Changelog --------- .. Future (?) .. ~~~~~~~~~~ .. .. * Future (?) ~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix backend_to_m2o to extract id of the binding ( * Remove cancellation of jobs / active flag on jobs, now jobs are only set to Done when NothingToDoJob is raised. (2016-03-03) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Fix: adapt to upstream api change to obtain db connection ( (2016-03-03) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Enabled the JobRunner by default, with a default channels configuration of root:1 * Removed the old workers * Removed the broken dbfilter support ( * Cleaned the methods that have been deprecated in version 3.x (2016-02-29) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Allow to define seconds when raising a RetryableJobError ( * Allow to ignore the retry counter when raising a RetryableJobError ( * Add 'mock_job_delay_to_direct' to ease tests on jobs ( * Add helper function to acquire Posgres advisory locks (, * Improvement of 'is_module_installed' which now uses the registry instead of db + cache ( * Security: Prevent to unpickle globals which are not jobs or whitelisted types ( * Fix: Manage non-ascii Postgres errors ( * Fix: ignore dbfilter containing %d or %h ( * Fix: correctly obtain the list of database with odoo is started with --no-database-list ( * Fix: Set job back to 'pending' in case of exception (,,, * Fix: Clear environment caches and recomputations upon failures ( * Fix: when a job fails, inactive users are no longer added to its followers ( * Fix: Set job to failed after non-retryable OperationalError ( * Fix: wrong model in connector_base_product's views ( * Various documentation improvements 3.2.0 (2015-09-10) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * method 'install_in_connector' is now deprecated ( * Add a retry pattern for jobs (, * Use custom connector environments and instantiate them with needed attributes ( * A new default implementation for the binder ( * Translations are now automatically synchronized from Transifex * Mapper: add modifier to follow m2o relations with dot notation ( * Mapper: add 'changed_by_fields' which indicates which source fields will output data ( * Allow to assign a default channel on @job functions ( * Fix: connector-runner: manages retryable errors ( * Fix: connector-runner: logging error when a capacity is None ( * Fix: connector-runner: shows a wrong job result on retried jobs ( * Fix: add an index on queue_job.worker_id ( * Fix: Tests: common.DB is gone in 8.0 stable ( * Fix: connector-runner: graceful stop mechanism ( * Fix: connector-runner: Wrong arguments position in a log message ( 3.1.0 (2015-05-15) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * New jobs runner (details on * French documentation ( * Add ConnectorSession.from_env() ( * Fix: missing indexes on jobs ( 3.0.0 (2015-04-01) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /!\ Backwards incompatible changes inside. * Add ``openerp.api.Environment`` in ``Session`` It is accessible in ``self.env`` in ``Session`` and all ``ConnectorUnit`` instances. Also in ``ConnectorUnit``, ``model`` returns the current (new api!) model: .. code-block:: python # On the current model[]) self.model.browse(ids) # on another model self.env['res.users'].search([]) self.env['res.users'].browse(ids) * Deprecate the CRUD methods in ``Session`` .. code-block:: python # NO'res.partner', []) self.session.browse('res.partner', ids) # YES self.env['res.partner'].search([]) self.env['res.partner'].browse(ids) * ``Environment.set_lang()`` is removed. It was modifying the context in place which is not possible with the new frozendict context. It should be done with: .. code-block:: python with self.session.change_context(lang=lang_code): ... * Add an argument on the Binders methods to return a browse record .. code-block:: python binder.to_openerp(magento_id, browse=True) * Shorten ``ConnectorUnit.get_binder_for_model`` to ``ConnectorUnit.binder_for`` * Shorten ``ConnectorUnit.get_connector_unit_for_model`` to ``ConnectorUnit.unit_for`` * Renamed ``Environment`` to ``ConnectorEnvironment`` to avoid confusion with ``openerp.api.Environment`` * Renamed the class attribute ``ConnectorUnit.model_name`` to ``ConnectorUnit.for_model_name``. * Added ``_base_binder``, ``_base_mapper``, ``_base_backend_adapter`` in the synchronizers (Importer, Exporter) so it is no longer required to override the ``binder``, ``mapper``, ``backend_adapter`` property methods * ``Session.change_context()`` now supports the same argument/keyword arguments semantics than ``openerp.model.BaseModel.with_context()``. * Renamed ``ExportSynchronizer`` to ``Exporter`` * Renamed ``ImportSynchronizer`` to ``Importer`` * Renamed ``DeleteSynchronizer`` to ``Deleter`` * ``Session.commit`` do not commit when tests are running * Cleaned the methods that have been deprecated in version 2.x 2.2.0 (2014-05-26) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Job arguments can now contain unicode strings (thanks to Stéphane Bidoul) lp:1288187 * List view of the jobs improved * Jobs now support multicompany (thanks to Laurent Mignon) * An action can be assigned to a job. The action is called with a button on the job and could be something like open a form view or an url. 2.1.1 (2014-02-06) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * A user can be blocked because he has no access to the model queue.job when a job has been delayed. The creation of a job is low level and should not be restrained by the accesses of the user. (lp:1276182) 2.1.0 (2014-01-15 - warning: breaks compatibility) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add a new optional keyword argument 'description' to the delay() function of a job. If given, the description is used as name of the queue.job record stored in OpenERP and displayed in the list of jobs. * Fix: assignment of jobs to workers respect the priority of the jobs (lp:1252681) * Pass a new parameter to listeners of 'on_record_create' ( vals: field values of the new record, e.g {'field_name': field_value, ...}) * Replace the list of updated fields passed to listeners of 'on_record_write' by a dictionary of updated field values e.g {'field_name': field_value, ...} * Add the possibility to use 'Modifiers' functions in the 'direct mappings' (details in the documentation of the Mapper class) * When a job a delayed, the job's UUID is returned by the delay() function * Refactoring of mappers. Much details here: 2.0.1 (2013-09-12) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Developers of addons do no longer need to create an AbstractModel with a _name 'name_of_the_module.installed', instead, they just have to call connector.connector.install_in_connector() lp:1196859 * Added a script `openerp-connector-worker` to start processes for Jobs Workers when running OpenERP is multiprocessing * Fix: inheritance broken when an orm.Model inherit from an orm.AbstractModel. One effect was that the mail.thread features were no longer working (lp:1233355) * Fix: do no fail to start when OpenERP has access to a not-OpenERP database (lp:1233388) 2.0.0 ~~~~~ * First release .. Model: 2.0.1 (date of release) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * change 1 * change 2