Backend ======= A backend for a version (for instance Magento 1.7), is represented by an instance of the :py:class:`~connector.backend.Backend` class. Each connector will also create a ``connector.backend`` which allows the users to register their backends. For instance, the Magento connector has ``magento.backend`` (``_inherit`` :py:class:`connector.backend_model.connector_backend`). This model contains a ``version`` field which should have the same list of versions (with the exact same name) than the instances of :py:class:`~connector.backend.Backend`. Example with the Magento Connector:: # in magentoerpconnect/ magento = backend.Backend('magento') """ Generic Magento Backend """ magento1700 = backend.Backend(parent=magento, version='1.7') """ Magento Backend for version 1.7 """ # in magentoerpconnect/ class MagentoBackend(models.Model): _name = 'magento.backend' _description = 'Magento Backend' _inherit = 'connector.backend' _backend_type = 'magento' @api.model def _select_versions(self): """ Available versions Can be inherited to add custom versions. """ return [('1.7', 'Magento 1.7')] # <snip> version = fields.Selection( selection='_select_versions', string='Version', required=True, ) location = fields.Char(string='Location', required=True) username = fields.Char(string='Username') password = fields.Char(string='Password') # <snip> In the code above, '1.7' is the matching key between the :py:class:`~connector.backend.Backend` instance (``magento1700``) and the ``magento_backend`` record. .. automodule:: connector.backend :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Backend Models ============== .. automodule:: connector.backend_model :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: