var admin_list_menu = $('#list_inventories'); var title = $('.header h1'); var main_content = $('#main_content'); var create_tpl = $('#admin_create_template'); var list_tpl = $('#admin_list_template'); var inventory_tpl = $('#inventory_filling'); var create_pdt_list_table = null; var inventories_table = null; var inventory_table = null; var active_table = null; var current_inventory = {_id: null, _rev: null}; var inventory_update_retries = 0; var conflicts = []; var online = true; var first_db_display = null; var focus_cell_value = null; sync.on('change', function (info) { // handle change var refresh_products_inventory_list = false; var datatable_state = {}; var incoming_products = []; $.each(, function(i, e) { if (e._id == current_inventory._id) { refresh_products_inventory_list = true; if (info.direction == "pull") { $.each(e.products, function(i, e) { if (typeof(e.shelf_qty) != "undefined") incoming_products.push(e); }); } } }); if (active_table) { var order = active_table.order(); if (typeof (order[0][0]) != "undefined") { =; datatable_state.ordering = [ order[0][0], order[0][1] ]; } } if (info.direction == "push") { if (refresh_products_inventory_list === true) display_inventory_product_list(current_inventory._id, datatable_state); } else if (info.direction == "pull") { try { if (refresh_products_inventory_list === true) { msg = 'Changements externes '; msg += ' <button type="button" name="global_to_local_sync" class="btn--success">Recevoir</button>'; // Looking for conflicts conflicts = []; $.each(get_current_product_table_local_modif(), function(i, e) { $.each(incoming_products, function(j, p) { if (e._id == p._id) conflicts.push(p); }); }); if (conflicts.length > 0) { // Les valeurs de l'import et des saisies locales sont sommées var local_modifications = getLocalModifications(); var current_inv_modif = local_modifications[current_inventory._id]; $.each(conflicts, function(i, e) { $.each(current_inv_modif, function(j, p) { if ( == { var local_shelf_qty = local_stock_qty = imported_shelf_qty = imported_stock_qty = 0; var empty_shelf = empty_stock = true; if (current_inv_modif[j]['shelf_qty'].length > 0) { local_shelf_qty = parseFloat(current_inv_modif[j]['shelf_qty']); empty_shelf = false; } if (current_inv_modif[j]['stock_qty'].length > 0) { local_stock_qty = parseFloat(current_inv_modif[j]['stock_qty']); empty_stock = false; } if (e.shelf_qty.length > 0) { imported_shelf_qty = parseFloat(e.shelf_qty); empty_shelf = false; } if (e.stock_qty.length > 0) { imported_stock_qty = parseFloat(e.stock_qty); empty_stock = false; } current_inv_modif[j]['shelf_qty'] = local_shelf_qty + imported_shelf_qty; current_inv_modif[j]['stock_qty'] = local_stock_qty + imported_stock_qty; current_inv_modif[j]['delta'] = current_inv_modif[j]['qty'] - (current_inv_modif[j]['shelf_qty'] + current_inv_modif[j]['stock_qty']); if (empty_shelf == false) { current_inv_modif[j]['shelf_qty'] = current_inv_modif[j]['shelf_qty'].toFixed(2); } else { current_inv_modif[j]['shelf_qty'] = ''; } if (empty_stock == false) { current_inv_modif[j]['stock_qty'] = current_inv_modif[j]['stock_qty'].toFixed(2); } else { current_inv_modif[j]['stock_qty'] = ''; } current_inv_modif[j]['delta'] = current_inv_modif[j]['delta'].toFixed(2); } }); }); local_modifications[current_inventory._id] = current_inv_modif; localStorage.setItem("inventories_modifications", JSON.stringify(local_modifications)); } set_data_info_msg(msg, 'global'); } else { // Something else than inventory product list shown or first loading on this browser } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } }).on('paused', function (err) { // replication paused (e.g. replication up to date, user went offline) if (err) { online = false; } }) .on('active', function () { // replicate resumed (e.g. new changes replicating, user went back online) online = true; }) .on('denied', function (err) { // a document failed to replicate (e.g. due to permissions) }) .on('complete', function (info) { // handle complete //never triggered with live = true (only if replication is cancelled) }) .on('error', function (err) { // handle error console.log('erreur sync'); console.log(err); }); function getLocalModifications() { local_modifications = localStorage.getItem("inventories_modifications") || '{}'; return JSON.parse(local_modifications); } function get_jstree_json(data) { var json = []; $.each(data, function(i, e) { var node = {id: 'cat_', text:}; if (typeof (e.children) != "undefined") node.children = get_jstree_json(e.children); json.push(node); }); return json; } async function init_and_fill_jstree(data) { jstree_div = main_content.find('.jstree'); var list = await get_jstree_json(data); jstree_div.jstree({ "plugins" : [ "wholerow", "checkbox" ], "core" : { "data" : [ { 'id': 'cat_0', 'text': 'Ensemble', 'state' : {"opened" : true}, 'children': list } ] } }); } function print_shelf_labels() { products = []; create_pdt_list_table.rows().every(function (rowIdx, tableLoop, rowLoop) { var data =; products.push({product_tmpl_id:data.product_tmpl_id}); }); products_shelf_label_print(products, function() { console.log('Appel terminé'); }); } function coop_init_datatable(params, data, domsel, cols, action_btn) { var buttons = []; var columns = []; var select = { style: 'os', selector: 'td:first-child' }; if (action_btn) { buttons = [ { extend: 'selected', text: 'Supprimer les sélectionnés', action: function (e, dt, button, config) { dt.rows({selected: true}).remove() .draw(); } }, { extend: 'selected', text: 'Ne garder que les sélectionnés', action: function (e, dt, button, config) { dt.rows({selected: false}).remove() .draw(); } } ]; buttons.push(action_btn); buttons.push({ text: 'Imprimer Etiquettes Rayons', action : function(e, dt) { if (dt.rows().indexes().length > 0) openModal("Lancer l'impression ?", print_shelf_labels, 'Imprimer'); else alert("Impossible, il n'y a aucun produit !"); } }); columns = [ { data: null, defaultContent: '', orderable: false, className: 'select-checkbox', targets: 0 } ]; = 'multi'; } if (coop_is_connected()) { buttons.push('csvHtml5'); } $.each(cols, function(i, e) { columns.push(e); }); var settings = { dom: '<lf<t>ip><"clear"><B>', lengthMenu : [ [ 10, 25, 50, 100, -1 ], [ 10, 25, 50, 100, 'Tout' ] ], buttons: buttons, columns: columns, select: select, rowId : "id", data : data, language: {url : '/static/js/datatables/french.json'}, createdRow: function(row, rdata, index) { if (coop_is_weighted_product(rdata) === true) { $(row).addClass("to_weight"); } }, initComplete: function() { if (! coop_is_connected()) $('#main_content input[type="search"]').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }; if (params) { if ( { settings.displayStart =; } if (params.ordering) { settings.order = params.ordering; } } active_table = main_content.find('table'+domsel).DataTable(settings); return active_table; } function update_products_qties_for_global(doc) { dbc.put(doc, function(err, result) { if (err) { console.log(err); //get new rev and submit again if (inventory_update_retries < 5) { dbc.get(current_inventory._id, function(err, rdoc) { if (err) { console.log(err); // What can be done here ? } else { doc._rev = rdoc._rev; inventory_update_retries++; setTimeout(function() { update_products_qties_for_global(doc); }, coop_get_random(10, 700)); } }); } else { alert('Problème avec CouchDB !'); } } else { inventory_update_retries = 0; reset_current_product_table_local_modif(); set_data_info_msg('Mise à jour effectuée', 'local'); main_content.find('td').removeClass('highlight'); } }); } function make_local_to_global_sync() { // Get current_inventory._id dbc.get(current_inventory._id, function(err, doc) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { var modified_products = get_current_product_table_local_modif(); var retrieved_products = doc.products; var i = 0; $.each(retrieved_products, function(i, e) { if (typeof (modified_products[]) !== "undefined") { doc.products[i].shelf_qty = modified_products[].shelf_qty; doc.products[i].stock_qty = modified_products[].stock_qty; } i++; }); update_products_qties_for_global(doc); } }); } function make_global_to_local_sync() { var datatable_state = {}; if (active_table) { var order = active_table.order(); if (typeof (order[0][0]) != "undefined") { =; datatable_state.ordering = [ order[0][0], order[0][1] ]; } } display_inventory_product_list(current_inventory._id, datatable_state); } function init_and_fill_inventories_list() { dbc.allDocs({include_docs: true, descending: true}, function(err, resp) { if (err) { return console.log(err); } var data = []; var is_one_opened = false; $.each(resp.rows, function(i, e) { if (e.doc.state == 'opened') { is_one_opened = true; } }); $.each(resp.rows, function(i, e) { var available_actions = ''; if (e.doc.state == 'draft') { if (is_one_opened === false) available_actions = '<button type="button" class="btn--success start">Commencer</button>'; } else if (e.doc.state == 'opened') { available_actions+= '<button type="button" class="btn--primary fill">Remplir</button>'; available_actions+= '<button type="button" class="btn--success end">Clore</button>'; } else if (e.doc.state == 'closed') { available_actions+= '<button type="button" class="btn--success push">M.A.J stocks Odoo</button>'; } else if (e.doc.state == 'completed') { available_actions = '<button type="button" class="btn--info report">Rapport</button>'; } data.push({id:, name:, pdts_num:e.doc.products.length, state: e.doc.state, action: available_actions}); }); if (inventories_table) inventories_table.destroy(); var cols = [ {data: 'name', title: "Nom"}, {data: 'pdts_num', title: "Nb articles"}, {data: 'state', title: "Etat"}, {data: 'action', title: "Action"} ]; inventories_table = coop_init_datatable(null, data, '.inventories', cols); }); } function update_inventory(obj) { dbc.put(obj, function(err, result) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { console.log('Update fait');; } }); } function update_inventory_state(id, newstate) { dbc.get(id, function(err, doc) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { doc.state = newstate; update_inventory(doc); } }); } function record_inventory() { var selected_products= []; create_pdt_list_table.rows().every(function (rowIdx, tableLoop, rowLoop) { var data =; selected_products.push(data); }); var name = $('input[name="inventory_name"]').val(); var now = new Date(); if (name == '') { name = getCookie("uid") + '_' + now.toISOString(); } var inventory = { _id: now.getTime().toString(), name: name, products: selected_products, state: 'draft' }; dbc.put(inventory, function callback(err, result) { if (!err) { //alert('Enregistrement réussi !');; } else { alert('Enregistrement impossible !'); console.log(err); } }); } function create_inventory(cats) { post_form( 'create_inventory', { 'cats': JSON.stringify(cats) }, function(err, result) { //console.log(result); if (typeof (result.products) != "undefined") { main_content.find('.loading').hide(); main_content.find('.dataTables_wrapper').show(); data = []; var products = result.products; for (k in products) { //console.log(products[k]) data.push({ id: products[k]['id'], name: products[k]['name'], qty:products[k]['qty'], barcode: products[k]['barcode'], product_variant_count: products[k]['product_variant_count'], product_tmpl_id: products[k]['product_tmpl_id'], uom_id: products[k]['uom_id'] }); } //console.log(data); if (create_pdt_list_table) create_pdt_list_table.destroy(); var action_btn = { text: 'Ouvrir une opération avec ces produits', action : function(e, dt) { if (dt.rows().indexes().length > 0) openModal($('#new_inventory_form_template').html(), record_inventory, 'Enregistrer'); else alert("Impossible, il n'y a aucun produit !"); } }; var cols = [ {data: 'barcode', title: "Code-barre"}, {data: 'name', title: "Nom"}, {data: 'qty', title: "Qté"}, {data: 'product_variant_count', visible: false}, {data: 'product_tmpl_id', visible: false}, {data: 'uom_id', visible: false} ]; create_pdt_list_table = coop_init_datatable(null, data, '.pdt_liste_for_creation', cols, action_btn); } } ); } function get_current_product_table_local_modif() { current_table_lm = {}; local_modifications = getLocalModifications(); if (typeof (local_modifications[current_inventory._id]) !== "undefined") { current_table_lm = local_modifications[current_inventory._id]; } return current_table_lm; } function reset_current_product_table_local_modif() { local_modifications = localStorage.getItem("inventories_modifications") || '{}'; local_modifications = JSON.parse(local_modifications); if (typeof (local_modifications[current_inventory._id]) !== "undefined") { delete local_modifications[current_inventory._id]; localStorage.setItem("inventories_modifications", JSON.stringify(local_modifications)); } } function set_data_info_msg(msg, type) { $('#main_content .'+ type +'-data-info').html(msg) .show(); } function highlight_non_sync_qty(pids) { main_content.find('td').removeClass('highlight'); for (i in pids) { main_content.find('tr#'+pids[i]).addClass('highlight'); } } function update_local_data_info_msg() { if (current_inventory._id) { local_modifications = get_current_product_table_local_modif(); var product_ids = Object.keys(local_modifications); var not_sync_changes = product_ids.length; if (not_sync_changes > 0) { var msg = not_sync_changes + ' produit'; if (not_sync_changes > 1) msg += 's'; msg += ' à synchroniser'; msg += ' <button type="button" name="local_to_global_sync" class="btn--success">Envoyer</button>'; set_data_info_msg(msg, 'local'); highlight_non_sync_qty(product_ids); } } } function update_product_inventory_quantities(updatedCell, updatedRow, oldValue) { if ( > 0) { // Update inventory products local_modifications = getLocalModifications(); var row =; row.shelf_qty = row.shelf_qty.toString().replace(/,/, '.'); row.stock_qty = row.stock_qty.toString().replace(/,/, '.'); if (typeof (local_modifications[current_inventory._id]) == "undefined") { local_modifications[current_inventory._id] = {}; } local_modifications[current_inventory._id][] = row; localStorage.setItem("inventories_modifications", JSON.stringify(local_modifications)); q_elts = compute_product_qties_and_delta(row); main_content.find('tr#'' .delta').text(q_elts[2]); update_local_data_info_msg(); } } function compute_product_qties_and_delta(local_p) { delta = ''; found = 0; sh_qty = parseFloat(local_p.shelf_qty); st_qty = parseFloat(local_p.stock_qty); if (isNaN(sh_qty)) { sh_qty = ''; } else { found = sh_qty; } if (isNaN(st_qty)) { st_qty = ''; } else { found += st_qty; } delta = found - parseFloat(local_p.qty); return [ sh_qty, st_qty, delta.toFixed(2) ]; } function update_odoo_stock(doc_id) { openModal( "Avant de procéder à la mise à jour des stocks,<br/> assurez-vous que tous les postes utilisés pour l'inventaire <b>ont bien synchronisé les données</b> saisies.<br /><img src=\"/static/img/loading-gear-8.gif\" style=\"display:none;\"/>", function() { modal.find('img').show();'click');'click'); post_form( 'update_odoo_stock', { doc_id: doc_id }, function(err, result) { if (result.action.missed.length == 0) { update_inventory_state(doc_id, 'completed'); init_and_fill_inventories_list(); } closeModal(); } ); }, 'Mettre à jour', false ); } function display_inventory_product_list(id, params) { title.text('Saisie inventaire'); main_content.html(inventory_tpl.html()); dbc.get(id, function(err, doc) { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { current_inventory._rev = doc._rev; current_inventory._id = doc._id; var data = []; local_modifications = get_current_product_table_local_modif(); $.each(doc.products, function(i, e) { var sh_qty = ''; var st_qty = ''; var delta = ''; var ref_prod = null; var recount = ''; if (typeof (local_modifications[]) !== "undefined") { ref_prod = local_modifications[]; } else if (typeof (e.shelf_qty) !== "undefined") { ref_prod = e; } if (ref_prod) { var q_elts = compute_product_qties_and_delta(ref_prod); sh_qty = q_elts[0]; st_qty = q_elts[1]; delta = q_elts[2]; } data.push({id:, barcode: e.barcode, name:, qty: e.qty, shelf_qty: sh_qty, stock_qty: st_qty, delta:delta, recount:recount}); }); if (inventory_table) { inventory_table.MakeCellsEditable("destroy"); inventory_table.destroy(); } var cols = [ {data: 'barcode', title: "Code-barre", className: 'barcode'}, {data: 'name', title: "Nom", className: 'name'}, {data: 'qty', title: "Qté"}, {data: 'shelf_qty', title: "Rayon", className: 'shelf_qty'}, {data: 'stock_qty', title: "Stock", className: 'stock_qty'}, {data: 'delta', title: "Delta", className: 'delta'} ]; var editable_cols = [ 3, 4 ]; if (coop_is_connected()) { cols.push({data: 'recount', title: 'Recompter'}); //editable_cols.push(6) } inventory_table = coop_init_datatable(params, data, '.inventory', cols); inventory_table.MakeCellsEditable({ inputCss: 'editable-cell', columns: editable_cols, onUpdate: update_product_inventory_quantities, confirmationButton: {listenToKeys: true, confirmCss: 'hidden', cancelCss: 'hidden'} }); update_local_data_info_msg(); } }); } function show_opened_inventory() { dbc.allDocs({include_docs: true, descending: true}, function(err, resp) { if (first_db_display == null) first_db_display = new Date().getTime(); if (err) { return console.log(err); } var id = null; $.each(resp.rows, function(i, e) { if (e.doc.state == 'opened') { id =; } }); if (id) { display_inventory_product_list(id); } else { set_data_info_msg('Aucun inventaire en cours', 'local'); } }); } /* Make search accent insensitive */ $(document).on('keyup', '#main_content input[type="search"]', function() { active_table .search( .draw(); }); $('#create_inventory').click(function() { $('.header h1').text('Créer (ouvrir) un inventaire'); main_content.html(create_tpl.html()); $.ajax('get_product_categories').done(function(rData) { init_and_fill_jstree(rData); }); }); $('#raz_archived').click(function() { openModal( "Le stock des produits archivés sera mis à 0.<br/><img src=\"/static/img/loading-gear-8.gif\" style=\"display:none;\"/>", function() { modal.find('img').show();'click');'click'); post_form( 'raz_archived_stock', {}, function(err, result) { console.log(result); closeModal(); } ); }, 'Mettre à jour', false ); }); $('#raz_not_saleable').click(function() { openModal( "Le stock des produits non vendables sera mis à 0.<br/><img src=\"/static/img/loading-gear-8.gif\" style=\"display:none;\"/>", function() { modal.find('img').show();'click');'click'); post_form( 'raz_not_saleable', {}, function(err, result) { console.log(result); closeModal(); } ); }, 'Mettre à jour', false ); }); $(document).on('click', '#main_content .create_from_cat_selection', function() { var selected = main_content.find('.jstree').jstree('get_selected'); if (selected.length > 0) { main_content.find('.loading').show(); main_content.find('.dataTables_wrapper').hide(); create_inventory(selected); } }); $(document).on('click', '#main_content .inventories button', function() { var clicked = $(this); var doc_id = clicked.closest('tr').attr('id'); if (clicked.hasClass('start')) { update_inventory_state(doc_id, 'opened'); } else if (clicked.hasClass('report')) { // alert('Rapport: fonctionnalité en construction'); } else if (clicked.hasClass('fill')) { display_inventory_product_list(doc_id); } else if (clicked.hasClass('end')) { update_inventory_state(doc_id, 'closed'); } else if (clicked.hasClass('push')) { update_odoo_stock(doc_id); } }); $(document).on('click', '#main_content button[name="local_to_global_sync"]', make_local_to_global_sync); $(document).on('click', '#main_content button[name="global_to_local_sync"]', make_global_to_local_sync); { title.text('Listes des inventaires'); main_content.html(list_tpl.html()); init_and_fill_inventories_list(); }); $(document).pos(); $(document).on('scan.pos.barcode', function(event) { //access `event.code` - barcode data var barcode = event.code; if (barcode.length >=13) { barcode = barcode.substring(barcode.length-13); //console.log(new Date().getTime() + ' ' + barcode) var focused = $(':focus'); if (focused.hasClass('editable-cell')) { focus_cell_value = focused.val(); focused.val(focus_cell_value.replace(barcode, '')); focused.updateEditableCell(focused.get(0)); }; var t_info =; if (t_info.recordsDisplay == 0) { // Poids / prix variables ? -> test again with less figures barcode = barcode.substring(0, 8);; } } else { console.log(new Date().getTime() + ' -> '+barcode); } }); if (!coop_is_connected()) { show_opened_inventory(); }