var main_content = $('#main-content'), main_table_wrap = $('#main-table-wrap').html(), shelfs_table = null, create_form = $('#create_form'), shelf_id_input = create_form.find('input[name="shelf_id"]'), shelf_sort_order = create_form.find('input[name="sort_order"]'), shelf_name = create_form.find('input[name="name"]'), description = create_form.find('textarea[name="description"]'), eye = '<i class="fas fa-eye"></i>', delete_icon = '<i class="fas fa-trash"></i>', add_icon = '<i class="fas fa-plus-circle"></i>', edit_icon = '<i class="fas fa-edit"></i>', download_icon = '<i class="fas fa-download"></i>', destroy_shelf_msg = $('#destroy-shelf-msg'), adding_pdts_tpl = $('#adding-products').clone() .removeAttr('id'), active_phase = 'main', add_pdts_btn_text = 'AJOUTER AU RAYON', add_to_shelf_product_ids = [], barcodes = null; var deleteShelf = function() { var clicked = $(this); if (is_time_to('delete_shelf', 15000)) { // prevent double click or browser hic up bug var data = rowGetData(clicked); var msg = destroy_shelf_msg.clone(); msg.find('span.shelf').text(; openModal( msg.html(), function() { // Confirm button callback post_form( '/shelfs/admin/delete', {id:}, function(err, result) { if (!err) { if (typeof result.res !== "undefined" && result.res == true) { shelfs_table.row(clicked.parents('tr')).remove() .draw(); alert("Enregistrement détruit"); } else { console.log(result); } } else { console.log(err); } } ); }, 'Détruire' ); } }; var create = function() { if (is_time_to('create_shelf', 5000)) { // prevent double click or browser hic up bug var shelf_name = modal.find('input[name="name"]'), sort_order = modal.find('input[name="sort_order"]'), description = modal.find('textarea[name="description"]'); if (shelf_name.val().length == 0 && sort_order.val().length > 0) shelf_name.val(sort_order.val()); if (shelf_name.val().length > 0 && sort_order.val().length > 0) { $('.mconfirm .btns').hide();; post_form( '/shelfs/admin/create', {name: shelf_name.val(), description: description.val(), sort_order: sort_order.val()}, function(err, rData) { if (typeof( !== "undefined") { rData.res.p_nb = 0; if (shelfs_table) shelfs_table.row.add(rData.res).draw(); else init_and_fill_selfs_list(); // first shelf closeModal(); } else { msg = rData.res.error; if (msg.indexOf("Num must be unique !") > -1) { msg = "Ce numéro de rayon est déjà utilisé !"; } alert(msg); } $('.mconfirm .btns').show(); box_load.hide(); } ); } else { alert("Champs obligatoires non remplis"); } } }; var open_create_form = function() { shelf_sort_order.attr('value', ''); shelf_name.attr('value', ''); description.text(''); box_load.hide(); openModal(create_form.html(), create, 'Confirmer', false); }; var update_shelf = function() { if (is_time_to('update_shelf', 5000)) { // prevent double click or browser hic up bug var shelf_id = modal.find('input[name="shelf_id"]'), shelf_name = modal.find('input[name="name"]'), sort_order = modal.find('input[name="sort_order"]'), description = modal.find('textarea[name="description"]'); if (shelf_name.val().length == 0 && sort_order.val().length > 0) shelf_name.val(sort_order.val()); if (shelf_name.val().length > 0 && sort_order.val().length > 0) { $('.mconfirm .btns').hide();; post_form( '/shelfs/admin/update', { id: shelf_id.val(), name: shelf_name.val(), description: description.val(), sort_order: sort_order.val() }, function(err, rData) { if (typeof( !== "undefined") { shelfs_table.rows().every(function () { var data =; if ( == { rData.res.p_nb = data.p_nb;; } }); closeModal(); } else alert(rData.res.error); $('.mconfirm .btns').show(); box_load.hide(); } ); } else { alert("Champs obligatoires non remplis"); } } }; // Set update form in modal var open_update_form = function() { var clicked = $(this); var shelf_data = rowGetData(clicked); shelf_id_input.attr('value',; shelf_sort_order.attr('value', shelf_data.sort_order); shelf_name.attr('value',; description.text(shelf_data.description); box_load.hide(); openModal(create_form.html(), update_shelf, 'Mettre à jour', false); }; var downloadInventoryReport = function() { if (is_time_to('download_inv_report', 3000)) { // prevent double click or browser hic up bug var clicked = $(this); var shelf_data = rowGetData(clicked); if (shelf_data['last_inventory_id'] != 0) { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/shelfs/"+ shelf_data['id'] +"/last_inventory_report", xhrFields: { responseType: 'blob' }, success: function (data, textStatus, request) { var a = document.createElement('a'); var url = window.URL.createObjectURL(data); a.href = url; // Assuming headers are correctly set : // -> Content-Disposition : attachment; filename="xxx" = request.getResponseHeader('Content-Disposition').split("\"")[1]; document.body.append(a);; a.remove(); window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, error: function(data) { if (typeof data.responseJSON != 'undefined' && typeof data.responseJSON.error != 'undefined') { console.log(data.responseJSON.error); } alert('Le fichier n\'a pas pu être récupéré, réessayez plus tard ou bien allez le chercher dans l\'inventaire Odoo.'); } }); } } }; var rowUpdate = function (row, rdata) { //console.log(row, rdata) }; // TODO put datatable common methods such as following in a file useable for all modules var rowGetData = function(clicked) { var row = shelfs_table.row(clicked.parents('tr')); return; }; function coop_init_datatable(params, data, domsel, cols, action_btn) { var buttons = []; var columns = []; $.each(cols, function(i, e) { columns.push(e); }); columns.push({ data: null, defaultContent: add_icon, title: "Ajout produits", className: 'products', orderable: false, targets: 0 }); columns.push({ data: null, defaultContent: edit_icon, title: "Modifier le rayon", className: 'action', orderable: false, targets: 0 }); columns.push({ data: null, defaultContent: delete_icon, orderable: false, className: 'action', targets: 0 }); var settings = { dom: '<lf<t>ip><"clear"><B>', lengthMenu : [ [ 50, 100, 150, 200, -1 ], [ 50, 100, 150, 200, 'Tout' ] ], pageLength : 50, buttons: buttons, columns: columns, //select: select , rowId : "id", data : data, language: {url : '/static/js/datatables/french.json'}, createdRow: function(row, rdata, index) { rowUpdate(row, rdata); }, initComplete: function() { /* if (! coop_is_connected()) $('#main_content input[type="search"]').attr('disabled','disabled') */ } }; if (params) { if ( { settings.displayStart =; } if (params.ordering) { settings.order = params.ordering; } } return main_content.find('table'+domsel).DataTable(settings); } var init_and_fill_selfs_list = function() { try { $.ajax({ url :'/shelfs/all', dataType: 'json' }) .done(function(rData) { if (rData.res && rData.res.length > 0) { var cols = [ {data: 'sort_order', title: "Numéro"}, {data: 'name', title: "Nom"}, {data: 'description', title: "Description"}, {data: 'p_nb', title: "Nb pdts", className: "p_nb"}, { data:"last_inventory_id", title:"Rapport dernier inventaire", className: "action", render: function (data, type, full, meta) { if (typeof data != "undefined" && data != 0) { return download_icon; } else { return ""; } } } ]; if (shelfs_table) shelfs_table.destroy(); shelfs_table = coop_init_datatable(null, rData.res, '.shelfs', cols); } //console.log(rData.res) }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }; var deleteBarcodeFromList = function () { let clicked = $(this); let new_pids_list = []; let tr_to_remove = clicked.closest('tr'); let pid_to_remove ='id'); $.each(add_to_shelf_product_ids, function(idx, pid) { if (pid != pid_to_remove) new_pids_list.push(pid); }); add_to_shelf_product_ids = new_pids_list; tr_to_remove.remove(); }; var is_product_in_shelf_adding_queue_list = function(testing_pid) { let found = false; $.each(add_to_shelf_product_ids, function(idx, pid) { if (pid == testing_pid) found = true; }); return found; }; var addProductToList = async function(barcode) { if (barcodes == null) barcodes = await init_barcodes(); // May appens (after inactivity?) //Get Odoo corresponding barcode //(May be different due to weight encoded barcode) //It could also be a wrong reading one odoo_product = barcodes.get_corresponding_odoo_product(barcode); if (is_product_in_shelf_adding_queue_list([])) { console.log("Already added product"); } else { add_to_shelf_product_ids.push([4]); if (odoo_product === null) { alert(barcode + ' : Code-barre inconnu'); } else { var pdt_line = $('<tr>').attr('data-id',[]) .attr('data-bc', odoo_product.barcode) .addClass('obc'); $('<td>').text(barcode) .appendTo(pdt_line); $('<td>').text(odoo_product.barcode) .appendTo(pdt_line); $('<td>').text([]) .appendTo(pdt_line); $('<td>').html(delete_icon) .appendTo(pdt_line); adding_pdts_tpl.find('#added_products tbody').append(pdt_line); main_content.find('button.add-products').css('display', 'block') .html(add_pdts_btn_text); } } }; var addProducts = async function() { var clicked = $(this); var data = rowGetData(clicked); if (barcodes == null) barcodes = await init_barcodes(); add_to_shelf_product_ids = []; adding_pdts_tpl.find('.shelf').text( + ' (num = ' + data.sort_order+')') .attr('data-shelfid',; adding_pdts_tpl.find('#added_products tbody').empty(); main_content.html(adding_pdts_tpl); active_phase = "adding_products"; main_content.find('button.add-products').css('display', 'none'); if (admin_ids.find(id => id == getCookie("uid"))) $('.add-search').show(); }; var recordProductsAddedShelf = function() { var to_add = adding_pdts_tpl.find('tr.obc'); if (to_add.length > 0) { var barcodes = []; var id = main_content.find('.shelf').data('shelfid'); to_add.each(function(i, e) { barcodes.push($(e).data('bc')); }); if (is_time_to('add_pdts_to_shelf', 5000)) { // prevent double click or browser hic up bug main_content.find('button.add-products').html(loading_img); post_form( '/shelfs/admin/add_products', {bc: JSON.stringify(barcodes), shelf_id: id}, function(err, rData) { let msg = 'Echec'; if (typeof rData.res.added != "undefined") { msg = "Ajout des produits réussi."; if (typeof rData.res.missing != "undefined") { msg += "\nSauf pour :"; rData.res.missing.forEach(function(bc) { msg += "\n" + bc; }); } alert(msg); backToMain(); } else { if (typeof rData.res.error != "undefined") msg = rData.res.error; else if (typeof rData.res.msg != "undefined") msg = rData.res.msg; alert(msg); main_content.find('button.add-products').html(add_pdts_btn_text); } } ); } } }; var showProductsList = function() { var clicked = $(this); var data = rowGetData(clicked); if (is_time_to('add_pdts_to_shelf', 5000)) { // prevent double click or browser hic up bug try { $.ajax({ url :'/shelfs/' + + '/products', dataType: 'json' }) .done(function(rData) { if (typeof != "undefined" && > 0) { var table = $('<table>').attr('border', '1'); $.each(, function(i, pdt) { var tr = $('<tr>'); var td1 = $('<td>').css('width', '100px') .text(pdt.barcode); var td2 = $('<td>').css({'text-align':'left', 'padding-left':'10px'}) .text(; tr.append(td1); tr.append(td2); table.append(tr); }); displayMsg(table.html()); } }); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } }; var addSearchDisplay = function(action) { var isw = $('.input-search-wrapper'); var open = $('.add-search .fa-eye'); var close = $('.add-search .fa-eye-slash'); if (action == 'show') {; open.hide();; } else { isw.hide();; close.hide(); } }; var processAddSearchInput = function() { //Basic process for now : append text as barcode to list addProductToList($('.input-search-wrapper input[name="kw"]').val()); }; var backToMain = function () { active_phase = 'main'; main_content.html(main_table_wrap); init_and_fill_selfs_list(); }; $(document).ready(function() { if (coop_is_connected()) { $('#content_wrapper').show(); $('#need_connect').hide(); main_content.html(main_table_wrap); init_and_fill_selfs_list(); /* Make search accent insensitive */ $(document).on('keyup', '#main_content input[type="search"]', function() { shelfs_table .search( .draw(); }); $(document).on('click', 'button.create', open_create_form); $(document).on('click', '.shelfs .fa-edit', open_update_form); $(document).on('click', '.shelfs .fa-trash', deleteShelf); $(document).on('click', '.shelfs .fa-download', downloadInventoryReport); $(document).on('click', '.obc .fa-trash', deleteBarcodeFromList); $(document).on('click', 'td.products .fa-plus-circle', addProducts); $(document).on('click', '#main-content button.add-products', recordProductsAddedShelf); $(document).on('click', 'td.p_nb', showProductsList); try { if (admin_ids.find(id => id == getCookie("uid"))) { $(document).on('click', '.add-search .fa-eye', function() { addSearchDisplay('show'); }); $(document).on('click', '.add-search .fa-eye-slash', function() { addSearchDisplay('hide'); }); $(document).on('click', '.input-search-wrapper button', processAddSearchInput); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } $(document).pos(); $(document).on('scan.pos.barcode', function(event) { //access `event.code` - barcode data var barcode = event.code; if (barcode.length >=13) { barcode = barcode.substring(barcode.length-13); //console.log(new Date().getTime() + ' ' + barcode) } else if (barcode.length == 12 && barcode.indexOf('0') !== 0) { // User may use a scanner which remove leading 0 barcode = '0' + barcode; } if (active_phase == "adding_products") { addProductToList(barcode); } }); } });