from django.db import models from django.conf import settings from outils.common_imports import * from outils.common import OdooAPI from decimal import * from datetime import datetime from inventory.models import CagetteInventory class CagetteStock(models.Model): @staticmethod def get_movements(movement_type, date_from, date_to): o_api = OdooAPI() errors = [] if movement_type == 'losses': location_dest_id = settings.LOSSES_LOC_ID elif movement_type == 'meals': location_dest_id = settings.MEALS_LOC_ID elif movement_type == 'autoconso': location_dest_id = settings.AUTOCONSO_LOC_ID else: errors.append('Type de mouvement incorrect') return {'errors': errors} f = ['name', 'date_done', 'inventory_value'] c = [['location_dest_id', "=", location_dest_id], ['date_done', ">=", date_from], ['date_done', "<=", date_to], ['state', "=", 'done']] res = o_api.search_read('stock.picking', c, f) return res @staticmethod def do_stock_movement(stock_movement_data): """Do a stock movement : """ TWOPLACES = Decimal(10) ** -2 api = OdooAPI() errors = [] picking = False # Set stock movement details according to destination if stock_movement_data['movement_type'] == 'losses': picking_name = 'Pertes - ' picking_type = settings.LOSSES_PICKING_TYPE_ID destination = settings.LOSSES_LOC_ID elif stock_movement_data['movement_type'] == 'meals': picking_name = 'Repas Salarié - ' picking_type = settings.MEALS_PICKING_TYPE_ID destination = settings.MEALS_LOC_ID elif stock_movement_data['movement_type'] == 'autoconso': picking_name = 'Autoconsommation - ' picking_type = settings.AUTOCONSO_PICKING_TYPE_ID destination = settings.AUTOCONSO_LOC_ID else: errors.append('Type de mouvement incorrect') return {'errors': errors, 'picking_id': picking} picking_name +="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") picking_short_name = picking_name picking_name += ' - ' + stock_movement_data['operator']['name'] + ' ('+ str(stock_movement_data['operator']['barcode_base']) + ')' fields = { 'company_id': 1, 'name': picking_name, 'picking_type_id': picking_type, # mouvement type 'location_id': settings.STOCK_LOC_ID, # movement origin 'location_dest_id': destination, # movement dest 'move_lines': [], # 'pack_operation_ids': [], 'operator_id': stock_movement_data['operator']['id'] } for p in stock_movement_data['products']: qty = Decimal(p['qty']).quantize(TWOPLACES) if qty < 0: qty = 0 # Add stock.move to stock.picking fields['move_lines'].append([ 0, False, { "date_expected":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "product_id": p['id'], "name": p['name'], "product_uom": p['uom_id'], "product_uom_qty": str(qty), "picking_type_id": picking_type, "location_id": settings.STOCK_LOC_ID, "location_dest_id": destination, "state": "draft", "scrapped": False, } ]) # Exception rises when odoo method returns nothing marshal_none_error = 'cannot marshal None unless allow_none is enabled' try: picking_id = api.create('stock.picking', fields) if picking_id: # Récupérer les lignes de mouvement associées au picking picking_move_lines = api.search_read( 'stock.move', [('picking_id', '=', picking_id)], # Filtre sur le picking_id ['id', 'product_id', 'product_qty', 'product_uom'] # Champs nécessaires ) # Pour chaque mouvement de picking, vérifier la disponibilité avant de procéder for move in picking_move_lines: product_id = move['product_id'][0] # ID du produit product_qty = move['product_qty'] # Quantité demandée pour ce mouvement stock_quant_data = api.search_read( 'stock.quant', [('product_id', '=', product_id), ('location_id', '=', settings.STOCK_LOC_ID)], ['quantity','reserved_quantity'] ) if stock_quant_data: # Calcul de la quantité réservable net_available_stock = stock_quant_data[0]['quantity'] - stock_quant_data[0]['reserved_quantity'] # Vérifier si le stock net disponible est suffisant pour le mouvement actuel if product_qty > net_available_stock: #Le stock réservable n'est pas suffisant. On effectue un inventaire pour augmenter le stock. #à la valeur de la quantité que l'on souhaite transférer + la quantité réservée p = { 'id': product_id, 'uom_id': move['product_uom'], 'qty': product_qty + stock_quant_data[0]['reserved_quantity'] } inventory_data = { 'name': 'Augmentation de stock avant mouvement : ' + picking_short_name, 'products': [p] } res = CagetteInventory.update_products_stock(inventory_data) if 'errors' in res and res['errors']: raise Exception('Erreur lors de l\'augmentation de stock précédant le transfert : ' + res['errors'][0]) # Si le stock est suffisant, on effectue l'action de transfert immédiat api.execute('stock.picking', 'stock_immediate_transfer', [picking_id]) except Exception as e: if not (marshal_none_error in str(e)): coop_logger.error(str(e)) errors.append(str(e)) return {'errors': errors, 'picking_id': picking_id} ### NOT IN USE ### def get_liste_supplyer(): o_api = OdooAPI() f=['display_name', 'id'] c=[['supplier', "=",1]] res = o_api.search_read('res.partner', c, f, order = "write_date asc") return res def get_article_from_supplyer(id): "4148" print ("c'est la "+id) o_api = OdooAPI() res = o_api.execute('lacagette_tools',"get_list_article_of_fournisseur", id) return res # Following sale article with breaking def get_list_sale(product_id, startDate, endDate): o_api = OdooAPI() f=['write_date', 'qty'] c=[['product_id','=',product_id],['location_id','=',9], ['write_date', '>', startDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")], ['write_date', '<', endDate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")]] res = o_api.search_read('stock.quant', c, f, order = "write_date asc") return res def get_list_sale_qty(lProduct_id): o_api = OdooAPI() res = o_api.execute('lacagette_tools',"get_sale_qty_by_article", lProduct_id) dRes = {} for r in res: dRes[r['product_id']] = r['sumqty'] return dRes # get list breaking for a artile def get_list_breaking(product_id): o_api = OdooAPI() f=['create_date', 'state_breaking'] c=[['product_id','=',product_id]] res = o_api.search_read('stock.breaking', c, f) return res # get list breaking for a artile by list sous def get_list_breaking_by_list(lProduct_id): """ sous forme date de début - dadte de fin""" o_api = OdooAPI() res = o_api.execute('stock.breaking', 'get_artile_breaking_period_by_list', lProduct_id) dRes = {} product_id =0 listBreak =[] for r in res: if product_id != r['product_id']: product_id = r['product_id'] listBreak = [r] dRes[product_id] = listBreak else: listBreak.append(r) return dRes # Liste of last Sale article def get_list_date_last_sale(): o_api = OdooAPI() resLastDate = o_api.execute('lacagette_tools',"get_stockQuant_last_Sale", []) return resLastDate # Liste of arcticle breacking def get_list_article_breaking(): o_api = OdooAPI() #Recuper les articles en rupture resBreaking = o_api.execute('stock.breaking',"get_artile_breaking", []) #print (resBreaking) #creation d'une liste avec tout les articles en rupture pour recuperer les donnée de product_produt listId = [] for a in resBreaking: listId.append(a['product_id']) print (len(listId)) f=['id', 'name','image_small', 'active', 'sale_ok', 'purchase_ok'] c=[['id','in',listId]] res = o_api.search_read('product.product', c, f) print (len(res)) for a in resBreaking.copy(): for b in res: if b['id'] == a['product_id']: if b['sale_ok'] and b['active']: # a mettre purchase_ok si on veut rajouter l'achat a['name']=b['name'] a['purchase_ok']=b['purchase_ok'] a['image_small']=b['image_small'] else: resBreaking.remove(a) break #else: #a['name']=a['product_id'] #a['image_small']="" else: resBreaking.remove(a) return (resBreaking) # Search list arctil o name def get_article_history_breaking(id,startDate,endDate): o_api = OdooAPI() f=['state_breaking','qty', 'product_id','create_date'] c=[['product_id','=',id]] res = o_api.search_read('stock.breaking', c,f) return (res) #Search list arcticle with name def get_list_article(rech): o_api = OdooAPI() #f=['name','currency_id','virtual_available','product_variant_count','lst_price','qty_available','type','product_variant_ids','image_small','uom_id','default_code','is_product_variant','__last_update'] f=['name','lst_price','qty_available','image_small','barcode','uom_id'] c=[['name','ilike',rech]] res = o_api.search_read('product.product', c,f, 100) return (res) # Search list arctil with barcode def get_article_byBarcode(rech): o_api = OdooAPI() f=['name','lst_price','qty_available','image_small'] c=[['barcode','ilike',rech]] res = o_api.search_read('product.product', c,f, 100) return (res) # Artile on breaking with product_id et uom_id def set_article_rupture(data): o_api = OdooAPI() print (data['idArticle']) print (data['uom_id']) fields = {'company_id': 1, 'name': 'Ajustement qty rupture2', 'filter': 'product', 'product_id': data['idArticle'], 'location_id': 12} inv = o_api.create('stock.inventory', fields) if not (inv is None): fields = {'product_id': data['idArticle'], 'inventory_id': inv, 'product_qty': 0, 'product_uom_id': data['uom_id'], #uQtyArticle, # quanttié vérifée , unité de mesure d'article 'location_id': 12} invLi = o_api.create('stock.inventory.line', fields) if not (invLi is None): try: CagetteInventory.stock_inventory_action_validate(inv) except Exception as e: print('Probleme action_validate avec ' + str(data['idArticle']) + ' ' + str(e)) else: print('Probleme invLi avec ' + str(data['idArticle'])) else: print('Probleme inv avec ' + str(data['idArticle'])) return inv def set_article_archive(id_product_product): """Met l'article en statut archivé""" o_api = OdooAPI() #recherche l'id_product_template f=["product_tmpl_id"] c=[['id','=',id_product_product]] res = o_api.search_read('product.product', c,f, 1) # print (res) # print (res[0]['product_tmpl_id'][0]) try: o_api.execute('product.template','toggle_active', res[0]['product_tmpl_id'][0]) except Exception as e: coop_logger.error("Stock set_article_archive : %s, %s", str(e), str(id_product_product)) return True def set_dont_purchase(id_product_product): o_api = OdooAPI() f=["product_tmpl_id"] c=[['id','=',id_product_product]] #recherche l'id_product_template res = o_api.search_read('product.product', c,f, 1) print (res) #change la valeur res = o_api.update('product.template', res[0]['product_tmpl_id'][0],{"purchase_ok":False}) # print (res) return True def get_saleWitheNotSale(mDate): o_api = OdooAPI() res = o_api.execute('lacagette_tools', "get_sale_article_by_date", mDate) return res def get_sale_qty_by_from(nbW): o_api = OdooAPI() dArticleSale = {} res = o_api.execute('lacagette_tools', "get_sale_qty_by_from", nbW) return res @staticmethod def get_valuable_stock(): articles = [] try: api = OdooAPI() cond = [['qty_available','>', 0], ['active', '=', True]] fields = ["barcode", "display_name", "qty_available", "standard_price"] articles = api.search_read('product.product', cond, fields, 1000000) for a in articles: a['total'] = a['qty_available'] * a['standard_price'] except Exception as e: coop_logger.error("Erreur get_valuable_stock : %s", str(e)) return articles def set_test(): o_api = OdooAPI() res = o_api.execute('lacagette_tools', "get_sale_qty_by_from", 125) # print (res) return res