/* eslint consistent-this: ["warn", "that"] */ /* * Récupération de protuits par scan et saisie de quantités pour créer des mouvements de stock. * * Mouvements disponibles : * - Pertes * - Repas salariés * - Autoconsommation */ var products = [], products_table = null, confirmation_table = null, barcodes = null, movement_type = null, members_search_results = [], operator = null; function reset_focus() { // Wait a little bit to reset, or ignored after paste setTimeout(function() { $('#sm_barcode_selector').val(''); $('#icon_product_not_found').hide(); $('#sm_barcode_selector').focus(); }, 100); } /* * Remove a row from datatable */ function remove_row(row) { var data = products_table.row($(row).parents('tr')).data(); for (i in products) { if (products[i].id == data.id) { products.splice(i, 1); break; } } products_table .row($(row).parents('tr')) .remove() .draw(); update_total_value(); } /* * Make a row blink */ function blink_row(rowNode) { $(rowNode).addClass('blink_me'); rowNode.addEventListener('animationend', onAnimationEnd); rowNode.addEventListener('webkitAnimationEnd', onAnimationEnd); function onAnimationEnd() { rowNode.classList.remove('blink_me'); } } /* * Init or reinit the products datatable with a new set of products */ function init_datatable() { // Empty datatable if already exists if (products_table) { products_table.destroy(); } // Only init datatable if array of products not empty if (products.length > 0) { products_table = $('#products_table').DataTable({ data: products, columns:[ {data:"id", title: "id", visible: false}, { data:"name", title:"Produit", width: "50%", render: function (data, type, full) { // Add tooltip with barcode over product name let display_barcode = "Aucun"; if ('barcode' in full) { display_barcode = full.barcode; } return '<div class="tooltip">' + data + ' <span class="tooltiptext tt_twolines">Code barre : ' + display_barcode + '</span> </div>'; } }, { data:"uom.name", title: "Unité de vente", // className:"dt-body-center", orderable: false }, { title: "Quantité", // className:"dt-body-center", orderable: false, render: function (data, type, full) { var value = ('qty' in full) ? full.qty : ''; return '<input type="number" class="stock_edit_input" value="' + value + '">'; // To force decimal to be . , add lang="en-150" to input tag // + ' <button type="button" class="stock_edit_button btn--primary"><i class="fas fa-lg fa-check"></i></button>' } }, { data:"standard_price", title: "Valeur HT", // className:"dt-body-center", render: function (data, type, full) { if ('qty' in full && full.qty != null) { var value = parseFloat(full.qty*data).toFixed(2); return value + '€'; } else return ''; } }, { data:"list_price", title: "Prix Vente TTC", // className:"dt-body-center", render: function (data, type, full) { if ('qty' in full && full.qty != null) { var value = parseFloat(full.qty*data).toFixed(2); return value + '€'; } else return ''; } }, { title: "", orderable: false, className:"dt-body-center", width: "1%", render: function () { return '<span class="remove_row_icon">' + '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>' + '</span>'; } } ], order: [ [ 0, "asc" ] ], paging: false, dom: 'lrtip', // Remove the search input from that table language: {url : '/static/js/datatables/french.json'} }); // Listener on inputs $('#products_table tbody').on('change', '.stock_edit_input', function () { let qty = $(this).val(); let row = products_table.row($(this).parents('tr')); let data = row.data(); let validated_data = qty_validation(qty, data.uom.id); if (validated_data >= 0) { data.qty = validated_data; row.remove().draw(); products_table.row.add(data).draw(); } update_total_value(); }); // Remove row products_table.on('click', '.remove_row_icon', function () { var that = this; openModal($('#modal_confirm_delete_line').html(), function() { remove_row(that); }, 'Confirmer'); }); // Show validation button $('.movement_validation_area').show(); } } function init_confirmation_datatable() { if (confirmation_table) { confirmation_table.destroy(); } confirmation_table = $('#confirmation_table').DataTable({ data: products, autoWidth: false, columns:[ {data:"id", title: "id", visible: false}, { data:"name", title:"Produit", width: "50%" }, { data:"qty", title: "Quantité", className:"dt-body-center" }, { data:"uom.name", title: "Unité de vente", className:"dt-body-center" }, { data:"standard_price", title: "Valeur", className:"dt-body-center", render: function (data, type, full) { var value = parseFloat(full.qty*data).toFixed(2); return value + '€'; } } ], order: [ [ 0, "asc" ] ], paging: false, dom: 'lrtp', // Remove the search input from that table language: {url : '/static/js/datatables/french.json'} }); } function without_consent_update_product(p, added_qty) { let undo_option = true; update_existing_product(p, added_qty, undo_option); } function get_stored_product_with_bc(barcode) { /* return product in products variable which have the same barcode */ let product = null; for (let p of products) { if (p.barcode == barcode) { product = p; } } return product; } /* * Fetch a product when barcode is read */ function fetch_product_from_bc(barcode) { //console.log(barcode) if (barcode == '') { reset_focus(); return -1; } let p = barcodes.get_corresponding_odoo_product(barcode); if (p == null) { $('#icon_product_not_found').show(); alert("Le code-barre " + barcode + " ne correspond à aucun article connu."); return -1; } /* p.data[barcodes['keys']['uom_id']] is the Odoo uom database id barcodes['uoms'] is an associative array of uoms (with id as key) */ let product = { 'id': p.data[barcodes['keys']['id']], 'barcode': p.barcode, 'name': p.data[barcodes['keys']['name']], 'uom': barcodes['uoms'][p.data[barcodes['keys']['uom_id']]], 'standard_price' : p.data[barcodes['keys']['standard_price']], // cost 'list_price': p.data[barcodes['keys']['list_price']], // public price 'qty': p.qty }; product['uom']['id'] = p.data[barcodes['keys']['uom_id']]; product['rule'] = p.rule; p_existing = get_stored_product_with_bc(p.barcode); if (p_existing !== null) { without_consent_update_product(p_existing, product.qty); return 0; } else { add_product(product); reset_focus(); return 0; } } /* * Add a product to the datatable */ var add_product = function(product) { try { // Add to list products.push(product); if (products_table == null) { // create table, show panel init_datatable(); } else { // Add row to table var rowNode = products_table.row.add(product).draw(false) .node(); // Handle blinking effect for new row blink_row(rowNode); } update_total_value(); $('.movement_validation_area').show(); // if is a second or more access, movement_validation_area is hidden (init_datatable is not fired) } catch (e) { err = {msg: e.name + ' : ' + e.message, ctx: 'add_product'}; console.error(err); report_JS_error(err, 'stock_movement'); } }; var update_in_products = function(product) { //update product in products , after qty has been changed let i = 0, p_index = null; for (let p of products) { if (p.barcode == product.barcode) { p_index = i; } i++; } if (p_index !== null) products[p_index] = product; else console.log("Le produit n'a pas pu être trouvé dans la variable products !"); }; /* * Update a line in the table: update quantity */ var update_existing_product = function(product, added_qty, undo_option = false) { let op = "augmentée"; let notify_options = { globalPosition:"top right", className: "info", clickToHide: false }; product.qty += added_qty; // Find index of row which match product id in the first column var indexes = products_table.rows().eq(0) .filter(function (rowIdx) { return products_table.cell(rowIdx, 0).data() === product.id ? true : false; }); // Loop through them (only one match) products_table.rows(indexes).every(function () { this.remove().draw(); var rowNode = products_table.row.add(product).draw() .node(); // Blink updated row blink_row(rowNode); return 0; }); if (added_qty < 0) op = "diminuée"; let msg = "La quantité a été " + op + " de " + Math.abs(added_qty) + "."; if (undo_option == true) { notify_options.clickToHide = true; notify_options.autoHide = false; // notify_options.autoHideDelay = 10000; notify_options.style = 'cancelable'; msg = '<span class="msg" data-barcode="' + product.barcode + '" data-added_qty="' + added_qty + '">' + "<b>" + product.name + "</b><br/>" + msg + '</span>'; } $.notify(msg, notify_options); update_in_products(product); update_total_value(); reset_focus(); }; /* * Validate qty * Returns qty or error code * Error codes : * >= 0 = ok * -1 = empty * -2 = invalid integer * -3 = invalid value * */ function qty_validation(qty, uom_id) { if (qty == null || qty == '') { $.notify("Il n'y a pas de quantité indiquée, ou ce n'est pas un nombre", { globalPosition:"top right", className: "error"}); return -1; } if (uom_id == 1) { if (qty/parseInt(qty) != 1 && qty != 0) { $.notify("Une quantité avec décimale est indiquée alors que c'est un article à l'unité", { globalPosition:"top right", className: "error"}); return -2; } qty = parseInt(qty); // product by unit } else { qty = parseFloat(qty).toFixed(2); } if (isNaN(qty)) { $.notify("Une quantité n'est pas un nombre", { globalPosition:"top right", className: "error"}); return -3; } return qty; } // Update the total value from values in datatable function update_total_value() { var total = 0; if (products_table) { products_table.rows().every(function () { var data = this.data(); if ('qty' in data) { total += data.qty*data.standard_price; } return 0; }); } total = parseFloat(total).toFixed(2); $('.total_value').text(total); } // Validation & open confirmation modal function confirm_movement() { // Create a temp variable to get all data from table let tmp_products_data = []; // Check again for errors var error_in_table = false; products_table.rows().every(function () { let data = this.data(); let qty_value = $(this.node()).find('input') .val(); qty_value = qty_validation(qty_value, data.uom.id); if (qty_value < 0) { error_in_table = true; } tmp_products_data.push(data); return 0; }); if (error_in_table) { $.notify("Il y a une erreur dans le tableau ! (Tous les champs sont obligatoires)", { globalPosition:"top right", className: "error" }); return -1; } // If no error, assign global 'products' variable with table data products = tmp_products_data; var modal_confirm_movement = $('#modal_confirm_movement'); // Set confirmation message if (movement_type == 'losses') { msg = 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir passer ces produits en <b>PERTES</b> ?'; } else if (movement_type == 'meals') { msg = 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir passer ces produits en <b>Repas salarié</b> ?'; } else if (movement_type == 'autoconso') { msg = 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir passer ces produits en <b>Autoconsommation</b> ?'; } else if (movement_type == 'stock_correction') { msg = 'Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir corriger les stocks de ces produits ?'; } modal_confirm_movement.find('#confirm_message_movtype').html(msg); openModal(modal_confirm_movement.html(), function() { do_stock_movement(); }, 'Confirmer', false); init_confirmation_datatable(); // Set action to search for the member $('#sm_search_member_form').submit(function() { let search_str = $('#sm_search_member_input').val(); $.ajax({ url: '/members/search/' + search_str, dataType : 'json', success: function(data) { members_search_results = []; operator = null; enable_validation(); for (member of data.res) { if (member.is_member || member.is_associated_people) { members_search_results.push(member); } } display_possible_members(); }, error: function(data) { err = { msg: "erreur serveur lors de la recherche de membres", ctx: 'confirm_movement.search_members' }; report_JS_error(err, 'stock'); $.notify("Erreur lors de la recherche de membre, il faut ré-essayer plus tard...", { globalPosition:"top right", className: "error" }); } }); }); // Set modal DOM & data $('.search_member_results_area').hide(); $('.search_member_results').empty(); operator = null; enable_validation(); // Check if prices displayed are correct var ids = []; for (p of products) { ids.push(p.id); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/products/get_products_stdprices", dataType: "json", traditional: true, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", data: JSON.stringify(ids), success: function(data) { var price_changed = false; for (p of products) { for (verif_p of data.res) { if (p.id == verif_p.id && p.standard_price != verif_p.standard_price) { p.standard_price = verif_p.standard_price; price_changed = true; } } } $('#confirmation_checking_price_msg').hide(); if (price_changed) { $('#confirmation_price_changed').show(); init_confirmation_datatable(); update_total_value(); init_datatable(); } }, error: function(data) { // server error err = {msg: "erreur serveur lors de la récupération des prix", ctx: 'check_prices'}; if (typeof data.responseJSON != 'undefined' && typeof data.responseJSON.error != 'undefined') { err.msg += ' : ' + data.responseJSON.error; } report_JS_error(err, 'stock'); console.error(err); $.notify("Erreur lors de la récupération des prix des produits", { globalPosition:"top right", className: "error" }); } }); return 0; } // Enable or disable modal's validation button if an operator has been selected function enable_validation() { $('#modal .btns .btn--success').prop('disabled', (operator == null)); } // Display the members from the search result function display_possible_members() { $('.search_member_results_area').show(); $('.search_member_results').empty(); if (members_search_results.length > 0) { for (member of members_search_results) { let btn_classes = "btn"; if (operator != null && operator.id == member.id) { btn_classes = "btn--success"; } // Display results (possible members) as buttons var member_button = '<button class="' + btn_classes + ' btn_member" member_id="' + member.id + '">' + member.barcode_base + ' - ' + member.name + '</button>'; $('.search_member_results').append(member_button); // Set action on click on a member button $('.btn_member').on('click', function() { for (member of members_search_results) { if (member.id == $(this).attr('member_id')) { operator = member; // Enable validation button when operator is selected enable_validation(); break; } } display_possible_members(); }); } } else { $('.search_member_results').html('<p><i>Aucun résultat ! Vérifiez votre recherche...</i></p>'); } } // Proceed with stock movement, according to movement type selected function do_stock_movement() { if (is_time_to('do_stock_movement', 500)) { openModal(); let movement_data = { 'movement_type': movement_type, 'operator': operator, 'products': products.map(obj => { // transmit only uom id (not all staff) obj.uom_id = obj.uom.id; delete obj.uom; return obj; }) }; openModal(); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "/stock/do_movement", dataType: "json", traditional: true, contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8", data: JSON.stringify(movement_data), success: function() { closeModal(); $.notify("Opération réussie !", { globalPosition:"top right", className: "success" }); $('#back_to_movement_selection').trigger('click'); // Reset datatable, other values and focus products = []; products_table.clear().draw(); $('.movement_validation_area').hide(); }, error: function(data) { // server error err = {msg: "erreur serveur lors de l'enregistrement du mouvement de stock", ctx: 'do_stock_movement'}; if (typeof data.responseJSON != 'undefined' && typeof data.responseJSON.error != 'undefined') { err.msg += ' : ' + data.responseJSON.error; } report_JS_error(err, 'stock'); console.error(err); closeModal(); reset_focus(); $.notify("Erreur lors de l'opération.", { globalPosition:"top right", className: "error" }); } }); } } // Load barcodes at page loading, then barcodes are stored locally var get_barcodes = async function() { if (barcodes == null) barcodes = await init_barcodes(); }; function init_notify_cancelable_style() { try { $.notify.addStyle('cancelable', { html: "<div class='info'>" + "<div class='clearfix'>" + "<div data-notify-html/>" + "<div class='buttons'>" + "<button class='no btn--danger'>Annuler</button>" + "<button class='yes btn--info'>Fermer</button>" + "</div>" + "</div>" + "</div>" }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } $(document).ready(function() { var barcode_input = $('#sm_barcode_selector'); $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { "X-CSRFToken": getCookie('csrftoken') } }); // Load barcodes get_barcodes(); // Set focus on input for barcode reader reset_focus(); $('#movement_validation_button').on('click', function () { confirm_movement(); }); $(document).pos(); $(document).on('scan.pos.barcode', function(event) { // Search for barcode only if movement type is selected if (movement_type != null) { //access `event.code` - barcode data var barcode = event.code; if (barcode.length >=13) { barcode = barcode.substring(barcode.length-13); } else if (barcode.length == 12 && barcode.indexOf('0') !== 0) { // User may use a scanner which remove leading 0 barcode = '0' + barcode; } else if (barcode.length >= 8) { // For EAN8 barcode = barcode.substring(barcode.length-8); } else { //manually submitted after correction barcode = barcode_input.val(); } fetch_product_from_bc(barcode); } }); barcode_input.on('paste', function(e) { if (movement_type != null) { let barcode_candidate = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text') .replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); fetch_product_from_bc(barcode_candidate); } }); // Change screen with animation when a movement type is selected $('.movement_type_button').on('click', function() { // Specific behavior for each movement type selection if (this.id == 'losses_type_button') { $('#title_movement_type').text('Saisie de Pertes'); movement_type = 'losses'; } else if (this.id == 'autoconso_type_button') { $('#title_movement_type').text('Saisie d\'Autoconsommation'); movement_type = 'autoconso'; } else if (this.id == 'meals_type_button') { $('#title_movement_type').text('Saisie de Repas salariés'); movement_type = 'meals'; } var oldBox = $("#content_movement_type_selection"); var newBox = $("#content_main"); // Get full width var outerWidth = oldBox.outerWidth(true); // Display the new box and place it on the right of the screen newBox.css({ "left": outerWidth + "px", "right": -outerWidth + "px", "display": "" }); // Make the old content slide to the left oldBox.animate({ "left": -outerWidth + "px", "right": outerWidth + "px" }, 1000, function() { // Hide old content after animation oldBox.css({ "left": "", "right": "", "display": "none" }); }); // Slide new box to regular place newBox.animate({ "left": "", "right": "" }, 1000); }); // Back to movement type selection $('#back_to_movement_selection').on('click', function() { movement_type = null; var oldBox = $("#content_main"); var newBox = $("#content_movement_type_selection"); // Get full width var outerWidth = oldBox.outerWidth(true); // Display the new box and place it on the right of the screen newBox.css({ "left": -outerWidth + "px", "right": outerWidth + "px", "display": "" }); // Make the old content slide to the left oldBox.animate({ "left": outerWidth + "px", "right": -outerWidth + "px" }, 1000, function() { // Hide old content after animation oldBox.css({ "left": "", "right": "", "display": "none" }); }); // Slide new box to regular place newBox.animate({ "left": "", "right": "" }, 1000); }); // Notifications settings init_notify_cancelable_style(); $(document).on('click', '.notifyjs-cancelable-base .no', function() { //programmatically trigger propogating hide event let msg = $(this).closest('.notifyjs-cancelable-base') .find('span.msg'); if (msg.length > 0) { let bc = msg.data('barcode'); let added_qty = msg.data('added_qty') || 1; let product = get_stored_product_with_bc(bc); if (product !== null) { update_existing_product(product, - added_qty); } else { alert("Le produit n'a pas été retrouvé dans la mémoire de travail."); } } else { alert("Les informations n'ont pas pu être récupérées."); } //$(this).trigger('notify-hide'); }); });