{% set idmap = id|default('mapid') %} {% set prestataires = getAllPrestataires() %} <script> $(function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() if ($('#{{idmap}}').length) { var mymap = L.map('{{idmap}}').setView({{KOH_MAP_CENTER}}, {{KOH_MAP_ZOOM}}); L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.fr/osmfr/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {maxZoom: 18, attribution: '© Openstreetmap France | © <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'}).addTo(mymap); {# AJOUTER LES MARQUEURS SUR LA CARTE #} {% set count = 1 %} {% for presta in prestataires %} {% if presta.geolocs|length > 0 %} {% for geolocp in presta.geolocs %} {% if geolocp.enabled and geolocp.geoloc.lat != null and geolocp.geoloc.lon != null %} {% if presta.rubriques|length > 0 and presta.rubriques.first.media is not null %} var icon = L.icon({ iconSize: [50, 50], iconAnchor: [25,50], className: 'kohinos-map-icon', iconUrl : '{% path presta.rubriques.first.media, "preview" %}' }); var marker_{{count}} = L.marker([{{geolocp.geoloc.lat}}, {{geolocp.geoloc.lon}}], {icon: icon}).addTo(mymap); {% else %} var marker_{{count}} = L.marker([{{geolocp.geoloc.lat}}, {{geolocp.geoloc.lon}}]).addTo(mymap); {% endif %} marker_{{count}}.bindPopup("{% spaceless %}{% if presta.media != null %}{% set media %}{% thumbnail presta.media, 'small' %}{% endset %} {{ media|raw|replace({'"' : "'"})|raw }}<br/><br/>{% endif %} <a href='{{ path('show_prestataire', {'slug': presta.slug}) }}'> <strong style='font-size:16px;'>{{presta.__toString()}}</strong> </a> <br/> {% if presta.horaires is not null %} <p>{{presta.horaires}}</p> {% endif %} {% for rubrique in presta.rubriques %} <a class='maprubrique' href='{{ path('show_rubrique', {'slug': rubrique.slug}) }}'>{{rubrique.name|replace({"\n": '<br/>'})}}</a>{% if not loop.last %} - {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endspaceless %}"); {% set count = count+1 %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} } }) </script>