{% extends '@kohinos/block/onetransaction.html.twig' %} {# DISABLE ALL TRANSACTIONS IF USER HAS NO COTISATION VALID #} {# {% block blocktoggle %}{% if isCotisationValid(app.user) %}collapse{% endif %}{% endblock blocktoggle %} #} {% block blocktitle %} <i class="fa fa-external-link fa-external-link-alt mr-4"></i> {{ 'Reconversion'|trans }} {% endblock blocktitle %} {% block blockcontent %} {% if isCotisationValid(app.user) %} <p>{{'Solde de votre compte'|trans}} : {{ getCurrentPrestataire().emlcAccount.balance }}<br/> {% if KOH_RECONVERSION_PRESTATAIRE is defined and KOH_RECONVERSION_PRESTATAIRE != '0' and KOH_RECONVERSION_PRESTATAIRE is not empty %} <em>{{'Taux de reconversion'|trans}} : {{ getCurrentPrestataire().tauxreconversion ? getCurrentPrestataire().tauxreconversion : KOH_RECONVERSION_PRESTATAIRE}}%</em> {% endif %} </p> {% set form = getReconversionForm(app.user) %} {{ form_start(form) }} {% if form.montant is defined %} {{ form_row(form.montant, { 'label': 'Montant à reconvertir : ' }) }} {% endif %} {% if form.reference is defined %} {{ form_row(form.reference) }} {% endif %} {{ form_end(form) }} {% else %} <p class='text-danger'>Votre cotisation dout être renouvelėe avant de pouvoir faire cette opération !</p> {% endif %} {% endblock blockcontent %}