IFCBarcodes = {
    'codes': {},
    'patterns': [],
    'errors': [],
    init : async function() {
        // as it is a long time response task, restrict it
        if (is_time_to('load_barcodes', 5000)) {
            openWaiting('Récupération des informations code-barres....');
            try {
                let response = await fetch('/products/barcodes');
                let bc_data = await response.json();

                if (typeof bc_data.res.error == "undefined") {
                    this.patterns = bc_data.res.patterns;
                    this.aliases = bc_data.res.aliases;
                    this.codes = bc_data.res.list.pdts;
                    this.uoms = bc_data.res.list.uoms;
                    this.keys = bc_data.res.keys;
                } else {
            } catch (e) {
                err = {msg: e.name + ' : ' + e.message, ctx: 'retrieve barcodes'};
                report_JS_error(err, 'products');
    display_last_error: function() {
        alert(this.errors[this.errors.length - 1]);
    get_quantity_eq_to_encoded_price: function (value, list_price, currency) {
        let qty = 0;

        try {
            let price = parseFloat(value);
            if (currency == 'FF')
                price = price / 6.55957;

            qty = parseFloat(price / list_price).toFixed(3);
        } catch (error) {

        return qty;
    get_corresponding_odoo_product: function(bc) {
        //console.log('To analyze :' + bc)
        var index = 0,
            pattern_found = false,
            is_alias = false,
            encoded_value = '',
            pattern_type = '',
            odoo_product = null,
            product_data = null;
        // Let's find out if it matches a pattern

        while (index < this.patterns.length -1 && pattern_found === false) {
            var pattern = this.patterns[index].pattern;
            var significant_prefix = pattern.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); //remove all but figures

            if (bc.indexOf(significant_prefix) === 0) {
                    Submitted barcode-code matches a pattern rule
                    For example,
                    bc = 0493213018809
                    pattern = 0493...{NNDDD}
                odoo_bc = '';
                pattern_found = true;
                pattern_type = this.patterns[index].type;
                pattern = pattern.replace(/[^0-9.ND]/, '');
                bc = bc.slice(0, -1); // remove original check figure

                  Read pattern character by character
                  to find out Odoo article barcode
                  and encoded_value (weight, price, units, if exists)
                for (var i = 0; i < pattern.length; i++) {
                    if (/[0-9]/.exec(pattern[i])) {
                        // it's a figure, nothing to do but to add it to string
                        odoo_bc += pattern[i];
                    } else if (pattern[i].indexOf('.') === 0) {
                         it's a substitution character,
                         so add the submitted barcode figure which is in this position
                        odoo_bc += bc[i];
                    } else if (/[ND]/.exec(pattern[i])) {
                         A figure which encoding a value is in this position
                         (corresponding to a 0 in Odoo article barcode)
                        odoo_bc += '0';
                        /* let's add a decimal sepator if D is read for the first time */
                        if (pattern[i] === 'D' && encoded_value.indexOf('.') < 0)
                            encoded_value += '.';
                        encoded_value += bc[i];

                // Add check digit at the end of odoo_bc to find out "normalized" code
                bc = odoo_bc + eanCheckDigit(odoo_bc);

        // let's seek "normalized" bc in codes array or alias map
        for (alias in this.aliases) {
            if (bc == alias) {
                is_alias = true;
                for (barcode in this.codes) {
                    if (barcode == this.aliases[alias]) {
                        product_data = this.codes[barcode];
        if (is_alias === false) {
            for (code in this.codes) {
                if (code == bc) {
                    product_data = this.codes[code];

        if (product_data !== null) {
            p_uom = (this.uoms)[product_data[this.keys.uom_id]];
            let qty = 1;
            if (encoded_value.length > 0 && !isNaN(encoded_value)) {
                qty = 0; //if no rule is found it will advise user that there is a problem
                  Warning :
                  Tests are dependant on La Cagette / Cooperatic uom system and barcode rules
                  TODO : Defines them outside of this part of code
                if (p_uom == 'Unit(s)' || p_uom == 'unité') {
                    encoded_value = parseInt(encoded_value, 10);
                    qty = encoded_value;
                } else {
                    encoded_value = parseFloat(encoded_value);
                    if (pattern_type == 'weight' || pattern_type == 'FF_price_to_weight' || pattern_type == 'price_to_weight') {
                        if (pattern_type == 'weight') {
                            qty = encoded_value;
                        } else {
                            let list_price = product_data[this.keys.list_price];
                            let currency = null;
                            if (pattern_type == 'FF_price_to_weight') currency = 'FF'

                            qty = parseFloat(this.get_quantity_eq_to_encoded_price(encoded_value, list_price, currency));


            odoo_product = {barcode: bc, data: product_data, rule: pattern_type, value: encoded_value, qty: qty};

        return odoo_product;

init_barcodes = async function() {
    var result = null;
    var ifcb = Object.create(IFCBarcodes);

    await ifcb.init();
    if (ifcb.errors.length > 0)
        result = ifcb;
    // console.log(result.patterns)

    return result;