
 * kohinos_cooperatic
 * Copyright (C) 2019-2020  ADML63
 * Copyright (C) 2020- Cooperatic
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
namespace App\Admin;

use App\Admin\UserAdmin;
use App\Entity\Adherent;
use App\Entity\ContactPrestataire;
use App\Entity\Cotisation;
use App\Entity\CotisationPrestataire;
use App\Entity\EtatPrestataire;
use App\Entity\Geoloc;
use App\Entity\GlobalParameter;
use App\Entity\Groupe;
use App\Entity\Prestataire;
use App\Entity\Rubrique;
use App\Entity\User;
use App\Entity\Usergroup;
use App\Form\Type\ContactEntityFormType;
use App\Form\Type\CotisationFormType;
use App\Form\Type\GeolocPrestataireFormType;
use App\Form\Type\UserWithPswdFormType;
use App\Form\Type\UserInfosFormType;
use App\Util\WordpressUtil;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use FOS\CKEditorBundle\Form\Type\CKEditorType;
use FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserManagerInterface;
use Knp\Menu\ItemInterface as MenuItemInterface;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AbstractAdmin;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\AdminInterface;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\DatagridMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Datagrid\ListMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Form\FormMapper;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Route\RouteCollection;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Show\ShowMapper;
use Sonata\DoctrineORMAdminBundle\Filter\CallbackFilter;
use Sonata\MediaBundle\Form\Type\MediaType;
use Sonata\MediaBundle\Provider\Pool;
use Sonata\MediaBundle\Provider\MediaProviderInterface;
use Sonata\AdminBundle\Object\Metadata;
use Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\EntityType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\CallbackTransformer;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CollectionType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\DateType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\MoneyType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\PercentType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\TextType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\UrlType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormError;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvents;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Security;

 * Administration des prestataires
 * KOHINOS : Outil de gestion de Monnaie Locale Complémentaire
 * @author Julien Jorry <julien.jorry@gmail.com>
class PrestataireAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
    protected $baseRouteName = 'prestataire';
    protected $baseRoutePattern = 'prestataire';
    protected $security;
    protected $pool;
    protected $wp;
    protected $datagridValues = [
        // reverse order (default = 'ASC')
        '_sort_order' => 'DESC',
        // name of the ordered field (default = the model's id field, if any)
        '_sort_by' => 'raison',
        // '_page' => 1,
        // '_per_page' => 32

    public function setSecurity(Security $security)
        $this->security = $security;

    public function setPool(Pool $pool)
        $this->pool = $pool;

    public function setWordpressUtil(WordpressUtil $wp)
        $this->wp = $wp;

    public function configure()

    * {@inheritdoc}
    public function createQuery($context = 'list')
        $user = $this->security->getUser();
        $query = parent::createQuery($context);

        if ($user->hasRole('ROLE_GESTION_GROUPE') || $user->hasRole('ROLE_CONTACT') || $user->isGranted('ROLE_TRESORIER')) {
            if (empty($this->getRequest()->getSession()->get('_groupegere'))) {
                $query->andWhere('false = true');
            } else {
                    ->andWhere($query->getRootAliases()[0].'.groupe = :group')
                    ->setParameter('group', $this->getRequest()->getSession()->get('_groupegere'))
        return $query;

    protected function configureSideMenu(MenuItemInterface $menu, $action, AdminInterface $childAdmin = null)
        if (!$childAdmin && !in_array($action, ['edit', 'show'])) {
        $user = $this->security->getUser();
        $admin = $this->isChild() ? $this->getParent() : $this;
        $id = $admin->getRequest()->get('id');

        $presta = $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getRepository(Prestataire::class)->findOneById($id);
        $users = $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getRepository(User::class)->findByPrestataire($id);

        if ($this->isGranted('EDIT') && !empty($users)) {
            // @TODO : si plusieurs utilisateurs, mettre un lien par user pour modifier celui-ci ?
            // $menu->addChild("Modifier l'utilisateur", [
            //     'uri' => $this->getConfigurationPool ()->getContainer()->get('router')->generate('admin_app_user_edit', ['id' => $user->getId()], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL)
            // ]);
        // Le prestataire "Monnaie Locale" représentant l'asso recevant les cotisations n'a pas de cotisations lui même !
        if (!$presta->isMlc()) {
            $menu->addChild("Ajouter une cotisation", [
                'uri' => $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('router')->generate('cotisation_prestataire_create', ['expediteur' => $id], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL)
            $menu->addChild("Voir les cotisations", [
                'uri' => $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('router')->generate('cotisation_prestataire_list', ['filter' => array('expediteur' => array('value' => $id))], UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL)

    * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper): void
        // Initialize prestataire
        $presta = $this->getSubject();
        // $user = $this->security->getUser();
        $now = new \DateTime();
        $cotisation = null;

        // get the current Image instance
        $imageHelp = null;
        if (!empty($presta) && !empty($presta->getMedia())) {
            $image = $presta->getMedia();
            if ($image && ($webPath = $image->getWebPath())) {
                // get the container so the full path to the image can be set
                $container = $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer();
                $fullPath = $container->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest()->getBasePath().'/'.$webPath;
                // add a 'help' option containing the preview's img tag
                $imageHelp = '<img src="'.$fullPath.'" class="admin-preview" />';

                ->with('Prestataire', ['class' => 'col-md-6'])
                    ->add('typeprestataire', null, array(
                        'label' => 'Type :',
                        'required' => true,
                        'expanded' => true
                    ->add('groupe', ChoiceType::class, array(
                        'required' => true,
                        'label' => 'Groupe local :',
                        'choices' => $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getRepository(Groupe::class)->findAll(),
                        'choice_label' => 'name',
                        'placeholder' => 'Choisir un groupe',
                    ->add('raison', TextType::class, array(
                        'label' => 'Raison :',
                        'required' => true
                    ->add('statut', TextType::class, array(
                        'label' => 'Statut :',
                        'required' => false
                    ->add('siret', TextType::class, array(
                        'label' => 'SIRET :',
                        'required' => true
                    ->add('iban', TextType::class, array(
                        'label' => 'IBAN :',
                        'required' => false
                    ->add('responsable', TextType::class, array(
                        'label' => 'Responsable :',
                        'required' => false
                    ->add('metier', TextType::class, array(
                        'label' => 'Métier responsable :',
                        'required' => false
                    ->add('horaires', TextType::class, array(
                        'label' => 'Horaires',
                        'required' => false
                    ->add('web', UrlType::class, array(
                        'label' => 'Site Web',
                        'required' => false
                    ->add('description', CKEditorType::class, array(
                        'label' => 'Description',
                        'required' => false
                    ->add('tauxreconversion', PercentType::class, array(
                        'label' => 'Taux de reconversion',
                        'required' => false,
                        'type' => 'integer',
                        'help' => 'Si la valeur est nulle, par défaut le taux de reconversion sera de '.$this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getRepository(GlobalParameter::class)->val(GlobalParameter::RECONVERSION_PRESTATAIRE).' %'
                    ->add('enabled', CheckboxType::class, array(
                        'label' => 'Activé ?'
                ->with('Contact(s)', ['class' => 'col-md-6'])
                    ->add('contacts', CollectionType::class, array(
                        'entry_type' => ContactEntityFormType::class,
                        'entry_options' => array('label' => false, 'data_class' => ContactPrestataire::class),
                        'allow_add' => true,
                        'allow_delete' => true,
                        'by_reference' => false,
                        'label' => false
                ->with('Adresse(s)', ['class' => 'col-md-6'])
                    ->add('geolocs', CollectionType::class, array(
                        'entry_type' => GeolocPrestataireFormType::class,
                        'entry_options' => array('label' => false),
                        'allow_add' => true,
                        'allow_delete' => true,
                        'by_reference' => false,
                        'label' => false
                ->with('Classification', ['class' => 'col-md-6'])
                    ->add('etats', EntityType::class, array(
                        'class' => EtatPrestataire::class,
                        'multiple' => true,
                        'required' => false,
                        'by_reference' => false,
                        'choices' => $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getRepository(EtatPrestataire::class)->findBy(array('enabled' => true)),
                        'label' => 'Tags'
                    ->add('rubriques', EntityType::class, array(
                        'class' => Rubrique::class,
                        'multiple' => true,
                        'required' => false,
                        'by_reference' => false,
                        'choices' => $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getRepository(Rubrique::class)->findBy(array('enabled' => true)),
                        'label' => 'Rubriques'
                ->with('Image', ['class' => 'col-md-6'])
                    ->add('media', MediaType::class, array(
                        'provider' => 'sonata.media.provider.image',
                        'context' => 'prestataire',
                        'help' => $imageHelp,
                        'required' => false
                ->with('Gestionnaire(s)', ['class' => 'col-md-6'])
                    ->add('users', EntityType::class, array(
                        // 'mapped' => false,
                        'class' => User::class,
                        'multiple' => true,
                        'required' => false,
                        'label' => 'Associer à un(des) utilisateur(s) existant :',
                        'choices' => $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getRepository(User::class)->findAll(),
                        'choice_label' => 'username',
                        'placeholder' => 'Choisir un utilisateur',
                    ->add('newusers', CollectionType::class, array(
                        'mapped' => false,
                        'required' => false,
                        'label' => 'Nouvel Utilisateur/Adhérent',
                        'entry_type' => UserWithPswdFormType::class,
                        'entry_options' => array(
                            'required' => false,
                            'label' => false),
                        'by_reference' => false,
                        'allow_add' => true,
                        'allow_delete' => true
                ->with('Caissier(s)', ['class' => 'col-md-6'])
                    ->add('caissiers', EntityType::class, [
                        // 'mapped' => false,
                        'class' => User::class,
                        'multiple' => true,
                        'required' => false,
                        'label' => 'Associer à un(des) utilisateur(s) existant :',
                        'choices' => $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getRepository(User::class)->findAll(),
                        'choice_label' => 'username',
                        'placeholder' => 'Choisir un utilisateur',
                    ->add('newcaissiers', CollectionType::class, [
                        'mapped' => false,
                        'required' => false,
                        'label' => 'Nouvel Utilisateur/Adhérent',
                        'entry_type' => UserWithPswdFormType::class,
                        'entry_options' => [
                            'required' => false,
                            'label' => false, ],
                        'by_reference' => false,
                        'allow_add' => true,
                        'allow_delete' => true,
        // @TODO : add tags model transformer if add new from text
        // ->get('etats')
        // ->addModelTransformer(new CallbackTransformer(
        //     function ($tagsAsArray) {
        //         // transform the array to a string
        //         return $tagsAsArray;
        //     },
        //     function ($tagsAsString) {
        //         // transform the string back to an array
        //         return explode(', ', $tagsAsString);
        //     }
        // ))

        $em = $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
        $formMapper->getFormBuilder()->addEventListener(FormEvents::POST_SUBMIT, function (FormEvent $event) use ($em) {
            $prestataire = $event->getData();
            $users = null;
                Permet d'ajouter le nouvel utilisateur créé aux gestionnaires (newusers) et aux caissiers (newcaissiers) du presta
                (On crée un compte adhérent en même temps que le prestataire)
            if (null != $event->getForm()->get('users')->getData()) {
                $users = $event->getForm()->get('users')->getData();
                $this->addUsersOrCaissers($users, $prestataire);
            if (null != $event->getForm()->get('caissiers')->getData()) {
                $caissiers = $event->getForm()->get('caissiers')->getData();
                $this->addUsersOrCaissers($caissiers, $prestataire, 'ROLE_CAISSIER_PRESTATAIRE');
            if (null != $event->getForm()->get('newusers')->getData()) {
                $newusers = $event->getForm()->get('newusers')->getData();
                $collection = new ArrayCollection($newusers);
                $return = $this->addUsersOrCaissers($collection, $prestataire);
                if (false === $return) {
                    $event->getForm()->get('newusers')->addError(new FormError('Gestionnaires : Courriel(s) déjà utilisé : ' . implode(', ', $return) . '!'));
            if (null != $event->getForm()->get('newcaissiers')->getData()) {
                $newcaissiers = $event->getForm()->get('newcaissiers')->getData();
                $collection = new ArrayCollection($newcaissiers);
                $return = $this->addUsersOrCaissers($collection, $prestataire, 'ROLE_CAISSIER_PRESTATAIRE');
                if (count($return) > 0) {
                    $event->getForm()->get('newcaissiers')->addError(new FormError('Caissiers : Courriel(s) déjà utilisé : ' . implode(', ', $return) . '!'));

    private function addUsersOrCaissers(Collection $users, Prestataire $prestataire, string $role = 'ROLE_PRESTATAIRE')
        $return = [];
        $em = $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            if (null == $user->getId()) {
                $emailExist = $em->getRepository(User::class)->findBy(['email' => $user->getEmail()]);
                if (count($emailExist) > 0) {
                    $return[] = $emailExist;
                $adh = new Adherent();
                $groupeAdh = $em->getRepository(Usergroup::class)->findOneByName('Adherent');
            if ('ROLE_PRESTATAIRE' == $role) {
                $group = $em->getRepository(Usergroup::class)->findOneByName('Prestataire');
            } elseif ('ROLE_CAISSIER_PRESTATAIRE' == $role) {
                $group = $em->getRepository(Usergroup::class)->findOneByName('Caissier de Prestataire');

        // TODO: remove goup (and possible groups?) when user is unselected from caissiers list (get caissiers before update & compare)

        return $return;

    * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function configureDatagridFilters(DatagridMapper $datagridMapper): void
            ->add('full_text', CallbackFilter::class, [
                'callback' => [$this, 'getFullTextFilter'],
                'field_type' => TextType::class,
                'label' => "Recherche par nom",
                'show_filter' => true,
                'advanced_filter' => false
            ->add('groupe', null, [
                'label' => "Groupe",
                'show_filter' => true,
                'advanced_filter' => false
            ->add('etats', null, [
                'label' => "Tags",
                'show_filter' => true,
                'advanced_filter' => false
                ], null, ['expanded' => true, 'multiple' => true
            ->add('typeprestataire', null, [
                'label' => "Type",
                'advanced_filter' => false

    public function getFullTextFilter($queryBuilder, $alias, $field, $value)
        if (!$value['value']) {

        // Use `andWhere` instead of `where` to prevent overriding existing `where` conditions
            $queryBuilder->expr()->like($alias.'.raison', $queryBuilder->expr()->literal('%' . $value['value'] . '%')),
            $queryBuilder->expr()->like($alias.'.statut', $queryBuilder->expr()->literal('%' . $value['value'] . '%')),
            $queryBuilder->expr()->like($alias.'.description', $queryBuilder->expr()->literal('%' . $value['value'] . '%'))

        return true;
    public function getTemplate($name)
        if ($name == 'edit') {
            return 'presta/block/base_edit_prestataires.html.twig';

        return parent::getTemplate($name);

     * @param UserManagerInterface $userManager
    public function setUserManager(UserManagerInterface $userManager): void
        $this->userManager = $userManager;

     * @return UserManagerInterface
    public function getUserManager()
        return $this->userManager;

    public function getRouteShowOnFront($object)
        return $this->routeGenerator->generate('show_prestataire', array('slug' => $object->getSlug()));

    protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $listMapper): void
        $user = $this->security->getUser();

        $actions = ['edit' => ['link_parameters' => ['full' => true]]];

        if (false === $this->wp->isUsed()) {
            $actions['show'] = ['template' => '@SonataAdmin/CRUD/list__action_showonfront.html.twig'];
        } elseif ($this->wp->canSync()) {
            $actions['sync-wp'] = [];

            ->add('groupe', null, array(
                'label' => 'Groupe',
                'sortable' => true,
                'sort_field_mapping' => array('fieldName' => 'name'),
                'sort_parent_association_mappings' => array(array('fieldName' => 'groupe'))
            // ->addIdentifier('users', null, array('label' => 'Gestionnaires'))
            ->add('rubriques', null)
            ->add('etats', null, array(
                'label' => 'Tags',
                // 'editable' => true,
                // 'class' => EtatPrestataire::class,
                // 'multiple' => true,
                // // 'required' => false,
                // // 'by_reference' => false,
                // 'choices' => $this->getConfigurationPool()->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getRepository(EtatPrestataire::class)->findBy(array('enabled' => true))
            ->add('enabled', null, array(
                'label' => 'Activé',
                'editable' => true
            ->add('updatedAt', null, array(
                'label' => 'Mis à jour'
            // You may also specify the actions you want to be displayed in the list
            ->add('_action', null, [
                'actions' => $actions

    protected function configureRoutes(RouteCollection $collection)

        if ($this->wp->canSync()) {
            $collection->add('sync-wp', $this->getRouterIdParameter().'/sync-wp');

    public function configureActionButtons($action, $object = null)
        $list = parent::configureActionButtons($action, $object);

        if ($this->wp->canSync()) {
            $list['sync-all-wp']['template'] = '@SonataAdmin/CRUD/sync-all-wp_button.html.twig';

        return $list;

    public function getObjectMetadata($object)
        if ($object->getMedia() != null) {
            $provider = $this->pool->getProvider($object->getMedia()->getProviderName());

            $url = $provider->generatePublicUrl(
                $provider->getFormatName($object->getMedia(), MediaProviderInterface::FORMAT_ADMIN)

            return new Metadata($object->getRaison(), strip_tags($object->getDescription()), $url);
        return new Metadata($object->getRaison(), strip_tags($object->getDescription()));

    public function configureBatchActions($actions)

        if ($this->wp->canSync()) {
            $actions['sync-wp'] = [
                'ask_confirmation' => true,
                'label' => 'batch_sync-wp',
                'translation_domain' => 'SonataAdminBundle',

        return $actions;

    /* @TODO : définir champ à exporter */
    public function getExportFields()
        return [
            'Id'                     => 'id',
            'Raison'                 => 'raison',
            'Groupe'                 => 'groupe.name',
            'E-compte'               => 'ecompte',
            'Rubriques'              => 'rubriquesString',
            'Gestionnaires'          => 'usersString',
            'Tags'                   => 'etatsString',
            'Activé ? (1=oui)'       => 'enabled'

     * Synchronize with Wordpress here (rather than through Doctrine ORM events).
    public function postPersist($presta)
        if ($this->wp->runSync($presta->getId())) {
                'sonata_flash_success', 'Synchronisation vers Wordpress effectuée<br>'
    public function postUpdate($presta)