this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '+', 'qa-vote-first-button qa-vote-up');
				$this->post_hover_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '&ndash;', 'qa-vote-second-button qa-vote-down');

				$this->post_disabled_button($post, 'vote_up_tags', '', 'qa-vote-first-button qa-vote-up');
				$this->post_disabled_button($post, 'vote_down_tags', '', 'qa-vote-second-button qa-vote-down');


	public function vote_count($post)
		// You can also use $post['upvotes_raw'], $post['downvotes_raw'], $post['netvotes_raw'] to get
		// raw integer vote counts, for graphing or showing in other non-textual ways

		$this->output('<div class="qa-vote-count ' . (($post['vote_view'] == 'updown') ? 'qa-vote-count-updown' : 'qa-vote-count-net') . '"' . @$post['vote_count_tags'] . '>');

		if ($post['vote_view'] == 'updown') {
			$this->output_split($post['upvotes_view'], 'qa-upvote-count');
			$this->output_split($post['downvotes_view'], 'qa-downvote-count');
		} else {
			$this->output_split($post['netvotes_view'], 'qa-netvote-count');


	public function vote_clear()
			'<div class="qa-vote-clear">',

	public function a_count($post)
		// You can also use $post['answers_raw'] to get a raw integer count of answers

		$this->output_split(@$post['answers'], 'qa-a-count', 'span', 'span',
			@$post['answer_selected'] ? 'qa-a-count-selected' : (@$post['answers_raw'] ? null : 'qa-a-count-zero'));

	public function view_count($post)
		// You can also use $post['views_raw'] to get a raw integer count of views

		$this->output_split(@$post['views'], 'qa-view-count');

	public function avatar($item, $class, $prefix = null)
		if (isset($item['avatar'])) {
			if (isset($prefix))

				'<span class="' . $class . '-avatar">',

	public function a_selection($post)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-a-selection">');

		if (isset($post['select_tags']))
			$this->post_hover_button($post, 'select_tags', '', 'qa-a-select');
		elseif (isset($post['unselect_tags']))
			$this->post_hover_button($post, 'unselect_tags', '', 'qa-a-unselect');
		elseif ($post['selected'])
			$this->output('<div class="qa-a-selected">&nbsp;</div>');

		if (isset($post['select_text']))
			$this->output('<div class="qa-a-selected-text">' . @$post['select_text'] . '</div>');


	public function post_hover_button($post, $element, $value, $class)
		if (isset($post[$element]))
			$this->output('<input ' . $post[$element] . ' type="submit" value="' . $value . '" class="' . $class . '-button"/> ');

	public function post_disabled_button($post, $element, $value, $class)
		if (isset($post[$element]))
			$this->output('<input ' . $post[$element] . ' type="submit" value="' . $value . '" class="' . $class . '-disabled" disabled="disabled"/> ');

	public function post_avatar_meta($post, $class, $avatarprefix = null, $metaprefix = null, $metaseparator = '<br/>')
		$this->output('<span class="' . $class . '-avatar-meta">');
		$this->avatar($post, $class, $avatarprefix);
		$this->post_meta($post, $class, $metaprefix, $metaseparator);

	 * @deprecated Deprecated from 1.7; please use avatar() instead.
	 * @param $post
	 * @param $class
	 * @param string $prefix
	public function post_avatar($post, $class, $prefix = null)
		$this->avatar($post, $class, $prefix);

	public function post_meta($post, $class, $prefix = null, $separator = '<br/>')
		$this->output('<span class="' . $class . '-meta">');

		if (isset($prefix))

		$order = explode('^', @$post['meta_order']);

		foreach ($order as $element) {
			switch ($element) {
				case 'what':
					$this->post_meta_what($post, $class);

				case 'when':
					$this->post_meta_when($post, $class);

				case 'where':
					$this->post_meta_where($post, $class);

				case 'who':
					$this->post_meta_who($post, $class);

		$this->post_meta_flags($post, $class);

		if (!empty($post['what_2'])) {

			foreach ($order as $element) {
				switch ($element) {
					case 'what':
						$this->output('<span class="' . $class . '-what">' . $post['what_2'] . '</span>');

					case 'when':
						$this->output_split(@$post['when_2'], $class . '-when');

					case 'who':
						$this->output_split(@$post['who_2'], $class . '-who');


	public function post_meta_what($post, $class)
		if (isset($post['what'])) {
			$classes = $class . '-what';
			if (@$post['what_your'])
				$classes .= ' ' . $class . '-what-your';

			if (isset($post['what_url']))
				$this->output('<a href="' . $post['what_url'] . '" class="' . $classes . '">' . $post['what'] . '</a>');
				$this->output('<span class="' . $classes . '">' . $post['what'] . '</span>');

	public function post_meta_when($post, $class)
		$this->output_split(@$post['when'], $class . '-when');

	public function post_meta_where($post, $class)
		$this->output_split(@$post['where'], $class . '-where');

	public function post_meta_who($post, $class)
		if (isset($post['who'])) {
			$this->output('<span class="' . $class . '-who">');

			if (strlen(@$post['who']['prefix']))
				$this->output('<span class="' . $class . '-who-pad">' . $post['who']['prefix'] . '</span>');

			if (isset($post['who']['data']))
				$this->output('<span class="' . $class . '-who-data">' . $post['who']['data'] . '</span>');

			if (isset($post['who']['title']))
				$this->output('<span class="' . $class . '-who-title">' . $post['who']['title'] . '</span>');

			// You can also use $post['level'] to get the author's privilege level (as a string)

			if (isset($post['who']['points'])) {
				$post['who']['points']['prefix'] = '(' . $post['who']['points']['prefix'];
				$post['who']['points']['suffix'] .= ')';
				$this->output_split($post['who']['points'], $class . '-who-points');

			if (strlen(@$post['who']['suffix']))
				$this->output('<span class="' . $class . '-who-pad">' . $post['who']['suffix'] . '</span>');


	public function post_meta_flags($post, $class)
		$this->output_split(@$post['flags'], $class . '-flags');

	public function post_tags($post, $class)
		if (!empty($post['q_tags'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="' . $class . '-tags">');
			$this->post_tag_list($post, $class);

	public function post_tag_list($post, $class)
		$this->output('<ul class="' . $class . '-tag-list">');

		foreach ($post['q_tags'] as $taghtml) {
			$this->post_tag_item($taghtml, $class);


	public function post_tag_item($taghtml, $class)
		$this->output('<li class="' . $class . '-tag-item">' . $taghtml . '</li>');

	public function page_links()
		$page_links = @$this->content['page_links'];

		if (!empty($page_links)) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-page-links">');



	public function page_links_label($label)
		if (!empty($label))
			$this->output('<span class="qa-page-links-label">' . $label . '</span>');

	public function page_links_list($page_items)
		if (!empty($page_items)) {
			$this->output('<ul class="qa-page-links-list">');

			$index = 0;

			foreach ($page_items as $page_link) {
				$this->set_context('page_index', $index++);

				if ($page_link['ellipsis'])
					$this->page_links_item(array('type' => 'ellipsis'));



	public function page_links_item($page_link)
		$this->output('<li class="qa-page-links-item">');

	public function page_link_content($page_link)
		$label = @$page_link['label'];
		$url = @$page_link['url'];

		switch ($page_link['type']) {
			case 'this':
				$this->output('<span class="qa-page-selected">' . $label . '</span>');

			case 'prev':
				$this->output('<a href="' . $url . '" class="qa-page-prev">&laquo; ' . $label . '</a>');

			case 'next':
				$this->output('<a href="' . $url . '" class="qa-page-next">' . $label . ' &raquo;</a>');

			case 'ellipsis':
				$this->output('<span class="qa-page-ellipsis">...</span>');

				$this->output('<a href="' . $url . '" class="qa-page-link">' . $label . '</a>');

	public function page_links_clear()
			'<div class="qa-page-links-clear">',

	public function suggest_next()
		$suggest = @$this->content['suggest_next'];

		if (!empty($suggest)) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-suggest-next">');

	public function q_view($q_view)
		if (!empty($q_view)) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-q-view' . (@$q_view['hidden'] ? ' qa-q-view-hidden' : '') . rtrim(' ' . @$q_view['classes']) . '"' . rtrim(' ' . @$q_view['tags']) . '>');

			if (isset($q_view['main_form_tags'])) {
				$this->output('<form ' . $q_view['main_form_tags'] . '>'); // form for question voting buttons


			if (isset($q_view['main_form_tags'])) {


			$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-q-view -->', '');

	public function q_view_stats($q_view)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-q-view-stats">');



	public function q_view_main($q_view)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-q-view-main">');

		if (isset($q_view['main_form_tags'])) {
			$this->output('<form ' . $q_view['main_form_tags'] . '>'); // form for buttons on question

		$this->post_tags($q_view, 'qa-q-view');
		$this->post_avatar_meta($q_view, 'qa-q-view');

		if (isset($q_view['main_form_tags'])) {

		$this->c_list(@$q_view['c_list'], 'qa-q-view');

		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-q-view-main -->');

	public function q_view_content($q_view)
		$content = isset($q_view['content']) ? $q_view['content'] : '';

		$this->output('<div class="qa-q-view-content qa-post-content">');

	public function q_view_follows($q_view)
		if (!empty($q_view['follows']))
				'<div class="qa-q-view-follows">',
				'<a href="' . $q_view['follows']['url'] . '" class="qa-q-view-follows-link">' . $q_view['follows']['title'] . '</a>',

	public function q_view_closed($q_view)
		if (!empty($q_view['closed'])) {
			$haslink = isset($q_view['closed']['url']);

				'<div class="qa-q-view-closed">',
				($haslink ? ('<a href="' . $q_view['closed']['url'] . '"') : '<span') . ' class="qa-q-view-closed-content">',
				$haslink ? '</a>' : '</span>',

	public function q_view_extra($q_view)
		if (!empty($q_view['extra'])) {
				'<div class="qa-q-view-extra">',
				'<span class="qa-q-view-extra-content">',

	public function q_view_buttons($q_view)
		if (!empty($q_view['form'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-q-view-buttons">');

	public function q_view_clear()
			'<div class="qa-q-view-clear">',

	public function a_form($a_form)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-a-form"' . (isset($a_form['id']) ? (' id="' . $a_form['id'] . '"') : '') .
			(@$a_form['collapse'] ? ' style="display:none;"' : '') . '>');

		$this->c_list(@$a_form['c_list'], 'qa-a-item');

		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-a-form -->', '');

	public function a_list($a_list)
		if (!empty($a_list)) {

			$this->output('<div class="qa-a-list' . ($this->list_vote_disabled($a_list['as']) ? ' qa-a-list-vote-disabled' : '') . '" ' . @$a_list['tags'] . '>', '');
			$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-a-list -->', '');

	public function a_list_items($a_items)
		foreach ($a_items as $a_item) {

	public function a_list_item($a_item)
		$extraclass = @$a_item['classes'] . ($a_item['hidden'] ? ' qa-a-list-item-hidden' : ($a_item['selected'] ? ' qa-a-list-item-selected' : ''));

		$this->output('<div class="qa-a-list-item ' . $extraclass . '" ' . @$a_item['tags'] . '>');

		if (isset($a_item['main_form_tags'])) {
			$this->output('<form ' . $a_item['main_form_tags'] . '>'); // form for answer voting buttons


		if (isset($a_item['main_form_tags'])) {


		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-a-list-item -->', '');

	public function a_item_main($a_item)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-a-item-main">');

		if (isset($a_item['main_form_tags'])) {
			$this->output('<form ' . $a_item['main_form_tags'] . '>'); // form for buttons on answer

		if ($a_item['hidden'])
			$this->output('<div class="qa-a-item-hidden">');
		elseif ($a_item['selected'])
			$this->output('<div class="qa-a-item-selected">');

		$this->post_avatar_meta($a_item, 'qa-a-item');

		if ($a_item['hidden'] || $a_item['selected'])


		if (isset($a_item['main_form_tags'])) {

		$this->c_list(@$a_item['c_list'], 'qa-a-item');

		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-a-item-main -->');

	public function a_item_clear()
			'<div class="qa-a-item-clear">',

	public function a_item_content($a_item)
		if (!isset($a_item['content'])) {
			$a_item['content'] = '';

		$this->output('<div class="qa-a-item-content qa-post-content">');

	public function a_item_buttons($a_item)
		if (!empty($a_item['form'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-a-item-buttons">');

	public function c_form($c_form)
		$this->output('<div class="qa-c-form"' . (isset($c_form['id']) ? (' id="' . $c_form['id'] . '"') : '') .
			(@$c_form['collapse'] ? ' style="display:none;"' : '') . '>');


		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-c-form -->', '');

	public function c_list($c_list, $class)
		if (!empty($c_list)) {
			$this->output('', '<div class="' . $class . '-c-list"' . (@$c_list['hidden'] ? ' style="display:none;"' : '') . ' ' . @$c_list['tags'] . '>');
			$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-c-list -->', '');

	public function c_list_items($c_items)
		foreach ($c_items as $c_item) {

	public function c_list_item($c_item)
		$extraclass = @$c_item['classes'] . (@$c_item['hidden'] ? ' qa-c-item-hidden' : '');

		$this->output('<div class="qa-c-list-item ' . $extraclass . '" ' . @$c_item['tags'] . '>');

		if (isset($c_item['vote_view']) && isset($c_item['main_form_tags'])) {
			// form for comment voting buttons
			$this->output('<form ' . $c_item['main_form_tags'] . '>');


		$this->output('</div> <!-- END qa-c-item -->');

	public function c_item_main($c_item)
		if (isset($c_item['main_form_tags'])) {
			$this->output('<form ' . $c_item['main_form_tags'] . '>'); // form for buttons on comment


		if (isset($c_item['expand_tags']))
		elseif (isset($c_item['url']))

		$this->output('<div class="qa-c-item-footer">');
		$this->post_avatar_meta($c_item, 'qa-c-item');

		if (isset($c_item['main_form_tags'])) {

	public function c_item_link($c_item)
			'<a href="' . $c_item['url'] . '" class="qa-c-item-link">' . $c_item['title'] . '</a>'

	public function c_item_expand($c_item)
			'<a href="' . $c_item['url'] . '" ' . $c_item['expand_tags'] . ' class="qa-c-item-expand">' . $c_item['title'] . '</a>'

	public function c_item_content($c_item)
		if (!isset($c_item['content'])) {
			$c_item['content'] = '';

		$this->output('<div class="qa-c-item-content qa-post-content">');

	public function c_item_buttons($c_item)
		if (!empty($c_item['form'])) {
			$this->output('<div class="qa-c-item-buttons">');

	public function c_item_clear()
			'<div class="qa-c-item-clear">',

	 * Generic method to output a basic list of question links.
	 * @param array $q_list
	 * @param string $attrs
	public function q_title_list($q_list, $attrs = null)
		$this->output('<ul class="qa-q-title-list">');
		foreach ($q_list as $q) {
				'<li class="qa-q-title-item">',
				'<a href="' . qa_q_path_html($q['postid'], $q['title']) . '" ' . $attrs . '>' . qa_html($q['title']) . '</a>',

	 * Output block of similar questions when asking.
	 * @param array $q_list
	 * @param string $pretext
	public function q_ask_similar($q_list, $pretext = '')
		if (!count($q_list))

		$this->output('<div class="qa-ask-similar">');

		if (strlen($pretext) > 0)
			$this->output('<p class="qa-ask-similar-title">' . $pretext . '</p>');
		$this->q_title_list($q_list, 'target="_blank"');
