resetting.flash.success: 'The password has been reset successfully.' resetting.check_email: "An email has been sent. It contains a link you must click to reset your password.\nNote: You can only request a new password once within %tokenLifetime% hours.\n\nIf you don't get an email check your spam folder or try again.\n" resetting.request.username: 'Username or email address' resetting.request.submit: 'Reset password' resetting.reset.submit: 'Change password' 'Reset Password' "Hello %username%!\n\nTo reset your password - please visit %confirmationUrl%\n\nRegards,\nthe Team.\n" security.login.username: Username security.login.password: Password security.login.remember_me: 'Remember me' security.login.submit: 'Log in' 'Mot de passe oubliƩ ?': 'Mot de passe oubliƩ ?' registration.confirmed: 'Congrats %username%, your account is now activated.' registration.back: 'Back to the originating page.' registration.check_email: "An email has been sent to %email%. It contains an activation link you must click to activate your account.\n" 'Welcome %username%!' "Hello %username%!\n\nTo finish activating your account - please visit %confirmationUrl%\n\nThis link can only be used once to validate your account.\n\nRegards,\nthe Team.\n" registration.submit: Register change_password.submit: 'Change password'