from django.db import models from outils.common_imports import * from outils.common import OdooAPI from orders.models import Order import os, re # Create your models here. PO_TO_PROCESS_FILE_PREFIX = 'data/po_to_process' class CagetteReception(models.Model): def __init__(self, id): """Init with odoo id.""" = int(id) self.o_api = OdooAPI() def get_orders(pids=[]): """ Recupere la liste des BC en cours. pids: Id des purchase.order à récupérer. Limite la recherche si défini. """ orders = [] try: api = OdooAPI() if len(pids) == 0: f = ["purchase_id"] c = [['picking_type_id', '=', 1], ["state", "in", ['assigned', 'partially_available']]] res = api.search_read('stock.picking', c, f) pids = [] if res and len(res) > 0: for r in res: pids.append(int(r['purchase_id'][0])) if len(pids): f=["id","name","date_order", "partner_id", "date_planned", "amount_untaxed", "amount_total", "reception_status", 'create_uid'] # Only get orders that need to be treated in Reception c = [ ['id', 'in', pids], ["reception_status", "in", [False, 'qty_valid', 'valid_pending', 'br_valid']], ["state", "not in", ["cancel", "done"]] ] orders = api.search_read('purchase.order', c, f) except Exception as e: coop_logger.error("CagetteReception.get_orders : %s", str(e)) return orders def get_order_unprocessable_products(id_po): """Return all products that can't be processed in order""" return Order(id_po).get_inactive_products() def get_order_lines_by_po(id_po, nullQty=False): """Return all purchases order lines linked with purchase order id in Odoo.""" return Order(id_po).get_lines(withNullQty=nullQty) def get_mail_create_po(id_po): """Return name et email from id_po of order""" try: api = OdooAPI() f = ["create_uid"] c = [['id', '=', id_po]] res = api.search_read('purchase.order', c, f) f = ["email", "display_name"] c = [['user_ids', '=', int(res[0]['create_uid'][0])]] res = api.search_read('res.partner', c, f) except Exception as e: coop_logger.error("CagetteReception.get_mail_create_po : %s", str(e)) return res def implies_scale_file_generation(self): answer = False lines_data = Order( bc_pattern = re.compile('^0493|0499') # TODO : Adjust for other pattern (such as Supercoop) for l in lines_data['lines']: if 'barcode' in l and not (bc_pattern.match(str(l['barcode'])) is None): # "'barcode' in l" has been added after actual case where it was missing ! answer = True # print ('answer=' + str(answer)) return answer def update_line(self, idOnLine, updateType, pakageQty, nbPakage, uPrice): """Update purchase.order.line with qty data and/or price""" result = None try: f = {} if updateType == "qty_valid" or updateType == "br_valid": f['package_qty'] = pakageQty f['product_qty_package'] = nbPakage f['product_qty'] = pakageQty * nbPakage if updateType == "br_valid": f['price_unit'] = uPrice res = self.o_api.update('purchase.order.line', idOnLine, f) result = True except Exception as e: coop_logger.error("update_line : %s (fields values = %s, line_id = %s)",str(e), str(f), str(idOnLine)) result = False return result def remove_package_restriction(self, order_line): """Set indicative_package to True""" f = {'indicative_package' : True} return self.o_api.update('product.supplierinfo', order_line['ps_info_id'], f) def update_order_status(self, id_po, updateType): """Update purchase.order with new reception status """ f = {'reception_status':updateType} res = self.o_api.update('purchase.order', int(id_po), f) return res def attach_file(self, fileName, removeFile = True): """ Attach file to purshase order. By default, remove entry file after operation. """ return Order(, removeFile) def make_immediate_transfer(self, pack_operation_ids): """ Pack operations have been created when order has been changed from draft to 'purchase' Qty have to be changed to fit with the actual received one """ import json processed_lines = 0 order_lines_data = CagetteReception.get_order_lines_by_po(, nullQty=True) order_lines = order_lines_data['lines'] received_products = {} for p in order_lines: received_products[p['product_id'][0]] = p['product_qty'] packs = self.o_api.search_read('stock.pack.operation',[['id','in', pack_operation_ids]],['product_qty','product_id','linked_move_operation_ids']) if packs: for pack in packs: try: if len(pack['linked_move_operation_ids']) == 1: received_qty = 0 if pack['product_id'][0] in received_products: received_qty = received_products[pack['product_id'][0]] # First of all, change stock.move quantities to prevent missing quantities pfields = {'product_qty_package': 1, 'package_qty': received_qty, } linked_move_op_id = int(pack['linked_move_operation_ids'][0]) mol_cond = [['id','=', linked_move_op_id]] mol_f = ['move_id'] move_op_link = self.o_api.search_read('', mol_cond, mol_f) move_id = int(move_op_link[0]['move_id'][0]) self.o_api.update('', [linked_move_op_id], {'qty': received_products[pack['product_id'][0]]}) pfields['product_uom_qty'] = received_qty self.o_api.update('stock.move', [move_id], pfields) del pfields['product_uom_qty'] # field not in stock.pack.operation pfields['qty_done'] = pfields['product_qty'] = received_qty self.o_api.update('stock.pack.operation', [int(pack['id'])], pfields) processed_lines += 1 else: # More than 1 move have been created : Attach a message to PO to advise msg = 'Transfert non réalisé car le nombre de "linked_move_operation_ids" est > 1' Order( except Exception as e: print (str(e)) # link a message to PO to advise msg = 'Transfert non réalisé : erreur sur produit ' + str(pack['product_id']) msg += ' ' + str(e) Order( return processed_lines def print_shelf_labels_for_updated_prices(self, lines): import requests # don't print barcode which begin with these codes noprint_list = ["0493", "0492", "0499"] pids = [] for l in lines: pids.append(l['product_id'][0]) products_to_print = self.o_api.search_read('product.product', [['id','in', pids]], ['product_tmpl_id', 'barcode', 'to_print']) if products_to_print: to_reset = [] for p_to_print in products_to_print:'candidate to print %s', str(p_to_print)) if p_to_print['barcode'] and p_to_print['to_print'] is True and p_to_print['barcode'][:4] not in noprint_list: try: tools_url = settings.TOOLS_SERVER + '/products/label_print/' tools_url += str(p_to_print['product_tmpl_id'][0]) requests.get(tools_url) to_reset.append(p_to_print['id']) except Exception as e: coop_logger.error("Shelf label printing : %s",str(e)) if len(to_reset) > 0: self.o_api.update('product.product', to_reset, {'to_print': 0}) def update_products_price_v12(self): result = {'success': False} try: result['success'] = self.o_api.execute('purchase.order', 'update_po_price_to_vendor_price', []) except Exception as e: coop_logger.error("update_products_price_v12 : %s", str(e)) result['error'] = str(e) return result def stock_picking_update(self, order_line): result = None try: res = self.o_api.search_read('stock.move', [['purchase_line_id', '=', order_line['id']]], ['id']) if res: fields = { 'package_qty': float(order_line['package_qty']), 'product_qty_package': float(order_line['product_qty_package']), 'product_uom_qty': float(order_line['package_qty']) * float(order_line['product_qty_package']), 'price_unit': float(order_line['price_unit']) } ids = [] for r in res: ids.append(r['id']) self.o_api.update('stock.move', ids, fields) result = True except Exception as e: coop_logger.error("Stock picking update : %s ", str(e)) result = False return result def finalyze_picking_v12(self): result = None try: res = self.o_api.execute('purchase.order', 'stock_immediate_transfer', []) done = 0 for r in res: if r in ['done', 'cancel']: done += 1 if done == len(res): result = 'processed' price_update = self.update_products_price_v12() if price_update['success'] is False: result = 'error: price update' else: if getattr(settings, 'RECEPTION_SHELF_LABEL_PRINT', False) is True: self.print_shelf_labels_for_updated_prices(price_update['lines']) else: result = False except Exception as e: coop_logger.error("Finalyze picking : %s ", str(e)) return result def register_purchase_order_to_finalyze(self): try: import datetime file = open(PO_TO_PROCESS_FILE_PREFIX + '_'+ str(,'w') file.close() result = True except Exception as e: result = str(e) return result def process_enqueued_po_to_finalyze(): to_process = [] processed = [] print_label = False for root, dirs, files in os.walk('data'): po_to_process_pattern = re.compile('po_to_process_([0-9]+)') po_in_process_pattern = re.compile('po_in_process_([0-9]+)') in_process_ids = [] for basename in files: in_po_id = po_in_process_pattern.findall(basename) if len(in_po_id) > 0: in_process_ids.append(in_po_id[0]) for basename in files: id = po_to_process_pattern.findall(basename) if len(id) > 0 and not (id[0] in in_process_ids): file = open('data/po_in_process_' + str(id[0]), 'w') file.close() to_process.append({'file': 'data/' + basename, 'id': str(id[0])}) if len(to_process) > 0: for p in to_process: m = CagetteReception(int(p['id'])) fp = m.finalyze_picking_v12() if fp == 'processed': print_label = m.implies_scale_file_generation() if fp == 'processed' or fp == 'already done': os.remove(p['file']) processed.append({p['id']: fp}) os.remove('data/po_in_process_' + str(p['id'])) if print_label is True: import requests requests.get(settings.TOOLS_SERVER + '/products/labels_appli_csv') return [to_process, processed]