<?php /* Question2Answer by Gideon Greenspan and contributors http://www.question2answer.org/ File: qa-include/qa-db-admin.php Description: Database access functions which are specific to the admin center This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. More about this license: http://www.question2answer.org/license.php */ if (!defined('QA_VERSION')) { // don't allow this page to be requested directly from browser header('Location: ../'); exit; } function qa_db_mysql_version() /* Return the current version of MySQL */ { return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_raw('SELECT VERSION()')); } function qa_db_table_size() /* Return the total size in bytes of all relevant tables in the Q2A database */ { if (defined('QA_MYSQL_USERS_PREFIX')) { // check if one of the prefixes is a prefix itself of the other if (stripos(QA_MYSQL_USERS_PREFIX, QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX)===0) $prefixes=array(QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX); elseif (stripos(QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX, QA_MYSQL_USERS_PREFIX)===0) $prefixes=array(QA_MYSQL_USERS_PREFIX); else $prefixes=array(QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX, QA_MYSQL_USERS_PREFIX); } else $prefixes=array(QA_MYSQL_TABLE_PREFIX); $size=0; foreach ($prefixes as $prefix) { $statuses=qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_raw( "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '".$prefix."%'" )); foreach ($statuses as $status) $size+=$status['Data_length']+$status['Index_length']; } return $size; } function qa_db_count_posts($type=null, $fromuser=null) /* Return a count of the number of posts of $type in database. Set $fromuser to true to only count non-anonymous posts, false to only count anonymous posts */ { $wheresql=''; if (isset($type)) $wheresql.=' WHERE type='.qa_db_argument_to_mysql($type, true); if (isset($fromuser)) $wheresql.=(strlen($wheresql) ? ' AND' : ' WHERE').' userid '.($fromuser ? 'IS NOT' : 'IS').' NULL'; return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^posts'.$wheresql )); } function qa_db_count_users() /* Return number of registered users in database. */ { return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^users' )); } function qa_db_count_active_users($table) /* Return number of active users in database $table */ { switch ($table) { case 'posts': case 'uservotes': case 'userpoints': break; default: qa_fatal_error('qa_db_count_active_users() called for unknown table'); break; } return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub( 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(userid)) FROM ^'.$table )); } function qa_db_count_categories() /* Return number of categories in the database */ { return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^categories' )); } function qa_db_count_categoryid_qs($categoryid) /* Return number of questions in the database in $categoryid exactly, and not one of its subcategories */ { return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ^posts WHERE categoryid<=># AND type='Q'", $categoryid )); } function qa_db_get_user_visible_postids($userid) /* Return list of postids of visible or queued posts by $userid */ { return qa_db_read_all_values(qa_db_query_sub( "SELECT postid FROM ^posts WHERE userid=# AND type IN ('Q', 'A', 'C', 'Q_QUEUED', 'A_QUEUED', 'C_QUEUED')", $userid )); } function qa_db_get_ip_visible_postids($ip) /* Return list of postids of visible or queued posts from $ip address */ { return qa_db_read_all_values(qa_db_query_sub( "SELECT postid FROM ^posts WHERE createip=$ AND type IN ('Q', 'A', 'C', 'Q_QUEUED', 'A_QUEUED', 'C_QUEUED')", @inet_pton($ip) )); } function qa_db_postids_count_dependents($postids) /* Return an array whose keys contain the $postids which exist, and whose elements contain the number of other posts depending on each one */ { if (count($postids)) return qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub( "SELECT postid, COALESCE(childcount, 0) AS count FROM ^posts LEFT JOIN (SELECT parentid, COUNT(*) AS childcount FROM ^posts WHERE parentid IN (#) AND LEFT(type, 1) IN ('A', 'C') GROUP BY parentid) x ON postid=x.parentid WHERE postid IN (#)", $postids, $postids ), 'postid', 'count'); else return array(); } function qa_db_get_unapproved_users($count) /* Return an array of the (up to) $count most recently created users who are awaiting approval and have not been blocked. The array element for each user includes a 'profile' key whose value is an array of non-empty profile fields of the user. */ { $results=qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub( "SELECT ^users.userid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) AS created, createip, email, handle, flags, title, content FROM ^users LEFT JOIN ^userprofile ON ^users.userid=^userprofile.userid AND LENGTH(content)>0 WHERE level<# AND NOT (flags&#) ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT #", QA_USER_LEVEL_APPROVED, QA_USER_FLAGS_USER_BLOCKED, $count )); $users=array(); foreach ($results as $result) { $userid=$result['userid']; if (!isset($users[$userid])) { $users[$result['userid']]=$result; $users[$result['userid']]['profile']=array(); unset($users[$userid]['title']); unset($users[$userid]['content']); } if (isset($result['title']) && isset($result['content'])) $users[$userid]['profile'][$result['title']]=$result['content']; } return $users; } function qa_db_has_blobs_on_disk() /* Return whether there are any blobs whose content has been stored as a file on disk */ { return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT blobid FROM ^blobs WHERE content IS NULL LIMIT 1'), true) != null; } function qa_db_has_blobs_in_db() /* Return whether there are any blobs whose content has been stored in the database */ { return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT blobid FROM ^blobs WHERE content IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1'), true) != null; } function qa_db_category_last_pos($parentid) /* Return the maximum position of the categories with $parentid */ { return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub( 'SELECT COALESCE(MAX(position), 0) FROM ^categories WHERE parentid<=>#', $parentid )); } function qa_db_category_child_depth($categoryid) /* Return how many levels of subcategory there are below $categoryid */ { // This is potentially a very slow query since it counts all the multi-generational offspring of a particular category // But it's only used for admin purposes when moving a category around so I don't think it's worth making more efficient // (Incidentally, this could be done by keeping a count for every category of how many generations of offspring it has.) $result=qa_db_read_one_assoc(qa_db_query_sub( 'SELECT COUNT(child1.categoryid) AS count1, COUNT(child2.categoryid) AS count2, COUNT(child3.categoryid) AS count3 FROM ^categories AS child1 LEFT JOIN ^categories AS child2 ON child2.parentid=child1.categoryid LEFT JOIN ^categories AS child3 ON child3.parentid=child2.categoryid WHERE child1.parentid=#;', // requires QA_CATEGORY_DEPTH=4 $categoryid )); for ($depth=QA_CATEGORY_DEPTH-1; $depth>=1; $depth--) if ($result['count'.$depth]) return $depth; return 0; } function qa_db_category_create($parentid, $title, $tags) /* Create a new category with $parentid, $title (=name) and $tags (=slug) in the database */ { $lastpos=qa_db_category_last_pos($parentid); qa_db_query_sub( 'INSERT INTO ^categories (parentid, title, tags, position) VALUES (#, $, $, #)', $parentid, $title, $tags, 1+$lastpos ); $categoryid=qa_db_last_insert_id(); qa_db_categories_recalc_backpaths($categoryid); return $categoryid; } function qa_db_categories_recalc_backpaths($firstcategoryid, $lastcategoryid=null) /* Recalculate the backpath columns for all categories from $firstcategoryid to $lastcategoryid (if specified) */ { if (!isset($lastcategoryid)) $lastcategoryid=$firstcategoryid; qa_db_query_sub( "UPDATE ^categories AS x, (SELECT cat1.categoryid, CONCAT_WS('/', cat1.tags, cat2.tags, cat3.tags, cat4.tags) AS backpath FROM ^categories AS cat1 LEFT JOIN ^categories AS cat2 ON cat1.parentid=cat2.categoryid LEFT JOIN ^categories AS cat3 ON cat2.parentid=cat3.categoryid LEFT JOIN ^categories AS cat4 ON cat3.parentid=cat4.categoryid WHERE cat1.categoryid BETWEEN # AND #) AS a SET x.backpath=a.backpath WHERE x.categoryid=a.categoryid", $firstcategoryid, $lastcategoryid // requires QA_CATEGORY_DEPTH=4 ); } function qa_db_category_rename($categoryid, $title, $tags) /* Set the name of $categoryid to $title and its slug to $tags in the database */ { qa_db_query_sub( 'UPDATE ^categories SET title=$, tags=$ WHERE categoryid=#', $title, $tags, $categoryid ); qa_db_categories_recalc_backpaths($categoryid); // may also require recalculation of its offspring's backpaths } function qa_db_category_set_content($categoryid, $content) /* Set the content (=description) of $categoryid to $content */ { qa_db_query_sub( 'UPDATE ^categories SET content=$ WHERE categoryid=#', $content, $categoryid ); } function qa_db_category_get_parent($categoryid) /* Return the parentid of $categoryid */ { return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub( 'SELECT parentid FROM ^categories WHERE categoryid=#', $categoryid )); } function qa_db_category_set_position($categoryid, $newposition) /* Move the category $categoryid into position $newposition under its parent */ { qa_db_ordered_move('categories', 'categoryid', $categoryid, $newposition, qa_db_apply_sub('parentid<=>#', array(qa_db_category_get_parent($categoryid)))); } function qa_db_category_set_parent($categoryid, $newparentid) /* Set the parent of $categoryid to $newparentid, placing it in last position (doesn't do necessary recalculations) */ { $oldparentid=qa_db_category_get_parent($categoryid); if (strcmp($oldparentid, $newparentid)) { // if we're changing parent, move to end of old parent, then end of new parent $lastpos=qa_db_category_last_pos($oldparentid); qa_db_ordered_move('categories', 'categoryid', $categoryid, $lastpos, qa_db_apply_sub('parentid<=>#', array($oldparentid))); $lastpos=qa_db_category_last_pos($newparentid); qa_db_query_sub( 'UPDATE ^categories SET parentid=#, position=# WHERE categoryid=#', $newparentid, 1+$lastpos, $categoryid ); } } function qa_db_category_reassign($categoryid, $reassignid) /* Change the categoryid of any posts with (exact) $categoryid to $reassignid */ { qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^posts SET categoryid=# WHERE categoryid<=>#', $reassignid, $categoryid); } function qa_db_category_delete($categoryid) /* Delete the category $categoryid in the database */ { qa_db_ordered_delete('categories', 'categoryid', $categoryid, qa_db_apply_sub('parentid<=>#', array(qa_db_category_get_parent($categoryid)))); } function qa_db_category_slug_to_id($parentid, $slug) /* Return the categoryid for the category with parent $parentid and $slug */ { return qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub( 'SELECT categoryid FROM ^categories WHERE parentid<=># AND tags=$', $parentid, $slug ), true); } function qa_db_page_create($title, $flags, $tags, $heading, $content, $permit=null) /* Create a new custom page (or link) in the database */ { $position=qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT 1+COALESCE(MAX(position), 0) FROM ^pages')); qa_db_query_sub( 'INSERT INTO ^pages (title, nav, flags, permit, tags, heading, content, position) VALUES ($, \'\', #, #, $, $, $, #)', $title, $flags, $permit, $tags, $heading, $content, $position ); return qa_db_last_insert_id(); } function qa_db_page_set_fields($pageid, $title, $flags, $tags, $heading, $content, $permit=null) /* Set the fields of $pageid to the values provided in the database */ { qa_db_query_sub( 'UPDATE ^pages SET title=$, flags=#, permit=#, tags=$, heading=$, content=$ WHERE pageid=#', $title, $flags, $permit, $tags, $heading, $content, $pageid ); } function qa_db_page_move($pageid, $nav, $newposition) /* Move the page $pageid into navigation menu $nav and position $newposition in the database */ { qa_db_query_sub( 'UPDATE ^pages SET nav=$ WHERE pageid=#', $nav, $pageid ); qa_db_ordered_move('pages', 'pageid', $pageid, $newposition); } function qa_db_page_delete($pageid) /* Delete the page $pageid in the database */ { qa_db_ordered_delete('pages', 'pageid', $pageid); } function qa_db_ordered_move($table, $idcolumn, $id, $newposition, $conditionsql=null) /* Move the entity identified by $idcolumn=$id into position $newposition (within optional $conditionsql) in $table in the database */ { $andsql=isset($conditionsql) ? (' AND '.$conditionsql) : ''; qa_db_query_sub('LOCK TABLES ^'.$table.' WRITE'); $oldposition=qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT position FROM ^'.$table.' WHERE '.$idcolumn.'=#'.$andsql, $id)); if ($newposition!=$oldposition) { $lastposition=qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT MAX(position) FROM ^'.$table.' WHERE TRUE'.$andsql)); $newposition=max(1, min($newposition, $lastposition)); // constrain it to within range qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^'.$table.' SET position=# WHERE '.$idcolumn.'=#'.$andsql, 1+$lastposition, $id); // move it temporarily off the top because we have a unique key on the position column if ($newposition<$oldposition) qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^'.$table.' SET position=position+1 WHERE position BETWEEN # AND #'.$andsql.' ORDER BY position DESC', $newposition, $oldposition); else qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^'.$table.' SET position=position-1 WHERE position BETWEEN # AND #'.$andsql.' ORDER BY position', $oldposition, $newposition); qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^'.$table.' SET position=# WHERE '.$idcolumn.'=#'.$andsql, $newposition, $id); } qa_db_query_sub('UNLOCK TABLES'); } function qa_db_ordered_delete($table, $idcolumn, $id, $conditionsql=null) /* Delete the entity identified by $idcolumn=$id (and optional $conditionsql) in $table in the database */ { $andsql=isset($conditionsql) ? (' AND '.$conditionsql) : ''; qa_db_query_sub('LOCK TABLES ^'.$table.' WRITE'); $oldposition=qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT position FROM ^'.$table.' WHERE '.$idcolumn.'=#'.$andsql, $id)); qa_db_query_sub('DELETE FROM ^'.$table.' WHERE '.$idcolumn.'=#'.$andsql, $id); qa_db_query_sub('UPDATE ^'.$table.' SET position=position-1 WHERE position>#'.$andsql.' ORDER BY position', $oldposition); qa_db_query_sub('UNLOCK TABLES'); } function qa_db_userfield_create($title, $content, $flags, $permit=null) /* Create a new user field with (internal) tag $title, label $content, $flags and $permit in the database. */ { $position=qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT 1+COALESCE(MAX(position), 0) FROM ^userfields')); qa_db_query_sub( 'INSERT INTO ^userfields (title, content, position, flags, permit) VALUES ($, $, #, #, #)', $title, $content, $position, $flags, $permit ); return qa_db_last_insert_id(); } function qa_db_userfield_set_fields($fieldid, $content, $flags, $permit=null) /* Change the user field $fieldid to have label $content, $flags and $permit in the database (the title column cannot be changed once set) */ { qa_db_query_sub( 'UPDATE ^userfields SET content=$, flags=#, permit=# WHERE fieldid=#', $content, $flags, $permit, $fieldid ); } function qa_db_userfield_move($fieldid, $newposition) /* Move the user field $fieldid into position $newposition in the database */ { qa_db_ordered_move('userfields', 'fieldid', $fieldid, $newposition); } function qa_db_userfield_delete($fieldid) /* Delete the user field $fieldid in the database */ { qa_db_ordered_delete('userfields', 'fieldid', $fieldid); } function qa_db_widget_create($title, $tags) /* Return the ID of a new widget, to be displayed by the widget module named $title on templates within $tags (comma-separated list) */ { $position=qa_db_read_one_value(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT 1+COALESCE(MAX(position), 0) FROM ^widgets')); qa_db_query_sub( 'INSERT INTO ^widgets (place, position, tags, title) VALUES (\'\', #, $, $)', $position, $tags, $title ); return qa_db_last_insert_id(); } function qa_db_widget_set_fields($widgetid, $tags) /* Set the comma-separated list of templates for $widgetid to $tags */ { qa_db_query_sub( 'UPDATE ^widgets SET tags=$ WHERE widgetid=#', $tags, $widgetid ); } function qa_db_widget_move($widgetid, $place, $newposition) /* Move the widget $widgetit into position $position in the database's order, and show it in $place on the page */ { qa_db_query_sub( 'UPDATE ^widgets SET place=$ WHERE widgetid=#', $place, $widgetid ); qa_db_ordered_move('widgets', 'widgetid', $widgetid, $newposition); } function qa_db_widget_delete($widgetid) /* Delete the widget $widgetid in the database */ { qa_db_ordered_delete('widgets', 'widgetid', $widgetid); } /* Omit PHP closing tag to help avoid accidental output */