var to_fill_box = $('#to_fill'), with_errors_box = $('#with_errors'), coops = {'to_fill': [], 'with_errors': [], 'waiting_validation_employee':[], 'waiting_validation_member':[], 'done':[]}, validation_next_steps = {'to_fill': 'waiting_validation_employee', 'waiting_validation_employee': 'waiting_validation_member', 'waiting_validation_member': 'done'}, dashboard = $('#dashboard'), coop_validation_form = $('#coop_validation_form'), warning_slide = $('#warning_slide'), warning_msg = $('#new_warning_form textarea[name="message"]'), waiting_validation_employee_div = $('#waiting_validation_employee'), waiting_validation_member_div = $('#waiting_validation_member'), done_div = $('#done'), form_delete = $('#form_delete'), problem_delete = $('#problem_delete'), vform = $('#coop_validation_form'); // date validation Date.prototype.isValid = function () { // If the date object is invalid it // will return 'NaN' on getTime() // and NaN is never equal to itself. return this.getTime() === this.getTime(); }; sync.on('change', function (info) { // handle change if (info.direction == 'pull') { retrieve_all_coops(); } }).on('paused', function (err) { // replication paused (e.g. replication up to date, user went offline) if (err) { online = false; } }) .on('active', function () { // replicate resumed (e.g. new changes replicating, user went back online) online = true; }) .on('denied', function (err) { // a document failed to replicate (e.g. due to permissions) }) .on('complete', function (info) { // handle complete }) .on('error', function (err) { // handle error console.log('erreur sync'); console.log(err); }); function home() { coop_page.hide(); warning_slide.hide();; } function is_in_coops(mail) { var answer = false; for (key in coops) { $.each(coops[key], function(i, e) { if (e._id == mail) { answer = true; } }); } return answer; } // Store/update coop data in couchdb function store_current_coop_data(callback) { dbc.put(current_coop, function(err, result) { if (!err) { current_coop._rev = result.rev; if (callback) callback(err); } else { console.log(err); if ( == 'conflict') { dbc.get(current_coop._id, {'latest': true}) .then(function(retrieved_coop) { if (current_coop.errors) { var err_msg = current_coop.errors; if (retrieved_coop.errors && retrieved_coop.errors != err_msg) { err_msg += ' ' + retrieved_coop.errors; current_coop.errors = err_msg; } } current_coop._rev = retrieved_coop._rev; console.log('Enregistrement redemandé'); store_current_coop_data(callback); }); } } }); } // Remove old document if id (email) changed before applying changes function put_current_coop_in_buffer_db(callback) { var can_continue = true; if (typeof current_coop._old_id != "undefined") { dbc.remove(current_coop._old_id, current_coop._rev, function(err, response) { if (err) { console.log(err); can_continue = false; } }); delete current_coop._rev; delete current_coop._old_id; } if (can_continue == true) { store_current_coop_data(callback); } else { alert('Problème de sauvegarde des modifications'); } } function process_new_warning(event) { event.preventDefault(); var msg = warning_msg.val(); var btn = $('button'); openModal(); if (msg.length > 0) { current_coop.errors = msg; store_current_coop_data(function() { retrieve_all_coops(); closeModal(); home(); display_msg_box('Enregistrement signalement problème terminé.', 'success'); }); } else { closeModal(); alert('Le message est vide !'); } } // Set current coop to previous validation state function previous_validation_state() { for (var key in validation_next_steps) { if (current_coop.validation_state == validation_next_steps[key]) { current_coop.validation_state = key; store_current_coop_data(); break; } } } function submit_full_coop_form() { let form = $('#coop_validation_form'); var form_data = new FormData(form.get(0)), m_barcode = form.find('[name="m_barcode"]'), sex = $('#sex'), has_empty_values = false; for (var pair of form_data.entries()) { let val = pair[1], key = pair[0]; if ($('input[name="' + key +'"]').get(0) .hasAttribute('required') && val.length == 0) { has_empty_values = true; } } if (has_empty_values == true) { closeModal(); alert('Vous devez remplir tous les champs pour valider.'); // If form not submitted, set back coop current validation_state previous_validation_state(); } else { form_data.set( 'firstname', vform.find('input[name="firstname"]').val() .toFormatedFirstName() ); form_data.set( 'lastname', vform.find('input[name="lastname"]').val() .toFormatedLastName() ); form_data.set('odoo_id', current_coop.odoo_id); form_data.set('shift_template', JSON.stringify(current_coop.shift_template)); //Fields beeing disabled : force value form_data.set('shares_nb', vform.find('input[name="shares_nb"]').val()); form_data.set('shares_euros', vform.find('input[name="shares_euros"]').val()); form_data.set('checks_nb', vform.find('input[name="checks_nb"]').val()); form_data.set('payment_meaning', vform.find('input[name="payment_meaning"]').val()); if (m_barcode.length > 0) { form_data.set('m_barcode', m_barcode.val()); } if (sex.length > 0) { form_data.set('sex', $('input[name="sex"]:checked').val()); } post_form( '/members/coop_validated_data', form_data, function(err, result) { if (!err) { setTimeout(after_save, 1500); } else { console.log(err); } } ); } } function odoo_create_coop() { var current_coop_copy = current_coop; current_coop_copy.shift_template = JSON.stringify(current_coop.shift_template); $.post({url : '/members/create_from_buffered_data/', headers: { "X-CSRFToken": getCookie("csrftoken") }, data : current_coop_copy, dataType :'json' }) .done(function(rData) { if (rData.odoo_id && ! isNaN(rData.odoo_id)) { after_save(); } else { alert('Erreur pendant l\'enregistrement Odoo'); } }) .fail(function() { after_save(1); }); } // Save the current coop details from form values // Then do callback function function save_current_coop(callback) { //_id obligatoire ! let form = coop_validation_form, _id = form.find('[name="email"]').val(), m_barcode = form.find('[name="m_barcode"]'), sex = form.find('[name="sex"]'); if (current_coop != null && _id.length > 0) { //Birthdate verification let birthdate = form.find('[name="birthdate"]').val() .trim(); var birthdate_error = false, m_barcode_error = false, sex_error = false; if (/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{4})/.exec(birthdate)) { try { var jj = RegExp.$1, mm = RegExp.$2, aaaa = RegExp.$3; let tmp_date = aaaa + "-" + mm + "-" + jj; // try to create a date object date_test = new Date(tmp_date); // if date is invalid a correction is apply in date object. Check it // january start at 0, so we add + 1 for the month if ((date_test.getDate() !== parseInt(jj)) || ((date_test.getMonth()+1) !== parseInt(mm)) || (date_test.getFullYear() !== parseInt(aaaa)) || !date_test.isValid()) { birthdate_error = true; } } catch (Exception) { birthdate_error = true; } } else { birthdate_error = true; } let street2_input = form.find('[name="street2"]'), phone_input = form.find('[name="phone"]'); current_coop.firstname = form.find('[name="firstname"]').val() .toFormatedFirstName(); current_coop.lastname = form.find('[name="lastname"]').val() .toFormatedLastName(); if (current_coop._id != _id) { current_coop._old_id = current_coop._id; } current_coop._id = _id; current_coop.birthdate = birthdate; current_coop.address = form.find('[name="address"]').val(); if (sex.length > 0) { = $('input[name="sex"]:checked').val(); if (typeof == "undefined") sex_error = true; } if (street2_input.length > 0) { current_coop.street2 = street2_input.val(); } = form.find('[name="city"]').val(); = form.find('[name="zip"]').val(); = form.find('[name="country"]').val(); = form.find('[name="mobile"]').val(); if (phone_input.length > 0) { = phone_input.val(); } current_coop.shares_nb = form.find('[name="shares_nb"]').val(); current_coop.shares_euros = form.find('[name="shares_euros"]').val(); current_coop.checks_nb = form.find('[name="checks_nb"]').val(); current_coop.payment_meaning = form.find('[name="payment_meaning"]').val(); if (m_barcode.length > 0) { current_coop.m_barcode = m_barcode.val(); if (!isValidEAN13(current_coop.m_barcode)) m_barcode_error = true; } if ((birthdate_error == true || m_barcode_error == true || sex_error == true) && callback) { put_current_coop_in_buffer_db(); closeModal(); var msg = ''; if (birthdate_error == true) msg += "La date de naissance ne semble pas correcte (jj/mm/aaaa)\n"; if (m_barcode_error == true) msg += "Le code-barre n'est pas valide\n"; if (sex_error == true) msg += "Une option concernant le sexe doit être cochée\n"; alert(msg); } else { // Send coop to next step if (callback) current_coop.validation_state = validation_next_steps[current_coop.validation_state]; //if not were are in the case of problem warning (no validation step change) put_current_coop_in_buffer_db(callback); } } } // After save, get coops again and reset page function after_save(err) { closeModal(); if (!err) { // put_current_coop_in_buffer_db(retrieve_all_coops); retrieve_all_coops(); home(); } else { alert('Une erreur est survenue pendant l\'enregistrement'); } } // Validate & store sensitive data from form, check for errors, then do relevant action according to process state function process_validation_form(event) { event.preventDefault(); //Shares nb and euros are consistent ? var shares_nb = parseInt($('[name="shares_nb"]').val(), 10); var shares_euros = parseInt($('[name="shares_euros"]').val(), 10); var is_valid = true; if (!isNaN(shares_nb) && !isNaN(shares_euros)) { if (shares_euros != 10*shares_nb) { is_valid = false; alert('Le nombre de parts et le montant en euros ne correspondent pas !'); } } if (current_coop.payment_meaning == "ch" && current_coop.checks_nb < 1) { is_valid = false; alert('Le nombre de chèques doit être supérieur à 0 !'); } // Save checks details var total = 0; if (current_coop.validation_state == 'waiting_validation_employee' && current_coop.payment_meaning == "ch" && current_coop.checks_nb > 1) { var checks = []; for (var i = 1; i <= current_coop.checks_nb; i++) { var check_value = parseInt($('[name="check_' + i + '"]').val()); if (check_value == 0) { is_valid = false; alert('Un chèque ne peut pas avoir une valeur à 0 !'); } else { checks.push(check_value); total += check_value; } } if (total != $('[name="shares_euros"]').val()) { if (is_valid) { is_valid = false; alert('La somme des chèques ne correspond pas au montant de la cotisation !'); } } else { current_coop.checks = JSON.stringify(checks); } } if (is_time_to('save_form_in_odoo')) { if (is_valid == true) { openModal(); if (current_coop.validation_state == "to_fill") { save_current_coop(after_save); // First step, coop info only saved in couchdb } else if (current_coop.validation_state == 'waiting_validation_employee') { save_current_coop(odoo_create_coop); // Second step, coop is created in odoo } else if (current_coop.validation_state == 'waiting_validation_member') { save_current_coop(submit_full_coop_form); } } else { alert('Formulaire non valide.'); closeModal(); } } else { closeModal(); } } function process_signaler_click() { var coop_msg = ''; if (current_coop.coop_msg) { coop_msg = 'Message coop : ' + current_coop.coop_msg; } else { //save cuuren_coop with already given data save_current_coop(); } dashboard.hide(); coop_page.hide(); // Connected user can delete a coop if errors exist if (!coop_is_connected() || (typeof (current_coop.errors) == "undefined" && typeof (current_coop.coop_msg) == "undefined")) { form_delete.hide(); problem_delete.hide(); } else if (coop_is_connected()) { if (typeof (current_coop.errors) != "undefined" || typeof (current_coop.coop_msg) != "undefined");; } warning_slide.find('[name="firstname"]').val(current_coop.firstname); warning_slide.find('[name="lastname"]').val(current_coop.lastname); //warning_slide.find('[name="barcode_base"]').val(current_coop.barcode_base); warning_slide.find('[name="message"]').val(current_coop.errors || ''); warning_slide.find('p.coop_msg').html(coop_msg); if (current_coop.odoo_state && current_coop.odoo_state == 'done') {; }; } // Select the coop being udpated function set_current_coop(clicked, callback) { var id =; var type = clicked.validation_state; var coops_set = null; //coop_form is always empty, in order to remove all previous data, which could be associated to another coop. coop_validation_form.find(':input').not('[type="radio"]') .val(''); if (type == 'to_fill') { coops_set = coops.to_fill; } else if (type == 'with_errors') { coops_set = coops.with_errors; } else if (type == 'waiting_validation_employee') { coops_set = coops.waiting_validation_employee; } else if (type == 'waiting_validation_member') { coops_set = coops.waiting_validation_member; } else if (type == 'done') { coops_set = coops.done; } else { coops_set = coops.to_fill; } if (coops_set != null) { if (type != 'done') { dashboard.hide(); } for (i in coops_set) { if (coops_set[i]._id == id) { current_coop = coops_set[i]; callback(); } } } } // Archive a member record: delete from temp db function coop_form_delete() { try { //Call django method (instead of pouchdb call) post_form( '/members/remove_data_from_couchdb', {email: current_coop._id}, function(err, result) { if (!err) { if (typeof(result.msg) != "undefined") { alert(result.msg); } else if (result.action === null) { display_msg_box('Données supprimées.'); current_coop = null; closeModal(); home(); } } } ); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } function coop_problem_delete() { delete current_coop.errors; delete current_coop.coop_msg; store_current_coop_data(function() { retrieve_all_coops(); closeModal(); home(); }); } function open_coop_form(e) { try { if (e) { var clicked = $(this); coop_target = {}; ='id'); coop_target.validation_state = clicked.closest('div.main').attr('id'); } else { return display_current_coop_form(); } set_current_coop(coop_target, function() { if (coop_target.validation_state == 'to_fill') { display_current_coop_form(); } else if ((coop_target.validation_state == 'waiting_validation_employee' || coop_target.validation_state == 'waiting_validation_member') && coop_is_connected()) { display_current_coop_form(); } else if (coop_target.validation_state == 'done') { ask_for_deletion(); } else { process_signaler_click(); } }); } catch (err) { error = {msg: + ' : ' + err.message, ctx: 'open_coop_form'}; console.error(error); report_JS_error(error, 'prepa-odoo'); } } function ask_for_deletion() { var msg = 'Voulez-vous archiver '; msg += current_coop.firstname + ' ' + current_coop.lastname + ' ?'; openModal(msg, coop_form_delete, 'Oui'); } function ask_for_problem_deletion() { var msg = 'Voulez-vous enlever ' + current_coop.firstname + ' ' + current_coop.lastname + ' des coops à problème ?'; openModal(msg, coop_problem_delete, 'Oui'); } function add_coop_to_box(box, coop) { try { var info = coop.firstname + ' ' + coop.lastname; if (coop.odoo_state && coop.odoo_state == 'done') { info = coop.barcode_base + ' - ' + info; } info = $('<span/>').text(info); var cbox = $('<div/>').addClass('coop') .attr('data-id', coop._id) .append(info); // Only connected user can do these actions if ([ "waiting_validation_employee", "waiting_validation_member", "done" ].indexOf(coop.validation_state) > -1 && !coop_is_connected()) { cbox.addClass('coop_no_select'); } box.append(cbox); } catch (e) { err = {msg: + ' : ' + e.message, ctx: 'add_coop_to_box'}; console.error(err); report_JS_error(err, 'prepa-odoo'); } } //Called after having retrieved all coops function dispatch_coops_in_boxes() { try { $('').off('click', open_coop_form); to_fill_box.html(''); with_errors_box.html(''); waiting_validation_employee_div.find('.elts').html(''); waiting_validation_member_div.find('.elts').html(''); done_div.find('.elts').html(''); $.each(coops.to_fill, function(i, e) { add_coop_to_box(to_fill_box, e); }); $.each(coops.with_errors, function(i, e) { add_coop_to_box(with_errors_box, e); }); $.each(coops.waiting_validation_employee, function(i, e) { add_coop_to_box(waiting_validation_employee_div.find('.elts'), e); }); $.each(coops.waiting_validation_member, function(i, e) { add_coop_to_box(waiting_validation_member_div.find('.elts'), e); }); $.each(coops.done, function(i, e) { add_coop_to_box(done_div.find('.elts'), e); }); $('').on('click', open_coop_form); $('div.coop_no_select').off('click', open_coop_form); } catch (e) { err = {msg: + ' : ' + e.message, ctx: 'dispatch_coops_in_boxes'}; console.error(err); report_JS_error(err, 'prepa-odoo'); } } function handle_legacy_states(rows) { $.each(rows, function(i, e) { if (typeof (e.doc.validation_state) == "undefined") { if (typeof (e.doc.odoo_state) !== "undefined" && e.doc.odoo_state == 'done') { rows[i].doc.validation_state = 'done'; } else if (typeof (e.doc.odoo_id) == "undefined" && typeof (e.doc.birthdate) != "undefined") { rows[i].doc.validation_state = 'waiting_validation_employee'; } else if (typeof (e.doc.odoo_id) !== "undefined") { rows[i].doc.validation_state = 'waiting_validation_member'; } else { rows[i].doc.validation_state = 'to_fill'; } } }); return rows; } // first function called when loading page function retrieve_all_coops() { try { dbc.allDocs({include_docs: true, descending: true}, function(err, resp) { if (err) { return console.log(err); } coops = {'to_fill': [], 'with_errors': [], 'waiting_validation_employee':[], 'waiting_validation_member':[], 'done':[]}; $.each(handle_legacy_states(resp.rows), function(i, e) { if (e.doc.firstname) { if (e.doc.errors) { coops.with_errors.push(e.doc); } else if (e.doc.validation_state == "to_fill") { coops.to_fill.push(e.doc); } else if (e.doc.validation_state == "waiting_validation_employee") { coops.waiting_validation_employee.push(e.doc); } else if (e.doc.validation_state == "waiting_validation_member") { coops.waiting_validation_member.push(e.doc); } else if (e.doc.validation_state == "done") { coops.done.push(e.doc); } if (e.doc.coop_msg) { coops.with_errors.push(e.doc); } } }); coops['to_fill'].sort(function(a, b) { return a.barcode_base - b.barcode_base; }); coops['with_errors'].sort(function(a, b) { return a.barcode_base - b.barcode_base; }); coops['waiting_validation_employee'].sort(function(a, b) { return a.barcode_base - b.barcode_base; }); coops['waiting_validation_member'].sort(function(a, b) { return a.odoo_id - b.odoo_id; }); coops['done'].sort(function(a, b) { return b.timestamp - a.timestamp; }); dispatch_coops_in_boxes(); }); } catch (err) { error = {msg: + ' : ' + err.message, ctx: 'retrieve_all_coops'}; console.log(error); report_JS_error(error, 'prepa-odoo'); } } $(document).ready(function() { retrieve_all_coops(); coop_validation_form.submit(process_validation_form); coop_validation_form.find('[name="signaler"]').click(process_signaler_click); $('#new_warning_form').submit(process_new_warning); $('.next_step button').click(function() { var clicked = $(this); if ('action') == 'coop_form') { warning_slide.hide(); open_coop_form(); } else if ('action') == 'form_delete') { ask_for_deletion(); } else if ('action') == 'problem_delete') { ask_for_problem_deletion(); } else { current_coop = null; home(); } }); });