.. _multiprocessing:

Use the connector with multiprocessing workers

.. note:: In a future version, workers will be deprecated
          in favor of the newer job runner which is more efficient and
          supports job channels. You should try the job runner first
          and fall back to using workers in case the runner does not
          work (sic) for you, in which case we will very much appreciate
          a github issue describing the problems you encountered.

When Odoo is launched with 1 process, the jobs worker will run
threaded in the same process.

When Odoo is launched with multiple processes using the option
``--workers``, the jobs workers are not independant processes, however,
you have to launch them separately with the script
``openerp-connector-worker`` located in the connector module.

It takes the same arguments and configuration file than the Odoo

.. important:: The Python path must contain the path to the Odoo
               server when ``openerp-connector-worker`` is launched.


    $ PYTHONPATH=/path/to/server connector/openerp-connector-worker --config /path/to/configfile \
      --workers=2 --logfile=/path/to/logfile

The 'Enqueue Jobs' scheduled action is useless when multiprocessing is

.. note:: The ``openerp-connector-worker`` should not be launched
          alongside Odoo when the latter does not run in multiprocess
          mode, because the interprocess signaling would not be done.

.. hint:: The Magento Connector's buildout contains builtin commands to launch the workers: