<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <openerp> <data> <record model="ir.ui.view" id="view_company_credit_account_form"> <field name="name">res.company.form.inherit</field> <field name="inherit_id" ref="base.view_company_form"/> <field name="model">res.company</field> <field name="type">form</field> <field name="arch" type="xml"> <notebook position="inside"> <page string="Account's Sign on Reports" position="inside"> <group> <group> <separator string="Debitable Accounts" colspan="4"/> <label string="A debitable account is one which grows in the debit and diminishes in the credit" colspan="4"/> <label string="Keep sign on Reports for these accounts and children accounts that are within Accreditable Accounts" colspan="4"/> <field name="debit_account_ids" nolabel="1" colspan ="4" domain="[('company_id.name','=',name),('company_id.partner_id','=',partner_id),]"> <tree> <field name='code'/> <field name='name'/> <field name='type'/> </tree> </field> </group> <group> <separator string="Accreditable Accounts" colspan="4"/> <label string="An accreditable account is one which grows in the credit and diminishes in the debit" colspan="4"/> <label string="Reverse sign on Reports for these accounts and children accounts that are within Debitable Accounts" colspan="4"/> <field name="credit_account_ids" nolabel="1" colspan ="4" domain="[('company_id.name','=',name),('company_id.partner_id','=',partner_id),]"> <tree> <field name='code'/> <field name='name'/> <field name='type'/> </tree> </field> </group> </group> </page> </notebook> </field> </record> </data> </openerp>