var actions_last_dates = {}; var show_enqueued_messages = function() { var stored = null; try { stored = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('enqueued_messages')); alert(stored.join("\n")) localStorage.removeItem('enqueued_messages') } catch (e) { //no rescue system for the moment } }; var enqueue_message_for_next_loading = function(msg) { try { let messages = [], stored = localStorage.getItem('enqueued_messages'); if (stored) { messages = JSON.parse(stored); } messages.push(msg) localStorage.setItem('enqueued_messages', JSON.stringify(messages)); } catch (e) { //no rescue system for the moment } } function get_litteral_shift_template_name(name) { var l_name = ''; if (/([ABCD]{1})([A-Za-z.]{4}) - ([0-9:]+)/.exec(name)) { try { var week = RegExp.$1; var day = RegExp.$2; var hour = RegExp.$3; switch (day) { case 'Lun.': l_name = " lundi "; break; case 'Mar.': l_name = " mardi "; break; case 'Mer.': l_name = " mercredi "; break; case 'Jeu.': l_name = " jeudi "; break; case 'Ven.': l_name = " vendredi "; break; case 'Sam.': l_name = " samedi "; break; } if (l_name != '') { l_name += ' à ' + hour + ' (semaine ' + week + ')'; } } catch (e) { // browser doesn't support switch (few chances) } } if (l_name == '') l_name = name; return l_name; } function is_time_to(action, delay=5000) { var answer = false; var last_date = actions_last_dates[action] || 0; var d = new Date(); var now = d.getTime(); if (last_date == 0 || (now - last_date) >= delay) { answer = true; actions_last_dates[action] = now; } return answer; } function post_form(url, data, callback) { var ajax_params = {url : url, headers: { "X-CSRFToken": getCookie("csrftoken") }, data : data, dataType :'json'}; if ( == "FormData") { ajax_params.processData = false; ajax_params.contentType = false; } $.post(ajax_params) .done(function(rData) { callback(null, rData); }) .fail(function(err) { callback(err, {}); }); } // using jQuery function getCookie(name) { var cookieValue = null; if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') { var cookies = document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]); // Does this cookie string begin with the name we want? if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) { cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1)); break; } } } return cookieValue; } function createCookie(name, value, days) { var expires; if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString(); } else { expires = ""; } document.cookie = encodeURIComponent(name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + expires + "; path=/; domain=" + window.location.hostname; } function eraseCookie(name) { createCookie(name, "", -1); } function coop_get_random(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (+max - +min)) + +min; } // Get GET parameters from URL function $_GET(param) { var vars = {};, '').replace( /[?&]+([^=&]+)=?([^&]*)?/gi, // regexp function(m, key, value) { // callback vars[key] = value !== undefined ? value : ''; } ); if (param) { return vars[param] ? vars[param] : null; } return vars; } // Minimalist modal handling (Knacss doesn't) var modal = $('#modal'), msg_box = $('#msg_box'), box_load = $('#box_load'), loading_img = $('#loading_img'), close_modal_btn = $('#modal_closebtn_top'); function display_msg_box(msg, type) { msg_box.find('.content').remove(); var mtype = type || 'success'; var mcont = $('<div/>').addClass('content '+ mtype) .html(msg); msg_box.append(mcont);; } String.prototype.toCapital = function () { return this.toLowerCase().replace(/^.|\s\S/g, function(a) { return a.toUpperCase(); }); }; String.prototype.toFormatedFirstName = function() { var formatted = this.trim().toCapital(); if (typeof force_fn_hyphen != "undefined" && force_fn_hyphen == true) { formatted = this.trim().replace(/-+/g, ' ') .toCapital() .replace(/ +/g, '-'); } return formatted; }; String.prototype.toFormatedLastName = function() { return this.trim().toUpperCase(); }; String.prototype.pad = function(String, len) { var str = this; while (str.length < len) str = String + str; return str; }; var btns = $('<div/>').addClass('btns'); var btn_ok = $('<button/>').addClass('btn--success btn-modal-ok'); var btn_nok = $('<button/>').addClass('btn--danger btn-modal-nok') .attr('id', 'modal_closebtn_bottom') .text('Fermer'); //TODO change arguments management, actual not efficient (args array) /* Args: modalContent validationCallback validationText validationClosesModal setCancelButton cancelCallback */ function openModal() {; if (arguments[0]) { // First argument is modal content var oc = $('<div/>').addClass('mconfirm') .html(arguments[0]); btns.html('');'click', closeModal);'click', closeModal); if (btn_ok.hasClass('loading')) { btn_ok.removeClass('loading'); btn_ok.addClass('btn--success'); } // If more than one argument, add 'save' button if (arguments[1]) { btn_ok.on('click', arguments[1]); // Second argument is callback btn_ok.text(arguments[2] || 'Enregistrer'); // Third is button text // 4th argument: if set and false, validate button doesn't close the modal if (typeof (arguments[3]) == "undefined" || arguments[3] != false) btn_ok.on('click', closeModal); /* else { btn_ok.on('click', function() { $(this).addClass("loading"); $(this).removeClass("btn--success"); }) } */ btns.append(btn_ok); // 5th argument: if set and false, no 'cancel' button if (typeof (arguments[4]) == "undefined" || arguments[4] != false) { btn_nok.text('Annuler'); btn_nok.on('click', closeModal); // 6th argument: if set, cancel callback if (typeof (arguments[5]) != "undefined") { btn_nok.on('click', arguments[5]); } btns.append(btn_nok); } } oc.append(btns); modal.find('.overlay-content').html(oc); } else { openWaiting('<em>Chargement en cours...</em>'); } modal.css("width", "100%"); } function displayMsg(content) { // simple version of openModal modal.find('.overlay-content').html($('<div/>').addClass('mconfirm') .html(content));; // it may have been hidden by openWaiting modal.css("width", "100%"); } function closeModal() { $(document).trigger("closemodal"); box_load.hide(); modal.find('.overlay-content').removeAttr('style'); // if newWaitingMessage has been called through openWaiting modal.css("width", "0%"); } function openWaiting() { close_modal_btn.hide(); if (arguments[0]) newWaitingMessage(arguments[0]); box_load.css({'top':'auto'}); loading_img.attr('src', '/static/img/wheels_loading.gif');; modal.css("width", "100%"); } function newWaitingMessage(msg) { var content = $('<div/>').html(msg); var container = modal.find('.overlay-content').css({'top': 'auto', 'color':'#FFF'}); container.html(content); } function closeWaiting() { modal.css("width", "0%"); box_load.hide(); } function closeMsgBox() { msg_box.hide(); } function closeInfo(e) { $(e).closest('.infocircle') .hide(); } function format_date_to_sortable_string(date) { var formatted = date; try { formatted = date.toISOString().slice(0, 10) + ' ' + ('00'+ date.getHours()).slice(-2) + ':' + ('00'+ date.getMinutes()).slice(-2); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } return formatted; } function coop_is_weighted_product(p) { var answer = false; if (typeof (p.barcode) !== "undefined") { //0492 //27131001 if (/^(0492)|(27131001)|(0493)/.exec(p.barcode)) { answer = true; } else if (/SAISIR POID/.exec( { answer = true; } } else { answer = null; } return answer; } // Admin Connection part var conn_butt = $('#conn_butt'); var admin_menu = $('#admin_menu'); function coop_is_connected() { var answer = false; if (typeof (getCookie('authtoken')) != "undefined" && getCookie('authtoken') != null) { answer = true; } return answer; } function show_admin_menu() { conn_butt.hide();; } function store_credentials(data) { createCookie("authtoken", data.authtoken); createCookie("uid", data.uid); createCookie("login", data.login); } function coop_authenticate(callback) { post_form( '/members/get_credentials', {'login': $('input[name="login"]').val(), 'password': $('input[name="password"]').val() }, function(err, result) { if (typeof (result.authtoken) != "undefined") { store_credentials(result); show_admin_menu(); window.location.reload(); //needed until an other way is found ! } else {; modal.find('.error_msg').remove(); var msg = $('<div>').addClass('error_msg') .text('Identifiants inconnus ou erreur dans la saisie'); modal.find('.mconfirm').prepend(msg); } } ); } function open_coop_connexion_form() { if (getCookie('id')) alert("Vous êtes déjà connecté avec un compte coopérateur. Déconnectez-vous ou supprimez les cookies."); else openModal($('#connect_form_template').html(), coop_authenticate, 'Connexion'); } try { $('#logout').click(function() { eraseCookie("authtoken"); eraseCookie("uid"); //Does localStorage should be reset ? location.reload(); });; $('#admin_menu ul').append($('#admin_elts').html()); if (coop_is_connected()) { show_admin_menu(); } } catch (e) { // no admin possibility, nothing to do console.log(e); } if (getCookie('deconnect_option') && $('#deconnect').length == 0) { // Add deconnect button //$('body').prepend($('<button>').attr('id','password_change').text('Changer mon mot de passe')); $('body').prepend($('<button>').attr('id', 'deconnect') .attr('type', 'button') .text('Déconnexion')); $('#deconnect').click(function() { window.location.href = "/website/deconnect"; }); $('#password_change').click(function() { window.location.href = '/website/change_pwd'; }); } else if (getCookie('deconnect_option') && $('#deconnect').length !== 0) { // If a deconnect button already exists $('#deconnect').click(function() { window.location.href = "/website/deconnect"; }); } function eanCheckDigit(s) { let result = 0; let i = 1; for (let counter = s.length-1; counter >=0; counter--) { result = result + parseInt(s.charAt(counter)) * (1+(2*(i % 2))); i++; } return (10 - (result % 10)) % 10; } function isValidEAN8(ean) { let answer = true; let key = ean.substring(ean.length-1); let digits = ean.substring(0, ean.length-1); let checkSum = digits.split('').reduce(function(previousValue, currentValue, i) { let temp_val = i % 2 == 0 ? parseInt(currentValue) * 3 : parseInt(currentValue); return parseInt(previousValue) + temp_val; }, 0); let checkKey = 10 - checkSum % 10; if (checkKey === 10) checkKey = 0; if (checkKey != key) { answer = false; } return answer; } function isValidEAN13(ean) { var answer = true; var checkSum = ean.split('').reduce(function(p, v, i) { return i % 2 == 0 ? p + 1 * v : p + 3 * v; }, 0); if (checkSum % 10 != 0) { answer = false; } return answer; } Number.prototype.pad = function(size) { var s = String(this); while (s.length < (size || 2)) { s = "0" + s; } return s; }; Date.prototype.getABCDWeekLetter = function(debug) { //high level const week_a_date must be declared (done in base.html template) try { const weeks = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'], target_year = this.getFullYear(), target_month = this.getMonth(); let letter = ''; this.setUTCFullYear(target_year) this.setUTCMonth(target_month) this.setUTCHours(0) const difference = this.getTime() - new Date(week_a_date).getTime(); const w_index = Math.floor(difference / (1000 * 3600 * 24 * 7)) % 4; letter = weeks[w_index]; if (debug) { console.log(this) console.log(letter + ' (' + (w_index) + ')') } return letter } catch(e) { // not critic console.log(e); return null; } } // Accordions $(document).on('click', '.accordion', function(){ /* Toggle between adding and removing the "active" class, to highlight the button that controls the panel */ this.classList.toggle("active"); /* Toggle between hiding and showing the active panel */ var panel = this.nextElementSibling; if ( === "block") { = "none"; } else { = "block"; } }); function report_JS_error(e, m) { try { $.post('/log_js_error', {module: m, error: JSON.stringify(e)}); } catch (err) { //console.log(err) } } function isSafari() { let chromeAgent = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") > -1, safariAgent = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") > -1; if ((chromeAgent) && (safariAgent)) safariAgent = false; return safariAgent; } function isMacUser() { return (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac") != -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("like Mac") != -1); } if (isMacUser() && isSafari()) $('.mac-msg').show(); show_enqueued_messages(); (function($){ $.fn.helpFillDate = function (sep='/') { var elt = this elt.on('keyup touchend', function(){ var text = elt.val(); var keyChar = text.substr(-1); var reg = /^\d+$/; if (reg.test(keyChar) == false || text.length == 11) text = text.slice(0, -1); if (text.length == 2 || text.length == 5) text += sep elt.val(text); }); }; $.fn.helpFillTel = function (sep=' ') { var elt = this elt.on('keyup touchend', function(){ var text = elt.val(); var keyChar = text.substr(-1); var reg = /^\d+$/; if (reg.test(keyChar) == false || text.length == 15) text = text.slice(0, -1); if (text.length == 2 || text.length == 5 || text.length == 8 || text.length == 11) text += sep elt.val(text); }); }; }(jQuery));