# Company specific data values (TODO : Specify which one are mandatory) ### General - OPEN_ON_SUNDAY = True Used to show Sunday on calendars (set SHIFT_EXCHANGE_DAYS_TO_HIDE = '' to show sunday shifts) - EMAIL_DOMAIN = 'lesgrainsdesel.fr' - MAG_NAME = '' Could be "Cleme" for example, at Cagette (Location are associated to shift template) - OFFICE_NAME = '' Was used for La Cagette (shift template) - MAX_BEGIN_HOUR = '19:00' Used to draw weeks planning - COMPANY_NAME = 'lgds' Used for company spesific code - COMPANY_NAME = 'Les Grains de Sel' - COMPANY_LOGO = 'https://domaine.name/img/logo.png' - ADMIN_IDS = [13] Used to show hidden things. for example, input barcode in shelf adding product (Odoo user id array) - ADMINS = ['webmaster@coop.dom'] - TOOLS_SERVER = 'https://outils.lacagette-coop.fr' Used for file generation (scale or print purpose) - BRINKS_MUST_IDENTIFY = True If True, visitor has to use its Odoo user to identify - UNITE_UOM_ID = 1 DB uom unit id (only use for shares invoice) ### Member subscription - FORCE_HYPHEN_IN_SUBSCRIPTION_FIRSTNAME = False - CONCAT_NAME_ORDER = 'LF' - SUBSCRIPTION_ADD_SECOND_PHONE = True - SUBSCRIPTION_ADD_STREET2 = True - SUBSCRIPTION_ASK_FOR_SEX = True - SUBSCRIPTION_INPUT_BARCODE = True - SUBSCRIPTION_NAME_SEP = ', ' - COOP_BARCODE_RULE_ID = 11 - ASSOCIATE_BARCODE_RULE_ID = 12 - FUNDRAISING_CAT_ID = 1 - PARTS_PRICE_UNIT = 10.0 - PARTS_A_PRICE_UNIT = PARTS_PRICE_UNIT - PARTS_A_PRODUCT_ID = 5 - PARTS_B_PRODUCT_ID = 6 - PARTS_C_PRODUCT_ID = 7 - CAP_APPELE_NON_VERSE_ACCOUNT_ID = 529 - CAP_APPELE_VERSE_ACCOUNT_ID = 8 - CAP_INVOICE_LINE_ACCOUNT_ID = 8 - CAP_JOURNAL_ID = 9 - CASH_PAYMENT_ID = 18 - CB_PAYMENT_ID = 15 - CHECK_PAYMENT_ID = 8 - VIREMENT_PAYMENT_ID = 16 - HELLO_ASSO_PAYMENT_ID = 29 - SUMUP_PAYMENT_ID = 30 - SUBSCRIPTION_PAYMENT_MEANINGS = [ {'code': 'cash', 'title': 'Espèces','journal_id': CASH_PAYMENT_ID}, {'code': 'ch', 'title': 'Chèque', 'journal_id': CHECK_PAYMENT_ID}, {'code': 'cb', 'title': 'Carte bancaire', 'journal_id': CB_PAYMENT_ID}, {'code': 'vir', 'title': 'Virement', 'journal_id': VIREMENT_PAYMENT_ID}] Used to generate payment meanings in subscription form - MAX_CHQ_NB = 12 Maximum accepted checks numbers - INPUT_PHONE_PATTERN = "^(0\d{9})$" Regexp pattern which is used to validate values input in phone fields Default is "^((\+33(-| )\d{1})|\d{2})(\.| )\d{2}(\.| )\d{2}(\.| )\d{2}(\.| )\d{2}$" - PHONE_PAIRS_SEPARATOR = "." Character which by used to separate every 2 phone figures ( for example) Default is " " - SHOW_FTOP_BUTTON = True (by default) If True, in shift_template calendar choice view, "Volant" button is included - USE_STANDARD_SHIFT = True (by default) La Cagette use False to implement custom rules - CAN_CREATE_BINOME = True (by default) If set to True, in new member creation form, a member can be selected to be associated with. - ASSOCIATE_MEMBER_SHIFT = '' Id number of the associate shift template - PREPA_ODOO_URL = '' URL of the "prepa_odoo" page ### Scales and labels files generation - DAV_PATH = '/data/dav/cagette' DAV_PATH is a directory managed by Apache2 dav module - CATEG_FRUIT = 151 - CATEG_LEGUME = 152 - FR_CATEGS = [CATEG_FRUIT] - FR_CATEGS = [CATEG_LEGUME] - FIXED_BARCODE_PREFIX = '0491' - FLV_CSV_NB = 4 How many distinct file for scale input have to be generated - VRAC_CATEGS = [166, 167, 174] - SHELF_LABELS_ADD_FIELDS = ['category_print_id', 'categ_id', 'country_id', 'label_ids', 'uom_id'] Fields add to generated text file - EXPORT_POS_CAT_FOR_SCALES = True Exports POS categories data as a JSON file, and add a POS Category column in CSV file for scale database update ### Shop module - SHOP_CAN_BUY = False If set to False, visitors can only see products (quantities and prices) - SHOP_SLOT_SIZE = 30 How many minutes for a slot - DEFAULT_MAX_TIMESLOT_CARTS = 5 How many carts can be produced by slot This value can be changed in shop admin page - HOURS_FOR_VALIDATION_SHOP = 2 How many hours are left for people to complete cart (for the choosen date) Once time has left, booked picking hour is canceled. Visitor has to choose a new picking date and hour - MIN_DELAY_FOR_SLOT = 4 How far has to be the closest picking date (in hours) For example, with 4 value, if it's 08:00 am, the picking date could not be before 12:00 am (even if a slot is free before) - DISCOUNT_SHELFS_IDS = [74] - EXCLUDE_SHOP_CATEGORIES = [108] - FL_SHELFS = [16, 17, 18] Fruits et Légumes shelves (Odoo database ids) - VRAC_SHELFS = [20, 38] - PROMOTE_SHELFS_IDS = [68] - CART_VALIDATION_BOTTOM_MSG = "Pour des raisons d'hygiène les commandes seront préparées dans des sacs en papier kraft qui vous seront facturées, 0,24€ pour les petits et 0,77€ pour les grands. Merci de votre compréhension" - SHOP_CATEGORIES = {} - SHOP_EXTRA_MENUS = ['shop/planning_livraison_pains.html', 'shop/combien_ca_pese.html'] - SHOP_HEADER_IMG = 'https://supercafoutch.fr/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/SC-logo-4-invert@1x.png' - SHOP_LIMIT_PRODUCTS = ['relatively_available', 'no_shelf'] - SHOP_OPENING = {'mar.': [{'start': '10:30', 'end': '14:00'}, {'start': '15:30', 'end': '20:00'}], 'mer.': [{'start': '10:30', 'end': '14:00'}, {'start': '15:30', 'end': '20:00'}], 'jeu.': [{'start': '10:30', 'end': '14:00'}, {'start': '15:30', 'end': '20:00'}], 'ven.': [{'start': '10:30', 'end': '14:00'}, {'start': '15:30', 'end': '20:00'}], 'sam.': [{'start': '10:30', 'end': '14:00'}, {'start': '15:30', 'end': '20:00'}] } - SHOP_OPENING_START_DATE = '2020-06-02' - SHOP_SURVEY_LINK = 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSczl0mMRwx3s9LbUSPYwwFTiiRa6agx7YkQM9cL41eiQnXNUw/viewform' - SHOW_SUBSTITUTION_OPTION = False - VALIDATION_ORDER_MAIL_TEMPLATE = 'shop/supercafoutch_validation_mail.html' ### Entrance module - WELCOME_ENTRANCE_MSG = "Bienvenue dans ce super-marché" Message shown as H1 at screen top - WELCOME_SUBTITLE_ENTRANCE_MSG = "Vous êtes venu aujourd'hui pour..." Text to introduce button texts (Here for shopping or for a shift) - ENTRANCE_COME_FOR_SHOPING_MSG = "Hey coucou toi ! Cet été nous sommes plus de <strong>1000 acheteur·euses</strong> pour seulement <strong>300 coopérateur·rice·s</strong> en service. <br />Tu fais tes courses à La Cagette cet été ?<br/> Inscris-toi sur ton espace membre !" - ENTRANCE_FTOP_BUTTON_DISPLAY = False Hide the "I come as FTOP" button when set on False - ENTRANCE_SHOPPING_BTN = "…faire <b>mes courses 🛒" - ENTRANCE_SERVICE_BTN = "…faire <b>mon service 🤝" - ENTRANCE_EXTRA_BUTTONS_DISPLAY = False (no button is shown above shift coop. list) (True if not set) - ENTRANCE_EASY_SHIFT_VALIDATE = False (default value) When set to True allow coop to identify and have 1 point (only if FTOP) - ENTRANCE_ADD_PT_EVENT_NAME = 'Add 1 point name throught easy validate' (default : 'Validation service comité'') - ENTRANCE_MISSED_SHIFT_BEGIN_MSG (default : "") This message is dispayed when time to register is last - ENTRANCE_EASY_SHIFT_VALIDATE_MSG (default = 'Je valide mon service "Comité"') (makes sens if ENTRANCE_EASY_SHIFT_VALIDATE is True) - ENTRANCE_WITH_LATE_MODE = True (If member is coming within the grace delay) - ENTRANCE_VALIDATION_GRACE_DELAY = 60 (if not set, 60 minutes is the default) - ENTRANCE_VALIDATE_PRESENCE_MESSAGE = """ <div class="explanations"> Ta présence a bien été validée ! Merci de te diriger au fond du magasin pour le lancement du créneau ! </div> Ton prochain service <span class="service_verb">est prévu</span> le <span class="next_shift"></span> """ (La Cagette message, where no point data is displayed) ### Member space - EM_URL = '' Url to redirect once member has validated its data (empty in simple use) - WITH_WEBSITE_MENU = True If set to True, a "personnal data" menu is shown, permitting connected member to modify its data. - SHIFTS_MOVING_ALLOWED = True If set to False, ABCD members cannot move their shifts using calendar - FTOP_SHIFTS_VIEW_LIMIT = 2 By default, no limit is set. Unit must be weeks - CALENDAR_NO_MORE_LINK = True If True, in shifts calendar view (to choose one or exchange one) all shifts are shown (if False, a link to show more shifts is shown) - CAL_INITIAL_VIEW = 'dayGridWeek' If not set, default view is 'dayGridMonth' - SHIFT_EXCHANGE_DAYS_TO_HIDE = '0' By default, if this variable is not set, sunday is hidden To hide Sunday and Monday, set this to "0,1" - SHIFT_COLOR_TOGGLE_NUM = 7 If not set, shift class for rendering color is based on % (toggle limit = 50%) If set with a number, this number is used (toggle limit = this number, including it) - SHIFT_INFO = """A la cagette, un service est une plage de trois heures un jour en particulier, par exemple : le mardi 25/09/2018 à 13h15. <br />A l'inverse, un créneau est une plage de trois heures régulière, par exemple, tous les mardi de semaine A à 13h15.""" - PB_INSTRUCTIONS = """Si j'ai un problème, que je suis désinscrit, que je veux changer de créneaux ou quoi que ce soit, merci de vous rendre dans la section \"J'ai un problème\" sur le site web de <a href=\"https://lacagette-coop.fr/?MonEspaceMembre\">La Cagette</a>""" - UNSUBSCRIBED_FORM_LINK = 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScWcpls-ruYIp7HdrjRF1B1TyuzdqhvlUIcUWynbEujfj3dTg/viewform' - UNSUBSCRIBED_MSG = 'Vous êtes désincrit·e, merci de remplir <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPiC2PkSem9x_B5M7LKpoFNLDIz0k0V5I2W3Mra9AnqnQunw/viewform">ce formulaire</a> pour vous réinscrire sur un créneau.<br />Vous pouvez également contacter le Bureau des Membres en remplissant <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZP0m5-EXPVJxEKJk6EjwSyZJtnbiGdYDuAeFI3ENsHAOikg/viewform">ce formulaire</a>' Message shown to people when they connect to the Member Space - MEMBERS_GUIDE_URL = 'https://.....' URL to Members guide page - MIN_SHIFT_DURATION = 3 Define minimum shift duration (in hours). 2 is not set. - FTOP_BLOCK_SERVICE_EXCHANGE_DELAY = 1 Define duration, in hours, before shift starts within exchange is not more available, for ftop shift_type member - STANDARD_BLOCK_SERVICE_EXCHANGE_DELAY = 48 Define duration, in hours, before shift starts within exchange is not more available, for standard shift_type member - FTOP_SERVICES_RULES = {'successive_shifts_allowed': 0, 'max_shifts_per_cycle': 3} Define ftop members constraints (Les amis de La Coopé ex.) - MEMBERS_SPACE_FAQ_TEMPLATE = None If set to None, "FAQ menu" will not be shown. To use a custom content add a template and set it's relative path - MEMBERS_SPACE_HOME_TEMPLATE = 'members_space/supercafoutch/home.html' If not set, 'members_space/home.html' (la Cagette) - MEMBERS_SPACE_SHOW_UNDERSTAND_MY_STATUS = False By default, is True. If False, tile showing explanations is not shown - BLOCK_ACTIONS_FOR_ATTACHED_PEOPLE = False Attached people can or not change his services - CAN_ADD_SHIFT = True By default, False. Set if coop can or not add shifts in their memberspace calendar - ASSOCIATE_PEOPLE_CAN_CHANGE_SHIFT_TEMPLE_REGISTRATION = True By default, False. - EXTENSION_TYPE_ID = 6 By default 1. Extension type id (from shift_extension_type table) used to create extension - COMMITTEES_SHIFT_NAME = 'Coolisses' By default "service des Comités" ### Reception - RECEPTION_ADD_ADMIN_MODE = True - RECEPTION_ADD_ALL_LEFT_IS_GOOD_QTIES = False During qties step, a second button appears to make all pending products (left list) to be considered as "good" (RECEPTION_ADD_ADMIN_MODE needs to be set at True) - RECEPTION_ADD_ALL_LEFT_IS_GOOD_PRICES = False During prices step, a second button appears to make all pending products (left list) to be considered as "good" (RECEPTION_ADD_ADMIN_MODE needs to be set at True) - RECEPTION_MERGE_ORDERS_PSWD = 'pass2makeApause' Password to enter to validate merge orders processing It has been set only to stop member action, considering the impact of the merge - RECEPTION_ADD_PRODUCTS_PSWD = 'pass2makeApause' Password to enter to add products to an order during reception Same principle as previous pswd - RECEPTION_UPDATE_QTY_PSWD = 'pass2makeApause' Password to update a product qty during prices update. - RECEPTION_PDT_LABELS_BTN_TEXT = 'Lancer l\'impression' - RECEPTION_PDT_LABELS_FN = 'print_product_labels()' - RECEPTION_PDT_LABELS_TEXT = 'Cliquez sur ce bouton pour imprimer les étiquettes code-barres à coller sur les produits' - RECEPTION_PDT_LABELS_NB_FORCE_TO_NB = 65 If set, force , by example, to 65 labels per product - RECEPTION_SHELF_LABEL_PRINT = True - DISPLAY_COL_AUTRES = True Display "Autres" column (showing select with action "rupture fournisseur") - COEFF_MAG_ID = 1 DB coeff id, needed to compute product shelf price ### Orders helper - ORDERS_HELPER_CUSTOMIZE = False If lacagette_connection Odoo module is actived, True can be set, in order to allow user to record its preferences ### Stocks - STOCK_LOC_ID = 12 Only used in Inventory module, which is no more in use - LOSSES_LOC_ID = 33 - LOSSES_PICKING_TYPE_ID = 10 - AUTOCONSO_LOC_ID = 27 - AUTOCONSO_PICKING_TYPE_ID = 7 - MEALS_LOC_ID = 33 - MEALS_PICKING_TYPE_ID = 10 ### Inventory - SHELFS_TO_BE_AHEAD_IN_SELECT_LIST = [90,74] These shelfs (odoo ids) will be shown first in select list ### New members space - START_DATE_FOR_SHIFTS_HISTORY = "2018-01-01" - AMNISTIE_DATE = "2021-11-24 00:00:00" In members_space history display a special activity about amnistie - MEMBERS_SPACE_FAQ_TEMPLATE = 'members_space/supercoop/faq.html' Set alternative template for FAQ - MEMBERS_SPACE_HOME_TEMPLATE = 'members_space/supercoop/home.html' Set alternative template for home page - MEMBERS_SPACE_UNDERSTAND_MY_STATUS_TEMPLATE = 'members_space/supercoop/understand_my_status.html' Set alternative template for understand my status - SHOW_ABCD_CALENDAR_TAB = False True by default - PERMANENT_MESSAGE_BELOW_CONNECTION_FIELDS = "Si vous avez des difficultés à vous connecter, ...." Default is None - STANDARD_BLOCK_SERVICE_EXCHANGE_DELAY = 36 (default = 24) Define duration, in hours, before shift starts within exchange is not more available, for standard shift_type member - REMOVE_15_MINUTES_AT_SHIFT_END = False True by default. Remove 15 minutes to Odoo shift end (https://redmine.cooperatic.fr/issues/1680) - ALLOW_FTOP_TO_DELETE_SHIFT = False If True, allow ftop member to delete futur shifts ### BDM Admin - BDM_SHOW_FTOP_BUTTON = True (by default) If True, in BDM Admin manage shift template, on the calendar when subscribing a partner to a shift, "Volant" button is included - ADMIN_BINOME_ACTIVE = False By defaut, True. Show "Gestion des binômes" in bdm admin ### Odoo users mapping - ODOO_USERS_GRANTS = [ {'login': 'admin', 'bdm': {'all': True}}, {'login': gdm@lacoope.fr', 'bdm': {'record_absence': True}} ] If not set, any authentified Odoo user can make any action ### Miscellious - EXPORT_COMPTA_FORMAT = 'Quadratus' If not set, export format is the one used by La Cagette Quadratus has been introduced to fit with Supercafoutch need. - CUSTOM_CSS_FILES = {'all': ['common_lgds.css'], 'members': ['inscription_lgds.css']} To insert a CSS to all modules, key is 'all' (files actually put in outils/static/css)