{% if false == isCotisationValid(app.user) %} <div class='text-danger mb-3'>{{ 'Si vous souhaitez utiliser les fonctionnalités de votre compte, vous devez avoir une cotisation valide !'|trans }}</div> {% endif %} {% set esoldelabel = 'Solde e-mlc'|trans %} {% include '@kohinos/block/solde.html.twig' with {'compte': app.user.adherent.emlcAccount.balance, 'soldelabel': esoldelabel, 'currency' : 'e'~(KOH_MLC_SYMBOL|default(''))} %} {% if not tav_env %} {% if KOH_USE_PAYZEN == 'true' or KOH_USE_HELLOASSO == 'true' %} {% include '@kohinos/adherent/block/achat_monnaie.html.twig' %} {% else %} {% include '@kohinos/adherent/block/demande_achat_monnaie.html.twig' %} {% endif %} {% include '@kohinos/adherent/block/transaction_presta.html.twig' %} {% include '@kohinos/adherent/block/transaction_adherent.html.twig' %} {# {% include '@kohinos/block/transactions.html.twig' %} #} {% include '@kohinos/block/operations.html.twig' %} {% include '@kohinos/block/cotisations.html.twig' %} {% include '@kohinos/adherent/block/infos.html.twig' %} {% if KOH_USE_SOLIDOUME|default('false') == 'true' and getSolidoumeParam('name')|default('') is not null %} {% include '@kohinos/adherent/block/solidoume.html.twig' %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% include '@kohinos/tav/block/adherent_payer_cotisation.html.twig' %} {% include '@kohinos/tav/block/adherent_payment_code.html.twig' %} {% include '@kohinos/block/operations.html.twig' %} {% endif %}