{% extends 'common/layout.html.twig' %} {% block content %} <div class='container' style='max-width: 800px;'> <h2 class='text-center w-100 mt-3'>{{ "Cotiser pour l'année"|trans }} {{ "now"|date('Y') }}</h2> <div class='text-center mb-5'> {% if app.user and is_granted('ROLE_ADHERENT') %} <h4>{{ 'Solde de eMLC'|trans }} : <b>{{ app.user.adherent.ecompte }}</b></h4> <h5>{{ 'Montant minimum de la cotisation'|trans }} : <b>{{ KOH_COTISATION_ADHERENT|default('') }} €</b></h5> {% elseif app.user and is_granted('ROLE_PRESTATAIRE') %} <h4>{{ 'Solde de eMLC'|trans }} : <b>{{ app.session.get('_prestagere').ecompte }}</b></h4> <h5>{{ 'Montant minimum de la cotisation'|trans }} : <b>{{ KOH_COTISATION_PRESTATAIRE|default('') }} €</b></h5> {% endif %} </h5> {{ form_start(form) }} {{ form_row(form.operateur) }} {{ form_row(form.role) }} {{ form_row(form.reference) }} {{ form_row(form.montant) }} <div class='row mt-4'> {% if form.payMLC is defined %} <div class='col-6'> {{ form_widget(form.payMLC) }} </div> <div class='col-6'> {% else %} <div class='col-12'> {% endif %} {% if form.payCB is defined %} <div class='col-6'> {{ form_widget(form.payCB) }} </div> <div class='col-6'> {% else %} <div class='col-12'> {% endif %} </div> </div> {{ form_end(form) }} </div> </div> {% endblock %}