<?php /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */

namespace Ekyna\Component\Payum\Payzen\Api;

use Payum\Core\Exception\LogicException;
use Payum\Core\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Options;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;

 * Class Api
 * @package Ekyna\Component\Payum\Payzen\Api
 * @author  Etienne Dauvergne <contact@ekyna.com>
class Api
     * @var OptionsResolver
    private $configResolver;

     * @var OptionsResolver
    private $requestOptionsResolver;

     * @var array
    private $config;

     * Configures the api.
     * @param array $config
    public function setConfig(array $config)
        $this->config = $this

     * Returns the next transaction id.
     * @return string
    public function getTransactionId()
        $path = $this->getDirectoryPath() . 'transaction_id';

        // Create file if not exists
        if (!file_exists($path)) {
            chmod($path, 0600);

        $date = (new \DateTime())->format('Ymd');
        $fileDate = date('Ymd', filemtime($path));
        $isDailyFirstAccess = ($date != $fileDate);

        // Open file
        $handle = fopen($path, 'r+');
        if (false === $handle) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Failed to open the transaction ID file.');
        // Lock File
        if (!flock($handle, LOCK_EX)) {
            throw new RuntimeException('Failed to lock the transaction ID file.');

        $id = 1;
        // If not daily first access, read and increment the id
        if (!$isDailyFirstAccess) {
            $id = (int)fread($handle, 6);

        // Truncate, write, unlock and close.
        fseek($handle, 0);
        ftruncate($handle, 0);
        fwrite($handle, (string)$id);
        flock($handle, LOCK_UN);

        if ($this->config['debug']) {
            $id += 89000;

        return str_pad($id, 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

     * Creates the request url.
     * @param array $data
     * @return string
    public function createRequestUrl(array $data)

        $data = $this->createRequestData($data);

        $url = $this->getUrl() . '?' .
            implode('&', array_map(function ($key, $value) {
                return $key . '=' . rawurlencode($value);
            }, array_keys($data), $data));

        return $url;

     * Creates the request data.
     * @param array $data
     * @return array
    public function createRequestData(array $data)
        $data = $this
            ->resolve(array_replace($data, [
                'vads_page_action' => 'PAYMENT',
                'vads_version'     => 'V2',

        $data = array_filter($data, function ($value) {
            return null !== $value;

        $data['vads_site_id'] = $this->config['site_id'];
        $data['vads_ctx_mode'] = $this->config['ctx_mode'];

        $data['signature'] = $this->generateSignature($data);

        return $data;

     * Checks the response signature.
     * @param array $data
     * @return bool
    public function checkResponseIntegrity(array $data)
        if (!isset($data['signature'])) {
            return false;

        return $data['vads_site_id'] === (string)$this->config['site_id']
            && $data['vads_ctx_mode'] === (string)$this->config['ctx_mode']
            && $data['signature'] === $this->generateSignature($data);

     * Generates the signature.
     * @param array $data
     * @param bool  $hashed
     * @return string
    public function generateSignature(array $data, $hashed = true)

        $content = "";
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            if (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'vads_') {
                $content .= $value . '+';

        $content .= $this->config['certificate'];

        if ($hashed) {
            return $this->hash($content);

        return $content;

     * Returns the directory path and creates it if not exists.
     * @return string
    private function getDirectoryPath()
        $path = $this->config['directory'];

        // Create directory if not exists
        if (!is_dir($path)) {
            mkdir($path, 0755, true);

        return $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

     * Check that the API has been configured.
     * @throws LogicException
    private function ensureApiIsConfigured()
        if (null === $this->config) {
            throw new LogicException('You must first configure the API.');

     * Returns the config option resolver.
     * @return OptionsResolver
    private function getConfigResolver()
        if (null !== $this->configResolver) {
            return $this->configResolver;

        $resolver = new OptionsResolver();
                'endpoint' => null,
                'debug'    => false,
            ->setAllowedTypes('site_id', 'string')
            ->setAllowedTypes('certificate', 'string')
            ->setAllowedValues('ctx_mode', ['TEST', 'PRODUCTION'])
            ->setAllowedTypes('directory', 'string')
            ->setAllowedValues('endpoint', $this->getEndPoints())
            ->setAllowedTypes('debug', 'bool')
            ->setNormalizer('directory', function (Options $options, $value) {
                return rtrim($value, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);

        return $this->configResolver = $resolver;

     * Returns request options resolver.
     * @return OptionsResolver
    private function getRequestOptionsResolver()
        if (null !== $this->requestOptionsResolver) {
            return $this->requestOptionsResolver;

        $resolver = new OptionsResolver();

                'vads_action_mode'              => 'INTERACTIVE',
                'vads_available_languages'      => null,
                'vads_capture_delay'            => null,
                'vads_card_info'                => null,
                'vads_card_options'             => null,
                'vads_card_number'              => null,
                'vads_contracts'                => function (Options $options) {
                    /* TODO
                    Obligatoire si le numéro de contrat commerçant à utiliser n’est pas celui configuré par défaut
                    sur la plateforme de paiement
                    return null;
                'vads_contrib'                  => null,
                'vads_cust_address'             => null,
                'vads_cust_cell_phone'          => null,
                'vads_cust_city'                => null,
                'vads_cust_country'             => null,
                'vads_cust_email'               => function (Options $options) {
                    /* TODO
                    Obligatoire si souscription à l'envoi d'e-mail de confirmation de paiement au client
                    return null;
                'vads_cust_id'                  => null,
                'vads_cust_name'                => null,
                'vads_cust_phone'               => null,
                'vads_cust_title'               => null,
                'vads_cust_zip'                 => null,
                'vads_cvv'                      => null,
                'vads_expiry_month'             => null,
                'vads_expiry_year'              => null,
                'vads_language'                 => null,
                'vads_order_id'                 => null, // [a-zA-Z0-9-]+
                'vads_order_info'               => null,
                'vads_order_info2'              => null,
                'vads_order_info3'              => null,
                'vads_page_action'              => 'PAYMENT',
                'vads_payment_cards'            => null, // Obligatoire si acquisition de la carte par commerçant
                'vads_payment_config'           => 'SINGLE',
                'vads_payment_src'              => null, // Obligatoire pour vente à distance
                'vads_redirect_error_message'   => null,
                'vads_redirect_error_timeout'   => null,
                'vads_redirect_success_message' => null,
                'vads_redirect_success_timeout' => null,
                'vads_return_get_params'        => null,
                'vads_return_mode'              => function (Options $options) {
                    /* TODO
                    Obligatoire si souhait du commerçant de recevoir la réponse à la demande sur l’URL internet
                    de retour boutique en formulaire GET ou POST (après clic internaute sur bouton retour
                    Ce paramétrage n’impacte pas la transmission, ni les paramètres de transfert, de la réponse
                    de serveur à serveur (URL serveur commerçant).
                    return 'POST';
                'vads_return_post_params'       => null,
                'vads_ship_to_city'             => null,
                'vads_ship_to_country'          => null,
                'vads_ship_to_name'             => null,
                'vads_ship_to_phone_num'        => null,
                'vads_ship_to_state'            => null,
                'vads_ship_to_street'           => null,
                'vads_ship_to_street2'          => null,
                'vads_ship_to_zip'              => null,
                'vads_shop_name'                => null,
                'vads_shop_url'                 => null,
                'vads_theme_config'             => null,
                'vads_threeds_cavv'             => null, // Obligatoire si 3DS à la charge du client
                'vads_threeds_cavvAlgorithm'    => null, // Obligatoire si 3DS à la charge du client
                'vads_threeds_eci'              => null, // Obligatoire si 3DS à la charge du client
                'vads_threeds_enrolled'         => null, // Obligatoire si 3DS à la charge du client
                'vads_threeds_mpi'              => null, // Obligatoire si 3DS à la charge du client
                'vads_threeds_status'           => null, // Obligatoire si 3DS à la charge du client
                'vads_threeds_xid'              => null, // Obligatoire si 3DS à la charge du client
                'vads_validation_mode'          => null,
                'vads_url_cancel'               => null,
                'vads_url_check'                => null,
                'vads_url_error'                => null,
                'vads_url_referral'             => null,
                'vads_url_refused'              => null,
                'vads_url_success'              => null,
                'vads_url_return'               => null, // Obligatoire si acquisition de la carte par commerçant
                'vads_user_info'                => null,
                'vads_version'                  => 'V2',
            ->setAllowedValues('vads_action_mode', ['SILENT', 'INTERACTIVE'])
            ->setAllowedValues('vads_currency', $this->getCurrencyCodes())
            ->setAllowedValues('vads_language', $this->getLanguageCodes())
            ->setAllowedValues('vads_page_action', 'PAYMENT')
            ->setAllowedValues('vads_payment_cards', $this->getCardsCodes())
            ->setAllowedValues('vads_payment_config', function ($value) {
                if ($value === 'SINGLE') {
                    return true;

                // Ex: MULTI:first=5000;count=3;period=30
                if (preg_match('~^MULTI:first=\d+;count=\d+;period=\d+$~', $value)) {
                    return true;

                // Ex: MULTI_EXT:20120601=5000;20120701=2500;20120808=2500
                if (preg_match('MULTI_EXT:\d+=\d+;\d+=\d+;\d+=\d+', $value)) {
                    return true;

                return false;
            ->setAllowedValues('vads_payment_src', [null, 'BO', 'MOTO', 'CC', 'OTHER'])
            ->setAllowedValues('vads_return_mode', [null, 'NONE', 'GET', 'POST'])
            ->setAllowedValues('vads_validation_mode', [null, '0', '1'])
            ->setAllowedValues('vads_version', 'V2');

        return $this->requestOptionsResolver = $resolver;

    private function getCurrencyCodes()
        return [
            '36', // Dollar australien
            '036', // Dollar australien
            '124', // Dollar canadien
            '156', // Yuan chinois
            '208', // Couronne danoise
            '392', // Yen japonais
            '578', // Couronne norvégienne
            '752', // Couronne suédoise
            '756', // Franc suisse
            '826', // Livre sterling
            '840', // Dollar américain
            '953', // Franc pacifique
            '978', // Euro

    private function getLanguageCodes()
        return [
            'de', // Allemand
            'en', // Anglais
            'zh', // Chinois
            'es', // Espagnol
            'fr', // Français
            'it', // Italien
            'jp', // Japonais
            'pt', // Portugais
            'nl', // Néelandais

    private function getCardsCodes()
        return [
            'AMEX',         // American Express
            'AURORE-MULTI', // Aurore
            'BUYSTER',      // Buyster
            'CB',           // CB
            'COFINOGA',     // Cofinoga
            'E-CARTEBLEUE', // E-Carte bleue
            'MASTERCARD',   // Eurocard / Mastercard
            'JCB',          // JCB
            'MAESTRO',      // Maestro
            'ONEY',         // Oney
            'ONEY_SANDBOX', // Oney (sandbox)
            'PAYPAL',       // Paypal
            'PAYPAL_SB',    // Paypal (sandbox)
            'PAYSAFECARD',  // Paysafe card
            'VISA',         // Visa

    private function getEndPoints()
        return [null, 'SYSTEMPAY'];

    private function getUrl()
        if ($this->config['endpoint'] === 'SYSTEMPAY') {
            return 'https://paiement.systempay.fr/vads-payment/';

        return 'https://secure.payzen.eu/vads-payment/';

    private function hash(string $content) {
        if ($this->config['endpoint'] === 'SYSTEMPAY') {
            return sha1($content);

        return base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $content, $this->config['certificate'], true));